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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. It would be nice if they implemented an auto-balancing feature for same faction WZs so that if only 12 people accept/queue you get 6 vs 6 instead of 8 vs 4 (etc.).


    I'm not sure how that would work for cross faction WZs though.

  2. IMHO, the Resolve system doesn't work. When someone uses their stun-breaker they are immediately CC'd again without any way out of it. The Mez Grenades seem to have a 10 second cooldown or something, because I get hit with them like 20 times every WZ. Sure, some are the actual Flashbang ability Agents/Smugglers get, but that probably accounts for like 10% of them.


    You aren't supposed to use your CC Breaker if your Resolve bar is purple. That's Rule #1. Practice with that a bit and you'll vastly improve your PvP skill level.


    I think there are simply too many CC's in the game as it is, and the CC grenades should be on a 5 minute global cooldown. The Resolve system should do 2 things IMHO:

    1) Prevent further CC for 10 seconds once your Resolve bar fills (not just 0.5 seconds until the next CC).

    2) Provide a CC immunity for 10 seconds when you use your stun breaker.

    3) Work.


    1. The absolute minimum amount of CC immunity you receive upon reaching full resolve is 12 seconds, so you've already got this one in the game (and the one in game is already better than your suggestion!).

    2. This breaks the dynamic available to intelligent CC use. It would only work if your CC Breaker when on a 5 minute CD.

    3. It does work. You just don't know how it is intended to work and thus you perceive a problem.


    Too often I have full Resolve and get CC'd. Too often I see someone without full Resolve that cannot be CC'd. I realize that some classes get temporary immunity to certain types of CC's, but I also know how to spot those and the Resolve system simply doesn't work a third of the time.


    Pic or it didn't happen. Here is what you are saying:

    "Guess what guys, I just played poker with Bigfoot. He is totally real and you should believe my story in spite of the fact that no one can corroborate it!"

    Anecdotes are 100% useless in any kind of debate. If Resolve is broken then it should be fixed. Fact of the matter is that there is absolutely no evidence suggesting it is broken.


    Then there are the nitpicks I have, such as why a Sorcerer's 6 second Mez almost fills up a Resolve bar, but the same thing AoE from a Smuggler/Agent doesn't fill nearly as much of the Resolve bar. Or the fact that an Assassin can use his 6 second Mez twice while stealthed the entire time and NOT fill my Resolve bar. The Assassin is even the same base class as the squishier Sorcerer yet his identical controls fill less Resolve? It's nitpicky compared to the larger problems, and it's kinda funny, but it really makes no sense.


    Sorcerers get an 8 second Mezz that provides 800 points of resolve (the exact same amount from every other Mezz in the game). Your nitpicks are factually incorrect.


    I know good PvP'ers who have quit this game over the lack of a workable system for handling CC's. I hope Bioware improves it's system or reworks it entirely, because I'd rather not keep losing good PvP'ers. With Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3 on the horizon, it's going to be tough enough keeping our playerbase ... let's not push them away needlessly with the broken Resolve system.


    You aren't losing PvPers over CC or Resolve because those are some of the only actual PvP (i.e. player skill) elements in the game right now. If PvPers are leaving, it is because of server imbalances, lack of world PvP, and class imbalances.

  3. I did put in the OP a time limit to prevent panic spams. Once you hit it, you cannot hit again for 10 secs. That could be increased to 20 or 30 secs as needed. Also, if their name is broadcasted in chat, you can put them on ignore if they are calling wolf too often or report them for spam.


    I can't see the helpfulness of this being out shined by the rare occasion of some tool falsely reporting an attack. I mean, they can do that now and I have never seen it.


    15 seconds between uses seems fair. Plus a restriction that it can only be used while in combat.

    The abuse I was thinking of is people standing around guarding a node, getting bored, and hitting the "cry wolf" button. Sure, you'd learn quickly who the abusers are, but once they implement cross server queues you will have a lot less accountability and a lot more abuse of everything conceivable.

  4. Stuns aren't the problem. It's stuns+ damage + low survivability for most classes + a poor dr system.


    Some classes need their stuns to be viable. Nerfing stuns nerfs these classes.


    I'm not against changing stuns so long as the classes that are dependent on them are rebalanced as well. And @ anyone arguing that stuns are needed for pvp: shorter durations make it more important to use your cd's at the right time.


    Another simpler change would be to just lower the cd on the cc breaker across the board.


    The only change needed is to cause the CC Break to refresh on death. Any other changes would make CC pointless.


    For example, last night I capped the enemy's natural node on Civil War while the lone defender was incapacitated. This was possible because I understand Resolve and he did not.


    I stunned him and he used his CC Breaker. Then all I had to do was Mezz him and he spent 8 seconds spinning helplessly while I capped the node. The current system rewards intelligent use of the system, and that means that player skill is being given preference over PvE features (like a DR system). If you don't like the way CC/Resolve works in this game it is simply because you don't like skill based PvP, you like PvE scenarios in which better gear > all.

  5. If a stun broke on damage, it is not a stun, it is a mezz. Ive not had that many issues with CC in the game. Sure, I get knocked around, snared, rooted, stunned, mezzed, and drug into hazards, but its like that with every other pvp game Ive played. Daoc, massive duration CCs in that game. Warhammer, anyone not remember the amounts of engineer/magus pulls into aoe death spam? EQ 1/2, roots, snares, stuns galore. Not sure world of warcraft is any different, haven't had the will to play it.


    I understand if this is your first pvp game how CC can be annoying, but if its not, really think back to how pvp has been in all those previous games.


    Most of the people who are upset with the Resolve system (notice I said "most", not all) are people who are familiar with a fully automated CC DR system that requires no action on their part. In SWTOR you actually have to intelligently manage your Resolve and CC Breaker in order to achieve the best results of the system.


    You are actually subject to significantly less CC in this game than in almost any other MMO out there. If you don't learn how to use the system correctly you have only yourself to blame.

  6. They did it's called "Resolve"


    Granted it's broken but neither here nor there as I've been stunlocked with 100% resolve.


    Resolve functions exactly as intended. Do you have actual evidence to the contrary or are you just going to insert useless anecdotes into the discussion?

  7. Arenas are always a bad idea. They promote Deathmatch style fighting over actual objective based PvP which means that Class, Spec, and Gear will always trump Player Skill. As Arenas also appeal to a much larger group of players (i.e. those who prefer to let their time spent determine the outcome instead of their skill level) PvP usually winds up becoming very Arena-focused which leads to FOTM roulette as the developers try to balance the classes (and never succeed).


    The only time an Arena mode is partially acceptible is when it is on a timer and allows respawning. That way teams that stack high burst may get some kills in early, but will not have the advantage in the long run due to the CDs on their burst potential (this assumes that the developer correctly balances burst CDs, which is also very rare).

  8. As a healer, I'm of the opinion that healers should be able to clear all.



    Are there more than two types of immobilization skills in this game?

    Stun = player is unable to do anything until attacked

    Freeze = player is unable to do anything for a set period of time

    Neither are effective if a player has any resolve.


    Could someone point me to a better explanation of the Root, Snare and Stun skills? An explanation that doesn't use acronyms. Drives me crazy that acronyms are so prevalent in mmorpg discussions that you need the context of the sentence to know what they mean. (e.g., Smugglers are OP (over powered); OP(original poster) is a smuggler.)


    This game has the following:


    Stun - Unable to take any action. Does not break on Damage

    Mezz - Unable to take any action. Breaks on any Damage

    Snare - Movement speed reduction

    Root - 100% movement speed reduction

    Knockback - Forced movement of your character to a new location by a hostile player through either a pull or push.


    Stuns add resolve at a rate of 200 per second of stun.

    Mezzes add resolve at a rate of 100 per second of stun. These can be cleansed.

    Knockbacks add resolve at a rate of 400 per Knockback.

    Snares and Roots do not add any resolve as you are still able to act (use abilities). These can be cleansed.


    Here is a link to Kaarsa's thread detailing all the CC effects:


  9. I've found the best way to compensate as a Sorc Healer in 1.2 is to never put the bubble up on anyone, that way you always have it available as your only quick "heal" in the event a friendly gets spiked.


    Then you just have to pray some noob doesn't go around slapping his shield on everyone ruining your panic heal option.

  10. I wish it were true, but outlaws den is not private, and am bound to get ganked, it would be cool if i was still on my old Dead pop server Telos Restoration Project lol :p.


    Outlaw's Den is empty at all times on all the servers I play on. Also, if you are running with a group you could always gank everyone who is there until thel leave, then break your group up.

  11. I would like to say that I too get an Elegant Modified (single or double) Lightsaber Schematic about every other Lockbox run. Bioware, please look into this as it has to be a bug, I cannot imagine that you only have two possible schematics. I basically just vendor them at this point since I can't use them and they will not sell since every other Artificer in the game has the exact same problem (tons of the same two schematics and 0 of any others).
  12. When I (a healer) and my friend go up against 2 other players the winner is usually determined by the skill of either us or them.


    When we go up against a single Marauder/Sentinel I can't outheal his DPS. Either I or my friend will always, 100% of the time die, and the survivor will die too when we are facing a skilled one (not too many of those, but they do exist and they do melt face).


    When a freecasting healer can't negate the damage you output when you are doing a basic rotation you are not correctly balanced.


    People calling for nerfs is not what is going to get your class nerfed. It is the fact that you are not balanced right now.

  13. hey,


    we had this fault in another game too, until the devs made a very welcome change to it.


    when you die, you should be "clean".

    if that also should include the CDs, is something to debate, but hostile buffs should be removed.


    Some CDs should absolutely be reset, others maybe not.

    The CC Break should always reset.

  14. Seems pretty thought out and very cool. Imma just go down each line of the post and say what i do and dont like lol.

    First off, the set up is pretty nice and basic. No extravagant thoughts.

    The ideas of commendations is awesome, especially the whole defender commendations increased. Makes the game much less of a snowball effect and allows for defense. Hopefully it won't go so much as a turtle game. but even if it does, those are fun too.


    The idea behind the commendations and the defender bonus was designed to allow a smaller number of people to defend against a larger number of attackers, allowing both sides to field large attacking teams and small defending teams (since we all know that very few people actually enjoy defending). This acts as a bit of an equalizer making those few defenders just as vital to the offense as they are to the defense (by earning commendations for their team at a faster rate). This also allows turtles a chance to break in either direction as the attacking team will have the position advantage and the defending team will have the resource advantage.


    The vehicles however, walkers and aircrafts, i'm not a fan of. I don't like vehicles entering PvP and i'm sure theres some other way to get an advantage than using vehicles. Maybe be able to get buffs using the commendations to make it more interesting? The idea of destroying the bunkers however and keeping down the AA could just be a base control point.


    I'm not a fan of massive vehicle use either, which is why I limited the walkers to 3 per faction and made the aircraft AI controlled. The aircraft are essentially performing the same function as the turrets in Novare Coast or Alderaan Civil War (i.e. damaging the enemy emplacements) but with the added twist of your team having the ability to speed up their effectiveness by spending commendations to buy more of them. The walkers would primarily feature only in the DMZ fight as they move very slowly. In the event you had a long battle, they could feature in the final stage as well. As they would not have the ability to harm players (only certain emplacements) I don't see them being abused.


    Destroying the bunkers sounds too permanent. While on AV, you could destroy the bunkers but had graveyards placed to spawn at. At least the central DMZ should be a King of the Hill style control point that allows for spawning there, and not be destroyable. Kinda like a no-mans-land zone. Also with it, the AA placed in the central area will be taken as the controlling factions.


    You referenced this in your edit, but I'll reiterate: the fight will last as long as it takes to finish, but after the fight is over the battle will reset in 1 hour (giving the winners a chance to reap their rewards). The reason the DMZ emplacements are all destroyable was to deincentivize zerging as a strategy. If you move forward too quickly in stage 1, the other team's offense will wipe out your first line defenses which will give the other side control of the DMZ. The idea here is to prevent the zergfest that happened in AV where both sides simply skipped the DMZ and rushed into the other team's second line from the start. If you want to advance, you need to either control the DMZ or remove it from the match by destroying the emplacements.


    The second line bunkers used to take out a forcefield is really good idea, allowing the defending team to retake it and not be forever screwed. The droid idea i am really confused on. Is this just to do more damage to enemy players/ walkers? Seems really unique, but maybe a different strategy on how they actually work.

    the speeder idea is nice, makes it so its not so much of a walk to each node, but still gives a little increased time for the offensive reinforcements. Maybe this could be where the droids come into play at. The runback is balanced by the droids being able to keep pressure on the front lines?


    The idea of the droids was that they would act as surrogates for the attackers at the bunkers the attackers captured. That way you wouldn't need to post half of your attacking force at the bunkers in order to keep the force field open but the defenders would have to do some work to retake the bunkers. The speeder idea allows the attackers to reinforce their forward line, while still giving the defenders a chance to cut off the reinforcements. The droids would certainly help out in the event the defenders wiped out the attackers at one of the bunkers as they would need to then clear the droids in order to get the force field back online giving the attackers a chance to regroup and return. Obviously the speed of the speeders would need to be balanced to reward the defenders but not to necessarily punish the attackers.


    The Stage 3-AA idea seems nice as well, but instead of destroying it, maybe just taking it over (as in the DMZ AA). This allows for the defenders to be able to push back. The timing for the shield generator seems nice. But as stated before, the idea of bought aircrafts i don't like. I'd say just have the aircrafts be an auto thing that spawns when you control ALL the AA (this includes the DMZ AA). Then have the force field have a health pool that goes down when ALL AA is controlled but doesn't when its not. This way it doesnt require a full say... 3 minutes... of control at once time. but can be periodic control.


    That is pretty much how I envisioned Stage 3 going down, I could see adding in say 3 aircraft that you get for free but I still like the idea of being able to purchase more of them in order to speed up the assault. The reason the final AA gun gets destroyed instead of captured is that the attackers would have no reason to secure it since it is well behind enemy lines. If the attackers have made it this far the defenders know that they need to hold that point for as long as possible. The permanent destruction of the AA gun will fascilitate the end of stage 3.


    Stage 4... id say probably just keep it to the whole voidstar winning idea. just make it into the last room and tada. victory.


    I like the instant win idea, and I had a few other ones too. I just kind of felt that the instant win was a bit anticlimatic considering the massive battle that just went down lol


    Idk the "cleanup" idea seems pretty cool, provides a reason for victory. Or maybe just keep it to an access of dailys/weeklys that only the winner can get. Like wintergrasp and TolBarad.

    Thats all i have to say. the idea is great, but i jsut wanted to add my own little revamp.

    Hopefully all that i said made sense lol


    I think there should certainly be some dailies and weeklies, but having rewards that are farmable will make people want to actually participate in more than one battle per day (with TB and WG you basically only had a real fight once or twice a day since everyone did it once and got their dailies in then didn't go back).


    EDIT: I just realized it was planned to be an hourly or so event. This means that the whole idea of being able to come back from a push isn't as important to me. So maybe having the bunkers be destroyed and the AA be destroyed is better. However, i still say let the central assault be a nomansland that you dont destroy the AA and bunker, but just control it.


    Like I said above, the permanent destruction of your forward base should serve as a punishment for a failed zerg. The idea is to always be moving forward, but not until you have secured or eliminated the previous area. Ideally, a team that suddenly receives a large number of defensive reinforcements (i.e. new players joining the fight in progress) should be able to push the attackers back from Stage 3 back to Stage 2.


    I also liked your idea about other things to purchase with the commendations. Buffs, Defensive Droids, Gun Turrets, etc. all come to mind as possible things you could use. One idea I had for buffs is a Defender and Attacker buff. If you buy a Defender buff and stay in your own team's territory you will gain a combat advantage, likewise, if you buy an Attacker buff and stay in enemy territory you will gain a combat advantage. I'm thinking the Defender would grant health and healing bonuses while the Attacker would grant damage.


    One further thing I should add is a player meter. I'd like there to be a meter that you can see next to the battle map that shows your players on defense (i.e. friendly players in friendly territory) and offense (friendly players in hostile territory) and enemy players on defense (hostile players in hostile territory) and offense (hostile players in friendly territory). This meter would allow players to know if offense or defense is needed at any given time.

  15. Huttball is the only WZ that requires tactical teamwork to win. That is the main reason some people dislike it, they want to be Master Chief and run into the fray, guns ablaze, with no regard for themselves or the other members of their team.


    You can actually get away with that kind of nonsense in the other WZs as they all reward zerging. Huttball punishes that kind of "strategy".

  16. As one of the few guys who normally stays back to defend, when this bug does happen it is super annoying.


    Having to leave a node undefended in order to farm enough medals pretty much guarantees a loss for my team.

  17. If you want to seriously PvP then you need to join a guild that does serious PvP.


    At that point you will be in a premade.


    I understand that queuing solo is kind of a nightmare, that's why I don't do it. If my friends aren't online for me to queue with I will find something else to do (level an alt, do dailies, etc.).

  18. I had a few matches with a good Marauder the other day. He was consistantly doing 50-100% more damage than the second place DPSer every round.


    I can deal with a bad Marauder just as easily as a bad of any other class. But when a good player of a class can output so much more DPS than a good player of another class you have a class balance issue on your hands.

  19. I feel a bit disappointed... I came in here fully ready to expose factual inaccuracies in a Resolve QQ thread but instead I find a thread about Expertise :(


    On topic, Expertise (or any type of PvP stat) is a band-aid fix to a deep problem with MMO PvP. You see, RPGs are not compatible with PvP since the two focus on completely opposite gaming systems. RPGs are all about removing the player's impact and focusing on building the character. PvP is all about removing the character's impact and focusing on the player's skill. In order to bridge this gap you have two options:

    1. Remove all character traits (gear, class, abilities, etc.) from PvP

    2. Implement a modified PvE system and call it PvP


    Most developers choose option 2 since it allows gear grinding which helps them hold onto subscriptions.

  20. I know they dont have all that, all at once. But they have much of it.


    And to negate defensive cooldowns one just has to run away, knockback, or stun the sent/mara.


    Then the cooldowns are down and he is defenseless. How is it op, just cuz you have to kite through the defenses?


    Sent jumps you, pops the first one(defensive cooldown)

    you knock back and run

    he finds you, you fight, he pops saber ward

    you run or fade out or whatever

    he finds you gets back on you and pops the 99% damage reduction, you stun him. NEGATED


    This is just if you are alone. Normaly there will be lots of people to waste his cooldowns.


    Nothing but time takes down that bubble, I cant run as fast as you guys(or through fire), I can only stealth for 4 seconds, I cant just exit combat invisible.


    I cant stop your abilities and you can stop mine...but I am OP?


    I think this post proves Qui-Gon Jinn was right... the ability to speak does not make one intelligent.


    If you as a Marauder cannot kill a Sorcerer in 1v1 you are really playing your class incorrectly. Even a good Sorcerer knows that the only thing we can do against Marauders is run away and hope we meet up with at least 1 friendly.

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