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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. I'm in favor of an auto-balancing function for same faction WZs.

    This means that if you aren't joining a ranked WZ (which don't exist yet) there is a possibility that your premade may be split in order to even the teams out. Of course, it should prioritize moving solo queuers first, but if breaking a premade should be an option for balance purposes.

  2. Dude get real there are so many CC in this game it does not make any different, in 2 mins i get CCd 25 times use your brake wisely so u only get perma CC- ed 24 times.


    Your statement is factually incorrect. Are you intentionally distorting the truth or are you simply incapable of recognizing reality?

  3. Really, it would be fine if after using your 2m cooldown you got 2-3 seconds immunity to all snares and CC.


    I get that the game is balanced towards the stuns. It doesnt bother me too much, but it does bother me when im stunned i use my removal and im stunned again almost instantly. It is beyond frustrating.


    Don't use your CC Break unless you have white resolve.


    Essentially, you should always eat the first CC.

  4. You have to have scrubs, otherwise the people who think they are good won't have people to beat on and will instead get killed by the actual good players.


    The food chain looks like this:




    Elites eat the Delusionals but never talk about it.

    Delusionals eat the scrubs but complain about how OP the Elites are.

    Scrubs eat no one, they are fodder. They either become Delusional or stop playing.


    You need lots of scrubs in order to keep the chain alive.

  5. I am resurrecting this thread as it seems that a lot of 50's still receive the "Bolster" buff, I know I am.


    Are others experiencing this "feature"?


    Did you have it and were able to remove it? If so, how?


    Thanks for the information.




    I'm in full BM now and I still get the bolster effect applied. I'm not sure if it actually does anything though since a quick check of my stat page before and after loading the WZ shows no change.

  6. The sheer endless amount of stuns in this game is the onliest thing i actually have to criticize. Otherwise PvP here is really enjoyable.


    The current resolve system isn't preventing chain stuns , and they tend to happen every single fight. This isn't very enjoyable.


    Resolve would do a way better job. I just wonder why BW isn't really noticing that, since they were doing a pretty good job in balancing out classes (at least in my oppinion).


    2 stuns isn't really a "chain".


    I do believe that with the current PvP environment it is far too easy to burn down a stunned player over the course of a stun or two, but on the flip side you do need to reward teamwork (i.e. focusing a threat and burning him as a team).

  7. Smart use of the cc breaker is definetly abig factor. However considering the 2 m cooldown on it and the sheer number of stuns available, your cc will not always be available even if used properly. Thus saving your cc is not the end all answer.

    I would like it to reset on death or reduced to 1m.


    I prefer the reset on death option as that allows you to level the playing field each time you die. I'm fine with the 2 min CD for those who survived the fight as they shouldn't have an advantage against fresh reinforcements ;)

  8. Please change all CC Breakers to have a 2 minute CD that refreshes immediately upon player death (meaning that no matter what you always have the CC Breaker available when you first leave the spawn area).


    Please also remove/modify all talents that reduce the CD on the CC Break as not all classes/specs have access to these talents.

  9. My math may be off but you just confirmed my point. Resolve is broken as long as it drops when your are stunned. It should be the full 21 seconds AFTER the stun wears off.


    The immediate dropping rewards people who saved their CC Breaker for Immunity Time.


    This is why I do suggest they change the CC Breaker so that it refreshes on death.

  10. So I just managed to complete the pvp weekly, win 9 warzone matches, and I was thoroughly excited and amazed... wait, make that shocked and dumbfounded, to find that the reward for the weekly is the same as the daily.


    Granted the weekly isn't (normally) hard to complete, since you just really need to complete the daily three times and voila, but still, isn't it usual for weekly quests to offer a bit more reward than the dailies?




    Consider this though, you didn't have to actually DO anything to complete the weekly. Think of it as a "bonus" that gets completely automatically while doing your regular dailies. In that light, it makes perfect sense that the reward is low.

  11. In this game we have the following CCs:


    Stuns - 200 Resolve per second, does not break on damage. These come in 2*, 3, and 4 second lengths.

    * The 2 second stuns are all talented extra effects.


    Mezzes - 100 Resolve per second, does break on damage. These come in 8 second lengths.


    Knockbacks - 400 Resolve per application. Includes all hostile push or pull abilities that forcibly move your player.


    Snares - No Resolve. These reduce your player's movement speed. As they do not prevent the use of abilities they are not considered CCs by BW. They are part of the Kiting metagame.


    Roots - No Resolve. These are 100% snares. Again, they do not prevent use of abilities and are thus not considered CCs by BW.


    The Resolve bar has two modes:

    Purple: The bar has less than 1000 points. When CCed the Resolve points are added to the bar. Once the CC ends the bar starts to decline at a rate of 25/second.


    White: The bar has at least 1200 points (due to the bonus resolve system, no combination of effects will ever result in a Resolve value of 1000-1199 meaning you will always have a minimum of 12 seconds of white resolve). You are immune to new Stuns, Mezzes, and Knockbacks (if you are currently Stunned or Mezzed it will not be broken). Resolve declines immediately at a rate of 100/second.


    Bonus Resolve works like this: Any CC effect that adds enough Resolve to make your Resolve value 1000 or more will receive a 50% bonus. For example:

    1. You are stunned for 4 seconds giving you 800 Resolve (200/sec * 4 sec)

    2. You are hit with a knockback giving you an additional 400 Resolve

    3. Since 800 + 400 =1200 and 1200 > 1000 you receive a bonus on the 400 of 200 (400 * 0.5) bringing your grand total Resolve to 1400 (800 + 400 + 200). You will now be CC immune for 14 seconds.


    Any combination of CC that contains a Stun or a Mezz will result in CC immunity after 2 effects.

    It is possible to suffer 3 Knockbacks in a row before you receive immunity.


    Please see Kaarsa's research thread for more detailed information:


  12. I've had some success running a Northern-Push offense in the past against PUGs.


    If you run 2 men to your natural, 1 man to South, and the rest to the enemy natural you can easily cap both Northern bases (the one man at South has the job of interrupting the other team's cap attempt at South by running up and running back). Once you have both northern bases and they either don't have South yet or have just barely capped it, leave 2 at both Northern bases are rush everyone else at South. They will be panicked and try to defend South at the expense of having no offense allow you to simply farm them until the match ends. With a good healer, you can actually use this method to 3 cap as well, though that gives them enough of a break to regroup so I don't recommend it).

  13. I'm going to necro this in order to support the idea.


    Now that Legacies have received more content it is apparent that BW wants you to play 4 Republic and 4 Empire on each server. As I have already leveled my 8 slots as Empire (1 of each AC) I would prefer to simply have a Republic server and level 4 characters to unlock the Republic Legacy stuff (and then forget about them forever).


    Alternately, please give us 16 character slots on each server so that I can level 1 of each AC per faction on the same server.

  14. 1. Resolve is working as intended.

    2. The way Resolve works is mathematically superior to any other DR system in place.

    3. Resolve rewards skillful use and punishes those who lack skill (i.e. it is a pure PvP element that is not tainted by gear/class/spec).


    Your complaints are duly noted and rejected with extreme prejudice.


    The actual problem is that the TTK is far too low, which means that it is possible for 2 (with proper buffs, CDs, adrenals, procs, etc.) to 4 coordinated players to kill you within a 4 second stun. In a well-balanced system, a coordinated stun-spike should be able to be countered by a coordinated defensive action by your teammates (assuming the stun-spike is targeting you). However, it is nearly impossible to deflect a stun-spike thanks to the amount of burst available and the fact that healers lost almost all access to emergency heals (a casted heal isn't going to help if the spike kills the guy before the cast finishes).


    Your issue is not with Resolve or CC, it is with TTK. You are complaining about a symptom of the problem, not the root.

  15. If they simply removed/nerfed the Defensive CDs available to them then most of the problems would go away. They get insane burst, which is fine in my opinion, but they should actually take increased damage while doing the burst, not be immune or highly resistant to damage.
  16. As I said OP - no sense arguing this. The supporters of it the way it is include the games very own developers. If they gave a **edit**, it would have been changed by now.


    It's obvious, to almost everyone, that the amount of CCs in this game are ridiculously high. Being CC'd isn't fun, it isn't funny and it's not 'strategy'...it's like killing a link dead player.


    My faith in Bioware understanding even the most basic idea of PvP (to have fun) is gone.


    I hate to break it to you Master Chief, but this game doesn't support your run and gun style of blowing away wimpy aliens while taking massive amounts of damage.


    You have to engage in tactical teamwork in order to win. That means stunning enemies and focusing them, or protecting your friends who get stunned. If you can't do that then you need to seriously consider whether this playstyle is right for you.

  17. I guess in an extreme case it COULD be abused but I still think that would be very rare. Perhaps I am giving the population too much credit but I still believe this would be a fantastic tool and should not be too complicated to implement. AND it fits in with the SW theme.


    Like I said, abuse is pretty uncommon right now as a result of all PvP being server locked. If you get yourself a bad reputation no one will let you play. Once they go cross-server you can expect all manner of abuse to skyrocket (think WoW style) thanks to the complete and total lack of accountability.


    I like the idea, and it should work great up until cross server goes live.

  18. Not everyone has your nerd status to know this.


    It's evident the CC is too extreme. Dying without given a chance is not fun. It doesn't seem right to give almost every class this kind of utility.


    Again, not a symptom of CC but rather a combination of the bad TTK that currently exists in game, teamwork by your enemies, and a lack of teamwork by your friends.


    In order for a Stun-to-death to work the following must be true:

    a. The enemy team must have a stun available to use

    b. The enemy team must coordinate their damage onto a single target within the duration of the stun

    c. The enemy team must be able to output between 10K and 24K damage within the duration of the stun

    d. The friendly team must not coordinate their healing/protection/defenses to mitigate the damage done by the enemy team.

    e. The friendly team must not coordinate their own stuns to prevent the enemy team from coordinating.


    If you find that you run into a lot of Stun-to-death situations, perhaps you should join a new team. Of course, if you are PUG-ing then there is your answer as to why it happens so often. Teamwork is encouraged, strongly.

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