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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. Sents/maras dont need a nerf and wont get one cuz they already got one.


    Inquisitor/consular will get the nerf. Since they are untouched and EXTREMELY OP.


    See what happened was everyone was using troopers BH's and consular/inq. There were nerfs and so everyone rolled sent/mara.


    Now everyone is getting killed by them (cuz there are so many) and thinks they are OP cuz THEIR OWN CLASS was nerfed. OR will be.


    Sent/mara was JUST FIXED. They are SUPPOSED to do the most damage. And are ALREADY glass cannons.


    The Inq/cons class has:


    Bubble that absorbs most damage.

    Force speed


    many cc's

    high dps(not as high as sent/mara)

    Range attacks

    melee attacks



    Can escape combat..



    I'm assuming this post was tounge in cheek?

  2. Seems like BW is listening to those cries though.


    For all their fawning over their lauded ability to test internally and monitor in-game metrics it sure as hell feels as if 90% of what they add is nearly, if not mostly, untested forum whining.


    That because testing and monitoring software doesn't pay subscriptions...

  3. You may be able to reach high damage numbers, but it is pointless damage. Since 1.2, the only thing that matters in PvP is burst. If you can't burst then your damage isn't contributing to the death of the enemy player.


    It sucks, and it is wrong, but that's the way it is.

  4. Actually it's evident by your post taht you have no clue how CC or resolve works. I'm going to recommend you do a forum search and look for threads started by... anyone who posts about CC and resolve, really. The one titled "xxxxxx resolve and CC" will probably work. Feel free to come back and make a fool of yourself more anytime when you never know what you're talking about.


    There isn't much to say about a person who outright rejects free knowledge.

    Pearls before swine comes to mind.

  5. After PvP'ing extensively since 1.2 I can pretty much guarantee that resolve is broken (still). One of the problems is your resolve bar starts dropping as soon as you get stunned and continues draining during the stun. This is why people get chain stunned. There needs to be a set time after the resolve bar is full AND stun breaks where no crowd control skills will work, 15 seconds would be a good amount of time.


    Nothing more annoying then being stunned and getting stunned again within 2 seconds of the previous one wearing off.


    Purple Resolve does not Drop until the CC ends at which point it drops at a rate of 25 per second.

    White Resolve does drop immediately after turning white at a rate of 100 per second.

    This is intended and therefore not broken.

  6. Lol, no, it doesn't. It's one button and extremely mindless. Since it neither has a DR nor fills resolve up in 1 dose and is on a measly 1 minute CD, everyone can mash it and accidentally reapplying it is no big deal. CC is only skill based when either the CD is very long, forcing you to actually think about how you apply it, or the DR or immunity is very long, accomplishing the same thing. Right now it's mash stun, mash damage, mash next stun, continue mashing damage. Sounds pretty mindless to me.


    It is pretty evident by your post that you have no clue how CC or Resolve works. I'm going to recommend you do a forum search and look for threads started by "Kaarsa". The one titled "Resolve Values" is the one you want. Feel free to come on back and edit your post once you know what you are talking about :)


    EDIT: I'm feeling particularly generous today, so here is the link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=390716

  7. So instead we have a mindless stun race. What a vast improvement.


    CC requires skill to apply and skill to escape. Hardly "mindless".

    The problem is that Damage is far to high right now allowing you to be stunned, focused, and killed very quickly. If they toned down Damage to a reasonable level you would find eating a stun to be a relatively minor concern.

  8. I do think that the vast majority of CC/Resolve complaints come from people who either don't understand how the system is intended to work (not a surprise considering BW doesn't actually tell you anywhere in game) or just don't use their own CC and expect to be able to RP as Master Chief in warzones.


    Granted, there are people who do understand the system and know how to play who still dislike all or parts of Resolve, but those people aren't the ones posting factually incorrect claims, they are the ones discussing ways to actually improve the system.

  9. Bug report what, "I stunned a guy and it didn't work", I'm sorry but that's not even remotely helpful, I can however say that there is an issue on the forums, not why that issue is there I do not know and unless payed it's not my job to figure out if it's the UI failing on occasion, an ability not working as intended, sync issues server side or just the resolve system not taking some things in to account.


    If the forums are for discussing things not related to bugs or issues with the game it self then you might want to have a chat with CS that directs the player to them for that very reason.


    Bad analogy is bad.


    It is your right to be completely unhelpful, and it is my right to completely ignore you.

    This is known as "Balance".

  10. i edit that because I KNEW this would be your next post. read two post before.




    anyway, you both have your opinions, I have mine. I dont wanna turn this post in a flamewar.

    btw, the video its not mine.


    Still though, it doesn't change the fact that Damage Done is a pointless stat as it really offers no useful information on your impact on your team's victory/loss. DPSers should be measuring their PvP skill by Objectives, not by Damage Done (especially when you consider that tanks can actually exceed DPS in Damage Done thanks to their survivability. More time attacking, less time waiting in the rez zone).

  11. So just because some one don't have the machine nor wants to donate their time watching others videos for their issue and chooses the forums as their place to provide feedback they should be deemed a lier, a forum where you in most cases are directed to by in game CS.


    Sure we all want it to be fixed, the difference is that I'm not willing to give up my time whilst not being payed to track them down, especially when they are as random as some of the stuff I seen, resolve issues included.


    It takes 30 seconds to file an in game bug report. Not much of a time donation considering the potential benefit in the event the bug is real. The forum is for discussing things, you are claiming things and refusing to provide the necessary backup for a discussion. You may as well just post spam or trolling for all the benefit you have provided.


    As for your decision to not actually help anyone track down the bug, you may as well state that you don't want to be murdered, but it isn't your job to report a murderer you saw since it only randomly happens.

  12. That would completely invalidate this idea. The idea it to reduce Stuns, not give the ability to add an additional possible Stun to a stun lock chain.


    I do agree that upping it might not be a bad idea but not double! This would put pressure on the Stun Happy people also. It would force them to "think" before trying to stun lock someone. They might actually end up releasing them! Ideally, this makes my smile. But, with the lag the way it is, I do not see this working, practically.


    If you hand out free CC immunity too often, CCs become pointless and PvP becomes a DPS race (more so than it already is post 1.2).


    I really do think that the best option is to refresh the CC Break on player death. Also they need to fix the horrendous TTK which would solve a lot of the current complaints (after all, being CCed multiple times isn't so bad if you actually get to live between or after them).

  13. Doubt even 1% of the players have fraps nor machines that makes it a enjoyable gamin experience to use it, not to mention that you can't travel back in time to fraps what just happened, so no, not that easy.




    Again, not my job, pay me and I might consider using my time for that purpose, other than that anecdotal evidence is the best BW or anyone will get, we as player can describe an issue to the best of our abilities, perhaps it's not a bug, perhaps it is, perhaps it's perceived as a bug due to an underlying issue, it's BW's job to figure out why the players are having the issues they do and correct them.


    If they can't sort out why a big part of the player base has issues with resolve then it might be the presentation in game, or perhaps it's just the overall design that isn't playing out in a way that makes sense to the players and as such needs to be re designed in a more comprehensible clear defined way that is easy to see if it's working as intended or not.


    Are you filing actual in game bug reports? Because if you aren't doing that and you aren't posting videos then you aren't doing anything other than complaining about something that probably doesn't even exist.


    If there is a bug we all want it fixed. If there isn't a bug then we all want you to stop saying there is one.

  14. The only thing that annoys me about Resolve is that when your near the cap and the next stun takes you to the cap that stun will go its full duration. Stuns/cc's should stop as soon as you reach the Resolve cap not go their full duration just because they were cast just off the cap. Those seconds are a hell of a long time in PvP.


    I think what annoys players is seeing their Resolve bar full and then a full duration stun going off just because it was a tiny bit off the cap when the enemy player cast the stun or cc. What I'd like to see is that when you are at the cap all CC and stuns stop working and don't run their full course just because Resolve was not full at the time of application.


    In terms of PvP that would mean say a 4 second stun might only last 1 second if that stun took Resolve to full. You would perhaps then not have players ranting on here that they are getting stunned when Resolve is full. I dont think there's a bug I think this is what players are seeing - full duration stuns when Resolve is full (it just wasn't quite full at the tiem the stun or cc was cast on you).


    You'd have to raise the Resolve cap from 1000 points to 2000, or halve the amount of Resolve each affect adds in order to make that system work.

  15. Sorcs can no longuer dps? lol


    With the buffs to DPS and the nerfs to healing, PvP is now a burst festival. Since Sorcerers bring no burst, they don't really bring anything to the fight as a DPS class now.


    You may find some on premades for the utility, but in the Starburst Wars game we currently play they aren't really a DPS class anymore since every other DPS class outpaces them in the only important factor (burst).

  16. I'll be expecting a couple of terabytes of hard drives to fraps any and all games, a secondary computer to edit and encode on, finally a competent guy to handle the editing and encoding, once received I'll show you multiple occasions where what the resolve bar tells you and what actually happens doesn't match up.


    It's not the players job to make sure the game works as intended, we pay to play not to bug hunt and make videos of strange behavior.


    It is your job to show a bug if you want to convince intelligent people that it exists. Bioware has logs they can review to see if what you state is true, if you filed actual bug reports when this happens they would see it.


    We don't have those logs, all we have is the result of testing that shows your statements to be false.


    Since you are the one making the claims, you need to back it up with evidence. If you don't, we just ignore your pointless anecdotes and correct your misstatements so that your falsifications don't confuse newbies.


    I should point out that everyone WANTS bugs to be fixed if they exist. You just need to show that they exist if you want us to back you up since all testing available indicates those bugs don't exist.

  17. You could try stacking a lot of top end PvE gear for the raw increase in base stats. Of course, you will also become quite squishy as a result and geared players will mitigate a lot more of your damage if you drop your Expertise too low.


    Essentially, you picked a DPS class that can no longer DPS. Reroll as an underpowered healer or a new class?

  18. I don't really understand one aspect here - if expertise gets removed, and highest tier PVP and PVE gear shall have similar stats (like in, e.g. Warhammer Online), won't the PVE geared player have just equal chances in PVP to the PVP geared players ? Furthermore, such a player (at least in opinion of the majority) should lack in skill and experience in PVP, so he/she will still lose ? What's there to worry about? Sense of entitlement/exclusivity to PVP?


    Raiders of Warzones want to believe they are better than Raiders of Operations, just as Raiders of Operations want to believe they are better than Raiders of Warzones.


    Fact is, there is no difference between the two groups. They are both PvE.

  19. You don't play RPGs for PvP, mostly because it is impossible to have PvP in RPGs since RPGs are all about making the character important and PvP is all about making the character a non-factor (i.e. Player Skill).


    When you get a blended mess of PvP and RPG you get systems that make no one happy. This blend is clearly not the blend you are looking for.

  20. Glad i bought a (very ugly!) chest piece first. Why there even is a limit to the amount of comms is beyond me.


    Can you imagine the tears of the "Time Lost PvP Elite" if there was no cap?


    I'll give you a sample:

    "BW, it is totally unfair that I spent x hours farming my gear and new fresh 50s are able buy it as soon as they hit level 50 since there is no cap on the commendations from 10-49. Wahhh!"

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