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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. Give us a break, we're trying to get some love from BW.


    But as is probably the case, their awesome metrics are showing we're probably the best out of everyone! ;)


    I only wish metrics had something to do with reality.


    Metrics always suffer from the same problem, they can only be taken in a vacuum.


    As soon as you stop recording what amounts to training dummy numbers and look at actual in game results you will quickly see the differences between potential and reality.

  2. Thats if its working properly.. dur


    To date not one shred of actual evidence has ever been presented showing any actual bug with Resolve.


    If you believe it is not working, record it and prove it on the forums, or stay off the forums with your misinformation and report it in game where it can be verified and either ignored or corrected as needed.

  3. It seems to me the only words worth reading on this thread are in yellow. I am fully stat perfect combat medic, and I don't die. We do not run a tank, occasionally we run 3 healers (2 CM + 1 Scoundrel) Healers survivability has multiple synergistic properties. Your Damage classes must be good. Your off healer must be good. your strat must be good. your tactics must be good. and you must have communication! death is inevitable in rated wz's so dieing once, twice, three times is what it is. (my average death is 2 per game) this is because with my class i can hold off 4-5 "good" players for a decent amount of time, so my tactics in a 3 healer team is actually to go and solo as many opponents as possible.


    Learn to fight, learn to live, learn to play. /thread


    Learn to read more than the thread title. This is about Sorcerer Healers so your entire post is completely irrelevent.

  4. Don't care if im believed, im sure there are plenty of people out there with the same issue, was in pvp today and was stunned 3 times in a row, stunned twice used cc breaker on 2nd then stunned right after. I also don't think some knock backs and pulls affect resolve, cause i have had it happen with full resolve.


    If you don't care about being believed then what is the point of the post?


  5. Well in that case you're talking about a node that never got help for a very long time and it'd probably be easier to just do a standard 1 visible + 1 stealth assault because help isn't coming anyway. Defending with one person is a bad idea, sure, but there is only one class (Op) that can reliably pull off a cap without killing the defender first.


    If it is a good defender, you are correct that the method relies upon them not getting assistance. The lack of assistance is usually a result of me being a sorc and therefore a "non-threat" :D

  6. Um no they CC break out of your Whirlwind and you got to wait another minute before you can do it and the fight's going to end one way or another before your Whirlwind refreshes. The first Whirlwind gets interrupted by a standard interrupt. If they used interrupt on a heal instead, just take the Whirlwind and CC break out of that instead.


    Everything you said can be done easier with Concussion Missiles because you get more time to cap while the missile is in flight but you sure don't see Mercs talking about how they can solo cap against anyone, even though they're better than you in every way when you talk about this particular party trick.


    If you came after me solo as a Sage healer I'll just laugh at you when defending solo, but I'm going to call for help anyway because I'll assume you've a stealther friend nearby.


    If they save the CC Break for the Whirlwind (which the goods ones do) then I just let them kill me and go for round two in which I have my whirlwind back and their CC Break is on CD. Of course it is easier with the concussion missile, but that doesn't make it less possible for me to do it as well, just less probable.

  7. This is BS, resolve is broken and can be stunned more than 2 times, i have been stunned twice pulled into acid or fire, or knocked back and then stunned again. Something needs to be done about resolve and stuns, maybe lower the duration of all stuns or make it so you can only be stunned once every few minutes.


    Do you have a video of this happening? If not then you should not be posting this nonsense on the forums. If this did happen to you and you have no video then you should be reporting via an in game ticket, not posting on the forums where you won't be believed.

  8. Why do people like to talk about fighting against really bad players as if it's the norm? Sure if you're standing exactly next to the node and I let you cast Whirlwind twice (I interrupt the first one) without realizing what you're trying to do and my CC break is down you can do it, but no you're not like the Operative who can throw a flash bang grenade and finish capping before it wears off half of the time because the grenade projectile is inexplicably slow. A merc will have far better chances of doing this with Concussion Missile because the missile is a projectile while Whirlwind has no travel time.


    Like I said and you just admitted, I can cap any node guarded by a lone defender. When facing skilled players this may take two attempts by me (in order to put their CC break on CD) but it works 100% of the time making solo guarding a bad idea.


    EDIT: I should note that this applies to Alderaan only as the turret itself blocks LOS giving me the time necessary to duck behind it preventing you from interrupting my cast.

  9. Different classes have a different skill curve required to play to their maximum capability. True.


    Are those players able to transcend class limitation within game mechanics? No.



    Class power is measured at class potential, not an arbitrary level on the skill curve attained by a random number of players possessing a random level of skill


    You have a problem with class skill curve. AKA class performance when handled by average players. And it is impossible to balance a game around that.


    "You" should start threads similar to "class x is to hard to play properly compared to class y" , and not threads regarding game balance.


    This is the same absurd argument that Blizzard made that kept the Hunter class at 1% Arena Representation for 3 years. They actually stated that fixing the bugs and balancing the class would make the few exceptional hunters unbeatable, and used that to justify leaving the class broken.


    Fact is, if the skill gap is such that only the exceptional players are able to compete and everyone below that skill level is unable to compete, then the class requires a complete mechanic overhaul to reduce the skill cap while still being balanced.

  10. I think even Bioware would find that acceptable.


    Refinement of my idea -- inscribe these names (what ever the winning team choses to call the east and west nodes) in the nodes on the battle field! Each new season, you could inscribe the new name below last year's name. Then folks guarding the node could look at the list while they diddle themselves.


    BTW, QQ and pew pew are great names. Myself, I favor Westrosand Essos


    The best idea is what Blizzard did in Strand of the Ancients. Color code everything. People respond much more quickly to visual cues than they do to any kind of stimulus that requires a logical processing (such as Left/Right or East/West).


    If the nodes themselves were different colors on the map with the controlling faction's icon displayed it would be significantly simplified.

  11. Please change the functionality of the Bubble to be a percentage of the caster's health, not a static amount of HP. A good percentage to start with for playtesting would be 30% (35% with talents from center tree). This would translate into a 4800 HP shield for a sorc/sage with 16000 HP.


    This would essentially allow the ability to scale with Endurance instead of whatever it allegedly scales with now.

  12. People ratings and achievements are not opinions.


    Game mechanics and class limitations are not opinions. Player skill can not violate game mechanics, and all players are subjected to the same game mechanics.



    I don't rely on common sense for anything. I deal with reality as it is, and will change my mind, and correct my stance when proven wrong.


    Sadly, not everyone changes his mind when confronted with reality and his statements /ideas /etc are wrong.


    Several times players said (think was in another thread) that class x can not get high rating or is unfit for high level pvp, and that is the reason they can not get out of 1200 rating or no rating at all.


    I gave examples that proved them wrong. They did not change their mind, but instead came up with excuses.


    Two problems with your argument there:

    1. The argument that it is impossible to reach high rankings was not being made by the majority of the people but by a few hyperbolic outliers. The actual argument was that it is much more difficult to achieve high rankings as a particular class. You responded to an argument that was not really being made (a strawman logical fallacy).


    2. Taking some examples of exceptional players succeeding is an example of cherry picking, another logical fallacy. It also distracts from the actual argument again (making it a red herring logical fallacy).


    Is it possible to succeed playing with an underpowered class? Yes.

    Does that make it ok to leave them underpowered? No.

  13. Stealth classes (like me <3) are the reason why a lone defender CANT call out inc. And unlike the person I killed, I can mind trap and call out, get reinforcements, and turn the whole game around because no one else could be bothered to sit with the poor guy.


    Exactly. The only excuse a lone defender has for not calling ALL incomings well before they arrive at the node is if a group of stealthers sneaks up on him. Of course, there is still the issue that there is never an excuse for having only one defender.


    As a sorc healer I can solo cap a node against any player if he never calls for assistance (which most of them don't when they see such an easy kill coming towards them).

  14. Sorcs are def the squishiest of all the healers. But you have more utility as well with the pull, interrupts, stuns, shields, HoTs, best AOE heals, and the potential healing #'s are above both Merc and Ops. Its just your dead more often.


    But a sorc with a guard and LoS skills is extremely potent.


    I just need to correct your list of utilities:

    We have 1 interrupt (on a 12 second CD)

    We have 1 stun (on a 60 second CD)

    We have 1 HoT that sucks

  15. as for pvp the only thing i think needs sorting is resolve. it should cover roots and knockbacks when bar is full not just stuns


    Obvious Marauder protecting his extreme advantage over Sorcs is obvious.


    Next time try a little harder to cover your bias if you want to successfully troll a Sorc thread.

  16. Here lays the problem:

    A heal needs a tank. -> Good luck with that in a pug

    A tank needs a heal. -> Not really

    A dps needs everything else -> Really in PvP?




    And as a healer I should be able to heal myself against one dps with ease.

    How should I be able to support my team if I die from one dps with no chance but running.

    I think a dps should be able to make me heal just myself in order to survive, but he should not be able to kill me.


    I would modify this to say that in PvP, 1 healer should be impossible for 1 DPS to kill (assuming equal gear and skill) but while being focused by the lone DPS, the healer should be required to focus all of his healing on himself to survive. This is currently not the case. Sorcerer healers cannot survive in any 1v1 situation and are forced to flee the fight completely or die.

  17. Ok that is YOUR opinion, however, don't say "Actual" pvp players resent it cause the Arena system and PVP is WOW is very popular. I like a system where I have to earn my gear personally.....I don't get bored nearly as easy. That is my opinion and that is all that it is.


    That's not an opinion, that the definition of the terms.


    Player versus Player is any competitive system in which the skill of the player or combined skills of multiple players determines the outcome of an engagement. Gear, Class, Spec, and Composition all reduce the amount of player skill needed as they all provide statistical advantages. When the classes aren't even balanced those advantages become even more evident.


    Character versus Character is what you play and what you enjoy. Nothing wrong with that. Just don't call it what it isn't.

  18. Again WOW (The most successful MMO in history) has MAJOR gear discrepencies and PVP is a huge part of their game.


    WoW does not have PvP. It has CvC which is similar but different.

    Actual PvP players really resent the fact that what passes as competitive play in games like WoW and SWTOR is called PvP.

  19. Here is some detailed information on specific resolve values:



    Essentially, the Resolve Bar has two modes:

    Building Mode - Purple/Grey bar with Resolve Value of 0-999. As you are hit with CC, Resolve gets added to your bar. The bar decays at a rate of 25 resolve per second while not CCed and 0 per second while CCed. Any CC effect that causes the value to exceed 1000 will cause you to enter Immunity Mode and the effect will add 150% Resolve (so a knockback that normally adds 400 would add 600 or 400+(400*1.5)).


    Immunity Mode - White bar with Resolve Value of 0-max. The bar decays at a rate of 100 resolve per second at all times. No CC effect can be applied to you, though existing CC effects will not be broken.


    For the purposes of the two descriptions above we rely upon the BW definition of CC, which includes:

    Stuns - Complete loss of control, can take damage. These add 200 resolve per second of stun duration

    Mezz - Complete loss of control, damage breaks effect. These add 100 resolve per second of mezz duration

    Blind - Same as Stun but usually last less time and are not on demand

    Knockback - Any effect that forcibly moves your character and is initiated by a hostile character. These add 400 resolve per movement.


    NOT included as CC are:

    Snares - Movement speed reduction

    Roots - Complete movement loss, but abilities are still available.

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