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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. I don't know about the other classes, but a heal specced Sorc/Sage (i.e. 31 points in the healing tree) is completely underpowered in PvP. No heal spec Sorc/Sage can survive a 1v1 against anyone, and they will die within 3-4 GCDs if the entire team isn't helping to keep them alive (guards, taunts, peels, etc.). We have to spec deep into the lightning/TK tree in order to obtain ANY form of utility that can be used to keep us alive, so deep that we aren't a heal spec anymore, but rather a low damage, low healing, short lived, hybrid pest.
  2. OP, please post some footage of this CC with full Resolve happening (please keep in mind that roots and snares are not CC as defined by Bioware and are therefore not included in the Resolve system).


    While I cannot state that bugs are impossible, I can state that Resolve works as intended for me and many other players who have tested it thoroughly and no one has provided any evidence to the contrary yet.

  3. unless you work for BW you have no clue. Fan boys need to quit inserting info like they are GMs and have some kind of special knowledge. Quote maybe accurate , but this attitude of answering questions using vague info and facts to defend BW is causing more harm than good.


    Wow... I'm not sure which is funnier, calling people who are trying to help "fan boys" or the fact that you are acting like well-known information is highly classified knowledge only available to the mystics of Austin.

  4. I guess you didn't win the destination server lotto either.


    Everyone is a winner with this process, even those who refuse to see it.


    You are currently on a dead server and will soon either have people brought to you or the option to go to them.

    Having a preferred destination is pointlessly creating an unrealistic expectaction that will only serve to dissappoint you when your fantasy fails to materialize in reality. Whatever server you are allowed to transfer to will be vastly superior to where you are now.


    how intuitive is that??


    seriously, we can change your oil...u just have to buy it all, measure it out, put it in a container i can use to pour it in, lift your car, drain the oil, and remove the filter...


    we'll take it from there.


    Bad analogy is bad.


    YOU are the one who likes your character names. If you want to ELECT to transfer AND keep the names then YOU need to take the additional step of testing to see if they are available, and if so protecting them until your server is ready to move.



    old enough to respec other's opinions and what they deem important without judging them or attempting to insult them.


    sorry, my characters names and legacy are important to me. and like i've said, if i lose that, i will quit without hesitation.


    Which is precisely why they are going with transfers over merges.

    If you want to protect your character names (nothing you can do about legacy) you can log onto the likely destination server (based on region and type) and create placeholder characters with the names you want.

  7. I imagine that only the very smallest will go to Fatman until it reaches the size they are looking for, then a new PvP East Server will be selected to combine all of the rest of them into making two large PvP East servers (The Fatman and the as of yet undisclosed new one).
  8. Just do what you are supposed to do on the other classes... heal your team, or kill the enemy team.


    This. Every time I see the "It's unfair" posts I think to myself, "Wow, this sounds like the defensive linemen complaining that they didn't get a chance to kick a field goal."

  9. I only send out for Companion Gifts right now (farming affection points) and I only ever have 1-2 of them available at any given time. The game does seem to try and prevent targeted farming via crew missions by reducing the number of missions available for whatever result you are focusing on. Not sure if this is real or confirmation bias though, as I don't have actual hard data to compare.
  10. You could buy them on the GTN, or farm them on the planets if you don't want to wait for the companion to bring you a random color back. Farming them is MUCH faster than waiting on your crew missions to complete, and buying them is even faster (instant).
  11. Nice! Thanks OP. Good to hear it went well. Also, good to hear the process did not take that long as I have been worried about the time it takes per character. How many characters did you transfer if you don't' mind me asking?


    I transferred 4 to The Fatman. Each one took less than 5 minutes as they were done before I was finished requesting the next character. I put my requests through at around 7 PM Eastern Time.

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