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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. This is probably a stupid newbie question, but how do I earn expertise points?

    I am a level 35 sniper and play often in PVP and yet I have 0 expertise points.


    Expertise is a gear stat. The only way to get it is to get gear that has it.


    It is also only available to level 50 characters.

  2. The trick to being a successful Sorc healer is to defend your team's node that no one is attacking. Your job consists of calling incoming hostiles and harassing them while you pray for reinforcements to arrive.


    If you actually try to stop and heal you will melt like a sno-cone in hell during July.

  3. Man I hate the people that do that, and its always the juiciest group too, that could quite possibly change the battle in your favour.


    Then some derptard comes running along and is like "DERPDERPDERPaoeknockbackDERPDERP"


    Just die and serve a greater purpose.


    I'm willing to sacrifice 1 of my team-mates lives to kill 3 of theirs.


    AoE never killed anyone, obvious troll is obvious.

  4. Weird I get no cast bar when I use them. Do they have a cd, yes. But they don't require casting therefore they ARE instant.


    If you want the cds diminished, that is a compaling idea.


    They are instant cast, yes, but they are not instant heals. Well, the Bubble would be, if it wasn't already on CD before you entered "lol try to kite" mode. Fact is, a HoT that ticks for less health than most DoTs and does less healing than the free basic attack does DPS is not going to be of any use during kite mode. The bubble could have been useful, if you hadn't died before it came off of CD.

  5. Last I checked we had two instant abilities that either absorb damage or heal, bubble and resurgence. Three if you count talented purge. All be it small in comparison to other ac heals, but we do have them. So please stop with the miss information.


    The question is if these shouldn't be more powerful, or have a more beneficial effect. A proc would be nice for one of the cast heals, ie some heal ability has x% to proc an instant cast dark heal or dark infusion.


    I don't disagree with wanting better healing, just don't put out misinformation.


    No one counts the bubble (3K heal on 17-20 sec CD) or the HoT (lol @ 2-3K over 9 sec wit h6 sec CD) as an instant heal because they cannot be used as instant heals. It is not misinformation to suggest that they are not instant heals since they aren't.

  6. Yes we are.


    Tanks protect people.

    Healers reduce the damage someone has taken.

    DPS kill people.


    The idea that DPS classes are supposed to deal damage and kill nobody without 2 or more DPS working in tandem is ludicrous.


    It should ALWAYS take 2 DPS to kill a healer. Your job as a DPS on a healer is NOT to kill him, but to shut him down. You do DPS, he does HPS which (if balanced) will completely negate your DPS leaving both of you back at square one at any given point in time.



    DPS - HPS = 0 (stalemate)

    DPS + DPS - HPS = DPS win

  7. So you're admitting that the role you play in your group constitutes why your group can win consistently, and you're upset about that?


    You've got issues.


    No, he is upset that he rolled a class that is designated a "healer" but whose only actual role is "distraction".


    You cannot heal as a Sorcerer in this game against skilled opponents. You can run or you can die.

  8. A 1 Heal vs. 1 DPS fight of equally geared and skilled players should last infinity time.


    DPS role = Do Damage

    Heal role = Undo Damage


    These two roles should cancel each other out leading to a stalemate.


    As this is not the case for Sorcerers, they are UP despite BW's metrics (which test in a vacuum, where no one is beating on you). You see, a Sorc on the move cannot heal himself, and a healer who cannot heal himself will die in 1v1 every single time.

  9. Just as an FYI, Huttball is by far the single most popular warzone (it received more #1 votes than all other maps combined in my ranking thread). If we allow people to specifically choose which warzone they want to queue for you are going to see even more Huttball matches and even less of the others (meaning you people who hate Huttball may not even be able to find games or at least will have to wait over an hour for a queue to pop).
  10. AS SOON AS THEY REALIZE YOU DON'T HAVE ELECTRIC BINDING: You will be the easiest to kill because even if you stay ranged they do not have a risk of a 5 sec root.




    I tried running without Electric Binding and the Bubble Flash and my PvP experience consisted of:

    1. Healing no one since I spend the entire match running from an enemy DPS.

    2. Casting 1-2 Heals and then returning to spawn.


    If you are going to attempt to heal in PvP as a Sorcerer/Sage, you are REQUIRED to spec as a hybrid.

  11. Can you back that up with a formula?

    All I can say is that anyone with less than 600-800 expertise will get their faces melted off in 2 seconds.

    When I have full WH gear, my damage reduction is around 15% (as cyvaris said). That's huge...


    Also, my WH gear is actually way better than rakata/columi, especially with my augmented armor. So it doesn't just get my started with raiding, but it allows me to run the hardest PvE content in PvP gear.


    I'm at work, so I don't have my spreadsheets in front of me with all the raw data, but I was able to find a post of mine from a similar thread that had the results of the comparison:


    I just ran the numbers comparing full Recruit to full Black Hole (no Relics, Datacrons, or Buffs) for a Sorcerer. Black Hole gear has the following statistical advantages over Recruit (note that the PvP Expertise Bonuses have already been taken into account)


    Bonus Damage - 4.18%

    Bonus Healing - 23.09%

    Health - 33.11%

    Damage Reduction - 10.01%

  12. Top end PvE gear is nearly equivalent to Recruit gear for PvP purposes. You won't have the Expertise, but the increased Base stats and Endurance are a statistical wash (Black Hole is actually about 4% better for PvP than Recruit gear).


    Bioware made them equivalent on purpose so that Raiders can get started with PvP without having to buy all new gear (similar to how War Hero is good enough to get you started with Raiding). Recruit gear is for people who have done nothing at level 50 yet and want to start doing Warzones.

  13. I want to suggest that you add debuff flytext to the game.


    For example, if I am hit with an ability that slows me by 50%, I should see "Speed -50%" in big red letters pop up from my character (similar to damage flytext). Likewise, if I'm hit with an Accuracy debuff I should see "Accuracy -5%". You could also replace the + and - with up and down arrows, if you think those would be easier to interpret quickly by the majority of players (I'm fine with + and - ).


    The reason I ask for this is because trying to find out what effects are currently present on your requires you to float your mouse over them those tiny little debuff icons, which most of the time you don't even notice are there, and when you do notice them they take your attention away from the fight. The flytext would allow you to know exactly when a debuff was applied and what it did to you.

  14. In theory, it means to intercept an enemy player who is attacking a high priority friendly. The intercept can come as either forcing them to target you, CCing them, or terminating them.


    In practice, it means complaining about not getting heals while your healer is in the respawn area.

  15. Hey guys, I need help, I currently have all my characters in the twin spears, which is pretty much dead, and would like to move them elsewhere with this character transfer availability, any recommendations as to where I should go? What server would you recommend to transfer to?

    For some reason the only available server that I can choose is Prophecy of the Five, will I be able to transfer to another one or is it that my opportunity to change to any other is already gone?


    If you want to transfer now, you have to go to Prophecy of the Five (which I strongly recommend that you do as it is the #2 server for your region/server type).


    If you want to select a server you will need to wait until they offer paid transfers (as in, you pay them money then they let you transfer wherever you want to go). Of course, the only real options by that point will be The Fatman and Prophecy of the Five, so you can either take the only option now, or pay later for two options that are nearly identical.

  16. Also the sorc cant put up big numbers when on the run (kiting) which is the only way we will survive a decent dpser because our heals on the run are lacklustre.


    Lackluster is putting it very nicely lol.


    We get a small HoT (300/sec for 9 seconds) with a small upfront heal (crits at 1.5k). With talents the HoT gives a 10% armor boost.


    We also get a small heal with a talented Purge.


    Everything else requires us to stand perfectly still and hope for no interruption/knockback/pull/stun.

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