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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. So these are titles or is only Darth a title and you're declared in-game to be Darth Imperius (name)? :confused:


    When you become a Darth, you receive a new title (Darth) and a new name (Anakin became Vader, Palpatine became Sidious, etc.).


    Your character becomes Darth Nox (or Imperious/Occulus) in the story, but you retain your chosen name for all other purposes. For example, my Character is Darth Nox, but in game I appear as Darth Philar since Philar is my name and I am displaying the Darth title.

  2. And those are tools you can protect yourself with.


    Sure, if you consider Force Lightning a DCD too, after all, if the guy is slow and dead he can't hurt you!


    Fact is, Sorcerers have no way to live through any kind of burst or focus fire, especially against ranged opponents. Other classes have the ability to pop a CD which gives them just enough X to live through it. As the squishiest class in the game, the fact that Sorcerers don't have one is a major design flaw.

  3. Hmmm let me see, a defensive cooldown on top of static barrier, force speed, root on overload, stun on breaking static barrier.


    Oh yeah, let's do it!


    Static Barrier is a heal, not a DCD, plus you benefit from it just as much as we do meaning that if it gets counted for us, it gets counted for you leaving us still needing one to make it even.


    Force Speed is a KITING tool, not a DCD.


    Root on Overload is a talented ability, and is a KITING tool, not a DCD.


    Blind on Barrier Break is a talented ability, and it a CC, not a DCD.


    I'll give you a D-, but only for the effort.

  4. I like all these people in here complaining about our bubble and insisting that it is our DCD.


    You never hear a peep out of them when that bubble gets cast on them.


    Oh, that's right, I went there.

    Our bubble is not OUR DCD. It is a frontloaded heal that YOU benefit from just as much as we do which means that if it gets counted as a DCD for US then it also counts for YOU meaning we STILL need a DCD to make it even.



  5. If someone pops Entrench on you, run behind Line of Sight and wait. congratulations, you just wasted their best CD.


    Seriously though, you have a ridiculous bubble on a 30 second cool down, as well as sprint, aoe knock back, and two ranged stuns. I feel like you've got plenty of defensive CDs.


    Bubble absorbs 1 GCD of damage (less if the damage crits). It is also a HEAL, not a DCD.

    Sprint and Knockback are KITING tools, not DCDs.

    We have 1 ranged stun (not 2) and that is a CC, not a DCD.

  6. The CD reduction on Speed is worth more than the Willpower boost since the speed will help you stay alive.


    Remember, Sorcs are not Healers, Tanks, or DPS, they are pests. Our role is to annoy the other team with CC and lightning/rocks until they either rage quit to QQ on the forum or spend the rest of the match focusing us (allowing our team to cap the nodes).

  7. Call me a troll, but they do have one, it's called shield and sprint.


    If you can't kite melee around you're doing it wrong.


    Also, I forgot to add, if you're the only healer in a WZ, then you will most likely have a hard time and life sucks and all that jazz. It's a lot easier to focus fire a single target than to spread that focus across another healer and/or two guarding tanks.


    Just saying group composition is everything in SWTOR pvp. Stop whining, sages/Sorcs healers are still VERY VERY powerful


    Force Speed is a Kiting Tool, (and not a very effective one either since it has twice the CD of melee gap closers).

    Bubble is a heal, not a DCD or a Kiting Tool.

  8. Hello


    I found out about these chests late in the game. What I've noticed is that if you are lvl 40ish they have a chance to drop recruit gear. What I don't understand is why lvl 50s are farming them. If they only drop recruit gear and you already have some bm gear why would you farm these nodes? Do they drop bm or wh gear if you are lvl 50 and a certain valor rank?




    They drop credits, recruit gear, and commendations.

    All 50s can use the credits and commendations, and fresh 50s can use the gear.

    On my server, it is currently the only way to get commendations.

  9. What sorcerer needs:


    While under the effects of sprint immunity to snares, grips and cc.


    An ability to cause enemies to drop target.


    Our interrupt to be on a super short cd if not spamable


    Affliction and Crushing Darkness to tick without breaking cc.


    The above to tick for more damage since we don't have burst our dot has to scale more meaningfully.


    I did render a suggestion a while back that the ability Mind Trick be given some kind of PvP utility. My suggestion at that time was either a target drop, or a single target invisibility (i.e. you become invisible to the person you used it on, all other hostiles can still see you).

  10. Then it takes away from our time to heal ourselves. Some classes you can't run from like Pyrotech's with their undispellable spammable slows. Really slows are more of a way to deter people from chasing you than an actual effective way most of the time.


    You can't kite ranged classes, you have to LOS them. Not always an option, unfortunately, as a result of map layout, but it is a heck of a lot easier to LOS someone as a Sorc than as a WoW Hunter (minimum range + casted resource generation = horribad design).

  11. I'd be ok with changing Force Slow so that it lasts 6 seconds and the CD is 5 (just like the main kiting tool of Hunters from WoW, Concussion Shot). This allows the Sorc to have 100% snare uptime against a single target allowing our pathetic dots (since we have no real instant DPS abilities) to eventually whittle down our foe far enough to be able to risk standing still long enough to get a cast off to finish them.
  12. Players shouldn't be encouraged to afk-defend the single turret their team has when they think they aren't going to win. The defender points should only be rewarded when you're attacking another player within the defense range of the objective.


    It's hard enough to convince people in a PUG to defend a node, now you want them to have no reason at all?

  13. They drop before the game actually begins, this starts the 'wz will end in 'x' seconds timer'. Someone with force speed grabs the ball. The wz ends. Team holding the ball wins, here's the exploit and yes I think it's an exploit, the winning team gets the 'dauntless medals' for the fast victory. This equates to 100 plus commendations for the win.


    Broken game is broken. :(


    You mean the winning guy gets a dauntless medal.


    It seems like a mathematically inferior method to obtain commendations. My guess is that they are trying to farm the weekly (since it requires a win).


    Of course it is an exploit, but it is an exploit that can be countered with very little effort.

  14. Wait.


    So you're telling me they grab the ball and run around for a minute so they auto win?


    He's saying that half of the players drop group before the match begins leaving just enough time for a sorcerer to run up and grab the ball before the match ends due to team imbalance.

  15. If you have in fact seen this several times, one would think that you would have developed a counter by now since it is pretty simple.


    Either have one of your own players force speed to the ball first or stun/mezz/pull the enemy before he gets to the ball.

  16. Pad Racing hasn't been invented yet, so no.


    Swoop Bike Racinig on the other hand was in KOTOR 1&2 and therefore should be put into the game (once they've fixed server pop issues, of course).

  17. Ah, "infer"...so you "assume" that it's all working right...right? You know the formulas? You know the values? I was told, via patch notes on January 4th, that I'd be able to use emotes like /wave from my vehicle...try doing that tonight.


    Stun - 200 resolve per second

    Mezz - 100 resolve per second

    Knockback/Pull - 400 resolve per incident

    Purple Resolve Decay - 25/second AFTER CC ends.

    White Resolve Decay - 100/second beginning immediately.

    Any CC that moves your Resolve to 1000 or more receives a 50% resolve bonus


    You are free to spend your own time testing these values yourself, but the legwork has been already by Kaarsa (Search the Forums for "Resolve Values" and you'll find his thread) and tested by many other players (all compiled in that same thread). You can either use the knowledge that others have gleaned, research it yourself, or ignore it.


    I've led you to water, only you can choose to drink.


    Here is the thread I referenced above: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=390716

  18. Just be happy you actually managed to get enough WZs to pop to actually complete ANY of the PvP missions.


    6 Completions isn't possible when you have 7 people online (in total), let alone 9 wins.

  19. How do you know how it's "intended" to work? Do you work for Bioware? Do you have some secret affiliation? If not, you're assuming, just like anyone else is. Bioware's the same company who thinks the sound issues since 1.2 may be from audio drivers...their credibility in knowing how their own game works is indeed in question!


    All forms of CC add Resolve using a derived formula. The only CC that did not comply was patched and now does. That is more than enough information for someone to be able to infer intended operation.

  20. Can't you get the bubble pop blind and the knockback root in the same spec? Those are pretty common in PvP and pretty horrible for Guardians. Like I said though with the few tough Sorcs it is mostly a gear issue.


    Those are both in the Lightning Tree and require a decent point allocation to obtain (18 points in Lightning to get the 100% bubble blind). Unfortunately, Lightning is also very meh at the moment so most Sorcs are running hybrid builds that split the points (meaning DPS/HPS loss for increased utility).

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