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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. As long as you can also get Valor ranks from doing PvE quests, to make it fair.


    Of course, at that point you may as well just create a new system that combines the two or just eliminate them both...

  2. I don't see why we have to wait for new huge patches to get cross-server queuing, why doesn't Bioware just add cross-server queuing? This is especially needed for ranked and PVP is popping less frequently than it was a month ago, by a large amount.


    Probably because someone at Bioware lost the magic beans that would have grown the magic bean stalks that are necessary to skip the thousands of hours of coding necessary to make cross server queues possible.


    Since those magic beans are lost, there is no easy way to implement cross server queues, so you'll just have to wait for them to completely redesign their server architecture so that they can then program this functionality.

  3. 1. Make Shock an Execute style ability. Increase its damage by 2-3x and make it usable only when the target is below 25% health. It is currently the least force-efficient attack and is not really used.


    2. When used on yourself, Static Barrier should either reflect 100% of the damage back to the attacker or it should convert 10% of the damage it absorbs into raw force power, instantly granting you that amount of force.


    3. New ability: Unlimited Power - Consumes 75% of the Sorcerer's current force power, knocks down all enemies within 10 meters, and the Sorcerer shrugs off damage for 5 seconds (Undying Rage effect).

  4. For PvE: Do the Belsavis, Illum (if these still exist), and Black Hole dailies to upgrade your Orange Armor, then use Group Finder to do Flashpoints and then Hard Mode Flashpoints. Finally, you can start doing Operations once your gear is good enough.


    For PvE: Get your free set of Recruit gear from the mailbox token, then queue up for Warzones. Get murdered for about a week or two while you update your gear to Battlemaster, then you have two options:

    1. Find a group of 7 other people, form an 8 man group and queue for ranked warzones, use the commendations to buy your War Hero gear.

    2. Continue to use the random queue and spend the next 6 months trying to farm your War Hero gear.

  5. Choke builds it as well... no?


    Are crush and berserk up enough that choke isn't really necessary as a shockwave builder and I can still save it for utility?


    Choke builds it as well, but you don't want to use Choke just for the shockwaves. Crush has an 18 second CD, which causes it to line up nicely with Smash's 12 second CD for most of your "rotation". Berserk should then be used whenever it is available and Crush still isn't.


    Here is my baseline build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#1000cZGZRrRrzfRrdz.2


    Your two remaining points can go into:

    Short Fuse for better Fury building

    Defensive Forms or Defensive Roll survivability

    Stagger for more uptime

    Dark Resonance for bigger Smashes


    As some others have alluded to, you are going to want to vary your tactics quite a bit because most Rage Marauders are very predicable and therefore easy to counter.


    Your four primary skills for a "rotation" are going to be:


    Force Charge/Obliterate - Puts you in position and gives auto-crit buff. Charge's root and Rage building make it superior. Both are on a 15 second CD.


    Force Crush/Berserk - Build your stacks of Shockwave. Berserk is all 4 stacks immediately and costs no Rage so if you have the Fury to use it you should before you Charge/Obliterate. Crush has an 18 second CD and will deplete your Rage from Charging, plus it takes a few seconds to build up your Shockwaves. On the upside it snares the target.


    Battering Assault/Assault - You will be a bit Fury Starved when you attempt your first cycle so be sure to get this in immediately after you gain both your auto-crit and shockwave buffs. Assault has no CD and Battering Assault has a 15 sec CD.


    Smash - Big-bada-boom. A 12 second CD means that you can use any combination of the above 3 categories to use this on CD every time (you don't have to wait the full 18 seconds required for Crush if Berserk is up, for example). Be aware that it is delayed from the time you activate until the time you land it, so you need to be mindful of enemy CCs (especially knockbacks). Your Smash can be put on CD if it is "interrupted" but your buffs will not be consumed allowing you to use it without ramping up as soon as the CD is done.


    As far as tactics go, if you aren't running with a team you need to know that you are going to be a "bomb". You should hit as many players as possible with your Smash, then switch targets and go again, getting out of the fray if possible. If you are in the heat of a battle, it is a good idea to save the auto-crit buff for last. Use Charge/Obliterate and immediately follow it with a Smash. This will throw off players who are going to assume that you needed time to build up Rage and Shockwaves.


    The worst thing you can do is the same thing every time. Your buffs last a decent length of time so vary the order in which you build them to throw off your opponents. Good players will detect your pattern (if you use one) which will make you ridiculously easy to counter.

  6. Interesting thought with the choke... having it as one of the set ups for smash and screwing myself on an additional interrupt... does not sound appealing now.


    I didn't even consider that but choke is far too useful. Especially for things that can't be interrupted with the standard interrupt.


    Force Crush and Berzerk are how you build Shockwaves. Force Choke should be considered a bonus and used as your interrupt/CC.

  7. This. People use rage case they're bad at carnage/annihilation. Rage is a one trick pony, and only viable when you have a healer on you. Even with one you're still squishy. They're supposed to be team support, but most on my server like to run around 1v1ing people. That doesn't work so well with that spec. :p


    Your Conclusion doesn't follow your Argument. Here is essentially what you just argued:

    I saw a bunch of people eating ice cream. All of the ones eating strawberry were using their hands and no cones. Therefore, all people who eat strawberry ice cream are bad at math.

  8. If you don't mind... shoot me build and rotation. Already looking at different ones but the more I have to work with the better.


    I can do that when I get home this evening, no problem!

  9. Interesting... never thought about it that way but being a healer hunter that makes A LOT of sense.


    That alone may have me re-spec'ing tonight. :cool:


    The downside is that once you get flagged as the Healer Hunter you'll need to time your engagement carefully to avoid getting focused.

  10. I've found it to be a powerful spec for killing off healers primarily because you get the extra jump and slow from the abilities, plus people have a tendency to stack on the healer when you target them which allows you to blow up more of them causing the healer even more pain (i.e. "Do I run away and live or do I stay and try to heal all these guys who just blew up?").
  11. yes you are suppose to die in a 2v1. stunning makes it a guarantee unless you can stealth and run away. i don't play the sissy op classes. if you are suppose to die in a 2v1 why is such a crutch given to stun someone to death????????


    Do they need to stun you? No.


    That means that if they are both using their stuns to burn you down, their stuns are now on CD and they are at a tactical disadvantage in the event 2 of your friends show up.


    You aren't looking at the big picture.

  12. the problem with resolve... it should be full after 1 stun. PERIOD. roots should not work if resolve is full. if its 2v1 or more why do the 2 get the advantage/crutch of stunning you until you are dead? no matter what happens in the game you will be in a 2v1 situation at some point unless you only q with buttbuddies.


    You are supposed to die in a 2v1. This is not Halo, and you aren't Master Chief.

  13. So very, very wrong. I can personally name more than a dozen players (including myself) who are done with this game this evening BECAUSE of the lousy PvP. And I can bet we aren't the only ones leaving over it.


    Resolve is a stupid mechanic put in place to band aid over out of control CC in PvP.


    Not worth arguing anymore as next week will be the tell tale proof of whether people like it or not by how many are left playing after midnight tonight.


    Your anecdotes are not evidence of anything other than you lack of a logical or supported position.


    Resolve is a perfectly functional mechanic that does exactly what it was designed to do. The CC is not the problem with PvP, it is the out of control damage that is the problem. CC seems like a problem since you die so fast that you don't benefit from Resolve anymore.


    You won't be able to use next week as the determinant. You will need to give the people who leave (which will be a lot, granted) time to decide if they want to continue with GW2 or revert back here. The same thing happened with Diablo 3, tons of people left and then a lot of them returned.

  14. 1100 Is usually a decent point for ranged classes to start focusing on building DPS/HPS. Melee classes will probably want to hit 1200 first.


    Beyond those values, Expertise is still effective, though primarily for the damage mitigation and not for damage/healing output.

  15. It been done dozens of time with links to vids and screenshots from several guildies. Sometimes resolve works and sometimes it doesn't, which is like most of the stuff in this game (sometimes you can finish Soa in a fight, sometimes he randomly resets in stage 3 and you have to do it all over again).


    Point is, stuns should be for strategic and limited use, not non-stop stunning on players. Everyone loses with stunlocking (both the stunners and the stunnees) as eventually people become so frustrated with it they just leave which means everyone loses.


    Link or retraction.

  16. It was asked earlier what main stat for a fully optimized Campaign/BH player was. On my sentinel, my fully optimized set will have me at 2150 strength stimmed and buffed. 1065 power, 30% crit, 77% surge, 101% accuracy. I hit like a truck towing another truck carrying a shipment of steroids.

    Now I've never tested it because I'm in fully augmented and optimized BM with WH implants, ear, and relics (1212 exp, 1777 main stat stimmed and buffed) but I'm going to bet my performance would be very similar in either set of gear. I would also bet that it would be very similar performance to non-optimized WH gear because, let's face it, standard itemization sucks for most classes.


    This is very true. PvP gear out of the box appears to have been itemized by a random number generator.

  17. Stunned no, rooted yeppers. Heck my gimmick in Huttball is to use Creeping Terror on Sentinels with full resolve crossing the fire pit and watch them BURN! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


    Roots and Snares are not RECCs (Resolve Effect CCs).


    I will often suicide jump into the ball carrier as he crosses the fire pit since my Mara roots on jump :D

  18. Wrong. Tanks in WoW got resistance against different damage types, from both melee and ranged, physical and magical. They did little in the way of damage, but they still were able to shrug off any kind of attack thrown at them. ToR should be no different. If tanks can't shrug off damage from Force/Tech but Sorc's and Powertechs can inflict full range of damage on them with no consequence, how is that, in any way shape or form, balanced or fair?


    Classes are supposed to be balanced against each other. Sorc's are not supposed to be able to destroy tanks with no way for them to retaliate.


    You clearly are new here (and to WoW, probably MMOs in general) so I'm going to be nice and explain this as simply as possible:


    Tanks were not used in PvP in WoW because they could do no damage, nor could they contribute in any meaningful way towards completing objectives, the only thing they did was die last. The amounts of resistance they could stack were 100% mitigated by all DPS who stacked Hit Rating to the requisite level (which was all decent players). Tanks had no value in PvP in WoW, which is why all tanking players used their secondary spec for PvP.


    Secondly, in SWTOR the game is not balanced around 1v1. The only class in this game that a Sorc can easily duel is a tank since the tank can't out DPS the Sorc. This game uses a Rock<Paper<Scissors balance model. You are a Rock, and you are complaining about Paper.

  19. Wrong! Wrong! And more Wrong!


    The goal of a tank is to do whatever is necessary to obtain or keep an objective. It so happens that the majority of the time to hold or obtain an objective it is convenient to keep a healer alive by throwing guard and a taunt.


    In other cases it is advantageous at an off-point to keep a strong DPS'er guarded while they freely burn down other enemies. In cases where your DPS'er is in Rakata he is:


    • Having his damage mitigated by at least 16%
    • Taking an additional 16% damage


    In such situations where your facing Battlemaster/War Hero geared players he is going to get hit hard. In such cases it is more advantageous to let them die than attempt to guard them. If he gets burned down he may be able to stall them for 3-4 GCD's if he's lucky. Meanwhile you still have a full HP pool that will let you survive long enough for someone more competent to come and help you maintain or capture the objective.


    He may get hit hard, but so would a recruit. And it makes no difference to your health pool whether he is in PvE, Recruit, BM, or WH. The damage you take through guard is calculated completely independent of the damage he takes.

  20. A tank that cannot mitigate certain types of damage is no tank at all. You either mitigate across the board or you mitigate nothing.


    Even WoW knew better and offered spell resistance to Fire/Frost/Arcane/Nature/Elemental. That's how tanks stayed viable against casters, the supposed "tank killers" you speak of. Tanks in this game should be no different. WoW got Spell resistance, ToR should get Force/Tech resistance.


    Tanks were not viable in PvP in WoW, so your example fails to support your argument.

  21. So your saying that your still in combat once you revive with a root or stun on you? That cant happen. BW says you should be totally out of combat after 8 seconds ... living that is. You would think skills would not last through death. But this is BW you never know whats going to work after they said they fixed it 3 months ago.


    Two things:


    1. That is not what they are saying. They are saying that if you revive too soon the death animation will play after you have respawned causing you to be dead while still alive. This prevents you from moving causing you to be auto-kicked from the Warzone since you can't leave the respawn area.


    2. You can absolutely still be locked in combat post respawn. It is a known bug.

  22. The point of being a tank is being able to mitigate damage. ALL types of damage. If Defense/Shield/Absorb serves zero purpose against Tech or Force, what good is wearing Tank-specific equipment against a BH or Inquisitor in a Warzone? What benefit is it to you then?


    You are not meant to negate some damage types because those damage types are meant to be tank killers.

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