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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. Full Corruption here, not happy.


    Outside of the initial 10 seconds after a match starts, the enemies who are trying to kill me are never all standing in a line running right at me. They are hitting me from all sides at all times. Overload was useful because it knocked back on all sides. Now it will only be able to knock back 1-2 enemies leaving the other 3-4 enemies still pounding my defenseless backside.


    Obvious changes are obvious. Sorc/Sage are not intended for PvP.

  2. Thus far, it seems like this game is going to the old "Squeakiest wheel gets the oil" routine. So maybe the PVE driven players need to start trolling and yelling more? I'd hate to resort to that but, it seems that may be the only thing the devs. are hearing right now. I have nothing against PVP play, I am just not at all interested due to all the egos that tend to get involved. Just not my thing. My boyfriend and I are SW fans through and through. So... if you want to cater to the PVP..fine but, do it on PVP worlds/areas only. If the PVE'ers keep getting the short end of the stick... my boyfriend and are going to look into another game. I know our $30 a month is just a drop in the bucket but, there's other games who will not deviate from the class lore of their characters the way that has been done here...and they'd love to have that money.


    With some exception, the game can be broken down into two different kinds of players. No one should be better than the other and one should not cater to the other. Each has it's own mindset and reason for being in the game.


    Common sense solution... Keep PVP on their own servers.... make adjustments to all their demands as you see fit and let them duke it out! Balance away! Keep PVE on their own servers and leave it be! Add some content.


    Create a different set of skills used that activate once you enter a PVP area or while playing Huttball.




    Would be nice to see the game hold on to at least some integrity to classes.


    Don't be silly. This is a "Wheel that never squeaked and no one ever even knew existed gets the grease that will leak all over everything" routine.

  3. dude u are wrong, u dont understand what means sorcerer ...

    and i play about dps now, i dont heal, DCD means for every class something else ... thats why u still think sorcerer has no DCD ... defence is escape from combat or prolong death or stop attacker or gain position advantage ...


    like in real combat...


    so everythin what gives u some advantage and dont improve your dps could be defense ,..


    for example mara/jugg force charge, yeah it generates rage and i use it to attack ppl, but its also great defence utility to escape combat ...


    every class has some unique escape and defence mechanics, so dont want to have as sorcerer some ability like absorb 40% dmg for 10 secs ... thats for other classes ... btw i forgot one ability ...extrication ... its defence cd

    why? just pull some1 and when he pop on near u make sure u will not run back and start attack your killers ...


    this is all about internet theoretics who pull in WZ 1/2 dmg than is TOP dmg ...


    just L2P i do it everyday, i learn, read, play and speak with ppl in guild or server who are the best and u could be also once one of the best or atleast good player ...





    Try again.

  4. More often then not i respawn with FULL RESOLVE to see it vanish before i leave the spawnpoint to get f.u.c.k.e.d all over AGAIN! THANKS FOR NOTHIN' @RESOLVE and 2min CD on CC-breaker


    And now with 1.4 it will get even worse.. up to this point it should be absolutely clear that our devs doesnt seem to play their own game, because, attention to the news! /drumrolls, diein to endless stuns some monkey facerolled on their keyboard to beat anyone JUST ISNT FUN :eek:


    Have you ever considered that the reason you are in the respawn zone with a full resolve bar has nothing to do with resolve and instead is 100% a factor of DPS being far too high compared to your health pool?

  5. this is great joke dude ... sorcerers have no def cd... omg ...


    L2P... def cds are : static barrier, force speed, new insta heal, overload, whirlwind and electrocute ...


    so 6 CD ...


    gl with learning the class


    Clearly not a Sorc.


    Static Barrier is a HEAL that can be used on all players meaning it is not unique, therefore it is not a DCD.

    Force Speed is a kiting tool, not a DCD.

    Overload is a Knockback, not a DCD.

    Whirlwind is a Mezz, not a DCD.

    Electrocute is a Stun, not a DCD.


    Do you even know what a DCD is?

  6. Interesting to see a lot of people talking about the Sorcerer heals and ************. But in reality the merc healers are still the most nerfed. Even with the changes. The changes will help especially adding slows for Mercs/Commandos. Sorcerers/Sage still have force speed which they can use to get away. Merc healers sorry no running away. So quit ************. Merc healers are getting a little better with some slow abilities and FINALLY an interrupt. Of course Merc/Commandos same problem just saying for the Scoccer/Sage ************ about the 120 degree cone. At least you run can and escape. Kind of like surviving a horror movie. I don't have to outrun the killer just you. Merc/Commandos will still get beat down while Scoccer/Sage can just run away and survive.


    Sorcerers were not spending enough time hiding in holes waiting to die and in fact were dying on their way to the hole. To correct this bug we have allowed them to run more often. We are even giving them a self heal that will allow them to live long enough to reach the hole where they will die since viewers complained that the game did not currently conform to modern horror film archetypes.

  7. 1. You're right... it's a buff for any skilled player

    2. So did every 30m stun?

    (Could be wrong but I know it's not the only one.)


    3. LOL? Again... I will gladly take the changes to overload. Sucks if you're not good at facing targets I guess.... Don't roll Melee DPS.

    4. So you're actually mad because you were hoping for god mode?

    5. I'd like a pet unicorn that poops rainbow sherbert.


    Over all... sorcs are going to be improved. Of course skilled players more than clickers and keyboard turners... but over all. Buffed.


    I have no clue what people are upset about. I wish they created an option to download the 1.4 patch so I could take my buffs and you could see how well your 360 degree overload will work in comparison.


    The net result of all changes is a buff, however the fact that some of the buffs included unnecessary changes and others included unnecessary nerfs means that we are moving from dead last to tied in dead last with Mercs. What is the point of a buff if the net result is that we are in the exact same position as we were before?

  8. So by your standards, there should be defined roles in Huttball? Should we queue up for it like in the GF for flashpoints where we pick our role and the match doesn't begin until a "team" is assembled? Wouldn't that be the logical thing to do given the huge advantage the leap ability grants?


    It would be ideal, but the playerbase is far too small to support most ideal designs now.

  9. No, again, you're mistaken. Maybe you should read up a bit more on the sport you're so sure your analogy applies to instead of making it all up. Offensive lineman can receive the ball several ways, not only can they report as an eligible receiver, ALL of them can receive a hand off as long as they are 1 yard behind the line of scrimmage AND facing their goal line, or if a pass is tipped or touched by any defensive player, they all become eligible.


    Another stupid thing about your analogy, no player has an innate advantage BECAUSE of their position, so your stupid running back comparison is just dumb.


    No matter the rules of football, Huttball is 100% slanted towards players with a leap. I speak from my own experience. Deny it if you like, but you're simply wrong. I've played WITH and WITHOUT it...there's NO denying I have a massive freaking advantage WITH it. None.


    Classes with a jump are innately better at scoring.

    Players with high running speeds are innately better at RB.


    Ergo, if classes with a jump should be prevented from using the jump in order to limit their ability to score, then a proper analogy is that players who can run very quickly should not be allowed to run fast in order to limit their ability to play RB better than a Punter can.


    It is not unfair that some classes perform innately better at certain functions. It is the exact same in the real world. Your team's kicker got that job because he is innately better at kicking than everyone else on the team.

  10. yeah this... its too difficult for players ... lol


    we wanna have the game based on skill like every1 said is gw2, now we need some skill to use sorcerer overload and ppl are crying...


    this is rly buff guys, but .... for skilled players, but dont forget there is some% rly skilled players, who can kite players and it was hard, so we did get better abilities


    on the other hand, when i play my juggy and some sorcerer without skill just jump on platform and kick all my team down thats OP...


    enjoy 1.4 i roy cannot wait till it come!




    Once again, Sorcerer/Sage is already the class that requires the MOST skill to play well. Requiring more skill in ANY FORM is insanely stupid.

  11. I'll list my requirements for Arena:


    1. Gear obtained must be of equal statistical value as gear obtained through Warzones.

    2. Teams are limited to 4 players (no 2/3/5/8 etc.).

    3. All teams must have one of each base class (i.e. an imperial team must have a Sorc/Assa, Mara/Jugg, IA/Sniper, and Merc/PT on the team. No team can have a Sorc and another Sorc or a Sorc and an Assassin.


    If these three rules are not followed it will be impossible to balance Arena which will lead to FOTM roulette.

  12. No, they are not listening. That much has been obvious since beta. Do the math. Under the current Resolve system, you can be stunlocked for 6 seconds. With this new system, you can be stunlocked for 8 seconds. Epic fail.




    It might not be so bad if they would nerf Expertise, increase TTK, or give Endurance buffs to PvP gear. As it stands now, anyone can be killed in the span of a stunlock.


    8 Seconds is the maximum amount of time you can currently be stunned (4 + 4).

    Under the new system hard stuns will still be limited to a max of 8 seconds.


    Mezz time will go up from 16 (8+8) to 17 (1+8+8) though.

    I haven't worked over the math for soft stuns yet.

  13. The only difference here is that the enemy is never treated to undue Resolve gains. Resolve gain always matches the amount of absolute control time. Two coordinated players can control a target as long as ever, but no longer than ever before.


    I'm going to have to (kind of) dispute that claim.


    The maximum time spent in mezzes is currently 16 seconds.


    The maximum time spent in mezzes will go up to 17 seconds as a result of this change.


    To get to 17 seconds, Team A does the following:

    1. Player 1 Uses Mezz - Target is mezzed for 8 seconds and receives 800 Resolve (100 per second)

    2. Wait 1 Second

    3. Player 2 Uses Mezz - Target is mezzed for 8 seconds, but 7 are wasted leaving total time in mezz at 9 seconds. Target receives 100 Resolve bringing total to 900 Resolve.

    4. Wait 8 Seconds

    5. Player 3 Uses Mezz - Target is mezzed for 8 seconds granting 800 Resolve, plus 400 bonus Resolve to the 900 Resolve for a total Resolve of 2100.


    Total time spent in Mezz is 1+8+8=17


    I should point out that this requires 3 players to pull off, instead of the 2 that normally are required to run a mezz chain. But the fact remains that the maximum time spent controlled will go up as a result.

  14. Sorcerer needed buffs, and got a few. However some of the buffs came with changes and nerfs attached which severely diminish the usefulness of the buff.


    I'd rate the overall change a net positive, but not enough to matter. Sorcerer will still be sc****** the bottom of the barrel.


    Also, the Overload change is a buff to skilled melee classes while simultaneously increasing the already ridiculously high skill cap on Sorcerers. 100% unmitigated stupidity on the part of Bioware with that one. I really doubt that the Overload change will go live as it is currently described in the blog post.

  15. Sorry, your lag argument is still bogus. The new version of the ability is going to be no worse affected by it than the old.


    As is the accusation that I'd sink to having a mara or a sent. Ad hominem attacks simply show that you know you lost the argument.


    Not an ad hominem. It is the only logical explanation. Your attempt to classify it as such is a straw man, however.


    There is absolutely no justification for the cone effect and as it will only benefit melee classes (who are in no need of assistance) then the only reason one would even consider defending such a ridiculous change is if they personally benefit from it.

  16. Does this lag that will stop people pointing in the right direction never mean they miss the split second to start casting an ability to knockback someone they see leaping?


    Or has it been announced that the new force wave/overload come with its own whole-wz lag to unfailingly cancel out the now-instant cast?


    I realise of course that lag (and more often, the fact it wasn't instant) never made anyone bounce an enemy into the wrong place (over the scoreline instead of into the pit, for instance) with the current overload/force wave. Ever.


    Lag argument is bogus.


    Right, because your SW/JK always lands directly on his target when he uses his jump... oh wait, that's a complete and total lie since it actually fails to work correctly on a pretty regular basis as a result of THAT TARGET NOT ACTUALLY BEING THERE. With JK/SW you at least get the benefit of the root being applied to your target. The new Overload will have no effect since it isn't applied to the target but to the area the game decides you are facing (not where you appear to be facing, or against who appears to be in the area you appear to be facing).


    The lag argument is not bogus, but nearly everything you have posted so far is. Please stop trying to give your Mara/Sent even more of an advantage than you already have against us poor lowly Sorc/Sages.

  17. LOL!!! That's the stupidest analogy I've ever read. In the NFL, EVERYONE can run, with or without the football, making it an even playing field. Has football devolved into a DPS race?! Of course not. It's competitive and execution means everything!!!


    You must not watch much Football or understand logical analogies. Do you know what happens when an offensive lineman is handed the football? The play is flagged dead since he is not eligible to carry the ball.


    Huttball is no different. Running backs run the ball, Receivers catch the ball, Quarterbacks throw the ball, Kickers kick the ball, Punters punt the ball, etc. Every player has a distinct role to fill. My analogy works perfectly since you are asking for the Running Back to not be allowed to use his running talents that are superior to the other players to run the football. Sorry Mr. RB, you ran too fast, so we are going to penalize you! LOL

  18. If we assume that they are going to retain the Resolve Value rules but simply ignore the Resolve that would have been added for overlapping Resolve Effect CCs then here is an example of a worst case scenario:


    Current Method:

    Enemy 1 stuns you for 4 seconds giving you 800 Resolve

    Wait 1 second

    Enemy 2 stuns you for 4 seconds, 3 of which are wasted.

    You now have Resolve immunity for 20 seconds (4 of which are lost during second stun).



    Add New:+800=1600

    Add Bonus:+400=2000

    Divide by Decay Rate:/100=20


    Total time spent stunned=5 seconds

    Total Immunity time=16 seconds


    New Method:

    Enemy 1 stuns you for 4 seconds giving you 800 Resolve

    Wait 1 second

    Enemy 2 stuns you for 4 seconds, 3 of which are wasted.

    You now have Resolve immunity for 11 seconds (4 of which are lost during second stun).



    Add New:+200=1000

    Add Bonus:+100=1100

    Divide by Decay Rate:/100=11


    Total time spent stunned=5 seconds

    Total Immunity time=7 seconds


    Now that I think about it, you could actually extend Mezzes to a max of 9 seconds using the same process and only wind up with 900 Resolve. Not a huge advantage of course, but it does theoretically extend the max mezz time from 16 seconds to 17.

  19. I sprint away from annihilation and rage marauders all the time. The only ravage I used the knock back for is the one I'm rooted by, carnage. Unless sprint is on CD and that's not going to be as common of a problem any more.


    Again though... I don't get it. This is an improvement from before for sorcs. Marauders had all of this before.... sorcs now have more.


    I honestly am just not understanding your point.


    It almost like you're saying that sorcs are worse off than before and I don't understand how a move that now knocks back a target further, only it has to be aimed... is worse? The gain sounds better than the loss to me... and that's just in regards to one move.... that doesn't even count the other buffs we got.


    I'm saying that the change to a frontal cone was unnecessary, and will serve to make it require even more skill than before to survive a Marauder. Since Sorcerers are the most difficult class to play well already, making them require more skill is 100% WRONG no matter how you justify it.


    The buffs are nice, but the nerf aspect is completely unwarranted.

  20. I don't see it that way... especially with my hybrid spec. Basically I have a force push after 1.4 that pushes multiple targets. And roots them on my spec, not only that.... but my force sprint is potentially on a 10 second CD if spec'd into. (All of these fall into my hybrid spec BTW, not to mention the stun on bubble pop). And maybe for me it's easier than it is for some, having a marauder as my main. But annihilation is easy... as soon as they leap... I sprint and slow. I rarely need the KB. Carnage is a different story and much tougher to counter.... but I hardly see my knock back pushing them even further back, and having a shorter CD on sprint being any more of a disadvantage than was already there. I see more tools, not less. If timed properly I see this being an even greater advantage over marauders just for the sake of example that you used. Of course... there are a few good marauders that counter well... but the other 90% of em fall to my lightning spam pre 1. 4. Personally... I love the changes.


    Counter leap with sprint, counter roots with overload and root them, slow and a bubble pop stun to top it off... ALL of which are on a shorter CD than a marauders ravage, leap and cloak. A properly used root on deadly throw is going to be one of a marauders few chances to get close to me... the way I see it anyways.


    Overload is used to counter Ravage, not roots. While it has a 20 sec CD, we can't use it off CD since Ravage is on a 30 sec or less (with talents) CD.


    Stun is used to counter UR.


    Also, if you are facing a Rage Mara (like me) then our sprint really means nothing since the Mara gets two 15 sec CD leaps.


    I should also point out that I post from the perspective of a Corruption Sorc, not Madness

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