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Everything posted by Sporticus

  1. Ironically, the RvR fighting in Warhammer is it's one redeeming quality and what has people still playing the game until someone figures out how to release an MMO with good open world PvP...
  2. I would imagine from whatever pure gathering skill goes with armstech. I get the new artifice recipes (lightsabers) from treasure hunting missions.
  3. Actually, if you are guarding a door in voidstar you DO get defender points now.
  4. So by your logic, when I topped every column other than deaths and heals and got no MVP votes, I should've changed my tactics and stopped doing anything for the team? Try to win without healers? How about you try to win just healing yourself...or without dps...or tanks.
  5. Hah, well the only other one that is pretty much permanently off my bars is Blitz...and it's not coming back.
  6. I actually read it in a guide somewhere in relation to the shield mechanics. Pretty sure I just misunderstood whatever it was I was reading and never looked back. That said, I hesitate to tell you how many fights I've lost where my oponent was below 10% health...
  7. Before you consider how big a noob I am, you should know that I'm about to hit valour rank 80. That should put things properly in perspective...
  8. I have been under the impression for quite some time that if you aren't using a shield offhand, then your reactive shield is basically worthless. If that isn't true then I'll save you all the time and call myself a noob!
  9. Go to Taugrim.com and look up the vanguard guides.
  10. Blitz is only useful against weak/standard enemies. Those enemies die so fast that it is not needed. Stealth scan is VERY useful in PVE boss fights that involve the boss vanishing and then randomly popping on someone, as the stealth scan is a good way to knock them out of stealth without spamming your aoe. The OP seems to pretty much list essential skills to the class as skills he doesn't think will fit his playstyle... maybe trooper isn't the way to go. I can't speak for commandoes, but a vanguard that doesn't use sticky grenade OR stockstrike is pretty much gimping himself to a ridiculous amount. I mostly PvP and other than blitz, which isn't on any of my bars, I rarely use explosive round unless I need a fast way to disrupt a crowded cap (not as much of an issue now that MV is instant). I also rarely use the skill that makes your next cast free (working on remembering to work it in though).
  11. If you are running an assault build, then as many have said, it is imperative that you get some damage ticking on him asap after he opens. Pop your crit/relic/adrenal, drop Assault Plastique and your dot. Depending on how hard he hits you when he opens, you have to decide whether or not to save your breaker. It is a very tough fight if they're a well geared dps OP and get the drop on you. I don't use reactive shield because I'm rocking the Eliminator offhand generator, so that option is out of the question for me. That said, if I can get any distance on them then my first rotation tends to hit them very hard (HIB and AP hitting in the same tick). Experienced Ops will likely still beat a full assault vanguard if they get the open, but less experienced ones will generally panic when they see 5-7k of their health disappear in one time stamp. As soon as I get the feeling they're on their heels a bit, I drop stealth scan at my feet and keep my fingers crossed. In your huttball, once you realized that the Operative was gunning for you, then you have to decide to either eat the deaths and continue to push into the fight, or alter your approach in anticipation of the next stealth attack.
  12. I have a scoundrel, albeit a lowbie. Still doesn't mean there is going to be much ganking for me in Open world.
  13. This part made me chuckle. You should be more specific about which AC you are referring to. Vanguards/Powertechs CAN hit very hard but have to trade off almost all of their survivability. Defensive CD's? The trooper shield is next to useless in PvP, which leaves 2 stuns for defensive measures (vanguard/PT). I hit pretty damn hard on my dps vanguard but I am my own defensive skill in how I move. Generally speaking as a Vanguard/PT there are only 2 ways any fight you enter ends...you or your enemy dead. There is no escape.
  14. Can I have your stuff? Also, most of us PvPers would kill to have a server active enough to have ganking in open world PvP. All I get to do is Warzones, and you can't gank in Warzones.
  15. OP, you'll have to be more specific in your complaints as to what was or wasn't happening that you think 'might' have been griefing. Considering the minimal disruption caused by getting infected, it is hard to believe anyone would classify a bunch of people camping on the fleet waiting to blow up as griefing. Add to that the fact that the syrum was easily attainable AND had a 6 hour duration (I think?) and your argument for griefing becomes even weaker. Hopefully, BW doesn't classify ANY of these very minor events as griefing. This game is already 100% geared towards casuals and has enough carebear aspects. That isn't so much a complaint from me as it is an observation, by the way. I don't like carebear games all that much, but am mature enough to adapt and deal. On Shadowtown last night we had 8-12 imps all ungrouped with their companions out camping the event vendor and preventing any of us Republics from making last minute purchases. Would that be griefing in your book? For us it was just a nice opportunity to gruop up and have a big fight followed by us camping THEM at the vendor and causing their lowbies a comparable amount of distress. This was on a PvP server though, so you have to click 'yes' to the disclaimer about getting exploded while you quest.
  16. So I didn't have time to read the entire thread, forgive me if I reiterate something. While I partially agree with the OP, there is also a flaw in his logic. When you're truly trying to talk about balance and OP/UP classes, the argument that whoever has cooldowns up will likely win isn't really an effective point. If you want to talk about balance, talk about what happens when two classes meet on a level playing field (i.e. same gear level and all cooldowns). Knights and Warriors ARE overpowered now. That doesn't make them impossible to beat, but being beatable doesn't make you any less strong a class. That said, I'm holding my own by using pretty much every trick I can think of so I'm not QQing or asking for a nerf, but this argument is similar to another thread where someone said tanks were overpowered because they can run tank spec with dps gear and put up great numbers if they have a pocket healer... my big toe could put up great numbers with a pocket healer and could also beat you in any class match-up if I have all my cooldowns and you have none. Players definitely can make the difference, but at the same time it's only fair to point out that there ARE overpowered classes/specs at the moment (which is why you see so many of them popping up). It is just hard to tell the good from the bad with certain combos. Good dps sorc/sages are the hardest for me to spot honestly, because you can't look at the one sorc who was free-casting for an entire round and assume his damage numbers mean anything about his skill as a player (however that can apply to any class that is allowed to dps unchecked).
  17. The difference is that tank spec assassins don't necessarily need a pocket healer. Saying 'xyz class' can put up good numbers in a stalemate with a pocket healer is a pretty weak argument for your point. Any class can put up good numbers with a pocket healer. If you want to see how strong they really are, see how their numbers stack up while they're being focused and have no heals. I put up great numbers on my vanguard in a retarded pve full tank spec just because I had someone keeping me alive so my damage added up over time. In my dps spec, I also put up great numbers but as soon as someone from the other team realizes the pug healers are ignoring me, I go down like the head cheerleader.
  18. PvP is pretty much the low man on the totem pole as far as priorities go in this game. The lackluster (that's being generous) way Open World PvP was implemented from game one should have served as proof that Bioware really only threw PvP in to lure players from that niche to their game for a short while. That said, this patch has been released for less than 72 hours. If everyone would just play and experiment for at least a week before posting, the QQ would be much less. Things changed, they always do. If your toon can't do things that it used to be able to do, maybe try looking for what you can do now that you couldn't before.
  19. 1. Implement valour/com rewards for open PvP kills on any PvP planet. 2. Add some actual PvP objectives on said PvP planets. 3. Implement limitations similar to Warhammer moderating the amount of valour rewarded for kills based on level difference (i.e. no reward for killing someone 5 or more levels below you). 4. Voila, fun open world PvP with necessary incentives to entice players to participate.
  20. Because the game isn't balanced around Huttball...
  21. He's saying that he expects to not hit nearly as hard once he enters the 50 bracket...
  22. 1.2 is making Marauders and Sentinels even more powerful...(according to my Sent buddy). As for perception, Marauders/Sents ARE pretty OP on a 1v1 basis. That's simply not perception, it's truth. In a group setting, they just fill their role well, but they are one of the few classes able to wade into a group (assuming cd's are all up) and take someone with them.
  23. /end thread. With all the tools in this game, it takes just a miniscule amount of thought to find skills that are applicable to the problem. Nothing is going to make killing the tank/healer 'easy' but it's not nearly as impossible as you may think, barring the commando/merc uninteruptable bubble. Well placed AOE, interupts, and stuns will negate alot of the outgoing heals, and sometimes (gasp) you actually are going to lose.
  24. Just watched most of the first vid, good stuff. I died a little inside when the powertech tried to duke it out with you at range though.
  25. Sporticus

    Name calling?

    Ok, I reread and what you are saying is that if a valour 20 is, say 8k/9k to 21 and a valour 70 is 1k/60k (made up numers) then the 20 will get Ops leader because of the total valour earned between levels is higher. Am I now cooking with grease? (Took another cup of coffee for me to catch up).
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