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  1. Ahhh, I gotcha. I misread your comment about the tank set, and didn't realize you meant to put it on Treek haha! Guess I'll have to play around with both Assault and Tactics then, and see which one fits me more. I remember liking Assault a lot more.
  2. Which one would you say is the "best" for just going through Dailies quickly and efficiently? What is the general nature of the dailies, large mobs to cluster up and then nuke, strong targets to DPS down, etc? Or are all the builds now all pretty balanced when it comes to running Dailies? I'm definitely still planning on getting a tank set, as I used to tank, and I want to get back into it eventually. So if I go back to a tank, build and take Treek along as a DPS companion, I can finish Dailies quickly? Sorry for all the questions haphazardly slapped back together. It's like I was frozen in time, then woke up in a future where everything is almost the same, but not quite!
  3. Hey all! I've been away from this game for pretty much 2 years now, and a lot has changed in that time period, so forgive me if I have any wrong assumptions here. Basically, I'm planning on running my level 50 Vanguard (full Rakata gear), on the Dailies to start making credits (and level up to 55, I think), and to get back into the swing of things. I was wondering what's the "best" (as subjective as that may be) build for clearing the dailies quickly, easily, and efficiently? Tank, Tactics, Assault, Hybrid? Thanks!
  4. Excellent guide, learned a lot about guardian tanking reading through it. You really covered almost every aspect of tanking! However, in your rotation section, you listed Overhead Slash as part of the tanking rotations, which is a skill on the DPS tree. Is this on purpose, or is the wrong skill listed? I know Overhead Slash exists in some tanking hybrid trees.
  5. Names: Bakon, Leesin Server: Death Wind Corridor Looking for the Chest piece, if you have it, I'll be willing to pay.
  6. Wow, really liked your video. I'm jealous of your damage output. I think I'm going to have to go full Assault now, no more playing around with Parakeets and knives! Do you ever use Plasma Cell, or is the extra armor from Ion Cell just too good to pass up? Also, what pvp gear set are you going to be working towards? The Eliminator will be the one to get as Assault, correct?
  7. I've been thinking about going into this build for a while now, but I'm trying to figure out how this build would be better than the Parakeet. How would you say this build stacks up against the Carolina Parakeet? The Parakeet build offers a ranged DoT (handy for objective modes), and the ability to apply multiple HIBs one right after another. Would you say the utility offered by going down the Tactics tree offers more benefits?
  8. Woah, what armor and helmet are you wearing?
  9. Wow, my little thread's become a sticky?! Holy cow! Well, I'm going to have to take some time out of my day and get this baby updated!
  10. Oh wow, so THAT'S the gun the Voss commandos were using! I'll update the frontpage sometime soon, folks. Busy with college recently ;D
  11. God, no wonder. Don't inquisitors do elemental damage too with their lightning? That would explain everything if it pierces through both my armor AND shield. And I guess during that match I was taking ridiculous amounts of damage because everyone was focus firing me, now that I think of it. I was the highest leveled person on my team at 49, the second highest being around 30. Guess they just be hatin'.
  12. Hey fellow troopers, Been starting to play more PvP recently (I'm currently level 49, shield tree and assault tree hybrid), and I've noticed a big problem: my character dies extremely quickly, usually to inquisitors of both kind, while unable to push out any meaningful damage in return. I recall one moment where a Sith Assassin was attacking me from the front and I somehow took 4900 damage (I think, that's what the big negative number above my head said), even with my Reactive Shield up, thus exploding. Does it get better after you get a full set of pvp gear with expertise? Should I be stacking shield absorption, shield chance, and armor rating? I've been mainly increasing my crit in order to push out any form of meaningful damage, since before that I was mainly defense specced but unable to do anything other than tickle lower leveled players, but perhaps I should be going on the defensive, so to speak? Any help would be appreciated.
  13. Bought 2 of the rifles on Voss. They're color swaps of each other, and one of them appears to be for the Imperial Agent. However, the Imperial Agent version sounds MUCH better when firing then the Trooper variant. E-313 Power Interceptor S-400 Stealth Saboteur (this one sounds better IMO)
  14. Yeah, pretty much. When I found out Vik was a Demoman but ran around with a sword I was disappointed. Thought he'd have a 6-barreled grenade launcher, TNT, and all that jazz, with matching abilities. Instead he's just "big thug guy". Sad Jorgan doesn't use snipers, would have been more interesting that way too.
  15. Anyone got a screenshot of a E-313 Power Interceptor? I know it should probably look like a S-400 Stealth Saboteur, but with a different color scheme. Was wondering what the color scheme actually looks like when equipped. Also, bought 2 PvP rifles to see what they looked like, enjoy! P-7 Military Enforcer H-411 Battle Saboteur
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