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Everything posted by Sporticus

  1. Best or just most abundant? Or do they mean the same thing to you?
  2. He be Trollin! Aaarrgh. Seriously, he even says it's a ganking video. Look it up. Killing lowbies with a healing companion out IS ganking 101 in SWTOR. How can you people really come here and act like you are surprised or outraged that he has ganking in his ganking video?
  3. I'd say you are doing everything right. As a tank and dps, I can tell you that the worst dps to have in a group is one that either doesn't understand or doesn't care about managing his threat and thinks that it is the tank's sole job to keep aggro and the healer's sole job to keep him alive. Another suggestion that I haven't seen here is to have yourself guarded. I know traditional theory suggests that the healer should always be guarded, and I don't really know how high heal threat is in this game, but I do know that guard lowers the guarded player's threat generation.
  4. If this is the case, and you are actually forming a premade to combat a premade, how do you reason that you will suddenly be stomping pugs? The fun in a premade is playing with friends for most of us, not curb stomping randoms. If your server is anything like mine, everyone knows when certain premades are out. What's stopping you from forming up some sort of group to make the matches fun and competitive and then disbanding once it seems that the premade you were facing has stopped que'ing? I solo que and group que with mostly whoever is on from my guild if they ask. Both can be fun, but rather than asking a premade to stop playing, I cater my style of play to their presence on the battlfield.
  5. You 'can' tank PvE in supercommando armor IF you spec into full retard tanking. This applies to hardmode flashpoints and story mode Ops, but I think you'd have a serious problem tanking a HM or NM mode Op. You'll just have to cater your PvP style to a full tanking build. I was running the Iron Fist build for awhile with Combat Tech armor and found tanking the occassional HM flashpoint wasn't much of an issue.
  6. My guild does the same. We had 6 in the same warzone, 4 of whom were in mostly recruit. It wasn't pretty.
  7. Sporticus

    We need PK,s

    I think you missed my point, and maybe I was too vague about it. The simple problem is that, while you 'can' find OWPVP, both at 50 and while levelling, it is MUCH more fun if there are people out hunting you while you are out hunting them. Incentives would add risk (if you can call it that) that isn't there when you are hunting people who are not expecting to be engaged. Is it their fault for rolling on a PVP server and being unprepared? In the first month or two of the game I would've said yes, but I hold Bioware responsible for the sad state of world PvP we have now and think it would be unreasonable to expect someone out on a PvP planet to not have become at least a little complacent. All incentives would do would be stimulate the OWPVP environment a little so there was some added challenge. Having come from Warhammer, where all we did was PvP in the RvR lakes, I crave unpredictable PvP and have pretty much given up finding it in SWTOR.
  8. I always find this sentiment amusing because it is based 100% on emotion and perception and 0% on any quantifiable fact.
  9. Sporticus

    We need PK,s

    Adding incentive would get those of us who enjoy OWPVP a more target rich environment. It's all well and good that you don't 'need' incentive, but the unfortunate truth is that most people in MMO's 'need' incentive to take 2 steps ingame. Going to Illum or Corellia and finding someone to gank isn't hardcore, though finding someone to gank on either planet may definitely be hard on most servers.
  10. I have much less issues as a full Assault Vanguard fighting snipers than I do fighting Marauders/Sents. I find the key (for me) is to get them out of cover and near me asap. Once I get AP and maybe IR on them, then grapple/cryo is close behind. For the good ones, I'll grapple them as soon as I see them if they aren't in cover. Marauders with their cooldowns eat me alive. I have yet to figure out a good way to kite them, as I am permanently snared when I face them and eat too much damage if I try to reserve my CC for their immunity bubble.
  11. Once you gear them out, MX or Tanno both tank pretty well actually. I generally went with Dorne if I had a 'hard' fight and did find that I had to help her out by kiting etc but it went pretty well. At 50 and in full dps mode, I generally have Yuun with me doing dailies and switch to Elara for solo'ing heroics. Between us, Yuun and I plow through pretty much everything unless I get careless with my aoe pulls.
  12. Or, you could say that the other racer has better gear because he's been racing at this level for longer and his sponsors give him support through his gear. So, every time he wins he gets more money for gear. Fortunately, your sponsors aren't going to just dump you because he beats you, they just don't pay you quite as much. However the quality of the gear available to each of you is the same and is capped, so eventually there will be nothing he can do to stop you from having equal gear to his.
  13. I see your point, but as the poster above me stated, BM gear is ridiculously easy to obtain now compared to pre 1.2. As such, BW IS listening and trying to find that precarious perch between 'giving away' gear and making it an impossible grind. The problem with the OP is, while I understand and identify with his frustration, he is effectively coming across as Chicken Little by complaining about a problem that, frankly, is not nearly as catastrophic as he perceives it to be. While 'start winning' isn't exactly a brilliant response to the OP, it is pretty much just as well thought out as his original complaint. The amount of time it takes to get into BM gear (or augmented crafted BM gear) is ridiculously short in MMO terms and the difference between BM and WL gear, while noticeable, is not anywhere close to game breaking. Even if you are losing repeatedly (which sucks and has happened to everyone at some point whether they admit it or not), commendation gains are good and it is very easy to hit that 8 medal benchmark. I think I share the sentiment with many that IF the OP were given all the gear that he is convinced is the key to closing the gap between himself and his tormenters, that he will be dismayed to discover that his W:L ratio is likely to not change significantly. In regards to your population issues. Win or lose, the problem there is the number of pops. Out of your two warzones, I doubt the winners benefited much more than the losers.
  14. Your complaint is pretty much completely unrelated to the OP's complaint, and is IMHO much more valid. My question is, will a warzone pop 6v8 or is it 6v8 because 2 people hit 'leave que' when they got the pop? If it will only pop if 8 people for each team are in que, then what would be a viable solution to players who drop out? Food for another thread.
  15. Sporticus

    We need PK,s

    Throwing in the kind of PK incentive (looting gear) that is being discussed here would only enhance the game for a VERY small percentage of the player base. SWTOR is and always has been aimed more at attracting and keeping casual players over 'hardcore' ones. I think this is largely because the creaters realized that, if for no other reason, just being a Star Wars themed game would pull a large amount of players wanting to 'check it out' similar to the pull that LOTRO had for Tolkein fans. I personally would love to see some incentives for Open World PvP on PvP servers, but I don't know that promoting PK's by making your gear 'lootable' would be an intelligent design for sustained game life with the SWTOR general community.
  16. Shockstrike animation > Rocket Punch imho. I much prefer bashing the stock of my rifle into some dude's skull to looking like a Street Fighter reject throwing a falcon punch.
  17. I PvP more than pretty much anything else...and I'll stay.
  18. Ask yourself this, how much Open World PvP have you seen since they first made warzones count towards the Illum daily/weekly and then removed said quests altogether? I'll answer for you, little and then even less. Now ask yourself this, why? I'll answer that too. Because first, the only place you could get rewarded for Open World PvP was Illum and then even that was removed. So, lack of incentive effectively removed 99.9% of the Open World PvP from the game. Third question, what do you think will happen if they listen to your QQ and not only REMOVE the incentive to PvP, but REVERSE it? This one I'll let intelligent folks answer for themselves. Also, before you jump in asking me if I worked for my gear blah blah blah, I'll tell you that yes I did (as much as anything in this game can be called work). I solo que'd a ridiculous amount until recently and am pretty much the only DPS vanguard (read : high dps, low survivability) on a med-low pop server where the Imps outnumber us AND have 3-4 common geared out premades. My DPS and squishiness combined with my lack of heal support usually made me a very popular target. I hit valor 60 a month and a half before 1.2 came out (maybe more), didn't get full battlemaster until I hit 75 about a week after 1.2, AND suffered through BW's horridly lazy programming that nerfed my modded BM gear expertise (I actually repurchased 3 pieces of BM gear to get my expertise back in line). Thus far in warzones, the only people who I decimate completely are the ones who refuse to even purchase recruit gear, though recruit won't buy you much more time. The fact is recruit gear is not a bad 'buffer' for you to use for the relatively short time until you hit 50 and have BM gear given to you practically for free.
  19. So, in BF3 for example, if a squad has a couple of medpacks and ammo down at their location and therefore don't die when you nade them, are they 'exploiting' a group mechanic?
  20. I hear you here, I have little to no PvE gear myself. However, you could buy a set of recruit gear and play a night in warzones with that just to see how you do. I think mirroring Warhammer's RvR lakes on the PvP planets would've gone a long way to holding interest in the game for people who wanted varied and fun PvP.
  21. Pretty sure you can spec into a runbuff on your Powertech. Look near the top of your middle tree (assuming the trees mirror the vanguard trees). Beyond that, Sith Inquisitor classes and Jedi Consular classes.
  22. I understood just fine. Frankly you are the one who sounds like his ego is in danger of getting wounded. You even said in your OP that you kept facing undergeared folks trying to break into PvP, and nothing about them being good or bad. My point was that your kindergarten tactic should be insanely easy for the average person to spot. More likely they're getting the steamroll out of the early so you guys move on and they have a chance at facing someone with a similar gear level. Note, I am NOT calling you bad or anything of the sort, but anyone who spends more than a day in the 50 bracket warzones knows that skill is not the major contributor to the outcome of a warzone. Maybe try getting your buddies to purchase recruit gear and run every 3rd warzone in that instead of your usual set-up. Now THAT I can see being entertaining as a player. Blowout warzones are boring (to me) from either side of the fence.
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