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Everything posted by Timadan

  1. Timadan

    Anger on hoth

    Face it op some people just get big stiff ***** from ganking people 10 levels lower than them.
  2. The whole resolve system is just one more of the many reasons there are empty servers. Broken game is broken.
  3. Damn I'm running out of popcorn!
  4. You are not supposed to beat them, you are supposed to feed them so they feel all leet like. Then they can come on the forums and give the ole l2p noob post.
  5. well it occurs to me that your pro players were trolled by someone, they fell for it hook line and sinker. I find it hilarious. As been mentioned multiple times a gm would not use /say, and they also always have a + or some similar marker in front of their names.
  6. Lifetime founding member of LOTRO, I got my money's worth and then some from that game. Swtor, I mostly feel like I bought a lemon. Certainly do not feel as though it was money well spent.
  7. It's actually a stupid mechanic. As if you can reach your keyboard from your front yard. Broken game is broken
  8. Meh Bottom line.........people working for you are not getting the job done, you leave them at the dock the next time you are in port.
  9. Well I'm sorry you cannot see the correlation between people leaving and pvp being what it is. Whether it's the lack of rated war zones, or the extremely short ttk, people are leaving because they are not having fun. If people were enjoying the pvp in the game there would be no population issues.
  10. Yes well currently it's difficult to align two teams of 8 up against each other on the majority of servers the majority of the time. So I think BW's alignment is a bit off.
  11. Come on now the numbers are not faked, they just word things like this to shed positive light. They said they have 1.3 million active subs. I'm sure they did at the time it was in the middle of giving everyone a free month on their sub. I wonder what the metrics say for people actually logging in and playing the game? Because looking at the server lists and seeing only light for the most part tells me that there is no where near 1.3 million people playing this game.
  12. 1.3 million subs in no way indicates that there are 1.3 million people playing the game. I'm not sure the exact number of servers there are and am not going to count them. It's somewhere between 2 and 3 hundred though. If it's 300 that would mean that there are 4333 odd players on each server average. Does anyone really think there are those kinds of numbers playing this game now?
  13. Actually it was 1.3 million subs at the end March, not how many people were playing. It's fair to note as you did below that this included a lot of accounts that were given free time. I loved the game at release so much so that I paid for a six month sub to it. I haven't done anything in the game for over 2 weeks and canceled my sub before 1.2 even went live. I'd bet money though that since I still have game time left BW is counting my account as an active account.
  14. The majority of the players opposed to the op's idea are the ones that get a woody when they destroy a fresh 50 in 4gcds. "I paid my dues you must pay yours now' is an archaic idea that has no place in something people do for entertainment. But then again there's people who use the word 'work' associated with playing a game as well so it doesn't surprise me.
  15. Face it TTK is fkn whacked in this game. It's stupid plain and simple.
  16. Wait in one sentence you say the problem is the player is 2 Tiers of gear lower. Then in the next you say the problem is not the game it's the player. You funny!
  17. This is the correct scenario where this would happen. None of the other explanations are even close to correct. Pre-mades get pitted against all solo ques all the time. This game needs server merges and x server ques and it needed them yesterday.
  18. Best post in the thread!
  19. There are two words that tell the masses why this game will always be hackable and never what it could have been. Hero Engine!
  20. The only thing that will even begin to fix pvp in this game is x server ques, in which pre made groups compete against pre made groups and solo quers compete against other solo quers. As it stands if you are on a low or medium pop server no matter which faction chances are very good that you will be facing at least one pre made on the other side. This is not a bad thing in and of itself after all it's an mmo and such encourages grouping. However always being able to put together a good pre made is not possible, there are times when people que alone, the experience for them can sometimes be very frustrating. Couple that with such a short TTK brought on by the expertise changes, the boring repetition of playing the same 4 maps over and over again, and the lack of any real open world raid on raid pvp action and the pvp in this game may well be some of the worst of any developed. I came from LOTRO, with a dozen other pvp orientated players, of the original 12, 2 of us remain. The rest are chilling in various other genres waiting for GW2 and hoping that it doesn't suck as bad as this game does.
  21. I honestly think you are serious here, other than the expertise the recruit set and champion set is utter garbage. A fresh 50 enters their first war zone with around 13k health, and might as well be swinging a plastic bat for all the more damage they can do. Where as with only 2 pieces of WH and the main hand the rest all battle master I sit at over 17 k on a scound.
  22. This is not necessarily true, all that needs to be done is top tier pvp gear needs to equal top tier pve gear. This allows the player to chose the path they wish to take to acquire their end game gear set. This also doesn't restrict a pvp player from pve content in the pvp gear nor is the pve player restricted from pvp because they don't want to go through the horror that is gearing up in pvp. All that aside the more focused pve players will not be as effective in pvp and vice a versa. Also I might add that right now a raider freshly entering pvp is being steam rolled by the pvpers. But I suppose you find that fine?
  23. Seems some people have a tough time with dates around this place. lol Props to the poster that brought this thread back up, was good for a chuckle reading fresh responses to 4 month old moans.
  24. It doesn't have to have the original mods in it either. If you have the item in the vault from pre 1.2 remodded you can trade that. The only restriction is that it has to be the same item ex battlemaster enforcers jacket for WH enforcer jacket. Can not trade Enforcer for Medic or Tech
  25. This is called deflection, goes back to the nutshell thing.
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