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Everything posted by Timadan

  1. You are carrying a ball, the only skill that should be available to you is 'pass huttball'.
  2. Actually there is some difference between the op/scoundrel this, The ops opener roots you in place so the op can continue to attack without further movement, the scound opener (shoot first) knocks the target on it's face slightly ahead of the scound, this requires a step forward to continue the attack. Also I think though I'm not positive, so take it for what it's worth, acid blade is a faster animation than load fletchette round. While not horribly imbalanced it does give the operative a slight advantage. Both tend to run out of energy before the killing blow can be delivered unless they use the energy gain cool down. On my scound I hunt healers in wz's, while I can not always take them out I can sure put enough pressure on them to stop them from healing while my team does work.
  3. We have some pretty epic battles on our server as well. Tuesday night was 2+ ops v 2+ops, great fun.
  4. Not positive but pretty sure objective points on this map come from controlling the middle. I get a good number of them on my scoundrel and I spend most of those matches trying to keep the enemy out of the middle so they don't get a quick pick up.
  5. Happened two matches in a row tonight, both times the predominate premade in the opposing op were from the same guild. Once we played 8 v 11 and the second match we played 8 v 10 we held our own but lost such is life. Since bioware knows it's an exploit by their own admission why don't they take action against 'exploiters'? I understand they don't want to lose subs but how many subs have they lost because of people who just don't want to endure the frustration? Same with the / exploit on Ilum, we see it all the time on our server, it's an exploit. Ban a few exploiters and others will think twice before taking advantage of an exploit. Doing nothing is like saying go ahead and cheat we don't care, nor hold you to any form of standard in the game.
  6. Is that they start with uneven teams. Why even start a match when one of the teams only has 5 players? Horrible design flaw right there.
  7. ^ This, then take the control point.
  8. It's a matter of interrupting the right skill, and not just interrupting. Leveling the game taught me that certain skills need to be interrupted while using the interrupt on other skills effectively wasting it.
  9. It's a good thing those who were around you when you broke into the bracket didn't feel the same way eh.
  10. If you are not playing the game to have fun, then perhaps you should re evaluate why you are playing in the first place. It always amazes me that some people use the word 'work' in association with a video game.
  11. Reading comprehension isn't so good here huh. I agree with the op mitigation and the way it's 'balanced' <sic> needs to be addressed.
  12. Ya'll are going to make me late for dinner and the wife isn't going to be happy. So here's the link and I'm out. http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/rulesofconduct
  13. Probably yes it could be considered disruption not positive though as the other team can stop the farm if they work together. I've been on both ends of that before and had some epic battles in the process.
  14. No I just took a piece of it from their faq section here's the whole section in the TOS agreement Harassment Policy Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players. Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported. Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed. A judgment of valid harassment can result in penalties placed on the harassing party up to and including immediate account closure, based on the severity of harassment and the player's past account history. Player versus Player (“PvP”) activities, where available, are not exempt from this policy. look at the second sentence and the last sentence closely Again this is just my opinion and interpretation. I'll have to dig further after I get back from dinner, but I believe there is also a clause somewhere that I noticed that dealt with using the system to get inappropriate in game gain.
  15. I would imagine that it would fall under this part of the eula/tos Zone Disruption This refers to disrupting locations within the game so that it inhibits the play of or provides a level of disruption to other players. This can include excessive disruption of player sponsored events or gatherings, excessive use of sounds or visuals, blocking areas of the game, pulling creatures over and over so no one else may kill them, and killing specific vendors, key creatures or quest givers for no reason other than to cause disruption or ‘grief’ to others. Not participating in a war zone is imo zone disruption.
  16. Several have it right on here, the most successful huttball teams don't hang on to the ball and stroll along while a healer heals them. The fastest way to get that ball to the other side is passing. Why walk around an obstacle when you can just toss the ball over it. As for knock backs while you are on the rafters, a couple of good guardians or their counter part can clear the way for a ball carrier by leaping ahead and pushing the enemy off the rafter, should said enemy be able to grapple and gets the ball carrier just pass it back up to the guardian. Huttball is probably the most exciting map or the three, unless you are on a team that has no idea how to play the map
  17. The fix for Tracer is already in the game, it's called an interrupt skill.
  18. Truth except for the 8 part, I've been in plenty of 6 v 8. Hopefully at some point the matchmaking system will revolve around Valor.
  19. Hey if it makes people feel like their 4 inch pecker just tripled in size more power to them. Although you'll have a tough time convincing your girlfriend it's true.
  20. They are also available from the social vendor (I think) on fleet.
  21. ouch someone has a mouthful of foot
  22. I saw most of these changes coming. It's why I've been acquiring both sets of gear for my scoundrel, time to start healing.
  23. I've seen Sawbones, and their Imp counterpart heal between 3 and 5 hundred k in a war zone.
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