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Everything posted by Timadan

  1. not true, just came out of one where us nor our opponents blew the door past the first bridge, we did get a bomb planted they did not. Medal wise the board was pretty evenly split no true domination, yet we lost. 12 medals I received 38 commendations. Yep 38 commendations for a draw
  2. Honestly they passed the point of that happening with me a long time ago. I screwed up and paid 6 months in advance, so I have a good amount of game time left. Beyond that they won't get any more of my money.
  3. The majority of the people who think this new system is alright are the ones dominating the war zones. My main is full BM gear and does alright I win far more than I lose, I get my medals and my commendations. I will be able to continue to progress. However the disparity now is by far worse than it was pre 1.2. The recruit gear is fine if you are rolling in a strong a pre made with 3 other geared players. Que up solo in it and end up with a 2 or 3 other recruit geared people that qued up solo and chances are you are going to spend 10 minutes being frustrated and get absolutely nothing for it. Not even a sharp kick in the balls. Well done Bio Ware instead of enabling access to 'enjoyable' pvp for all, you've turned it into a lose/lose for the average player.
  4. Good healers are still good, crappy healers don't stand a rat's chance in the cat ladies house now. This is how it should be imo. Commando/Merc healer changes are about the only thing BW got right in 1.2
  5. Timadan


    The only people defending the class are the people that couldn't play it worth a **** pre 1.2. Now they think it's their skill that is allowing them to melt people. Same thing happened with ops/scounds pre the first 2 nerfs, the ones that said the class wasn't op were the ones that couldn't play it worth a ****.
  6. This, it's hard to actually break even on the consumables now. 9 minute wz using the med pac on it's cool down is 6 med pacs or 120 commendations. Sad state of affairs really.
  7. even winning you barely make enough commendations to pay for the med pacs used during the battle 1 medpac costs 20 wz coms. If match lasts 9 minutes you will potentially use 6 med pacs or 120 commendations worth. How many of you have gotten 120 commendations in 1 wz today? They broke it, hope like hell they are working on a hotfix
  8. It's borked, I've been fairly patient with BW thinking that they will get it right or at least close to right. They went backwards with this update as far as pvp goes. FFS you can barely earn enough medals to pay for the medpacs you use in one wz. That's if you can even hit the hotkey for them before you melt. Couple that with being able to destroy opponents in 3 or 4 GCDs. It's stupid BW, hate to say it but you guys dropped the ball big time with this one. ./sigh
  9. It certainly wasn't promised, truth is until the patch notes are posted for the live servers nothing is promised. I would rather they waited until the system is functioning properly than to release it with serious flaws. If people renewed their subs for something that was in the 'test server' patch notes they have no one to blame but themselves for jumping the gun. Positive side is, sure is making for some interesting 'waaa waaaa mommy they promised me pizza for school lunch and gave me soy burger instead' reading though.
  10. I am going to spend an hour or so today putting all the original mods back in my gear. Hope that answers your question
  11. It will never lessen as long as people decide to come into a lvl 50 war zone with level 40 gear. Case in point is the juggernaut that was guarding the left turret yesterday with 11k health. Sorry you did not get out of the stun, gear up.
  12. This, but please do everyone a favor and don't team up with 3 other fresh 50's and if you do please don't cry about losing all the time. I see this so many times it hurts, 4 under geared players in a pre-made. Our guild helps fresh 50's out by getting them in a pre made with 3 other well geared players.
  13. This with the addition of they will wipe the ratings slate clean when season one starts~
  14. Add ons, meters, etc all dumb down content. The content in this game is not all that challenging now please don't ezmode the game further!
  15. This is not correct the stun that fills the bar will not be broken by the full bar, you either have to skill out of it or have someone damage you out of it. For example I hit you with tranq dart your resolve bar fills but you are still very much stunned. If I dirty kick you with your bar almost full it will fill your bar and you will be stunned. Those is the facts plain and simple take it for what it's worth, or be an idiot
  16. The stun that filled the bar does not just go away when the bar is full. You sir are an idiot. Once the resolve bar is full you can break the stun with a longish cool down skill for 10 seconds of immunity. Once empty you are fair game again and chances are good that your break is on cool down. I like the resolve system better than dr systems, however I would like to see it tweaked to offer longer immunity after becoming full or cool downs drastically reduced on the break skill.
  17. Please don't remove the giggle/laugh. Please.
  18. Meh, I'm going to just roll heals on mine for awhile and see how it all pans out in the end. People *****ed about the first two nerfs but the truth is as it stands right now scrapper is still paper to many rocks and scissors to many papers. Most poor players get eaten alive by them and most good players get away, unless of course the GS on the ledge sees what's going down. If this patch goes live as it is who knows for sure what the outcome will be. I'm willing to bet though the ones that excel at the class now will overcome the nerfs and still excel.
  19. Shii-Choo has a good player base and a great community on the republic side. I don't play empire side but I think that side of the server is probably a great community as well. I base this on the joking that goes on in the wz's between factions. Also the faction balance is fairly even on the server as well.
  20. Resolve works for me as well. The only thing I would like to see as far as stuns are concerned is the cool down reduced on the get free skill. Roots and snares able to work through resolve is fine as well, you can still use skills just not movement. A bit rough on pure melee classes but hey throw that saber
  21. In a battle for a node with a good healer in the group op/scound is going to wreck people. Stealth is required for the opener after that all that's required is either positional or the proc.
  22. If it goes white when you are stunned you won't get immunity until that stun wears off. So there are times when you are stunned with a full white resolve bar. I was in the resolve sucks and is broken crowd until I took the time to actually pay attention to how it works. By works I mean x stun grants y resolve etc. The key is to weather the initial stun, use an absorb type skill before the second stun comes in, when the bar is full and it benefits the play around you or means you get the upper hand in your 1v1 use the cc breaker and proceed. To many people just hit their cc breaker at the first cc, be it a short stun, slow or root. They then leave themselves wide open to abused while stunned.
  23. Plus Rep to you, it's a social game, play it to be social
  24. And here ladies and gentle beings we have yet another my dick is bigger than your dick thread.
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