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Everything posted by TheRandomWolf

  1. They're not even brown anymore... Whenever she's in an area with a nice amount of light, the eyes show this weird orange tint instead of the brown one she once had. I don't mind this as an extra color, but I miss the old one... just the color. Keep the texture, I just want the idea that her eyes were dark.
  2. This image shows it in higher detail: https://i.imgur.com/Fpbv5nT.png
  3. TheRandomWolf


    Time to move on, I guess. They've had three attempts to put the eyes the right away, and every single one of them flopped. Is BioWare run by monkeys these days?
  4. Whatever floats your boat, mate. Still doesn't make sense how you can enjoy a misconception that went against the original product to begin with. if you find amusing to see most characters looking like aberrations, including Sith characters with weird-like sunlight eyes, that's your problem. All I want is one issue to be fixed, but even BioWare went against their own word.
  5. You can keep on twisting my words all you like. All I want is to have my character back. I'm tired of looking at her with these orangey/pink-ish eyes instead of the dark brown she's been using for years. And I'm tired of explaining the basic logic behind what I've been stating so far.
  6. Are you serious? How can you want Hazel eyes back? They weren't a thing a month ago! Is it so hard for you to understand that a basic color, DARK BROWN, is GONE? It's your fault for enjoying a glitch, an error. You also seem to enjoy forgetting that this was never BioWare's true intention. They're exactly the same as last night. They're surely different from what they were a month ago due to the change in the textures. You just don't seem to comprehend the basic. I don't see how you can enjoy something that was a mistake? Where's the joy in watching colors disappear? Or have basic colors turn into anime hues? It strips away the character's essence.
  7. Even though the patch mentioned they would bring back the old eyes, all they did was fix most of the colors. The eyes that were present before the Sparkle drama appear to be gone. I do appreciate that they fixed most colours, but there's still an issue at hand. There are no browns anymore. The way they react to the light is off-putting, and the colour dark brown is literally gone from the game. My main character, a Female Cyborg, has been with me for a long time. One of her main traits were her dark brown eyes. Now they're gone and she doesn't feel the same anymore. Here's the proof: https://i.imgur.com/e7PpELB.png
  8. It's just perplexing to see someone arguing about something that hasn't changed. The issue here is the color, not the textures.... yet he's acting as if the eyes are now the same as they were months ago, which is completely false.
  9. It's not a matter of perspective when it's still the very same texture that was implemented in the last patch! The new color schemes are there, the extra red and veins. These were not present a month ago. The changes that were now applied simply fixed most of the colors. Greens are no longer shock as they were before, Zabrak had their orange colors restored, Twi'lek had their blue eyes restored, etc. Fixing something that was broken is not an issue. Your entire thread is pointless--complaining about something that was not removed... The people who are mad about these new eyes hold the true rights. My characters LOST their brown eye colors. If you think that's fine... then there's no way that your comments can be accepted as nothing but troll attempts, because this deserves no justification. You can't defend an error. If someone grabs a painting, something that looks fine on its own.. and then accidentally splashes a whole bucket of water on top of it and tries to fix it over and over again... the issue will still be there. It's not the same painting anymore.
  10. Even though the patch mentioned they would bring back the old eyes, all they did was to fix the colours. The eyes that were present before the Sparkle drama appear to be gone. I do appreciate that they fixed most colours, but there's still an issue at hand. There are no browns anymore. The way they react to the light is off-putting, and the colour dark brown is literally gone from the game. My main character, a Female Cyborg, has been with me for a long time. One of her main traits were her dark brown eyes. Now they're gone and she doesn't feel the same anymore. Here's the proof: https://i.imgur.com/e7PpELB.png I'm honestly tired of this. Why can't you just fix this? You had three times to improve the eyes, and you just made it worse.
  11. Also, how? How can you like these? Were not only were these colors lighter than they were ever before, most races had their colors switched. How can you not condemn that? This patch barely changed anything! People just love to complain.
  12. The issue is still there. My human female still doesn't have brown eyes. They're too light to fall under the category of "dark brown" like they used to :/ Proof: https://i.imgur.com/1eTUQVm.png
  13. Considering that a lot of people from the original KOTOR and Mass Effect team worked during the development of SWTOR.. and the fact that the game is really similar in terms of cutscenes and dialogue wheel to Mass Effect 1 and 2, I was wondering if they did recycle any of the iconic Mass Effect animations, or even from any other game? I see people arguing that BioWare did this, but I don't see it? I've played Mass Effect and SWTOR quite a lot, but I can't recall any re-use. The way they cross their arms is different, the way they tilt their heads, take a drink, sit, back away... If anyone has any examples, please share. And by examples, I mean footage or solid screenshots.
  14. They are both related to the same characters, and they are both related to deleted items that require recovery. You can't be serious.
  15. Fine, fixed. Apologies for not being born in a country that has its primary language english.
  16. That can only be the explanation for this problem. Nothing else would make sense. Why even have these people work for a COSTUMER SUPPORT service if they can't even speak english?
  17. I tried to contact them via Skype. Such options require you to pay, and you can get a trial to do free calls, but you must provide some rather complicated information and a real card, which is not an option since the card I use isn't eligible for Skype. I even contacted Skype Support several times. Also, "International calls made using VoIP are generally far less expensive than calls made from a mobile phone or landline." You still have to pay. That is not an option for me at all, especially since I'm a student.
  18. I am genuinely baffled. For the past week, I've been exchanging tickets via e-mail with Customer Support in regards to two armor sets. I deleted a character who had been boosted by a Token since I wanted to start anew with said character, and I managed to explain everything as much as I could with Support. After a few tickets, one of the issues connected to a Cartel Market item was solved, but everything regarding an in-game armor set was completely left aside. It got to a point where I exchanged three tickets with three different "specialists"... and every single one of them ignored everything that had been written, providing me with an automated message. I don't get it, I really don't. So far all of my Tickets provided as much information as possible and went into full detail. I used pictures, links and explained as much as I could... and it's like my email was sent as a blank. It's like I was asking and talking about cats and all they keep talking about dogs. I am genuinely perplexed at how incompetent the Customer Support can be. Just how much of a thick head can you be to act the same way to three tickets in a row regarding the same issue, but still ignore everything that was written and provide the same gosh darn answer? They even had the audacity to tell me to create a new ticket even though this issue has been attached to the original ticket since day one! It wasn't only about one issue, it was about two! And they keep ignoring it! :mad: I would call them if I could, but that's not an option since I was once forced to spend an alarming amount of money just to get my account back after an Origin bug.
  19. There are other big games and MMOs who had to sacrifice some screen-time to let Troy deal with other projects, only to have him come back as strong as ever. A good example for this is Guild Wars 2. Surrounding that game's first expansion in 2015, Troy's role in that game was minimal at best. There was barely anything related to him all the way to the 2017 and then he returned, voicing his own share of lines and such. I don't really want Theron to die. I really enjoy Revan's legacy and he is rather important to my main character... I really, really want to see them back together. For Dark-Side players... at least allow them to punish Theron, somehow. Dismemberment, cell, force-choking, etc, etc... or even have Lana interfere with your choice.
  20. I'm working on a small video that will compare each voice-actor. It's meant to show people how each actor performs under several circumstances. I was also hoping to add a small description as to what each class is about, but I'm having a hard time to do so. This video is meant for newcomers and for people who want to help out friends to pick a class and gender. Any suggestions? Could be just a short summary, vague description and adjectives.
  21. TheRandomWolf


    One of my characters had red eyes. With Dark-Side corruption, they become this flashy-light yellow... it's awful.
  22. So many characters... and if they are high-level, I'm afraid you need to get out more. Regardless, best of luck with your issue. Hopefully, something will be done regarding this new wave of issues.
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