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Everything posted by TheRandomWolf

  1. I'm no hardcore PvE or PvP player and I already struggle to get my hands on 230 gear... but I just wanna check if it's enough for general content?
  2. I would love to play these, but there hasn't been any news about possible races for a really long time now.
  3. It's quite the headache to read your post. What a mess of text. Don't like the game? Then don't play it. Don't waste everyone else's time as a result.
  4. I strongly disagree that people should skip KOTFE/KOTET, but if you're the kind of player who has replayed these over and over again... perhaps there should be a way around this.
  5. I'd rather pay a subscription and get a chance to receive new content rather than spend absurd amounts of cash for just one expansion.
  6. Oh, I have this book! It was quite the enjoyable read. Art is great, too!
  7. You can barely see what's going on during PvP anyway.
  8. I was interested in creating new characters on my account but I was unable to find these kinds of slots in the Cartel Market. I even though an option would be available in the Character Select screen, but there is nothing. Did BioWare remove this? And why? It makes no sense to remove such a crucial option from the game. The server slots in the GTN are quite expensive as it is.
  9. Modern MMOs don't really have this option; thankfully. We already have way too many toxic players in the starting planets and Fleet. No need to drag them across the whole galaxy.
  10. I find the GW2 community to be quite toxic nowadays. The balance has never been this bad and content is so repetitive there's no point trying out anything new. At least SWTOR allows me to spend hours upon hours just going through the story content. That's enough for me.
  11. GW2 has had a F2P option since 2015, lol.
  12. This problem wasn't there in early 2017.
  13. So, yeah. This is an issue that has been going for a long time now. Apparently, some elder NPCs use textures and eye textures that are different from the ones player characters use. I wanted to believe these NPCs wouldn't have the same issues... and while doing a few quests on Korriban I noticed this serious problem. Elderly NPCs have their eyeballs replaced by their own facial textures. This is freaking me and other players out, and it should not be here. Please, could someone look into this?
  14. It's nearly impossible to find anything physical that is related to GW2 nowadays aside from the novels. Two Rytlock figurines sounds cool, haha.
  15. I don't think it would be possible to adapt said NPC to possible gear changes you apply to your own toon. Perhaps it simply saves the original look you used when enabling such an option? That's why one would have to be careful with what look they want to use.
  16. I can't seem to find anything that looks remotely like this without a hood. Any guesses?
  17. There are many existing animations and static poses out there already. Turning those into actual emotes would be a treat. I would also love a static /crossarms .
  18. I always thought that this idea would be marvelous! I think it would explode in the Cartel Market if players were allowed to turn one of their characters into a companion. Games like Guild Wars 1 already provided a similar mechanic. And there's plenty of in-game dialogue and battle quotes to make them work! One could make it that the first characters are free or earned through a quest/achievement and extra "slots" would have to be purchased from the Cartel Market? Or just allow the players to turn their characters into NPCs that can be placed within a Stronghold. I think many people would appreciate that as well.
  19. On a side-note, I think it would be amazing if more novels or collectibles were released. Even physical copies of upcoming expansions.
  20. Games nowadays barely offer anything solid since everything can be obtained digitally. I've always been a fan of MMOs but it always saddened me that weren't many options for these games when it came to physical items. I have a tendency of playing major titles years after they launched, which eventually means that game covers, disks, and other collectibles become obsolete. However, thanks to Amazon I've found myself with plenty of items related to this game, which are quite the treat. I've managed to gather three of the novels, an artbook, the game's encyclopedia and the guide. I personally find the encyclopedia and the artbook to be quite amazing as they offer a lot of insight behind the game's development and the lore. I'm also planning to get the physical copy of the game just for the sake of it and already downloaded the soundtrack from the website. I did always want the Collector's Edition but it seems impossible to find an affordable version of it online. What about you? I'd love to hear what you have and what you like/dislike about it. I'm aware that there are a lot of collectibles out there. P.S: The game's encyclopedia can be hard to find nowadays and its price isn't going down anytime soon. I've found a .pdf version of it. Message me and I'll gladly share it!
  21. Guild Wars 2 and TERA apply similar tactics. GW2 is the worst case here. They place the same old items from years ago during these themed sales.... and people keep falling for it over and over again. At least SWTOR has variety.
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