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Everything posted by Mycroft-Tarkin

  1. I played 2500+ games last season for the replicas that you said were going away permanently. Thank you for telling me it was for nothing and people afking in regs will be able to get "one to two replicas" now πŸ‘
  2. Can you read the description on the flags? It says it is to honor your skill or something like that. If you take it in a bad way, sounds like a you issue.
  3. No, most competent players will simply leave, since globalling bads gets boring very quick. It's the same thing in Battlefront 2 (2017). No one is going to commit to this game for an event held 2 weeks a year.
  4. ...and doing that, except you also have to farm that one piece on every character now, is better?
  5. That's an issue caused by Bioware though. Ranked used to pop all day some years ago. Even now on SS which is the smallest server, in s14 when some players created a discord for ranked pvp it had over 100 members. Not everyone played regularly but there were a lot of players who played now and then and/or were interested in playing. It's not just the leaderboard, it's the overall competitiveness that is being removed. Games aren't fun if you're playing with people who are just there to do seasons, or conquest, or farming tech frags or whatever. There is no longer any incentive to actually play well or learn your class or anything. You can just AFK and eventually you'll win a match, just like most ppl do in GSF now. In contrast, in solos most people were there to play to their best level, which made it a really fun and competitive mode. Regs is extremely boring in comparison and most people I know would rather not play at all than play regs.
  6. ...all of them? There is zero reason for someone who does only pvp, to subscribe to this game anymore. That's a funny claim but you seem to be intent on remaining dishonest just to make an argument of some sort so it's pointless to continue this
  7. No, they are not "merging" ranked into unranked. The PVP on PTS has no competitiveness, no leaderboard, no incentive to actually improve or maintain a good winrate or any such thing. You get a fixed set of objectives a week, you can be an AFKER that took 500 games to finish those objectives, and you'll be at the same level as a skilled player who did them in 10 games.
  8. Except...they did none of that for 2 years. which consequently led to the population of ranked becoming really small. Ranked used to pop all day some years ago. And Ranked requires a subscription. I'm sure GSF players aren't spending $15 on cc every month. Ranked players also VERY frequently server transfer to play on different servers, which costs cc. Ranked players also buy cc items etc. GSF being "more revenue" for bioware has to be one of the most ridiculous arguments ever.
  9. You realize "playing with friends for RPM" is actually wintrading? How can you play a competitive game mode and "not worry about loosing"? ...because you got called out for wintrading in offseason for mats? err, okay You claim you ignored them, but also claim they insulted you in chat. If you ignored them you shouldn't be able to see their chat or emotes. So which is it?
  10. ? How does GSF generate any revenue? You can literally create an F2P account at lvl 1 on Tython and finish 100% of GSF. What nonsense is that lol The mistake here is assuming bioware used any logic in their decision making process. Removing a sub-only activity and making the rest of pvp f2p does NOT make any business sense at all. They still did it anyway, because err...... I guess they expect steamcharts to stop showing them losing 10% of their playerbase every month?
  11. Very well said and something that the entire ranked community can resonate with I guess you didn't read, the issue with ranked is exactly that bioware dedicated exactly "ZERO" resources to it. Not a single report was read, there wasn't ANY moderation whatsoever, all rewards are just reskinned since YEARS (sometimes not even reskinned, literally just changed a number)
  12. Today was amazing, thank you Shek and Ez for streaming and making it a memorable last day!
  13. I won't PVP, playing without any stakes or any competitiveness is boring. The season rewards are garbage, and even if they weren't, anyone AFKing in warzones can get them, so what's the point? There are great looking CM sets too, but when everyone wears them they lose their value. I won't do PVP. Probably I guess. I don't like warzones because they discourage PVP and encourage PVE. Yes Terrible. There is no incentive to actually play the game and get better. No competition, no leaderboard, no unique rewards for actually being a good player, just participation. The good thing is there are rewards for playing regs PVP. Those players had no rewards for years. Everything else is bad. Removing any form of competition and making every reward available just for participation. Have a game mode that is competitive.
  14. They answered this. There is no group or solo queue anymore. Everyone goes in together.
  15. what "higher-ranking group content" are you playing that you use exclusively one class and you quit if that class gets 5% dps nerf? it was RNG dps before and it is the same now, ppl have uploaded 30k+ parses after the update already
  16. Ajunta Pall Mask, probably one of the most commonly used mask by most players, is BROKEN for Male Body Type 2 characters. It is working for BT1, I don't have any other than this to test. It doesn't work on the character, neither it works in the preview window. The "mouth" location appears to be placed somewhere near the feet instead, and the mask appears under our character with the texture stretched out weirdly. I don't know how this broke, but it is nevertheless broken and not letting me use an armor set I paid for! PLEASE FIX
  17. This is wrong, the actual objective is just to increase reputation i.e. consume the rep items. Not to turn them in at the vendor.
  18. Is this only a "known issue" for PTS? Or will this be a requirement on Live as well once 7.1 comes out?
  19. Hello why virulence nerf??? where is roll heal?
  20. Whenever Turbulence is followed by another instant ability (project, tk wave, tk gust, anything really) the animation of Turbulence doesn't display and is skipped completely.
  21. This bug isn't new or related to the latest update/expansion, this has existed ever since this decoration was released. The bug: you can walk through the doorway even if it is closed. The Imperial version, Vaiken Spacedock doorway, is working properly. You need to press the button to open the door and only then you can walk through it. It is only the Republic version that is bugged.
  22. Do reconsider this please, you can leave the Ossus skip available but also provide one directly to LOTS if possible. There is a lot of story content post Ossus now, and considering that it is the same story for all classes on a faction it makes sense to let people skip it instead of having to play it on all 50 characters to clear their mission log.
  23. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  24. How do you get that number?
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