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19 Good
  1. Fair enough, thank you for clearing that up ❤️
  2. The pleasure is all mine thank you very much for those kind words ❤️
  3. Correct ! the very important takeaway is that everybody can get there and its only a matter of practice. Success is repetition. But you got to put in the work & time period. Thank you for bringing this up because it seems indeed that we've been talking about two different aspects of PvP and in the brother sense about PvP in MMORPG's in general. What i was reffering too is the behaviour a player needs to get accustomed too in order to be successful in a Deathmatch environment. The aspect you're reffering too are the tools the game as an environment puts at your disposal that allow you to perform in such a way that the probability of winning a deathmatch is not decided by other, outside, factors than your personal performance itself . E.G Meta / gear vs Skill / general player behaviour. Important takeaway and a recurring topic that likes to be brought up in Forum discussions, one is dependant of the other. It's A natural consequence of the type of game we're playing (MMORPG), as such grinding and preparing is and should be the only way to partake in the highest form of competitive content (Ranked PVP / NiM Operations ). As such players who outright refuse to do so are chastised, and rightfully so the moment they set foot into solo ranked . What people on forums make you want to believe more often than not is that everybody but the player in question is toxic and rated players gatekeep solo ranked. What people that are new are surprised about is the lack of respect ranked players seem to have, why not flip the coin on its head ? How is it respectful to join a gamemode underprepared when its 100% avoidable ? You get to perform optimally (player performance) if the character you're playing with is optimally prepared ( Gear/Datacrons/tactical/Class Buffs). To get to your actual point, yes META and FOTM Classes are real and as such picking a fotm class over an underperforming class is going to give you an easier time achieving whatever goal you set for yourself. An important distinction has to be made, no matter the class if put into the right hands will perform better than any FOTM Class in the wrong hands. As obvious as it sounds it goes to show that at the end of the day what matters is too pick what you enjoy playing the way you want to play it. Is there an optimal way to play and behave at any given moment, obviously but if i've learned anything over the years in my time as a ranked player is that individual creative imput is more important than Class Balance could ever be.
  4. Preach my friend, truer words have never been spoken.
  5. The only thing i got from this thread is that Alex and Prum are right and everybody else posting comments has never really played ranked seriously. It perfectly sums up that the forums cannot be taken seriously whatsoever.
  6. This quote gave me an aneurysm, but is examplary in highlighting the problems the game's pvp community has had for years and unironically got us to the point that made BW remove ranked as a whole. It highlights perfectly that forum warriors and regstars have absolutey no idea what ranked seems to be about on a most fundamental level. How in the mother of everything that is unholy can you say that ranked has "No choice of playsytle" ???? If i had to guess, a total lack of experience and or interest whatsoever. What makes competitive PvP in Tor so wonderful is that its an art, your goal is to beat the enemy team while exercising pressure in ideally perfectly set up coordinated attacks, while denying the enemy team the same kill oportunities by supporting your teammembers and helping them out. To reach that goal you need to make choices in a timeframe measured in Global Cooldowns GCD's. What players call skill is how effectively you're at maximizing the amount of GCD'S to your advantage as to get the desired outcome namly landing a kill which gets you closer to winning the game. maximizing the amount of GCD's to your and your teams advantage is called effective micromanagement. Effective micromanagement is decided by: Game knowledge good awarness of your surroundings Good positioning Being aware of CC Being aware of trinkets Effective Dcd/OCD (defensive CD / Offensive CD ) trades how fast you're at analyzing and effectively implement these choices (uptime). In no particular order ( feel free to add stuff if i forgot something) These are called "degrees of freedom", which are decided by how good you're at making "CHOICES".
  7. I did thanks to you, I just removed my answer because I put it as an edit message below the post that i added the Server name. So thank you regardless hope it clears up the confusion ❤️
  8. They could have had the decency to let us know they were going to remove ranked before putting us in a year of preseason
  9. Perfectly put, I would add specifically after letting those said "faithful" players wait for a year being stuck in preseason.
  10. Shekshas

    The End of an Era

    I will preface this by saying, that I hope the decision to remove ranked PvP is an out of season april fools joke. Regardless i will take the 7.2 community stream at face value (not that we got much of a choice really?) and expect ranked PvP to be gone by the time 7.2 gets released. As such people that grew on me over the years and myself will host a last session this Saturday 12/11/22 and celebrate the Ranked community in all its glory in an all out solo ranked brawl. Consider it a family reunion. The "Event", if I get to call it as such, will be broadcast on Darth Malgus on Ezmode https://www.twitch.tv/ezmodeqq stream and/or mine https://www.twitch.tv/shek_shas for as long as the q keeps popping. Thank you guys for sticking together trough thick and thin over the years. It was one hell of a ride i'm grateful I got to be part of. Lets raise our glasses to celebrate a wonderful decade one last time before we lay our lightsabers & blasters to rest in peace forever. I love you solo Ranked and I will be missing you, Rest in Peace old friend.
  11. Hi Ihr, Unsere kleine Ranked Community auf t3 scheint sich langsam aber sicher zu mäusern, Heute am 25.7.2016 waren mal 2- 3 Arenen mit 4 Tanks und 3 oder 4 Heilern gleichzeitig ab 15-16 Uhr offen, mal ganz davon abgesehen dass Team Ranked mit 3 Teams in der q schon um 17 Uhr gestartet ist. Phase 2 des Plans ist es nun zu versuchen so viele PvP Ranked SPieler wie möglich nach T3 zu locken ich war deshalb so frei und habe einen Post in die englische PvP Community gestellt um alle Ranked SPieler auf TRE und MOTF dazu anzuregen nach T3 zu transen um konsequent so viel RAnked wie möglich zu spielen. Hier der Link : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=889738 Der Post/THread scheint Interesse geweckt zu haben, Ziel dieses Post ist es daher die deutsche Ranked Community auf T3 über den Ranked Status auf dem Server zu informieren und auf dem neusten Stand zu halten zwecks Vorbereitungen treffen falls es tatsächlich zu so einem Trans kommen sollte. ( TEams aufbauen, trainieren SOlo Q). Ich hoffe das unser Traum von einem richtigen Ranked Server nach 7 Season vllt doch noch in Erfüllung geht, und da BW nicht bereit dazu ist müssen wir die Sachen selbst in die Hand nehmen. Liebe Grüße Shek'shas
  12. I Did 2 regs today startet q at 3 or 4 Pm and there were 4 tanks in q at that Moment Ranked on T3 is really fun and i honestly never had as much fun in Team Ranked since the Preseason
  13. Solo is not only popping it fells like q for regs considering how much invite you get and mate i'm queuing as a tank just saying Oeuf Oeuf que lac je Ei Ei was See ich da Ai Ai was seh ich da it basically translates too " Hey Hey, what am i seeing there" It
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