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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TitusOfTides

  1. Again, if you want a "techblade"-using PT, make a Juggernaut and equip accordingly.


    Tell that to Torian Cadera, SCORPIO, Skadge, Qyzen Fess, and the other handful of companions that use Aim and have abilities that mirror a Powertech. They also use melee weaponry.


    Also, there is a long list of "PT" companions that use rifles as well, such as Lieutenant Pierce and others.

  2. I must admit to being rather confused by your reply as you quoted my post, then addressed something said by a different poster, (I did not say anything about them being cheap). Pricing is usually server-specific, and is therefore something I try to avoid discussing, as what holds true for pricing on one server does not necessarily reflect pricing on another server.


    The point I was making had to do with quantity (number of units sold). If a consumable product lasts longer, fewer units will be needed to cover the same period of time, therefore, the number of units sold will decrease.


    The irony is, I actually like your suggestion, I just find myself unable to agree with your statement that no one would be hurt by the change. The game economy in regard to crew skills is a delicate balance, and many things that sound like good ideas and would be welcomed by a large number of players would have unintended consequences that aren't always readily apparent.


    That is a good point, and my apologies for the confusion. I suppose if they were to do something like this, they could simultaneously shorten the length of these stims so that overall it might balance out. This might maintain the current economy and also pause the buffs on fleet, causing the desired effect there without hurting it as you had mentioned.

  3. Wow...


    This goes beyond both reasonable debate, and the thread subject itself. Taking the time to track down someone else's previous posts (in other threads) in order to discredit them is probably the lamest thing you could do on these boards.



    Additionally, this game does need to fix a lot of titles. SWTOR could also benefit from implementing gender appropriate titles... it's bad enough when you have to get through being called "Sir" as a female, just to one day become a "Lord."


    I know you didn't expect many women to play this game when it was being developed, but when they do they get an overwhelming sexist experience.

  4. I agree. Additionally, I don't think there should be ANY more group check mechanics in daily quests. They suck the fun out of it and become a hassle. I also agree that you shouldn't need a group for old OPS- it just creates a pointless barrier.


    PS: The majority of the story content at elder game HAS BEEN in the OPS. Players who didn't do KP, EC, and SNV suddenly started fighting Dread troops and the story seemed really lazy to them. As a rule, a story based game like SWTOR NEEDS to allow every player to see ALL of the content. That means that the Oricon quest especially needs to take out the OPS requirement or give the OPS a solo mode to see the story. Otherwise, all of that old group content will just become a big barrier to entry and diminish the overall story.


    This is why the macrobinoc and seeker droid quest NEED to remove the group requirements- the content is excellent story content which EVERY player should be able to hop into not the ones who are lucky enough to play it when it is released and current.




    It would be great to get a solo version of the Dread Masters' Ops. I've never had an opportunity to run them, and the class story on Oricon only takes you so far - once you reach the climax you can no longer solo anything and never get to see the conclusion. This is pretty frustrating. No one ever queues for them, and I'm not going to server transfer just to run one Op... expecting players to make massive changes just in order to experience old content is unfair.

  5. There is one title that ANNOYS ME TO DEATH.


    Jedi Guardian: "Name" Knight of the Republic.




    Seriously though, it irritates me... i.e. "Steve Knight of the Republic" should be "Steve, Knight of the Republic."


    PLEASE fix this.

  6. Biochem crafters who sell stims for profit would be hurt economically by this due to decreased sales.


    But if they're so cheap, what are they losing out on? 1/2 of their 7k credits?


    TBH, this could even increase the amount they sell for.

  7. I think it's a great idea, and want to say I even read something recently that mentioned older content will be becoming more solo friendly.


    I totally feel your pain, I've stood on fleet for over an hour looking to finish that Heroic on Belsavis, and no one wants to do it. It's still in my quest log, almost an entire year later. Sure, this is a small problem, but you have a very good point. No one wants to do them, so these quests aren't even being run.


    If you make these older quests able to be solo'd, this game is still an MMO. TBH, you shouldn't even include the first M in this game. When did 20 people on fleet (the most popular zone, arguably) become massive? We're not asking to solo the Ops or anything, just some really petty daily quests.


    If a few people being able to solo a low level heroic quest bothers you, or ruins your experience, you have some serious emotional/psychological problems.

  8. Pretty much this. Stims go for chump change, why bother even complaining?


    Not complaining. I thought this was a forum for suggestions.


    I'm suggesting they implement something that hurts no one (if these stims truly are as cheap as you say, which is not the case on my server) and improves QOL for everyone.

  9. It would be counter-intuitive to suddenly change the class main weapon when the AC is chosen.

    Don't talk about double-bladed lightsabers, Snipers and Assault Canon, it's different. You keep your basic skills and you don't change your current attack mode.

    If Powertechs and Vanguards suddenly had to equip a Techblade, you'd have your first ten levels with a blaster and suddenly you are restriced to hand-to-hand for the rest of your leveling.

    Also note that the two DPS specs for Powertech/Vanguard do get to use their blaster a bit more often. Should these specs be completely reworked, even the one shared by the other AC to accomodate Techblade?


    While the differences you listed are somewhat different from what would be occurring if such a change were implemented, they are not entirely different. Also, you wouldn't be restricted - if you wanted to use a blaster you can. There are many AIM companions with a single blaster, and there are many with a techblade/techstaff. This idea wouldn't be that much of a stretch in either direction; the notion of a new weapon upon picking your AC already exists in game, and companions with such a variety also already exist in game.


    I could see a simple fix to your last point being similar to how an Agent has a blaster in cutscenes. When a PT were to use a specific ability, they could pull out a placeholder blaster for that specific ability. Also, the animations for the melee weapons already exist in game (on the Aim companions already referenced). To expand on what already exists in the game, as I have already said, there are many "PT" companions that do exactly what I'm suggesting.

  10. Well, for Everquest (a long running and largely successful MMO) the main idea is that while you are waiting for your raid, etc to kick off your buffs wont run out. Also, if you are a new player, you can get buffed from another player before you go back out and quest - without fear of your buffs running out while you pick up your new supplies/abilities.


    While some wait times for queues can go OVER 8 hours, this could only benefit players and improve the "quality of life" for everyone. Sure, you can do other things while you wait - but that doesn't solve the problem, and only forces players to do MORE things they DON'T want to do.


    I don't see how this hurts anyone, and the benefit would be large. There are many effects that have a very limited timer, and when you have to waste their effects just waiting for queues or gearing up, no one benefits.


    Going back to EQ (which I am not a fan of), this was put in place specifically to stop this exact problem - and it not only improves the experience for the player (which is important, yes?) but also would increase the amount of players on fleet at any given time - since they wouldn't have to 'make the most' of their limited windows.


    Then stop standing around the fleet or use blue stims.


    If all I want to do (endgame) is queue for WZs and Ops, neither of those options help me. In fact, they force me to A) stop playing, B) Use low-tier equipment in a competitive playing field, or C) play in a way YOU feel I should. To go even farther, neither of your options are even reasonable.


    In 8 hours I could make millions just doing dailies. Just using that logic alone I would say that it is VERY necessary that stim timers run all the time. You're lucky they dont run out while youre offline.


    I don't see how being able to make millions off of fleet even relates to the timer being paused while ON fleet. How does THAT fact alone make it necessary? Furthermore, how does the timer on fleet even AFFECT this? I don't mean to be rude, but that doesn't even make sense.

  11. I think if some form of hybrid were created to combine the social/story and PvE aspect of a flashpoint with the PvP aspect of warzones, players' interests in both of these would increase. My rough idea would be a FP that requires 2 groups of 4 to queue, and both teams compete to gain quest items or obtain objectives that would give them an edge in a climactic 4v4 at the end - with the victors receiving special rewards.


    It could even go the opposite way: a new WZ with a conversation/small quest in the beginning, middle, or end that could influence the tides of battle in the WZ.


    I know the focus now is going to be all on story, but honestly if you could quickly throw something like this together I think you'd get a great response.

  12. Just checking back on this, and thought of something worth posting: Everquest has a similar feature in their "fleet" equivalent, and they're like 100 years old. I know in conversations buffs are paused, so I would imagine that this wouldn't be too hard to implement - and regardless of the feedback on the forums here (not even one post!) I am sure many players would rejoice that their XP boosts, etc are not running out waiting on fleet for a queue - or even stopping on fleet during the 12xp boost, it's hard to justify stopping on fleet to regear w/ those basic comms while my XP boost is running out.
  13. They did increase the amount of basic commendations given from class quests to 12 per mission, and after only a few of those you can fully purchase/modify a set of gear for each of your companions (the droids take a while longer). I am able to stop on fleet every 5 levels or so and regear myself and my companions. It doesn't cost anything as far as I'm concerned, since basic comms don't get used much.
  14. Powertechs ARE a melee class! Furthermore, they do not use their blaster for most of their moves.


    Also, how many of your companions with Aim use a melee weapon? Off the top of my head, I know of Skadge, SCORPIO, Qyzen Fess and Torian Cadera (ALL of which have moves very similar (if not identical) to those of a Powertech! Take a look at Torian's move list next time you play your bounty hunter (assuming you even do) and tell me he is NOT supposed to be a Powertech. Actually don't even waste your time, because it's obvious that he (and the other MELEE characters with AIM) are supposed to be your "Powertech" companion.


    So, while I don't mean to come off as argumentative - I must ask, do either of you even know what a Powertech is? It really doesn't seem like you do...

  15. It would be great if my 420 minute stims (which are very expensive) didn't run out over 50% of their time just standing on fleet.


    I, and many others, would appreciate having our active effects timers paused while on fleet. The only time this occurs is during conversations (to my knowledge) and seems like something that should really be in place.

  16. I've been playing a lot of ESO recently, and it appears they have a very successful system in place in regards to their PvP campaigns. I won't go too much into detail, but it would be great to see something like that here. I don't think anyone would honestly care if you "copied" an aspect of another MMO; there are over a thousand games out there, and there's nothing that hasn't been done before.


    While a Megaserver cannot be done, it would be cool to see a contested "world" become available with the new expansion. I know story is the new focus, but I would like to think that throwing a queue up on a planet with some WZ elements thrown in wouldn't be too time/resource consuming. If this queue could be cross server (if thats even a thing) you could just have each character register a "mission handle" or something like that so that each char could have their own unique identity without infringing on anyone's current name or legacy.

  17. I know there is not much info out yet, but does anyone have an idea as to what their plans for this are? What I have found seems to indicate that instead of a third faction being implemented, we might be reduced down to one faction and have a "common enemy" storyline going on. Regardless of my opinion on this matter, I am curious if anyone knows whether or not this will eliminate what is left of open world PvP? It may be sporadic, but the last month or so has really brought a spike of players on worlds while questing and is exactly why I (or any of us who have, I imagine) chose to play on a PvP server. These moments are some of the best experiences I have had while playing the game, and would really hate to see this get lost - almost as much as I would hate losing my character names with a server merge.


    Does anyone know if this is really their solution to long queue times, and if so is this trading one bad deal for another?

  18. I have been looking around, and it seems that power/main stat are the best combo to go for on a DPS character. I was curious if any DPS classes had messed around with the defense chance and/or the temp absorb shield relic at all, and what your results were? I've been messing around with the defense chance one, but can't seem to tell if it's making a difference.
  19. I have been playing Annihilation/Watchman for quite a while before this recent patch, and the Juyo Mastery passive always seemed to be in place for the purpose of boosting your chances of receiving healing from Hungering. Now that Hungering heals a percent of the damage done, it occurred to me that perhaps a small change could be made to make use of this old passive. Several ideas crossed my mind to fix this, and I thought they may be worth posting:


    1) Change the passive to affect all attacks instead of just bleed attacks. Even just throwing Annihilate on there could be a good idea, since they would provide more single target DPS for the spec and give it some "Juyo" flavor.


    2) Juyo Mastery would gain the effect of Bloodlust, and Bloodlust would provide 20% of damage from Annihilate as health per stack of Juyo form (I must say this one is my favorite).


    3) Going back to tapping into the essence of Juyo, Juyo Mastery could somehow increase or Rage/Focus generation - since traditionally Sith users of Juyo would have unbridled rage and a Jedi would have to use more intense focus to resist succumbing to the Dark Side. Also, we would really benefit from additional resource generation. Perhaps once you reach six stacks of Juyo you gain X Rage/Focus?


    4) Switch Juyo Mastery and Bloodlust as in option 2, and Bloodlust could become a cookie cutter execute on dot proc passive.


    I did my best to think up ideas that would not only fit the discipline from a gameplay perspective, but I also wanted to make sure each suggestion was true to Juyo. I hope you all agree that Juyo Mastery is outdated and could use a change!

  20. Thanks to everyone for all of the replies!


    Wrong. If you mouse over melee range accuracy you see that your special melee/range accuracy is 100 (101if you have the comp buff). The only non special attack you have is your auto attack skill like assault. Now if your are white damage heavy class you may want to get to 95 because most classes have a base defense of 5% which knocks down your accuracy from 101 to 96. Base player resistance is 0 so that's why you don't need it if you are yellow damage heavy class.


    So based on what you are saying, if a player had a higher than 5% defense chance it would start making it harder for the rest of the enemy's moves to hit? Or would this just affect the "assault" type ones?

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