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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TitusOfTides

  1. I ran into a Strong NPC last night (based on trailers it is a future companion) and they could not be killed! Everytime I would interrupt their heals they would perform another one! It was in the swamp outside of a quest area, and unfortunately I had to stealth away after a 10 minute battle resulting in a Pub coming up and slaughtering me (pvp server).


    Anyone know whats up with this?

  2. Why were all my companions' pants and weapons removed? They are unavailable, so they can't be reequipped. I expect my reunions to be awkward.


    What do they do to their prisoners on Zakuul!?


    It would have been good to know that my companions would lose their pants and weapons upon starting...

  3. Both specs are really easy to level with. Even if you were to level up as a healer you would be able to DPS through just about any situation. Forcequake is very strong on all disciplines, especially if you grab the 25% utility. I've levelled up one of each character, and the only characters that have had an easier experience levelling were stealth classes because you can sneak past everything. With even a healer Sage you will speed through content at a similar pace.
  4. I'm curious if anyone else has noticed our melee bonus damage appears to have increased? I was wrapping up some missions on Ziost and noticed my Melee Bonus Damage is only slightly lower than my bonus Force damage.


    I started using Thrash on mobs, and saw an increase from what I remember it doing before (it's been a very long time since I've used a saber...) it wasn't exceptionally powerful or anything, but it was comparable to shock's damage and fun to do.


    If anyone else has noticed this, or feels like posting some data to show the increase that'd be pretty cool.

  5. Make overload into a saber swing animation.


    Put a speed increase buff, or slow debuff on Thrash or Saber Strike. Even a slight DR buff could be neat.


    Let them reduce cooldown of Polarity Shift or Recklessness, or even Force Speed! Yes, Force Speed!


    Even a stun utility could be welcomed by some... we just want some (even suboptimal) reason to use our lightsabers!


    Let's make a pact! No longer will our lightsabers remain flaccid and unused...

  6. Gunslingers are really good. Go Sharpshooter and never look back.


    Also, the cool factor is through the roof on them. No subtle Game of Thrones trickery here, just lots of "shoot first, dirty kick later."


    Also, if you ever decide to pursue PvP, these guys are the hidden gems of PvP in my opinion. You have phenomenal burst, and a wide array of control at your disposal. If they used a lightsaber, I would main one myself.

  7. Being the generally indecisive person that I am, I have come to you for an answer to my dilemma.


    My GF plays an Assassin. My original main with this character was a Sorcerer. Due to the XP boost, I now have an Assassin of my own at the same level, at the same point in Ziost as our original characters. I cant decide which one to play! We are avid PvPers, and the thought of a two person stealth team sounded appealing, because on my own with the sin (Deception) I do really well and very rarely die. On the other hand, I am really good with Madness and have always been a single saber sort of guy. But dat stealth tho!


    Any and all insight on the matter would be greatly appreciated.


    Edit: It has recently come to my attention that the resolve system changed? Does this hurt Sins? Being able to artfully spike, attack, leg slash, attack, hard stun was great for stealth killing...

  8. Since you get an auto crit on Turbulence, I always like using my Potency buff on either Mind Crush or in AoE settings hitting Mental Alacrity + Force Potency into TK Wave, Forcequake, and another TK Wave as soon as it flashes can do some great group damage. IIRC your 2nd Potency gets used up on the double TK Wave, so you don't lose anything by cancelling the FQ right away.


    If you do go into Alacrity (which I recommend) you might want to wait a split second before you hit FQ, as if you do it too quickly you won't get the instant TK Wave proc.

  9. I like Madness and Lightning, and they are fairly evenly matched in my opinion (especially in PvE) - but I do tend to lean towards Madness as a favorite.


    If you run Tempest Mastery utility, you still get a really strong and iconic Force Storm and Death Field is awesome. Having the two reminds me of my old KotoR 1/2 Chars (I imagine most of us Sorcs spammed both Force Lightning and Death Field back then).


    With Madness you get more AoE, and you still get a lot of "lightning bolt" type attacks. So visually you get more diversity with Madness. Your dots devastate a single enemy, let alone a group, and you're gaining a lot of life at the same time.


    My typical order of attack in PvE goes like this: Creeping Terror, Affliction, Death Field, Force Storm until they're dead. If an elite is still standing after this, Force Lightning into Demolish and Force Leech is always a nice finisher. If its a pack of weaker enemies just Death Field into Force Storm will finish them very quickly. If I want a solid "lightning only" type of battle, just spamming Force Lightning into instant Lightning Strikes is always cool too.


    PvP is even cooler! Your burst is actually pretty similar to Thundering Blast off of a Force Leech, and you're gaining that much life at the same time. With the new bonuses we are due in 4.0 it's going to be even better being able to bubble on the move and teleport away to safety.

  10. I was wondering how the PvP community is on this server? I noticed that there are more people on starting worlds than on my server's fleet, and I have seen a lot of Harbinger characters on the leaderboards. I can get reg WZs on Jung Ma pretty easily, but haven't been able to participate in a ranked WZ all season. Are there many opportunities for solo ranked on this server?



    Edit: Is it mostly Imp v Imp or are there many competent Pubs on the server?

  11. I have been leveling a lot of alts recently, and am finally getting back to the point where I can play my main characters again.


    I've noticed our server population is a lot lower than I remember it being in past months, and was curious if we are getting any ranked matches lately? I have queued several times the past few weeks and have only been able to get non-ranked. Are there certain times that are better for ranked matches?


    I recently hit legacy level 50, and am on my 15th character on this server! I am open to transferring a character or two to another server if it's necessary, but I must admit this would be very depressing.

  12. My subscription runs out a few days before the 31st, which as you know if the cutoff for the Nico duster. I'm not sure if I'll be able to resub in time, and was wondering if a referral link would give me the extra few days I would need. So, if I were to click a referral link (now or later) would I still be a "subscriber" when the cutoff date hits?
  13. I agree with the OP. Blade Dance demeans us more than Pub Mirrors already are. You could spend 2 minutes with a thesaurus and come up with something better.





    Blade Mastery, Sweep Away, Extinguish, Trample, Overrun, Overwhelm, Total Devastation, Retribution, Exorcise, Rebuke, Retribution... Thesaurus.com


    Ballet of Blades, Blade Plie, Tango of Terror (SW), Salsa of Sabers, Contemporary Interpretive Blade Performance, or Saber Swing are also likeminded alternatives.

  14. I feel like it's Bioware's fault for us wanting the lightsaber grip from Force Unleashed. If anyone can remember the old timeline videos, Revan is holding his lightsaber in the exact same way. It's kind of them hinting at something that would never come to fruition.


    On this change being an intensive effort, I am curious if they were to essentially cut the double-bladed sabers in half and use the same animations - would this be that difficult? Even if you just gave it to Sages/Sorcerers, there would be very minimal effort and would even kind of fit the lore (Revan and Starkiller were both strong in combat and The Force, but The Force was kind of their 'thing.' It's The Force Unleashed, not 'Reverse Saber Unleashed.'). If it were even just these classes to receive it, they hold the sabers in the same way as their AC counterparts with double-blades - and furthermore, the thrash/saber strike animations already exist for a double-bladed saber (and this would just be erasing half).


    Please do this, my solution is perfect.

  15. I recently watched the original trilogy, and during the Empire Strikes Back a couple very interesting questions arose:


    (Not going to put spoilers tags on this... Vader is Luke's father btw)


    When Darth Vader is going to carbon freeze Han Solo, Lando Calrissian mentions that they only use this process in their mining operation and it is unclear whether or not this would be safe for the human being frozen in carbon. Furthermore, Boba Fett also expresses a concern for the potential loss of life for his bounty - both individuals express their concern as if it is the first time something like this has EVER been done.


    The questions this brings forth are:


    A) If this is the first time something like this has been done, how come it's sees such widespread use during our point in time? I really doubt if it were as common as it seems now it would be "lost to the ages" only to be stumbled upon again in the future a thousand years later.


    B) During this point in the film, Han is put into an all encompassing chamber in order to fully freeze him in the carbon. Since this seems necessary, how come we essentially "super soak" our targets in-game and they emerge fully frozen in a perfect carbon block?


    While I know what's done is done, it just seems like a bit of an oversight and I am curious what the rest of the community's thoughts on this are.

  16. Your game, your choice. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to change this just for you.


    Here's a better suggestion, then: make your character a self-contained Biochem and make them yourself.


    And the only thing that would "force" you to stop playing is your decision to do so.


    Great advice. It's a good thing all I have done is suggest it would be a good change, otherwise I'd be here holding my breath forever!


    Do you just go into suggestion threads only to post why they shouldn't come to fruition? This is a rhetorical question, so please do not even reply to this message unless you have something nice to say.

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