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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TitusOfTides

  1. TBH, I think people underestimate the burst of Annihilation and Watchman. Annihilate and Merciless Slash both do almost 10k base dmg by before they supercrit once a minute. That's comparable to Thundering Blast on a supercrit, just on our base dmg. With the right utilities, and a modified priority system (think "aoe mode" and "st mode") we can burst effectively.
  2. Lightning has more procs than you mentioned.


    Lightning has many actual procs, and I don't know of a single class that doesn't have a dmg debuff on at least one of their moves. Sorcs have 2 of those alone that come to mind.


    Incoming damage procs LB. Force Speed procs LB. LB procs Chain Lightning, which increases area damage and can proc a copy. Lightning Flash reduces Crushing Darkness cast and can proc a copy. Crushing Darkness increases Force Damage. Force Storm is area force damage and procs CL. Then theres our autocrit which can proc CL, and a copy. Also, most of these abilities increase our Alacrity while simultaneously applying slows to the enemy.


    Sorry if I left anything out, but you get the idea.

  3. For AP PT, full power is superior. This is a burst spec with a guaranteed critic on a major hit and 25% bonus critic offensive CD. You want your damage as high as possible in your burst windows.


    I'd have to agree in this situation. AP PT gets virtually no Alacrity to stack with, so to see any real benefit from it you'd have to get near 15% - and this would greatly decrease the burst of the class. Normally I'd advocate Alacrity, but AP PT doesn't really seem to benefit from it that much.

  4. conisder this back when it was a "thing" crits would tick upwards of 4k each. normal ticks around 2-3 k. keep in mind back then LB also did more damage, and you only used Force storm as a filler under recklessness of if you timed it under relic procs. so as i said, dont do it. use LB.


    Ty, I appreciate the explanation. The highest crit I see is usually around 3.8k, so right around where you mentioned.

  5. the classes that goy nerfed to 10% surge like maras have huge rotational autocrits, meaning that they can crit for up to 250% dmg with the current gear


    classes like assassin that maintain 30% surge do not have autocriting abilities


    so you are asking why 250% isn't 270% ?


    my guess is that it would be too strong, especially when higher Ilevel gear is introduced in the next patches, that could easily mean up to 300% crits, aka killing people in a couple of gcds


    This makes a lot of sense.

  6. I would love to see more maps. Even if they just ripped some rooms off of a FP or something, like a close quarters or deathmatch type gamemode. I hate saying this, but CoD comes to mind.


    I gotta disagree with you on arenas though. Everytime I get a pop I hope it's an arena.

  7. I've been messing around with some gearing and feel like FS and FQ may be be a ST DPS gain and was hoping someone would be able to verify.


    I am curious as to whether or not using FS/FQ as a TK or Lightning spec with 25% utility is the best filler attack. The only reason I ask is due to my Alacrity and the crit chance/damage passive this tree gets.


    If my channel time is 2.1s, with the changes to crit, this feels like it hits harder than 2 Lightning Bolts or TK Blasts in less time. If one GCD is 1.5s, am I right? What if the channel is less than that (I'm hitting a max of 42.X Alacrity)?

  8. I levelled with Watchman/Annihilation and really enjoyed it. It's a very powerful and versatile discipline, and getting in practice with it at early levels will really set you up for success once you reach the higher ones; it's such a potent spec, but can be difficult to jump into if you haven't levelled with it.
  9. OP, this is the exact experiment I have been messing with and it does feel effective, at least in unranked with 190 gear. I tried enhancements with the most alac/endurance and mods with the most def/endurance. I ended up with around 15% defense and 15% alacrity baseline.


    I recently upgraded all my gear to the baseline 204 PvP pieces and I actually do much worse now. My crit and power are much higher and I do indeed hit much harder, but I find that I get dropped very quickly by the same ACs that I'd felt competitive with before.


    Parses won't show us anything new. They have already been done, and generally, Crit yields the best DPS while Power gives the best burst, and any deviation from that means less damage. Still, I think a great case can be made for alacrity and defense in the dynamic environment that is PvP. All that raw damage may look great on paper, but a dead Marauder deals none of it.


    I love my Marauder but I hate glass cannons. I'm hoping to find a viable balance between damage and survivability that keeps me effective in both damage and application. If that's not possible, I'll just have to embrace the glass.


    I'm glad to hear that you've tried it, and I couldn't agree more! We get so many boosts to those stats from other abilities, so it really makes the extra defense chance pay off. I'd say trust your instincts on this one.

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