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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TitusOfTides

  1. I was wondering how necessary these stats are in PvP? I am getting near to where I will be gearing up for ranked pvp with my first non sage/sorc. How much accuracy should I am for, if any? Defense rating?


    I am under the impression that anything that says "weapon damage" will be based on accuracy vs defense, and anything else is force/tech and will automatically hit. Is this assumption correct?


    Based on my calculations if I gear right I should be sitting around 20% defense rating, and I wasn't sure if this would mitigate a large portion of the damage coming at me... or if most of attacks are tech/force and this would be useless.


    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

  2. Referring to what someone had mentioned earlier regarding finding techblades, I found a solution to this problem myself a few days ago:


    On one of the first commendation equipment vendors on fleet (Not level 7, but 11 or 14 or something like that) you can buy a techblade for like 6 comms. Take all of the mods out of it (less than 1k total cost) and put in level appropriate mods as he levels up. Problem solved. If this isn't good enough for you, that's not a problem worth changing an entire companion over.


    And as far as the stats go, if he used strength would you really be happier? What difference does it make what the name of the stat that gives him the exact same damage/crit boost is? Even further, as others have mentioned, we already have melee tanks that use Aim.


    I hope I don't come across as rude; I'm just trying to point out that you are mistaken.

  3. Was thinking a bit more on this, and it brings to mind the Kunoichi boxes from MxO if anyone knows/remember those.


    There was an instanced FFA PvP area, and you would find a spot in the zone to deploy your "Kunoichi box." You could team up with other players, but anyone outside of your group was marked as hostile - even members of the same faction. After dropping the box, waves of Kunoichi would come out and drop pieces of loot that could be exchanged for specific loot from an NPC in the regular world. The loot differed from cosmetic items to PvE/PvP gear. Anyways, getting back on point, other players could come up and attack you and/or the kunoichi from your box. At the end there would be valuable loot from the box after all kunoichi were destroyed.


    I honestly could see a concept like this working very well in SWTOR. Make the zone instanced on somewhere like Rishi or Ziost and put the appropriate spin on it.


    This would appeal to both PvE players and PvP players, and encourage the two to play with each other. Put the right context around it (Pirate stuff for Rishi, Emperor stuff for Ziost - if you will forgive my gross oversimplifications) and you could also get an RP interest in it as well. If cross faction grouping/chat were somehow enabled in the zone (if its not hard to incorporate) it would be even better.

  4. This is straight up my post copy/pasted from another thread. The idea seems so good (it's mine, after all :p) that I can't help but post a new thread focusing solely on the idea (because I HIGHLY doubt devs/mods read a single thread more than once):


    How about a warzone with a PvE element as well?


    Two teams fight to rack up NPC as well as player kills, perhaps with some side objective on top of it to add some complexity? Nothing specific comes to mind, but that's not my job.


    Oh nvm - loot! Get the loot for you/your team! Free for all it even, screw teams! PvE players get unique loot to do whatever they do with it, and PvP players also get what they want. Maybe you would have to capture chests or something. This also gives solo players a unique experience. If it's on Rishi it'd be even cooler! You could call it pirate battles or something like that and you know everyone'd eat it right up! Free for all or group up with other "pirates" and split the booty!


    (Pay me now please)

  5. Argue whether it's practical or not, either way it doesn't matter - it's STAR WARS!


    The saber is canon, and has no reason NOT to be in the game. There are plenty of one-of-a-kind items, non-canon items, and items I don't like... and they're all in the game!


    Times are changing! Do I also have to tell you Greedo shot first? No. Suck it up and play your Star Wars video game like a man1!


    1: This game lacks gender appropriate titles

  6. How about a warzone with a PvE element as well?


    Two teams fight to rack up NPC as well as player kills, perhaps with some side objective on top of it to add some complexity? Nothing specific comes to mind, but that's not my job.


    Oh nvm - loot! Get the loot for you/your team! Free for all it even, screw teams! PvE players get unique loot to do whatever they do with it, and PvP players also get what they want. Maybe you would have to capture chests or something. This also gives solo players a unique experience. If it's on Rishi it'd be even cooler! You could call it pirate battles or something like that and you know everyone'd eat it right up! Free for all or group up with other "pirates" and split the booty!


    (Pay me now please)

  7. I'm not going to go into the long essay, primarily because I just woke up, and need a shower, and also because I don't want to look up everything and link it. Essay's take a bit of background research, and even though I did that in the past, I'm a bit tired.


    So the short simple.


    Dark saber as seen it the TV show, is not the same as our black core light saber crystals. The black core light effect works in physics ie infrared and ultra violet which are both colors of light can be used in light sabers, which would case a black effect, the radiant glow is in the visible light spectrum. However this is not what the dark saber does.


    The dark saber is light powered by the darkside of the force, and can slice though a light saber, it also has a curved blade shape.


    1: Dark Saber isn't made from light - no radiant glow, doesn't form a straight line.

    2. The Dark Saber brakes physics in bad ways, you can not 'cut' a light saber. If the sword just passed through a lightsaber fine, but that's not what they show... It causes the light to fail, in a way that defies physics. The shape of the blade and the patterns on it also brake physics. http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111102223010/starwars/images/b/b3/DarksaberRender.jpg


    So on the Darksaber, by calling it a lightsaber, and it's functionality completly bypass suspension of belief in ugly ways.


    As for the whip, besides the high amount of danger to the user, it completely misses the main uses of a whip, and falls in to a category of actually a useless weapon. Basically a whip is good at motivating slaves bad as a weapon of war.


    I never got around to thanking you for your reply.


    These all seem to make the crossguard saber seem like a better idea to me.

  8. Hey, does anyone here remember The Matrix Online?


    For the last several years of that game's life (may it rest in piece) they only had ONE DEVELOPER and forum moderator... and they were still able to provide CONSTANT updates to the game and the website, respectively.


    It's a shame when a whole team of people are having trouble with "a pretty big undertaking" and can only seem to muster up a forum post and shoddy game updates every few months.


    Is this what the Jedi Order has been reduced to? Shoddy website design?



    It also seems worth noting that everywhere you go you can see "JOIN SWTOR" ads in the corner... Have we become the new "Meet local singles in your area"? FYI no one is cllcking EITHER of those.

  9. If I get paid to do it, I am willing to go "Deep Cover" on the credit rings.


    I can infiltrate their ranks, become one of them, gain their trust...


    I'll have to serve some prison time before they trust me though, so they know I'm not a cop (or mod in this case). I'll be Leo DiCaprio in The Departed, minus dying in an elevator.


    I can picture it now:

    I walk into their base of operations Matrix style, whip out some Mac 10s and go "NI HAO MUTHA F***AS!"

  10. of all the ideas on updating the light saber that actually suck, you're example is the one logical and obvious weapon, which is actually bad arse if you understand the implication and use.


    of course by god awful ideas I mean 'dark saber' and 'saber whips'.


    If you want the full essay as to why both of those weapons are completely fail let me know.


    As for the cross-guard saber, look at the actual cross-guard(Quillon) swords in the real world, they are specifically designed for a purpose, that purpose is valid in the Star Wars universe.


    I'd be real interested in the full essay, if it's not too much trouble. The dark saber doesn't seem too crazy (just researched it (not a big fan of clone wars)) and some of the black crystals we have now are kind of similar in aesthetics.


    I remember reading about the saber whip a long time ago with the Sith Lady or w/e, and admittedly I'm not a fan of it. It also would be a lot more difficult to implement compared to a crossguard saber, I would imagine. I guess they're both canon, with the differences being: the crossguard is going to get some actual movie screen time, and it would be much easier to put in the game compared to coding an entirely new weapon.


    With that in mind, it seems there would have to almost be an active effort NOT to put it in the game. I mean, it's 100% legit STAR WARS canon whether we like it or not (which I do!).

  11. With previous server merges, how were instances of characters with the same name handled? Were you also given more character slots?


    I play on Jung Ma, and lately the population has been a bit heavier due to the promos. However, while leveling most of my characters and running dailies I've often been the only person on a planet (mostly evenings CST), or one of few. On Yavin and Oricon there is occasional PvP, but it's very spread out.


    I would gladly welcome a server merge, but if it came at the cost of losing my characters and/or names (which is essentially your entire identity in an MMO) I would much rather just wait the few extra minutes for warzones.

  12. The purpose... is to have a dialog.


    I mean no offense by this, but how is one-way communication with us once in a blue moon a dialogue? Especially when you have an entire community desperately trying to get developer feedback on literally every single board of these forums.


    I understand where you are coming from, and what happened yesterday sounds totally unacceptable. However, it doesn't seem appropriate to label your scarce forum posts as "dialog."

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