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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TitusOfTides

  1. Hello,


    I have noticed that at the end of each warzone, there are more total kills than total deaths. Does the game count an assist as a total kill? How is this determined? Is it because of Ancient Astronauts? We just can't say for sure.

  2. Hello,


    I am a new player and have noticed that sometimes WZ queues can take over an hour (I'm almost level 30). I was wondering if this was due to my level or server population. What is PvP like at max level? Do WZs hit more often? Is there open world PvP very often?


    I have recently started looking into server pops and wasn't sure if a non PvP server would have a much faster time at this sort of thing, but even if the open PvP was a little bit existant that would be enough to sway me because ive had a lot of fun on this server so far but want to make sure im not making a mistake long term

  3. Hello,


    I am a new player, although I have been following the game very closely since before launch (just now finally got to play this game!). I was thinking of writing up an organized thread here, but my thoughts are so scattered that I'm just going to throw bullet points at you all in hopes some of them get replied to!


    1) Almost level 30, haven't run into any Republic players yet (just left Dromund Kaas and knocked out Bolivia (not the planets name, but surprisingly its one I'm not familiar with) and about to do the same with Nar Shadaa... am I just on Imperial heavy worlds or is it a population issue?

    1a) About half way through the side quests on Dromund Kaas I realized that the 12x class mission XP was about to fade. I haven't done any side missions since Dromund Kaas, and I am wondering if I should go back to the respective planets and finish the side missions?

    1b) (Redundant) What is the population like on this server (RP, PVP, Imperial, Republic)? I always see good amounts of people in each planetary zone, and I checked some sever status site and it was pretty high up on the rankings for PvP servers pop-wise, but I would really like to get some actual feedback on this.


    2) Trying to get some friends to try F2P. Are all servers available to F2P? If not, is this one?


    3) I'm a Sorc and my GF is a Sin, and while I have two dots she only has one. Right now she's in Madness for DF (I CL she DFs), but I am curious as to the parasitism skill... is this useless for her? I mean, it only affects the SINGLE DOT ability she has right now... does she get more... or is this just... kinda pointless? I might be missing something here.


    ...I could have sworn I had more questions, but I just can't remember them right now. I will undoubtedly post more later.

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