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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TitusOfTides

  1. I was wondering what the consensus on accuracy in PvP was. I have been experimenting with 15% from augments and 1% Legacy for a total of 16.X% bonus accuracy. I'm not giving up much critical, my chance is at 35% and damage is at 75% (Fury/Concentration). I won't get too much into that part now, though.


    I have seen a big improvement in my overall damage output in WZs, but I cannot say for sure if this is due to the accuracy because I also switched to Fury/Concentration at the time I switched gearing as well. I can't recall a missed attack in recent history, but that's not why I geared this way. I'm trying to get my offhand accuracy higher in order to receive the 30% damage bonus on dual wield abilities (one of which supercrits). Is this how dual wield abilities work?


    The small amount of crit I'm giving up for accuracy is often regained by the critical relic, and since I don't have the typical critical rating my returns aren't as diminished. I guess what I'm getting at is has anyone parsed this type of gearing before?

  2. I did the def mods and relic in 3.0, it was a lot of fun. I did the alacrity enhancements on my TK sage and that was fun too! I could get the GCD around 1.05s with a stim, but couldn't quite make it less than a second. Do you break the 1 second mark with your marauder?


    I'm not 100% sure, as I've never really timed it myself - but I do know that you will receive higher alacrity in general since 4.0 hit compared to 3.0. It might be enough to give you the extra edge you're looking for.


    So I am playing around with carnage and I have to ask, do 14 alacrity augs really hit stronger than 14 critical augs in PvP? What would a fast ravage do compared to a crit ravage? I guess, what I am saying is, if I want the best damage to kill healers in PvP, should I go full crit augs or full alac augs?


    I'm not sure about the exact math, but I'm at 31% crit chance and 61% crit damage currently and still over 15% alacrity. I'm using this setup on all of my characters, (we've battled on Jung Ma a few times) and I'm really happy with how its working. I think I'm only a little under what the crit purists are at (less than 10%) and I'm passing them by a mile in alacrity. I know this probably isn't exactly what you were looking for, but I'd be happy to help in any way I can. Since we're on the same server I'm always happy to duel or something.

  3. Jung Ma is the best server, you knew it when you picked it. We all did. PvP servers just have a lower population in every game I've ever played. I think we need a way to get more people to transfere HERE. The pops aren't that bad, and as everyone has said, this is a great community.
  4. Most excellent link. I had watched a couple of play-throughs, but hadn't found one that showed anything but dialog. This is what I needed. I was only looking inside and didn't go outside.




    No problem! I'm glad you weren't running into a bug there, nothing more frustrating than thinking you're not able to really play the game.

  5. How is google docs shady? Google is shady? Oofalong knows what he's talking about and puts a tremendous amount of effort into his guides. Count me as someone who has been very appreciative of his efforts. If you don't care for his guide, then I would be very interested to see something better.


    My apologies, I didn't mean to ne necessarily imply it WAS shady, just was hoping to outline the thought process of someone who didn't read it. I know I'm usually very skeptical of anything linking away from the forums, so I could see a lot of people skipping past it. I believe what you're saying, most of the people who take the time to write up a guide do prettg well. I don't think it's very nice ridiculing the OP for not reading his guide though. This post was here a whole day before anyone replied, and he's just asking for help. We're all cool, because we play Marauders/Sentinels - so theres no need for discord between us all.

  6. When they gave sins/shadows jump ability, not to mention a 30 meter stun, that was the final nail in the coffin for maras/sents. Those classes are so much more versatile, have better burst, more survivability. Not to mention what jugs/sents can do. Surprised anyone tries mara/sents anymore. Mine has been a crafting bot for over a year.


    I'd have to slightly disagree with you on this. There is a niche for Maras, just a bit smaller than that of Sins or many other classes'.


    Burst is good, not the greatest, but good. AoE mez, lots of immobilizes, trauma debuff/other debuffs (discipline dependant), potential for decent group hot. Predation is also awesome to use in 8v8 objective games, especially. Non stealth class with a 6s cloak every 45s is cool. Undying Rage is great. Mad Dash is like 1/2 an Op roll as well.


    There's a lot of upsides to Maras, but it's very easy to overlook all of them.


    To the OP, yes it gets better. Way better.


    Edit: tbh i think anni is like the 2nd highest parsing spec in the game atm iirc

  7. Opener should be something like:


    Charge - deadly saber - battering assault - annihilate - force rend - rupture - dual saber throw - ravage.


    In a perfect, immobilized world this would be ideal. Right after Annihilate is when people usually start running.


    A few posts down from yours is a thread titled: Annihilation | Watchman 4.0 Guide. Did you read the guide?


    Maybe he read your guide, and didn't care for it? Another possibility is perhaps he didn't want to click some shady google doc.

  8. It's hard to say exactly what to do all the time with this spec, but here's what my usual opener looks like:


    Force Leap > Battering Assault > Annihilate > Ravage > Force Rend > Rupture > Crippling Slash


    I usually do the Deadly Saber around Annihilate but for sure before Ravage. I use Berserk right before Force Rend and Rupture on a single target, or after smash if several.


    Then the rest really is whatever is best and available at the time. Sorry its a little short, but I can elaborate more if you'd like.

  9. I like your mentality on the subject. View annihilation as a single target priority spec, and dotspread is just icing on the cake. I'll focus less on dotspread for a few rounds, see how it goes.


    Thank you, I hope it works well for you.

  10. Chapter 9 is the best! You don't AOE anything, in fact you don't even fight anything! All you do is meet your alliance, then go to the cantina to flirt or not flirt! If you flirt, you even get to choose who to flirt with! OMG THE CHOICEZ.


    This should just be the whole game. No more pesky combat or movement! Just click words and allude to having relations with the same fictional characters as everyone else has too!

  11. Is there a companion that can heal better than the others?


    I'm not aware of one, but there are a couple things you can do to increase their healing.


    1) Grab the Skillful utity that increases your healing received by 10%. This will also increase your self heals, which is really nice.


    2) Increase their companion influence by doing missions or giving them gifts. This will greatly improve your favorite companion's healing.

  12. The dot spread is nice, but not reliable enough. You'll find yourself controlled too much, and most classes have tools to escape you. Vengeance is better for dot spread, but hatred/serenity is the best. It's laughable how you can simply prance your way into the thick of things and spread your dots unscathed. Pathetically easy, where annihilation is more often than not, quite a challenge.


    Again, I've had a lot of fun with the spec, and I do think many players don't know what to expect from it lol. Tough decisions for me as I swap back and forth from annihilation and carnage.


    I switch between these a lot too. I haven't even tried Fury! I prefer Annihilation though, and tend to use it a lot more.


    Believe it or not, but I hardly dotspread and just view it as an added bonus when I can (berserk dotspread saves lives!), because I tend to focus the healer and they are usually keen enough to fight on the fringes.


    Annihilation hits so hard, I feel like a ST burst spec sometimes.

  13. With Lightning, you will be able to walk through most of the game like so (with a healer companion):


    Chain Lightning, to Force Storm, to (Instant) Chain Lightning. Repeat Force Storm until you get your next Chain Lightning, and there you go.


    For Elites, you can do the same thing and survive most times - but you'd be better off using Crushing Darkness, to Thundering Blast and letting your procs tell you what to do from there (Thundering Blast on cooldown, of course). Lightning Strike/Lightning Bolt will be your filler attack on single targets, whereas Force Storm will be your go to on groups.

  14. + LB stacks 3% damage reduction up to 3 stacks :). But anyway my bad and prob should have left electro-dart out. I interpret(ed) the OP question as procs that change the priority system and therefore procs like double attacks don't make a difference really on this matter; hence didn't list every single proc of each class.


    ooh ty, didn't realize i'd missed that. didn't mean to come off as argumentative, just found myself surprised at how many procs sorcs had there.

  15. I heard mention that a lot of surveys went out to gather some valuable player information, and this is what resulted in they're decision on rewards.


    The only survey I have received across all of my accounts is the one that just specifically asked how old I am and if I would recommend new players. Where on this survey (the only one I have received on all 3 of my accounts in the last several months) was the data you are mentioned collected?


    It doesn't mean anything ultimately, but those who know you lied... know you lied.


    I'm only staying because I've got too much time and money into this sinking ship.

  16. The forums is blowing up with negativity trashing out Eric and the entire community over at Bioware . Really, what is the point in doing so when it'll get you nowhere?

    I can already see people calling me completely stupid for saying this, but it's My feedback, it's my opinion.

    We all love HK-55 during KotFE, at least 95 percent of us did, now we get to have him as a companion, and for a bonus reward we will be able to play as HK-55 himself!

    I can't say how excited I am for this, I will be sure to continue subscribing to this game until there is nothing else.

    Aside from that, no new content for another two months, technically that's wrong, and right at the same time.

    We are getting no new content, big deal, get over it.

    What we are getting is returning events, we have the Life Day event coming up real soon, followed by the Gree event, followed by Rakghoul invasion on Tatooine, and to top it off, Bounty Brokers once more.

    Aside from that, Double XP, which I myself find useless IMO, but it's something to look forward to.

    (Please, lets keep this thread open with positive comments, thank you. )

    Thank you Bioware for making this game truly remarkable.


    I'm not going to call you completely stupid, but is requiring you to pay for a companion they took away from you a really a reward? That's like saying those poor girls in the sex trade getting an ice cream cone after a job well done are receiving a reward.


    Secondly, once you have played through that "special" chapter.. what then? It's completed, and now you're back to the REAL game. The one they don't show you in livestreams or on the E Channel... where you stand on fleet until you log off or force yourself to run through the same old content until you log off.

  17. We were told today we would receive an announcement that "the world is not ready for."


    We weren't ready for HK-55 (again)?


    Sure, it's a cool idea playing as HK for a chapter... but what about once those new subs beat it? They are gone again. You have traded $15 now, for $15 less later from the long-time sub who quit. You're openly choosing new, short term, customers over existing long term subscribers - and giving them virtually nothing of substance once we beat those "Chapters."


    BTW, Chapter 9 was literally just a cantina party. That's every 5 year old's RP.



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