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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TitusOfTides

  1. Just for reference the combat styles used for the Star Wars universe and star wars in general has heavy Japanese influence so I see no issue with adding some medieval.


    Thank you! Adding this to the game would do nothing to affect balance... and if someone doesn't like it they don't have to use it! It's not going anywhere anytime soon, (unless Kylo Ren dies in Ep. VII) so get used to it everyone! It's 100% legit canon now.

  2. Please NO! No way.


    This is a Sci-Fi MMO not a Medieval to get that horrible, awful, ridiculous lightsaber design.


    I didn't realize that the movie the saber is in wasn't Star Wars, let alone science fiction.

  3. I spent over $300 on Cartel Coins and only got 10.


    On another note, I also only received the Revan Reborn boots and greaves - which was discouraging. So, I farmed credits for a month and purchased the outfit.


    The whole thing seems ill-conceived, only producing more of a market for those credit spammers. $300 on Cartel Coins? If the credit spammers are true, I could get about 100 million credits for that amount. I would obviously never do this, but when the legit system is so broken it only feeds temptation and frustration.

  4. I leveled up Synthweaving the other day to 500. I have spent almost 5 million credits just to make one full set of augments and kits. If I were to purchase the stuff off the GTN, it would only cost about 3 million. How can it be that the cost of materials ((Adaptive Circuitry, I'm talking to you) Running about 100 slicing missions with not one material yielded costs a bit, and considering you need 2 for each aug it becomes an impossible task.) I understand you can't control server economies, but when crafting the gear becomes nigh impossible, you realize that you spent the last week levelling up crafting just to buy the augs anyways. Makes it so I don't even want to play that character anymore, because it all seems like such a waste (my problem, I know).
  5. NO!!!! This is the WORST AND MOST STUPID suggestion EVER!!! Dont **** The Old Republic with **** like this the same way Disney did with Star Wars. what's next on your stupid suggestion list? Ezra's lightsaber gun?


    Based on the suggestions you have in your signature, I don't think you're in any position to criticize.


    How is the crossguard saber stupid? There are plenty of farther reaching items that have already been introduced into previous Star Wars canon. Light whip? Original crossguard saber? These take a lot more liberties with lightsabers than having a crossguard. Jump off the bandwagon, and accept that you only dislike it because someone else told you to.

  6. I leveled from 30 up to 60 with Balance/Madness and played warzones whenever possible. I always felt it was a very fluid discipline both in PvE and PvP (PvE you don't have to worry about dots so much unless their a Strong or higher enemy - Death Field and Force Storm are enough to wipe out anything less). It is my favorite discipline; I've played the others extensively, but keep coming back to it.
  7. EDIT: Yes, I am referring to Kylo Ren's lightsaber. (Specifically refers to it as a "crossguard lightsaber")


    I understand all of your points, but I honestly must say none of them really have any merit.


    As far as only one character having this item, look at all of the armor sets we have floating around right now. How many people wore Darth Revan's robes, Theron Shan's Outfit, etc? How many people had Star Forged Lightsabers? Was Darth Malak's Jaw mass produced and sold at Wal-Mart? No. We have a lot of "unique" items that anyone can have, and that's part of the whole appeal of having these items.


    As far as canon goes, I'm pretty certain that all of these crazy color crystals floating around aren't canon. To a further extent, we don't even know for sure if this entire game is canon anymore. Even if it was, there are many things in this game that are obviously NOT canon.


    So, while I understand your points, precedent seems to say they don't matter. I don't mean any offense by this, but I feel it's necessary to point it out.

  8. I apologize my posting this in a few places, but I only just realized there is a board specifically for things like this.


    What if Force Slow were turned into a dot, and Force Storm spread the dot to affected targets? I feel this would give everyone what they want: Force Storm gets a slow and damage boost without benefiting from Recklessness abuse, and Madness would parse on a competitive level since they would now have an additional dot for sustained damage.


    Please, pick this idea apart, because [since it's my idea] it seems perfect to me :)

  9. I've been curious lately as to what justifications you all might have for having multiple characters of the same AC/Faction on the same server? I have seen a lot of people's character counts in their signatures, and I also find myself now with 2 Juggernauts. I have 1 Juggernaut I play with a friend, and another that looks like it may turn out to be a solo character. I also have a solo Guardian, and a solo Marauder (I play a Sentinel with the same friend too). What is kinda irking me is that I now have 3 Sith Warriors, and only one remaining character slot. I would hate to delete any of the characters, as I have put a bit of time into all of them - but somehow I feel wasteful. So, I implore you alt-aholics, help put my mind at ease!
  10. I made a thread with this idea a few days ago, but this seems like a great thread to bounce the idea around in.


    What if Force Slow were made into a dot, and Force Storm spread the dot? The honestly seems like a very reasonable solution to the problem. The base Storm/Quake ability itself would remain as is, but it would give the slow and damage increase without making the base AoE OP. This could also fix the Balance/Madness parsing problems, but that's a different matter entirely :p

  11. The purpose of this thread will be to compare the current status of [damaging] AoE abilities in the game, and hopefully generate some good player discussion. If we could also get some developer feedback on this, I think it could really put a good amount of the community at peace. I will post separate data for Imperial and Republic classes, because last time I checked there were a few inconsistencies.




    AoE Breakdown

    (Tooltip data courtesy of Dulfy.net discipline calculator)






    Sith Empire




    Bounty Hunter


    Base Class AoE:


    Missie Blast

    Cooldown: 0s| Range: 30m | Instant

    1664-1791 Kinetic Damage to primary target, 800-927 Kinetic Damage to targets within 5m.



    Cooldown: 18s | Range: 10m Cone | Channeled over 3 seconds

    2927 Elemental Damage over 3 seconds to enemies within 10m cone.


    Explosive Dart

    Cooldown: 15s | Range: 30m | Instant (detonates after several seconds)

    1136-1264 Kinetic Damage on nearby(?m) enemies.


    Death From Above

    Cooldown: 45s | Range: 30m | Channeled over 3 seconds

    4219 Kinetic Damage over 3 seconds.




    Advanced Classes








    Sweeping Blasters

    Cooldown: 0s | Range: 30m | Channeled over 3 seconds

    3409 Weapon Damage over 3 seconds.


    Fusion Missile

    Cooldown: 20s | Range: 30m | 1.5 second activation

    683-810 Kinetic Damage to targets within 8m, dealing additional 870 Elemental Damage over 6 seconds.


    Jet Boost

    Cooldown: 30s |Range: Nearby Enemies |Instant

    424-552 Elemental Damage and -50% movement speed for 4 additional seconds.


    Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


    Boresights (Skillful Utility)

    25% damage boost to Sweeping Blasters.


    Missile Salvo

    10% damage increase to Missile Blast.


    Collateral Damage (Innovative Ordinance)

    25% damage boost on Fusion Missile and Explosive Dart. The two abilities will also now spreads dots to affected enemies.


    Blazing Barrels (Arsenal)

    +15% Crit and +30% Surge on Sweeping Blasters.








    Flame Sweep

    Cooldown: 0s | Range: 5m | Instant

    780-908 Elemental Damage to enemies within 5m.



    Cooldown: 45s | Range: 8m | Instant

    351-414 Internal Damage to targets within 8m and stuns for 2.5s.


    Firestorm (Shield Tech)

    Cooldown: 18s | Range: 10m Cone | Channeled over 3 seconds

    5854 Elemental Damage to enemies within 10m cone over 3 seconds.


    Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


    Engulfing Flames (Skillful Utility)

    +25% damage to Flame Sweep


    Superheated Flame Thrower (Pyrotech)

    +25% on next Flamethrower, 45% slow and immune to interrupts after Flame Burst/Flame Sweep/Immolate while Combustible Gast Cylinder is active.






    Imperial Agent


    Base Class AoE:


    Fragmentation Grenade

    Cooldown: 6s | Range: 30m | Instant

    1967-2094 Kinetic Damge to primary target, 952-1079 Kinetic to enemies within 5m.




    Advanced Classes








    Carbine Burst

    Cooldown: 0s | Range: 10m Cone | Instant

    1109-1202 Weapon Damage.


    Corrosive Grenade

    Cooldown: 0s | Range: 30m | Instant

    3474 Internal Damage over 24s to enemies within 5m.


    Passive Ability Increases to AoE:



    +20% Weapon Damage, +50% Area Damage on Fragmentation Grenade.


    Imperial Weaponry (Skillful Utility)

    +25% Carbine Burst damage.


    Imperial Ammunition (Lethality)

    +15% Crit and +%30 Surge on Carbine Burst.


    Cut Down (Lethality)

    +5% to Carbine Burst.


    Lethal Proliferation (Concealment)

    Carbine Burst spreads Corrosive Dart to affected targets.








    Suppressive Fire

    Cooldown: 0s | Range: 30m | Channeled over 4.5s

    6715 Weapon Damage over 4.5 seconds.


    Orbital Strike

    Cooldown: 45s | Range: 30m | 2s Activation

    2789 Elemental Damage over 9s to enemies within 8m.


    Corrosive Grenade (Virulence)

    Cooldown: 0s | Range: 30m | Instant

    3474 Internal Damage over 24s to enemies within 5m.


    Plasma Probe

    Cooldown: 18s | Range: 35m | Instant

    2650 Elemental Damage over 9s and 70% slow to enemies within 5m.


    Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


    Imperial Efficiency (Skillful Utility)

    +25% Damage to Suppressive Fire.


    Accurized Rifle (Marksmanship)

    +15% Crit and +30% Surge to Suppressive Fire.


    Engineer's Tool Belt (Engineering)

    +10% Crit Chance


    Explosive Engineering (Engineering)

    +15% Damage on Fragmentation Grenade, Plasma Probe, and Orbital Strike.


    Sector Ranger (Engineering)

    Reduce activation of Orbital Strike by 1s, cooldown by 15s and Plasma Probe debuffs targets for 45s to receive 10% additional area damage.


    Corrosive Dispersion (Virulence)

    Corrosive Grenade spreads Corrosive Dart to affected targets.


    Adhesive Corrosives (Virulence)

    Corrosive Grenade reduces movements speed by 30% for the duration.


    Lethal Injectors (Virulence)

    Increases duration of Corrosive Grenade by 6s.


    Targeted Demolition (Virulence)

    +5% damage to Corrosive Grenade.


    Devouring Microbes (Virulence)

    +15% Poison Damage on targets below 30% health.






    Sith Inquisitor


    Base Class AoE:



    Cooldown: 20s | Range: 15m Cone | Instant

    701-828 Energy Damage within 15m cone.




    Advanced Classes




    Sith Assassin





    Cooldown: 0s |Range: 5m |Instant

    1239-1344 Weapon Damage to enemies within 5m.


    Death Field (Hatred)

    Cooldown: 15s | Range: 10m | Instant

    2323-2450 Internal Damage to enemies within 8m radius.


    Discharge (If Darkness discipline)

    Cooldown: 10s | Range: 10m | Instant

    807-934 Internal Damage to nearby enemies.


    Wither (Darkness)

    Cooldown: 10s | Range: 10m | Instant

    1967-2094 Kinetic Damage, 30% slow, and debuff for 10s on affected targets.


    Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


    Lambaste (Skillful Utility)

    +25% Damage to Lacerate


    Mounting Darkness (Darkness)

    +40% Damage to Wither and Discharge.


    Lightning Reflexes (Darkness)

    After shield/parry/deflect increase damage of Discharge by 75%.


    Whirling Edge (Deception)

    +15% Crit and +30% Surge on Lacerate.


    Dominating Slashes (Deception)

    +10% Lacerate damage.


    Profuse Horror (Hatred)

    Death Field spreads dots to affected targets, and places 10% area damage debuff for 45s.


    Inevitable Demise (Hatred)

    Death Field and dots deal 15% more damage to enemies under 30% health.




    Sith Sorcerer




    Force Storm

    Cooldown:0s | Range: 30m | Channeled over 3 seconds

    2294 Energy Damage over 3 seconds.


    Chain Lightning (Lightning)

    Cooldown: 6s | Range: 30m | Instant

    2758-2885 energy damage to enemies within 8m of affected target.


    Death Field (Madness)

    Cooldown: 15s | Range: 30m | Instant

    2323-2450 Internal Damage to enemies within 8m radius.


    Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


    Tempest Mastery (Skillful Utility)

    +25% Damage on Force Storm


    Pestilence (Madness)

    Death Field spreads dots to affected targets, and places 10% area damage debuff for 45s.


    Lightning Storm (Lightning)

    Lightning Strike/Lightning Bolt/Thundering Blast/Force Storm reduce cooldown on Chain Lightning and cause it to be cast instantly.


    Storm Brewing (Lightning)

    +15% Crit and +30% Surge on Force Storm.


    Forked Lightning (Lightning)

    25% chance on Chain Lightning to cause 25% additional damage. Chain Lightning also places 10% area damage debuff for 45s.


    Reverberating Force (Lightning)

    +30% Surge on Chain Lightning.






    Sith Warrior


    Base Class AoE:



    Cooldown: 15s | Range: 5m | Instant

    1268-1695 Energy Damage to enemies within 5m radius.


    Sweeping Slash

    Cooldown: 0s | Range: 5m | Instant

    1287-1396 Weapon Damage to enemies within 5m radius. Attacks with both weapons if dual wielding.




    Advanced Classes




    Sith Juggernaut




    Chilling Scream

    Cooldown: 0s | Range: 8m | Instant

    46-59 Energy Damage and reduce movement speed by 40% to enemies within 8m.


    Vengeful Slam (Vengeance)

    Cooldown: 15s | Range: 5m | Instant

    2916-3066 Energy Damage to enemies within 5m.


    Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


    Path Carver (Skillful Utility)

    +25% Damage to Sweeping Slash


    Heavy Handed (Immortal)

    +75% Smash damage. +30% Crit on Sweeping Slash.


    Consuming Power (Immortal)

    +20% Crit on Smash.


    Bloodbath (Vengeance)

    Smash and Vengeful Slam spread dots to affected targets. Sweeping Slash deals 25% additional damage to bleeding targets.


    Gushing Veins (Vengeance)

    +10% Crit on Vengeful Slam and bleeds.


    Decimate (Rage)

    +40% Smash damage


    Dominate (Rage)

    Force Charge/Obliterate will cause next Smash to critically hit.




    Sith Marauder




    Dual Saber Throw

    Cooldown: 18s | Range: 30m | Instant

    1954-2119 Weapon Damage and 50% slow to enemies within 8m of affected target.


    Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


    Path Carver (Skillful Utility)

    +25% Sweeping Slash damage.


    Hemorrhaging Smash (Annihilation)

    Smash spreads dots to affected enemies.


    Pulverize (Annihilation)

    Every 18s bleed effects can cause 100% damage increase on Dual Saber Throw.


    Ataru Savvy (Carnage)

    Sweeping Slash triggers an Ataru strike on all affected targets.


    Decimate (Fury)

    +40% Smash damage.


    Dominate (Fury)

    Force Charge/Obliterate cause next Smash to be an automatic critical hit.


    Cruelty (Fury)

    +5% Crit on Sweeping Slash.


    Force Flagellation (Fury)

    Sweeping Slash deals additional 149-168 Energy Damage. Smash/Raging Burst place 10% area damage debuff on targets for 45s.



    I hope this serves as a good tool to use to compare AoE abilities between not only Advanced Classes but Base Classes as well. I encourage you all to question or justify any specific differences you can see (for example, difference between the Hemorrhaging Smash and Bloodbath utilities). I know a lot of people complain about specific abilities being over or underpowered, and hopefully we can also get some developer feedback as well. I would be very interested to know why there seems to be an attempt to make things similar between all classes, but still we have such vast differences (in terms of damage numbers, etc).


    I would also like to point out that there is a vast difference between every class's AoE with a 25% utility option, and I'm curious how they justify balancing them that way. Every class (except Powertechs and Juggernauts) has a "similar" 25% 0CD AOE, and there is such a large difference between them all.

  12. What if Force Slow's damage was slightly increased, turned into a dot and spread to affected targets of Force Storm? This would give back a slow, slightly increase overall AoE damage but prevent the Recklessness abuse. It would also increase Balance/Madness sustained DPS, since it would benefit from their periodic damage passives; if you don't add additional life drain this would not unbalance PvP either. This seems like a reasonable way to keep everyone happy, and get Sorc/Sage parsing back where it should be.
  13. I was just toying around with Metaphysical Alacrity (Heroic Sage Utility) and noticed that the 50% speed boost does not last the entire duration of Mental Alacrity, as the utility states it does. Mental Alacrity lasts 15 seconds, and the speed boost from the utility only lasts 10.


    I haven't tried this on my Sorcerer yet, because that's not my job.


    Please either fix the wording on the utility, or fix the utility itself.



    Edit: Did it anyways, and Sorcerers seem to have the same problem with the utility.


    2nd Edit: Didn't we just have an update that supposedly fixed this problem?

  14. Hail of Bolts, Sweeping Blasters, Suppressive Fire, and Sweeping Gunfire also receive the exact same 15% Crit and 30% Surge boost - along with a 25% damage utility option available immediately. Now let's take a look at the skills themselves (courtesy of duly.net).


    Forcequake: 6250 energy damage over 6s.

    Force Storm: 6250 energy damage over 6s.

    Sweeping Blasters: 6409 weapon damage over 3s.

    Hail of Bolts: 2557 weapon damage over 3s.

    Suppressive Fire: 6715 weapon damage over 4.5s

    Sweeping Gunfire: 6424 weapon damage over 4.5s


    Warriors and Knights do not appear to have similar abilities. Their AoEs are incomparable to others.


    Sweeping Blasters is over half of the damage of Storm/Quake, for exactly half of the channel time. Upon further inspection, Hail of Bolts actually seems to be neglected here.

    Suppressive Fire and Sweeping Gunfire are over 100% of the damage of Quake and Storm, but less than 100% of the channel time.


    Mercenaries and Commandos have another AoE by default: Death From Above/Pulse Cannon.

    Snipers/Slingers also have Orbital Strike and Flyby.

    Sorc/Sages don't get another AoE unless they specifically spec for it. You have to realize that there are many other factors that go into a class other than just all having a 0s cooldown AoE. There is no problem with Force Storm or Forcequake. They are outmatched.


    And on another note, anyone who believes that this game can truly be played with only AoEs is wrong.

  15. I've been playing around with Alacrity for awhile now as a sent. Given my playstyle, the sweet spot for me it is around 9% (39% with zen) and the results from this experiment have been truly amazing. The alacrity stack gives Combat Sents the sustainable dps we have needed since forever. So far the highest amount of dps I've been able to achieve is around 1900 and that's with just stacking alacrity and crit. This is coming from a pvper BTW...Hope this helps


    That's really interesting. Have you tried experimenting with less alacrity? On my Sorc/Sage I didn't notice a difference between 9.x% and 7.45% as far as timers and cooldowns went - but with the big difference between classes, I'm curious if the returns might be higher.

  16. So I've been looking at the numbers and I realize that in Ataru form, with Fury/Zen active you get a 30% alacrity boost - on top of the 3% from your discipline path - giving us a total of 33% alacrity with no mods. To put this fact into perspective, on my Sorc/Sage I get to at most about 32.x% (stacking all alacrity, and when my 20% boost is up for 10-15s, and I also have my 5% alac buff triggered as well).


    It is a little known fact that alacrity is the new king, so I was wondering if anyone has tried to go with the flow here and stack even more alacrity on top of that beautiful % we're getting. I'm guessing that (fully geared) it would be around 40-45% alacrity... which is about a 50% speed boost at everything.


    And also, for those not using Ataru form, have you tried alacrity yet either? Don't be discouraged by the loss of a 30% alacrity boost, because that's where must of us are at as well!

  17. Hello,


    Some time ago, my alacrity was at 7.45%. Yesterday, I noticed it was at 7.43%. I know alacrity rounds, so I didn't actually lose anything here - but I am just curious as to what may have caused a .02% change in the stat? I have not switched any gear, so I am wondering if this could the be result of an ubdate?

  18. So I've been looking at the numbers and I realize that in Ataru form, with Fury/Zen active you get a 30% alacrity boost - on top of the 3% from your discipline path - giving us a total of 33% alacrity with no mods. To put this fact into perspective, on my Sorc/Sage I get to at most about 32.x% (stacking all alacrity, and when my 20% boost is up for 10-15s, and I also have my 5% alac buff triggered as well).


    It is a little known fact that alacrity is the new king, so I was wondering if anyone has tried to go with the flow here and stack even more alacrity on top of that beautiful % we're getting. I'm guessing that (fully geared) it would be around 40-45% alacrity... which is about a 50% speed boost at everything.


    And also, for those not using Ataru form, have you tried alacrity yet either? Don't be discouraged by the loss of a 30% alacrity boost, because that's where must of us are at as well!

  19. While your first reply may appear discouraging and not at all helpful, I would like to start by stating that a well played Mara/Sent is truly a force to be reckoned with. People haven't quite caught up to the new gearing and playstyle of these classes, and until then you will hear a lot of trash tossed towards your class. You appear to be considerate enough of the variables to be in a unique position to prove these people wrong.


    I will start with your skillful utilities, as you appear to have these in the right place. The only thing I would consider playing around with would be the defensive forms, and instead possibly take Stagger - just to keep those targets that will run right in front of you (if only just a little bit longer).


    On your masterful utilities, I definitely agree with you on Incisor. Slowing them down and keeping them close to you is going to be a big help, whether you are focusing an opponent or chasing down a straggler. For your second point, I would consider either trying the 30% AoE reduction. There are enough complaints about AoE damage these days, and this puts you in another great position to show these people how weak their attacks really can be.


    The Heroic utilities you have chosen are good, but to get more synergy out of your choices I would recommend trying out Fleetfooted (to make sure you maintain your close proximity when the enemies try and slow you), and Zealous Ward. Another good combination could be Force Aegis and Enduring. This second option doesn't really specifically synergize with the other utilities you've chosen, but it will give you about 6s of immortality every 30s (at the expense of your health, however). With the amount of roots/slows your prior utility options give you, I would be more inclined to use the 2nd option of Heroic utilities I presented. Already having force camo, this will effectively give you 2 "outs" if you happen to be focused (which while people think this class is worthless, might give you a free pass until the regular players catch on to your new effectiveness).



    Usually, it is good to focus on 1 target altogether with the team - but sometimes you have to make a judgment call during the process. Occasionally splitting off from the group focus (if its proving to be a fruitless effort) can be a good call - especially if you see an untouched enemy on the opposite team. This can sometimes throw off the whole group dynamic. Another random note, is on healers: They will often focus healing on their focused teammate - spreading out your DPS on the fly to another teammate, or even themselves, will cause them to adjust their plan or die. Most healers, when pushed, will get very selfish with their heals and heal themselves at the expense of their teammates. Also, focusing a target and then pushing the healer away or stunning them when you get an incline that a heal will be coming to them soon can sway the tide of the battle. Follow your instincts and let the force guide you on this one :p


    On the guarded target scenario, it does differ. If you are focusing the guarded individual with another teammate, it can be good to keep the pressure on them - or split the focus between the guarded and the one guarding. This is usually decided on a case by case scenario, and (like the last paragraph) letting your gut feeling push you on what to do in each situation is usually the best way to go - especially since you have a few 'predetermined options' to switch between on a moment's notice.


    When you are focused, however, you have a couple options to fall back on. I would either Force Camo out, or use Guarded by the Force. Sometimes, you might see great returns if you are being constantly focused by using Guarded by the Force, and then before or after it wears off hitting Camo immediately. Try to save your stun breaker for the last possible moment, and just eat a stun or two every now and then if you think you can take it.


    One another note, get some Alacrity - as much as you can. It seems to be the new hidden gem stat, and not many people have caught on to this yet. My recommended stat priority would be as follows: Alacrity > Alacrity > Alacrity > Power > Crit > Surge > Strength (did I mention Alacrity? lol). Switching to this would give you another opportunity to show everyone that these classes are not broken - they just require a new mentality when playing.



    Edit: Also, if I forgot anything or you have any other questions please feel free to ask!

  20. So, to fix the broken play of mara/sent we just stack alacrity? Lolol, no...sorry, but just...no.


    First off, whether or not it is "broken" is purely subjective.


    Secondly, stating that stacking a specific stat is not ideal is just foolish. When people tell you to that Strength is a paramount stat, do you reject that as well? If that's the case, that could be the reason you perceive these great classes as broken.

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