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Posts posted by TitusOfTides

  1. Mercenary and Jugg are not on target for their original design by any means. Jugg can't stay in a fight under pressure as a supposedly aggressive melee dps and Merc can face tank as a supposed high utility ranged DPS...


    That aside short I-frames added to existing abilities wouldn't change class design philosophy.


    Those are good points. I personally am a fan of i-frame abilities in other games and would be interested to see how they could positively affect the state of the game.


    I don't think it's unreasonable for each class to have some sort of ability in the vein of Op roll, but if we start adding them for the sake if adding them we could be in store for a major disaster. I think 1 ability per class is more than fair, you just have to find the right flavor for each class. For example, make Blade Blitz/Mad Dash give 1.5s immunity on Maras/Sents. Rocket Out on Mercs, etc. If every class has a stun breaker and a brief 1.5s immunity ability to use strategically, I dont think you'd see a lot of the complaints you do now.

  2. In all fairness, the only classes that avoid the gank do so by design.


    Ops and Assassins are meant to be slippery opportunists, for example. While I won't debate their potency, I do think that every class is legit viable in the scenarios they were built to be.

  3. No, it isn’t. What about those Unranked players who like Huttball, but hate the Ranked community?


    What about the Ranked players who hate Huttball?


    Change is change. You will never change anything while also keeping it the same, and it seems clear to everyone that Ranked should not continue to go on as it is now.


    The Ranked scene would drastically change - not just the community or the meta, but its values and capabilities. Vote kicked off an 8 person team? More credibility there than on one of 4. Trying to throw a match? Much harder now. You like Huttball? You can now play it anytime and more than likely have a much larger community of nice Huttball fans than that of the old toxic Ranked community. So what you know now as the Ranked community would change, because things will have changed - you follow?


    Current Ranked player that hates Huttball? Play Regs. You'll get the action, and if the Devs have a brain they'll up the rewards for Reg play. Hate Huttball but want the Ranked rewards? I guess you now have to make a very minor decision in your adult life - everyone else had to with the old Ranked meta and community, so what's new?


    What about Goldilocks, you ask? Who cares what they think. They shouldn't have broke into someone's house, and should be grateful they got away with everything for as long as they did.


    So, yeah, it is.

  4. Remove Ranked Arenas and switch Ranked exclusively to Huttball. Take Huttball out of the regular queue since a lot of people seem to drop when they are surprised by a Huttball match. Not only are you fixing both a Ranked and Unranked complaint, but you no longer have to worry about balancing around 4v4 arenas - in fact, it would probably be the best thing for the game as a whole, period.


    If you really think about it, it's actually a brilliant idea if I don't say so myself. Really, though, if you dont find yourself immediately onboard with this idea - think of a way that makes it better, but within the parameters of "Ranked = Only Huttball" and "Unranked = Everything else" and let me know what that would look like, and I am confident you will then agree that this is the healthiest and smartest way to address the problem.


    This is the way.

  5. Only way Sorc would be an option for you is if you run the utility that changes your Saber Strike into a short ranged immobilize. Otherwise there is no reason to Saber Strike as a Sorc unless you're toying with someone or out of Force points (maybe that works for you too, though).


    If you do go the immobilize route, I would highly recommend going all in on the control utilities (Whirlwind stun and Overload immobilize).

  6. Sounds like you and mero are made for each other. Sweeping unethical behavior under the rug because it's "not so bad" is exactly what I'm talking about.


    I don't think that you even know what you are talking about, let alone anyone else here.


    Seriously acting like this guy is the new Hitler because he bumped a toxic Ranked grinder to the tragic 4th place? Omg call the cops.


    If they were banned and unbanned, the decision was made by the people that rightfully deserve to make that decision - and not you. To publically try and trash someone who is being refreshingly honest and open after all of that is even lower than what you think you're fighting against.

  7. To be fair, the "harm" they caused was just bumping some toxic Ranked grinder to 4th place?


    Not saying it's cool, but its definitely not as evil or psychopathic as people are making it out to be - and certainly not unique.

  8. Sorry, am I missing something here? Watchman Sentinel is parsing at 23k DPS?

    I play Watchman in HM ops with full 286 augmented gear and ~3.3k crit, and I am parsing 13k on single target bosses and dummies. Conc is parsing slightly lower. 23k seems absurdly high, or am I misreading something? Our Plasmatech Vanguard (the one who gets the Guard) is also parsing around 13k too.


    Are you running Spiteful Saber?

  9. Number pad is the best option for you.


    I started using it on my laptop and dont even use a mouse anymore except for missions/objectives. You'll do all your targeting with tab, and your right hand will do all your abilities (numpad and number row); your left hand will only be movement and the occasional button press. It doesn't take long to get used to and it really makes combat easier too.


    I stack a 3x3 quickbar with another with a row of 2 above it and put them just between my target health and map. It will visually mimic the shape of the numpad and doesnt obstruct your view. Your normal two quickbars will just be for less important things that are easier to press when the time is right. With that being said, any class will be an option for you.


    If it helps I can post a screenshot of my hud.

  10. I don't have exact numbers to give, but I would recommend the 15.41% Alacrity if you will be running Tag and Bag and the Vent Heat utility that boost Alacrity. Gives you a max boost of 35% with the raid buff on top of your base Alacrity giving you a potential window of 50% or higher (55%+ with relic) every 5 minutes or so.


    If you are not, I would recommend 7.15% or 0%.

  11. I have been experimenting with a very high Alacrity build to a great degree of success. My base is 20.20% and I get over 50% with Berserk active. 55.5% with Relic and Berserk active. It is incredibly fast. I can often hit 2 abilities before an opponent uses 1. My crit hasn't suffered much either and sits at a multiplier of 62%. Fanged God form and high Alacrity both turn the filler phase into some crazy fast Ataru strike limit exceeding autocrit spam extravaganza. 28s Force Choke CD is a killer too. 6 abilities with a 0.8s GCD 2-3 times a minute (0.7s with relic)? Sign me up! Your Ferocity windows are often over before the opponent can even respond.


    Carnage has the highest Alacrity potential in the game, so if there are any Alacrity shenanigans to be had, Carnage is the spec that can take advantage of them (Mercs can reach slightly higher numbers, but not nearly as often as Carnage - like once every 5 minutes as opposed to once every 15-20s with Maras).


    Edit: Sorry, wierd builds are like my thing so I got a little excited there lol. One of these days I'll actually get around to posting some data - that is, if the 0.7s GCD alone doesn't do it for you.

  12. Most classes don't have two hard stuns. I can't think of any that has two 4s hard stuns. Average CD for a 4s hard stun is about 45s.


    Every class has a stun breaker, and a wide variety of defensive cooldown abilities.


    It's very rare that a single opponent will be able to kill you in less than 4s.



    With that being said, what "balance" do you honestly expect to see in a 2v1 fight? The fight is inherently unbalanced. If we are talking about an even XvX fight, it comes down to team composition, skill, and communication. I think that's kind of the nature of "games" right there. There will always be a winner and a loser.

  13. thx, so they are good balances ? Or is one of them much better than other ?


    They are both very close in their potential, even across all of their disciplines. Assassins have a wider range of utility (taunts, guard, full stealth) but Marauders have a unique utility in Predation and their other raid buff. In terms of damage, they both offer some of the highest in the game. Marauders can tend to achieve slightly higher damage, but it is at the expense of full stealth and some off tanking abilities. All in all, they are very close and I would recommend whatever seems like itll be a better fit for you.

  14. Mara vs Sin will come down to preference. They both offer high end damage, with Mara achieving higher numbers at the loss of "full" stealth. I would say the answer to your question is determined by your desired playstyle or lightsaber type since in this case the difference is minimal.
  15. You might want to consider either Marauder or Juggernaut. Their best sets are the same, so you can essentially have 4 max geared characters that all share the same equipment (only their main and offhand equipment are bound). This would give you characters that can fill multiple roles on both Republic and Imperial sides.


    It'll also free you up for your 2nd choice. You could play whatever you enjoy most, or just focus on something with a different playstyle for a change of pace.

  16. I was thinking it would make more sense thematically and be more useful. I'd like to see a Hidden Savagery type utility to allow strong openers and really feel like a sniper. 4-6 seconds of stealth on a 45s cooldown would also be a stronger DCD than Holo-Locate.


    Do this, and you will see these classes in Ranked again. I think a Defel Spliced Genes copy would probably be too strong though, even if you put the refresh on something with a longer CD, like Laze Targets.


    Questions? Comments? Concerns? Cool Name Suggestions?

  17. A lot of people were talking about this earlier, so I won't quote directly. I just want to say that if you use the report feature in the Customer Service tab, they do investigate them quickly and thoroughly. Just be sure to include as much information as possible when you do so.
  18. I would recommend Concentrated Fire over anything else. It's also the best if you ever respec.


    As a healer, you have the benefit of ignoring accuracy and only have to really focus on Crit and Alacrity. Depending on your personal preference you will either want:


    a) 15.41% Alacrity and the rest into Critical




    b) 7.14% Alacrity and the rest into Critical


    The important thing is to make sure you have at least those values of Alacrity in order to cross the GCD breakpoints. You can go slightly over, but you won't really see any benefit so it's generally best to get as close to the two values as possible.

  19. I'm leveling a hatred sin right now to test it out in PvP. The new tactical bonus where you spam leeching strike seems intresting. I'd like to try a high alacrity build to see how it balances against a lower crit too. It seems to have a really fun playstyle and I like the idea of applying pressure instead of burst.


    If one of your relics endgame has a Critical proc boost, you will have a 6 second window every so often where your crit levels are equal or greater than that of someone who went essentially all crit. The reason for this is because of the diminishing returns; I've had characters with a base 55% multiplier bump up to 70%+ with the relic and then still benefiting from higher Alacrity (getting to the 1.3 GCD will leave your base in the mid 60% range depending on your character - the 55% is on something janky I tested).


    Sorry for the ramble - I guess the point I was trying to make is that you'll sort of have a 6 second "burst window" pretty frequently even if you go for a traditionally less bursty build.

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