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Posts posted by TitusOfTides

  1. This has happened to me quite often, and now I feel the need to post this here to see if anyone else is experiencing this issue.


    There have been many instances where my Force Barrier was off cooldown, but sort of grayed out and unable to activate. I know this is not the cooldown timer, as there have been many instances where in ranked matches I have not activated it and have been unable to do so.


    I do not know of any reason why this could happen.

  2. Chiming in really late on this one, but I have to say there is nothing wrong with Balance or Madness. They work just like they are supposed to - great for multiple targets and draining the life to be more survivable.


    Even on single target, they have strong DPS - and gain that back in health simultaneously! Force Serenity does very comparable damage to Turbulence. With Weaken Mind running (just like TK) you get a boost to your damage, for 20%. That is close to the additional 30% you would get from Turbulence striking twice - which is only slightly higher in base DPS than Serenity. Turbulence does get an auto-crit, but if your crit rating is in the right spot on your character sheet you really are going to be getting crits on Serenity fairly often. When you weigh the fact that its slightly lower single target damage, but heals you for the exact amount it deals, I would say it is a fair trade-off.


    In addition to this, you gain the mobility of a TK/Lightning user without necessarily having to grab Force Mobility. This really expands on the options you have, for either even MORE mobility or any of the other great Heroic utilities you by default (essentially) give up as the 'burst' spec - in order to gain the mobility you already have as a dot thrower!


    Also, you have to look at damage types! Balance/Madness will bypass armor with most of the abilities, since they are Internal damage instead of kinetic. So, on some targets, you will even do MORE damage than a TK/Lightning user - and then gain back even more life. Partner that with even higher damage numbers (albeit over time) on some of the abilities, built in roots, mobility, AoE damage that does not get reduced by such utilities as "Nanotech Suit" (Force in Balance, sure, but the dots it spreads do not), and the above points you really have a strong spec (not to mention the names are super cool - Sever Force? Yes please!).


    On the issue of not getting Recklessness/Force Potency back as quickly - who cares? Sure, 60% crit chance on 2 moves - that is somewhat of a big deal. However, it's one second you gain back from Disturbance/Lightning Strike. One second. If you are the type of person to argue that one second can make all of the difference in PvP, and that that ends the argument, you are not weighing the other factors properly.


    On another note, I used 3.0 Balance from 30-60 (constant PvP) and use it a lot now as well - and still tend to get higher numbers than TK Sages - and healing numbers that get respectably close to some healers. You do similar DPS on average, gain more health, and ultimately gain more medals. In short, I have no sympathy for you if you feel "forced" to use TK - because you need to learn to think for yourself and stop believing everything people tell you.

  3. If I delete a character that unlocked all its companions conversations, and reached max affection. Will I lose the unlocks and have to earn the resulting presence bonus again? I made an assassin and reached 55. But want to re roll sorc. But I don't want to redo all my companion conversations. In fact I'm going to use hk from level 1.


    I don't mean to pry, but I am really curious as to why you would delete the character as opposed to just making a new one? Are you at the character limit or do you just want the same name?

  4. I really do agree with this. Especially when you consider two things, in addition to the good points you mentioned.


    1) Several classes receive a 30% damage reduction on AoEs. HUGE decrease in damage.


    2) If you take Corruption or Madness, it is actually kind of underwhelming. The big numbers come from the crit/surge bonus the Lightning tree gives - and there is NOTHING wrong with that. A discipline that gives an ability bonus damage!? Unheard of!


    It's a good ability. It is not overpowered, by any means.

  5. I hated the Consular story, until about midway through chapter 2. Then I couldn't stop playing.


    I just got to Nar Shadaa with the Agent, and I am really enjoying this story so far.


    My GF and I have Inquisitors that we only play together, and I am really just dying to know how this story pans out - it's killing me since we are about half way through Chapter 1.


    I started a JK and a SW, only about level 10 in each and these stories seem to be looking very promising as well.


    My level 9 Smuggler? Meh (just got to fleet, so it's not fair for me to judge at this point I guess)


    I have a 17 BH and it starts off really strong. Haven't played him in a while, now that I think of it.

  6. This is a very good question. I am level 60 now, but at level 30 I did switch to Balance (I use TK now, and am not a big fan of playing healer - at all) and used that all the way up until I hit the cap.


    I've only Tharan on a handful of occasions, and used Qyzen until I got Nadia, and then Nadia until I unlocked HK-51 (On Nadia, I would more often than not use the periodic damage stance). However, if Tharan is fully outfitted he can be very helpful.


    It was a really smooth process, and I'm not too sure of the problems you may be having but I'll just throw in all the info I think may be relevant:


    I, still to this day, use my utilities on: Pain Bearer (will boost Tharan's healing on you, as well as your own - in particular Rejuvenate, Benevolence, and Force Mend. This will also be a very substantial heal once you gain access to the Valiance utility at 35 - this also gives you a great way to refill you force points in WZs.) In addition to Pain Bearer, I always run Upheaval for some extra burst in the rotation, and Tectonic Mastery for obvious reasons.


    As far as rotation, even though the guides recommend against it - I put Mind Crush on low priority. Get your spreadable dots up first, and then force in balance (provided the enemies are grouped in PvE) and then forcequake. For stronger enemies (usually Elite or higher) open up with Mind Crush, and then use the above method. Toss in a Project, as often as possible, in between quakes (Telekinetic Throw is also good to throw in if you need to reapply Mind Crush - because the channel timer is close to the same as the activation timer for Mind Crush, and it will keep the DPS flowing too).


    In addition to this, of course making sure your gear is within a few levels of your current level is paramount. I apologize if this is a bit unorganized, but I hope this helps.


    I'd love to know this as well. I just hit 10 on a new toon after being away a few years. I'm thinking of going TK, but the only good guide out there seems to be for people who have leveled already. Any tips would be great.


    With TK, I would recommend the same utilities - they have served me very well on every discipline. The only difference, would be instead of Valiance I flip between Telekinetic Defense and Kinetic Collapse (the former being better for PvE in my opinion).


    Once you get Turbulence that is going to be used as often as possible for the most part, but at your level - and even in most PvE situations (except for bosses, etc) I would open with Telekinetic Wave and then Forcequake. At level 12 this will allow you to rotate between just these two abilities with great success. You can wait until quake is finished to recast Telekinetic Wave, but I usually do it about half way through or so and it seems to balance out the procs and timers fairly well. Project is helpful in between abilities as well.


    Again, my apologies if this is too messy - but please feel free to ask any questions I may have left unanswered!

  7. I could see it either way. Maybe he used to be a Jugg, but as he increasingly lost his humanity became more and more like a Sorc.


    Not to hijack the thread, but I wonder which class Sion would be. He was the leader of the Assassins, but also had some Marauder in him. I could buy Jugg as well.


    Obv. they do not neatly fit into classes, but the question is just which one if you had to choose.


    That's a good question. I would be inclined to say Immortal Juggernaut... but it is possible an argument for Corruption Sorcerer could also be made.

  8. So, I'm pretty sure he would fall into the Sorcerer category - but what about Juggernaut? To quote the wiki:


    "He used his dark variant of the Sever Force ability... ...He was also proficient in Dark Rage, Farseeing, Force lightning, Force Resistance, Force Scream, Force Whirlwind, among others such as a dark variant of Force Healing called Dark Healing."


    It seems like Sorcerer would be the obvious choice, but Juggernaut (perhaps rage discipline) also seems like it could be a good fit.


    In your opinion, what class do you think Nihilus would be?

  9. I tried full alacrity on my exhumed set and got about 9.75%. Dropped down to 7.45% and I don't even notice a 1/10 second difference, but I expect that the returns on ranked mods might be more noticeable if you go full alacrity.


    My crit before lucky shots is about 20% and my surge is around 60%. I get auto crits and forcequake crits often enough where its almost always surging anyways.


    With the focal point buff I get to almost 13%, and with the mental alacrity buff it goes up to 33% (rounding slightly up). This has the potential to be a very high DPS boost. With all of the instant casts we get, the more often you can throw them the better.

  10. So, I'm pretty sure he would fall into the Sorcerer category - but what about Juggernaut? To quote the wiki:


    "He used his dark variant of the Sever Force ability... ...He was also proficient in Dark Rage, Farseeing, Force lightning, Force Resistance, Force Scream, Force Whirlwind, among others such as a dark variant of Force Healing called Dark Healing."


    It seems like Sorcerer would be the obvious choice, but Juggernaut (perhaps rage discipline) also seems like it could be a good fit.


    In your opinion, what class do you think Nihilus would be?

  11. Accuracy reduces the target's resistances, if above 100%. I know this is the chance for a force attack to land, but when I have examined my my own defensive tooltips (60 Sage) I have 0.00% force resistance.


    Are there any player characters that can gain "Force Resistance," and if so how much? What I am beginning to believe is that accuracy would serve no role in PvP combat if across the board everyone has 0.00%

  12. Has anyone experimented combing PvP gear sets? For example: I have noticed that some pieces of armor in the "Force-Master" set increase alacrity, and some items in the "Force-Stalker" give critical and surge - and those items would take place of the alacrity items. Most of my abilities are instant, save for one or two, and I really don't need the force regeneration from alacrity.


    I have looked into the mods that make up these items, and the culprit seems to be the "Enhancement" slot items - which to my knowledge cannot be replaced with other enhancements of equal value. I figure that eventually you could switch out the mods from the Stalker boots and put them in the Master boots - but I wasn't sure if that would work. Has anyone tried this either?


    If you take the mods out of the pvp sets and put them into an adaptive set you'll be just as fine as if you were wearing the pvp sets themselves.


    You can wear pvp gear (or modded gear) everywhere - they work very well in world pvp vs pve-geared characters.


    And yes, it's all from the vendors at fleet.


    Except for augments - get everything augmented. But there are no pvp-specific augments.


    I've never augmented anything before. Would I have to switch to armormech to do this? What would the process of augmenting the gear entail, and what does it accomplish?


    I have recently hit level 55, and plan to be 60 very soon. Once I hit 60 I will be hitting the ranked WZs pretty hard, and I have had a few questions I was hoping to get answered before I get too close to the level cap.


    1) I have a full set of Adaptive Armor, and was considering purchasing all of my level 60 ranked pvp mods now - since I have no need to purchase anything else with my commendations. Will putting all of these level 60 ranked mods into an adaptive set be all I need to be on par at level 60 in ranked PvP? I have been looking into the matter (most info is from before 3.0) and I have heard mention of Exhumed PvP gear, and other things similar to this - and was really just wondering if you were limited to a few different sets, or if the versatility of adaptive armor would be viable.


    2) I was also wondering if you are able to use gear equipped with ranked WZ mods, etc. in WZs that are not ranked.


    3) Lastly, is everything you will need for ranked PvP found at the vendors on fleet?

  13. Depends on what you are doing honestly.


    If you are talking about playing casual **** games that on one cares about like regs or soloQ baddie raffle then it would usually be as follows for TK:


    T1: Tempting Mastery, Sap strength, either Sith defiance or chain shock (both are garbage doesn't really matter which one) or you could take the lower cd for your force stun (Oppressing Force [probably the best]).


    T2: Emersion is obviously needed, then you could either take knockback root or bubble stun, preference. I usually take knockback root instead because I probably have dots on target


    T3: For TK force mobility is good, then you would probably want to take Corrupted Barrier because is retardedly broken as you can heal-to-full from 10% to 100%.


    For 4s you would take other utilities but I doubt you would step up to the challenge, so just remain in regs/soloQ as I assume you would.


    Once I hit 60 (48 atm) I am planning on hitting ranked WZs, and I'm hoping my success from unranked translates over well. (My theory is that since the main problem atm is poor pub side teamwork, once I hit ranked I won't be "all on my own," so to say). So in short, I'd be very interested in what those other options would be for a more serious matchup.


    Edit: Would you take the same ones with Balance?

  14. For Tk I would spec into:

    Tier 1 Increased damage on project, 3% damage reduction, and the increased damage on Force Quake (for solo arena take damage reduction, project proc, and reduced cd on stun or damage reduction after stun ends).

    Tier 2: Root break on force speed and either bubble mezz or 15% reduced dot damage

    Tier 3: Cast while moving and bubble/barrier heal (for solo arena take damage reduction while stunned and bubble/barrier heal).


    I'll switch to that right now. Purchasing the field respec as allowed me to be much more indecisive lately.


    Two questions this made me remember: Is the Project bonus more than 5% of the time? It seems like it happens closer to 50% instead of 5%. Secondly, is the 3% damage reduction boost noticeable? 3% just doesn't seem like much on paper.

  15. I have been looking around for quite some time, but can't find much info on this - all of the information seems to be from before the discipline system update.


    What are the best choices for PvP with these classes? I usually use telekinesis and lightning, and have no problem running through PvE content - whereas with Balance I seem to do OK, but the NPC encounters are slower and closer.


    In PVP, I can't tell much of a difference. My damage numbers are a bit higher with balance and madness, but it doesn't seem like it.


    Before, mobility was a big issue for TK and lightning. Now that we can cast our heavy hitters while moving, and have the rest of the utility options available has this changed? What utility options seem to work well? I have been experimenting with Pain Bearer and Noble Sacrifice, and seem to regain a very substantial amount of health - but still lack a lot of survivability, cc, and damage.

  16. I have heard WZs are the best way to raise credits, but I am only getting about 100-250k a day at best.


    Are there better ways to raise credits?

  17. Hello,


    I am currently level 38, and play both a Sage and a Sorcerer. At first, in WZs, telekinetics and lightning were really good. I could do some serious damage with the Thundering Blast + Affliction crit, as well as the Chain Lightning and Lightning Strike procs (play the sage more but dont know the names :p). I could take out most of a players health relatively quickly, but now things have changed.


    Even if I throw all of my attacks at someone, they only seem to lose about 1/3 or their health, whereas before they were losing more than half on average (even less to tanks). At first, I thought it might be because I was in higher level WZs, but then I dueled a same level player (Vanguard or something) and I couldnt scratch them, and they could kill me in just a few hits.


    Then, I thought it was my gear. I have appropriate level gear, and have dumped a lot of credits into the right mods for the adaptive pieces I have. This hasn't seemed to change anything, in fact now in WZs I get a message that says the expertise on my saber is too low (my other one had none, and I never got this message before!)


    If anyone knows what's going on here I would greatly welcome any and all advice on how to fix this, or on what specs are good with the new discipline system.

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