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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. Your right, to do it correctly my Guardian would need to carry/have four sets of armor. Something at this point I am just starting to build toward. I do wonder does a defense heavy tank mess with a no accuracy dps? Would be nice to think he does.


    It's like removing PvP and PvE gear only made it worse to actual gear properly for either. Who would have thunk that. Oh wait..::rolleyes:

  2. Does a player have to be Command Rank 300 (or what ever rank it is that drops tiers 2 and 3) to receive or cash in the token or can a CR 60 toon run HM S&V and get the Tier 3 gloves from Titan 6?


    I assume it is like now and turn them in at the right Vendor in the Supplies section without needing the GC rank.

  3. Ah I see. I was not into the mechanics details of the game at all when I first started (I didn't even PvP until max level, because I thought you were not supposed to). I didn't realize all the auto-crit stuff came later. Thanks for the explanation.


    Yeah 3.0 addition of Auto crit set bonus and 4.0 Crit/Surge Changes really changed how we gear in both PvE and PvP (now most specs are identical stat wise in there area) I should add only two skill trees and one class had an auto crit at the time: Auto Crit Rail Shot for old AP I believe (now new pyro) and TB on a Lightening Sorc. Both weren't that hard hitting though IIRC. Snipers Laze Target also wasn't that big in crit %. Yeah times move on.

  4. While Browsing this thread I was able to get my FFXIV Duty Finder Roulette as a DPS done thanks to Cross Server Duty Finder despite being on the second smallest server. Meanwhile good luck getting a Master Mode FP on JC as a DPS at this hour lol. FeelsGoodMan


    These are the same people arguing against cross server are the same ones who crowed for all Singleplayer content for last 2 years while the Swtor shriveled up. Which is funny since they don't do Group content always so it doesn't affect them. Thread is memes man.

  5. As for why shielding trumps crit in the philosophy of combat in Swtor: Because this was designed back at launch based on similar MMOs and for a different time in the game's history. This is before Auto Crit Set bonuses, Super Crit and before the combining of Crit and Surge. Before most specs ran little crit and overall crit % for classes was proportionally and overall lower. In plain terms it was few big crits vs lots of medium crits today. (This is why they nerfed most classes 30% Surge Bonus). Also, this after a massive increase in Stats as well. But before for example in 3.0 god tier crit % for a lightning sorc was somewhere around 30% with and average between 25-28%. Compared today of average of 48%-50% and higher. So the problem was all these changes occurred but due to lack of people and/or interest in reworking shielding it remains as is.


    Edit: Not an argument for or against but saying why it is so.

  6. Well, in FF14 you can group with people from several counties. You just have to tell (via UI) the languages you are able to speak. And it works peerfectly fine.


    Anyway, English is the de facto MMO language and for most of european people, it won't be an issue ;)


    I would gladly write/speak english instead of suffering loneliness on my server (Battle Meditation) Yesterday, at 23h00 we were 12 on the fleet (Empire side). 3 lvl 70. Transfer is not a solution in my case (I have to move all my crafters, and all mys strongholds are completed. Losing the flagship is also an issue.)


    And now we have Cross Data Center Party Finder to complement Cross Server Duty Finder in FFXIV. It's funny when you can have Raid Teams made up of people on different servers with ease of a button. Meanwhile Swtor is still stuck in the Stone Age when it comes to this. Then again lack of content is the main culprit along with disastrous decisions like Singleplayer for 2 years and asinine gearing in driving population away and leading to said situations. It's the difference between a successful game and a not so successful game I guess.

  7. i have been here from the beggining, dont need collectors edition, its enough the digital version.

    I have played other MMORPGs as well. Lineage 2 for 8 years and others for like a few months. But you are comparing differents games. It's logical to have difference between games. it's what makes them fun. If you want the same bullsht over and over again then go play Solitaire, GW 2 or overwatch and stop complaining.

    That goes to other ppl crying for gear disadvantage as well. No one is forcing you to play here, so G T F O :D


    Then when all the pvpers give up and follow your advice to leave you can enjoy the empty queues I guess. :rolleyes:

  8. (Name Redacted) all i have to say on this. I as well play on jc and he is a know afker doing nothing but grieving his team in ops chat while staying in stealth the entire match.So yes it is an existing problem on jc.


    Name and shaming against forum rules but never played a match with said person. Seen them word vomit in fleetchat. But afkers as a real issue involving multiple people hasn't been problematic until now due to making the game all about CXP farming and the simple equation of weighing everything against time/CXP.


    PvP skill not gear should matter, should have alternate grind systems like vanity and other non game advantages to encourage people to play. Stop making seasons that drag on for ever for piss poor rewards. In PvE skill not grind of easy content should award gear. To paraphrase the late Princess Leia: "The tighter you grip us with CXP, BW, the more subs that will fall through your fingers". ;)

  9. In 5 years I've NEVER seen anyone actually be successfully kicked from warzone. I've seen a few times most of the team say they have voted to kick someone and it just never happened.


    The player has to be completely afk and not in combat to successfully kick.

    Then again afkers in WZ haven't been an issue till now even with Conquest at least on my server.

  10. Please no, SM last boss 100% with a chance of a drop off other bosses, Veteran random per boss with the last boss dropping the 100%, Master 100% per boss so the hardest difficulty gets the rewards as it should be more pain the better the gain i say.


    Btw thought you were playing FFXIV full time now lol


    I log into raid only at this dead games point.

    SM: 230

    HM: (Sans EV/KP): 236

    NiM: 242


    Casualsplain somewhere else.

  11. I'm all for the system being sped up, but honestly, I don't know how to take some of these people seriously. "ive opened 100 t3" "I've gone 200+ past 300". what are you guys doing to get all these yet not have gear? if you've done 100 gc lvls worth of ops you would definitely have some gear, if not a full set. same with doing those 100 gc lvls worth of pvp, the components alone would buy your gear set.


    All I get is green gear from crates at T3, and I haven't seen a tokens drop from any NiM boss in over 2 weeks. All Ops bosses must drop 100% specific pieces if they want a raiding community to do this new boss dropping.;)

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