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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. Not really, since you use it in your rotation to reset recklessness


    On paper they do, on the field, unless its a perfect fit that someone dies as your stealth comes off cd, you dont actually bring that. Also, in a LOT of fight its about as useful as square wheels.


    And even so, the Rez CD since it doesn't have a healing spec, is normal length so you can only do it once per fight or once per multiple pulls.


    Everyone is complaining about Sorc, but Sage is just as bad off.


    Uhm because they are the mirror class and one in the same.... >_>


    Want to see a ridiculous nerf? Go ahead and roll a Sentinel!




    If you think sentinels got nerfed or in a bad spot, I have some Beach property to sell you in South Dakota.

  2. please specify. I honestly do not recall a moment in SOR or beyond where the Dread Masters are mentioned at all.


    There is only one mention afaik and it's so irrelevant as an offhandedly remark that can be ignored and is missed by most.



    On Yavin in SOR, there is one line by Satele Shan who compares the Darkside on Oricon vs the power emitted on Yavin and an option retort by you (or just ignore the line) that the Dread Masters were only a fraction of the power of the Emperor. There is zero mention at all of your involvement or resolution. Heck when you are on Darvannis in KOTFE there is zero mention anywhere of SnV


  3. Why do you need the best gear for alts you don't play?


    Let's say you get your Sin and PT tank into the best gear... then what? What do you need to even play them for if you've already got the best stuffs?




    Specifics don't matter. The spirit of the OP is: gear alts by playing main.


    So I'll ask again: why the need to gear your alts if you don't play them? If you've geared all of your alts using your main then what's left to play for with your alts?


    No offense, Did you even read? My PT and My Sin are my mains. However since NiM loot is FUBAR I have to play my PvP alts to gear my mains since it's easier to farm people and components on a Merc or Sniper than a PT in regs or Ranked.

  4. If you want to gear your alts then PLAY YOUR ALTS.


    If all you want to do is play your main then why the need to gear your alts at all?




    I got all my main raids toons Sin and PT tank gear from my Merc and Sniper PvP cause BW idiotically thought NiM should only have half loot table for final bosses and rest random pieces. So when can I get all of my gear from the hardest content on my mains? K thnxbai.

  5. Agree with rest of the post except the 244 vs 242 bit.


    244 Armorings and Enhancements (barrels and hilts too) have better stats than their 242 counterparts. When it comes to Mods, the 242 Mods are significantly better for DPS and Healers than 244s since the 242s put more into Power than Mastery or Endurance.


    I should have clarified but Last time I looked at the stats.


    Armoring/Barrel/Hilt 242<244

    Mod 242>244

    Enhancment 242=244

  6. That is a good way to go but running nightmare ops is a joke. Unless you already in a Nim team there is no point in doing anything other than HM ops and pvp to get the 248 golds. All Nim bosses drop 246 purple except last boss. To the original topic of the crates and the trash they drop, it is sad that the decision they made was to keep this crap system going and at least help the drop rate or prevent the same item from dropping many times over. I have opened 600 plus tier 4 crates since 5.2 hit, alot of saved up cxp packs were used to do this, and so far i have 3 tier 4 golds i can use and 5 tier 4 mending relics that are so useless its not even funny. I have given up on the crates beyond the 1.33% drop rate to have more than 50% of those drops unusable is a joke. just do SM and HM then pvp or do what alot of the player base did a find a different game.


    Actually NiM bosses sans Apex boss can drop a random 244 blue or random 246. When I mean random I mean random to the point your getting gear for classes not even present in the raid. And 244 vs 242 the only difference is the Armoring and only barely. And even on the Apex bosses in NiM the complete 248 loot table is not even there. Unless you get lucky from crates or PvP to eyes bleed it's impossible in the literal sense right now to get 248 Mainhand, OH, Belt, Bracers, Chestpiece, and Headpiece from NiM.

  7. As someone who played Sorc DPS back in 3.0 progression and saw the writing on the wall in 4.0 the class is in a sorry state of affairs that a few changes could fix. Particularly remove CL exploit as it grossly inflates our real DPS and ironically is used by many as "proof" that Sorc DPS is fine. It's not. Just because overgearing makes it able to meet the bare minimum on fights other DPS classes could do with less gear doesn't make it competive to other DPS classes. Yes you can bring one but why bother when I can bring other DPS that make the fight easier. Most good Sorc DPS have either stopped playing over the years or saw the truth too and rerolled. I do hope BW fixes fundamental problems with Sorc DPS that go back to 3.0 and make it a competive DPS class again.
  8. This is happening on JC as well affecting a variety of instances. One thing that stood out to me was the frame rate on the Core on Revan was quite even more terrible on frames. Also had people experiencing ability lag and poor frames in general. Feels like there's a giant memory leak or somethin.


    Reminds me of 3.0 launch :/

  9. ELO can work in a competitive PvP scene with a large active population of competitive players to support it. Swtor's Ranked PvP is unfortunately none of those. System is too easy to abuse and hardly anything is done.
  10. After talking with the team, currently this is my error in the patch notes. It is intended that non-final bosses are dropping Prototype and Artifact gear (not unassembled, which is my error). However, given the feedback of this thread (and the one you linked) the team is looking at improving this experience in the future.


    Apologies for the confusion. I will let you know of any potential changes to this in the future and I will get the patchnotes updated.




    Thanks Eric, while that is dissapointing, I am hopeful for future changes. :)

  11. I seriously doubt they are going to create a token system + vendors just for 246 NiM non-final bosses.


    It might be better if they quadrupled CXP from killing NiM bosses -- that way you level GC faster, which means you achieve max level 300 faster, and thus 248's.


    Then they need to come out and say that as it stands by Eric statement which to take at face value the intention vs reality is we cannot plan Gear drops in NiM outside of final bosses . Then again the final bosses of NiM don't even have the compete loot table. On the topic, no more CXP those who Raid want a system that works for them not more CXP we wish to be remain free of its shackles. They did it right with SM and HM and can they not do it for the highest difficulty?

  12. While that was dumb on their part but to answer your question:


    1) Spike damage is mostly yellow damage and good amount I/E which defense doesn't work on.

    2) Major Diminishing returns on defense

    3) Sinilar to #1, Having enough HP can survive an attack. Even when's defense works on an attack it still a chance if you don't have enough HP.



    Bulwark, Bastion Enhancements. and a combination of Lethal and Warding B Mods. I usually aim for 1800-2k defense and rest power but that's my preference.

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