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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. I've done it but it's extremely painful to tank double monsters. Force Speed the hits you know will kill you. Make sure both healers can reach you and rotate shields. To me it's not worth the hassle as a PT can deal with the spikes better. But it's doable on a sin. It's just like 4.0 now with the ability to mitigate some more of the spike damage with Force Speed


    TLDR: It's doable just continue what you are doing and use your consumables too. Just make sure you let your healers know when you have no CDs left before the next smash as if your not topped off with no DCDs it can one shot you if your unlucky.

  2. Yeah, tell that to the people who said they quit after 5.0 dropped! Like this person here...





    ...OH WAIT, THAT'S YOU!!


    Care to explain, hypocrite? Why aren't you playing the game for fun and just getting gear as a side benefit, to use your own words against you? Why aren't you just relaxing and enjoying the game like your alleged 'everyone else'--as I assume you wouldn't have unsubscribed if you were still enjoying the game? Inquiring minds want to know. :rak_03:


    ''Tis the case of irony.

  3. Just posting here for Mari as she's currently unsubbed.


    "I'll be archiving the bugged stances parses hopefully tonight. If not then, then tomorrow after work. I'll also fix up the labels for the patches as well as some people have noticed since they are misnamed. Additionally, as some people have requested and as the TTK for this tier has dropped dramatically, the default will now become 2.5M."


    Thanks Mac and cheers to Marisi.

  4. Currently I am playing again and the 5.1 changes are enough for me to be able to play again. I still think the system is a terribly convoluted system but I get that they want to save face and make sure GC isn't shot down completely with these changes.


    However, even though I can enjoy raiding again and some nice stuff is coming in March/April, there is one thing that still persists here on this topic: GC is really just a side effect and exists as something that happens while I play and forces me to disintegrate most of what comes out of those crates.


    Why is that?


    Well, we know that the drop rate of actual exciting gear (purple/gold with set bonuses) is very low. Also we get command tokens that annoyingly I have to indicate that I want all 5 of them that are beside the point. They only exist to give BWA the opportunity to link any success still within the GC set up. So that's not exciting, it's a nuisance and I'd rather just get them added automatically to my total when I level in GC rather than have them drop in the crates. They disintegration reward for them is tiny so it's pointless to have them in there really.


    Then there is the green and blue gear. Honestly, I'm sure that it can be useful to someone but in the end I have to question their very presence. You have 90 levels of tier 1. Within those levels you will never get a tier 1 set completed and in tier 2 and 3 you even have an additional gold level. So there are blue, green, purple and gold items and also in tier 2 you will never get a tier 2 set together. It just makes no sense to have all those colours when you just won't even get a proper set together for endgame.


    Then there are the reputation tokens. Well, I completed most of the reputations. There are 3 left so occasionally I get one that works for me. That's actually something useful IF it's one of those. Most of the time it's not of course.


    Then there are the armour sets. This has got to be one of the biggest mistakes of all. I have no idea what these armour sets look like. So when I get a belt or gloves, do I keep them or disintegrate them? I have to make that choice because I cannot disintegrate them after I put them in my inventory and I cannot keep them in my command stash because it's extremely limited. So I gave up on that and disintegrate all of them.


    And then the jawa junk. Really? We have one area for rank 10 mats that is overfarmed and in a rank 9 area. It's no good to go there most of the time and jawa junk doesn't get you rank 10 stuff. So they're effectively pointless for crafting because, well, they still drop from cartel packs too and personally I have 8k green ones sitting in my storage because I can't use em for rank 10 mats. So I disintegrate all the green ones.


    Schematics? The static gear ones are a waste of time. So I disintegrate them. The others occasionally can be useful but mostly not.


    Bottom line. I keep the command tokens because they are a currency I need for gear and the occasional lucky gear piece...for the rest I pretty much disintegrate EVERYTHING. How does that rate as exciting to you?


    When a boss drops pieces, that's exciting. When I get a crate I get annoyed because I probably won't get anything useful and have to disintegrate everything to clear my stash and get rid of the crate, only speeding the process up to the next household moment. GC is a storage cleaning event. It's not fun because outside of the occasional lucky drop nothing in there is of interest to me.


    I really wish to have fewer boxes with better rewards. Stuff to really get excited about. I'm surprised there's no decorations in there btw. Could've been useful. With the rewards in 5.1 for CXP I'd say GSF is in the picture but no rewards that relate to GSF. A shame. And yeh armour sets could've been cool but not in the way it works now.


    Increasing the CXP rates is by itself good because it speeds up the chances of getting something useful but it takes a lot of annoyance in between. So what I really would've preferred is a system where you get better rewards. Because at the moment opening gear crates rates more as an annoyance than something exciting to me.


    You speak thoughts exactly sir. My thought when I get a Crate is what garbage did I get today. I got more pieces this week alone from running Ops than all my GC levels in the last month. And that's the supplementary way lol.


    Remove greens and blue gear from the crates and make it so when I leave a tier I have a full set of that previous year plus some. Especially since the first tier is entry level gear.

  5. PvE gearing in SWTOR has always been RNG, and it's not RNG that's the problem.


    The problem is the low probability of a drop.


    If the probability P(x) of a tier set item is 0.95 ( 95% drop chance translating from math to normal language), then there's really not much difference between RNG and deterministic system that gives nothing on the first try, and guarantees a drop on the next 9 tries.


    My guess based on very insufficient data, is that the tier (meaning set bonus, or equivalent quality ear, implant, or relic) item drop rate is somewhere in the 1% to 5% range.


    So your chance of getting a full set of tier 1 gear while in tier 1 is close to zero. I haven't gotten into the higher tiers yet, but if that holds, then you'll need fairly good luck to have a full 6 piece set bonus when you hit level 300 in the Galactic Command grind even if you mix tiers 1, 2 and 3.


    The 300 isn't where you're expected to finish gearing, it's not even where you're finally supposed to get a set bonus. It's just supposed to be an upper limit on the amount of playtime you need to get the next crate. So the developers apparently do believe that there is such a thing as, "too much grind."


    The Galactic Command system has at least three core design goals, and it fulfills those goals very, very well.


    • The first goal is to allow people to gear their characters with endgame appropriate gear by doing any of the endgame activities.
    • The second goal is to use gear reward rates to encourage people to play a wide variety of endgame content.
    • The third goal is to drastically increase the amount of played time it takes to gear a character in the top rated endgame gear compared to the past 3 expansions.


    They hit solid homeruns on all three of those goals, though I think they could have been more efficient on number three. The drop rates on gear are so low that characters are unlikely to complete tier 1 and tier 2 gear sets before they get to the point where they are earning tier 3 gear. So instead of driving players to grind through 3 entire sets of gear, the system now pushes them to complete something like 1.3 to 1.7 sets of gear, depending on how unlucky the player is (basically if you have bad luck you get to skip tier 1 and tier 2. Should we be happy or sad about this?).


    A small part of the problem with acceptance may be that people are only getting a few pieces of tier 1 and tier 2 before they hit tier 3. There's no moment of feeling that you've completed a beginner or intermediate set, it's just one long continuous grind.


    TL;DR version. GC does not suck because of RNG, there was plenty of RNG in the old system. GC gearing sucks because it was carefully and effectively designed to be an extremely long grind. It does what it was meant to do, and it does it very well.


    Where they came up with the idea that long time players, ie the core audience for endgame content, would like the extreme grind function of GC, I have no idea. Whoever their supplier for that idea was, they should return the idea as defective and try to get a refund. ;)


    In Ops I knew what I got. And as a team we farmed it as a group for gear and was planned who got was. So to say there was always RNG is not true for everyone. The problem again is RNG some people Are getting more gear through the supplementary processes than the main way. And increasing the grind when there is barely any content out means the people who accepted the dearth of content for easy gearing vs grinding in say WoW for more content. Now the choice is grind in swtor for bare bones content updates or grind in other MMOs for lots of content. They can't have it both ways. Either easy gearing or lots of content. Especially since this system fails at actual gear path instead of a major dissapojtnment and makes me log off to play FF.

  6. Not everyone enjoys grinding for weeks or months on end. In fact, the majority here don't want that. RNG is already broken. I for one, and I can safely say that I speak for most here, don't want to grind for a whole year just to get a full set of endgame armor and weapons.


    No need to wast words on a obvious troll. Give me a wag of the finger, put them on the naughty list and lets get back to the conversation at hand. No need to feed their pathetic existence. Same few people just different accounts.

  7. In complete seriousness, I'm curious if you could shed some light on the thinking behind your (well, the studio's) insistence on requiring this sort of gearing system.


    Because as I see it, there isn't a way to make it both fair and fun. I believe it can get "better", sure. And in fairness, from a PvE standpoint 5.1 > 5.0. But from a PvP standpoint, it is the opposite. Yet if you jack up the PvP side, eventually it's going to overtake PvE in terms of efficiency. And you'll always have the argument that one "can" PvP and contribute nothing, lose 100% of the time, burden their team - yet (eventually) be geared.


    I do not understand why you believe this is a better paradigm than having PvP gear be trivial to obtain quickly - making PvP more fair; and having PvE gear be obtainable based on PvE success.


    We've done DvL and have dozens of characters. Why do you not want us to be able to play them all effectively, quickly, in the content we "want" to play? For many of us, the content we "want" to play requires this gear. I have 7 or 8 characters on a server I have not even logged into since 5.0 dropped. I see no possible scenario where it makes sense to even try to play them.


    I worry, greatly, that you and Ben continue to use words like "watch", "tweak" and "tune". I believe for this game to truly be even in the same universe as "alt-friendly" you need to be using words like "massively boost" or "massively increase" because as it stands now, it's demoralizing to look at my character select screen. You're about two months in and the changes I've seen - short of the initial mega-nerf to elites/champs (which I assume you factored into the original tuning) - have been minuscule at best.


    I'm sorry Eric, but the pace at which you guys are addressing - no, fixing - current CXP gains is inexplicable to me. And I can't help but think that you guys honestly just don't know how to fix it. I wouldn't. Because however you do fix it something will be "best" and that's going to compel players to fixate on that activity. And that's not fun.


    I guess what I'm saying is I understand the motivations - at least some of them - to open gear to all. But you didn't factor in that the point of gear is to enable players to play better. Not just to have better gear. We're not "playing". We're gearing. And I don't understand why you seem to fear us "playing". I do not believe this is a healthy approach - especially in the weeks leading up to some long overdue content.


    So can you please shed some light onto why you feel we need to have gear throttled, and how you see this as a better experience for the players? Perhaps if we understood your thinking, we could make suggestions you'd actually consider.


    From where I sit, I think you guys have done a poor job of being timely in addressing CXP gain concerns. I think you'd have to agree with that. I don't know if you're understating the problem internally or you simply don't know what to do.


    But I can say with certainty, that reverting Operations and PvP to 3.0 gearing models would improve the gameplay experience for many players and do far more towards retention than slow, incremental CXP increases. That would leave less for your team to have to sort out from a CXP adjustment standpoint as well.


    TL;DR - Being able to gear quickly for PvP and Operations players wasn't a problem - why has it been treated as such by the studio?


    +1 Signed

  8. so u got 5 things out of 285 level grind :D works as intended :p rofl

    and that for 8 classes where u got more for crystals pre 5.0 for all ur toons


    By the end of 4.0 I had every 220/224 Set bonus in the game :p Excessive but I never farmed EV or KP. Most of it from NiM or Rav/ToS. And PvP gear for all my toons.


    By the end of 3.0 was the same for all my toons.


    2.0 Same for all one of my toons at max level. :p



  9. When I joined I started raiding in 2.10 I had a complete set bonus of Underworld and Dread Forged in a month as a part time sub for a raid group. I also had a full set of Obroan and Britalizer weapons after a month of PvP .


    In January of 2015 I had Ressurected 6 piece set bonus for my PT and Sorc DPS and PvP sets for them. Spare set pieces on other toons.


    In December of 2015 I had a 216/220/224 6 piece for my PT, Sin, Merc and Sniper. PvP sets for almost all of my toons.


    In January of 2017 I have zero full sets set bonuses and few in total. All I do is Ranked PvP and NiM Ops with few regs and hms thrown in. For me this system of gearing is objectively worse for me. The only solution is to put guarentueed loot back on all bosses and remove a zero for cost of gear with PvP components. That would be much better and not hurt anyone. Gear isn't a status symbol for casuals to rp in it's a tool to clear content or be competitive in PvP. Anyone who thinks otherwhise is a fool. Especially since these fools would be whining if they actually had do hard content to get gear not just throw Farm KP trash or kill Bugs in Bugtown.

  10. PT tanks need an equivalent ability to Saber Reflect and Shroud as it's the only Tank that doesn't have an ability to negate *all* damage from an attack whether it's specific type of damage or not. This is why PT tanks are the worst for Brontes. Once energy Shield and adrenal are gone and there's more than 3 Stacks of Supremacy out Orb management becomes terrible.
  11. Problem isn't CXP imho. It's the fact that I Distengrate almost all of my crates crates and only after 50+ crates I get something that's an actual upgrade. This is the first expansion since I started in 2.0 I had a full new 6 piece set bonus on a toon after playing this long in every expac save this one. Mind you this is all 230 entry level gear lol and I haven't even gotten duplicates lol.


    Here are my ranks and useful items I have acquired.


    Sniper 117: 2 Set pieces

    Merc 42: 1 Implant and 1 Relic

    Assassin 52: 1 Set Piece

    Shadow 35: Nothing

    PT 12: Nothing

    VG: 10: Nothing

    Mara 10: Nothing

    Gunslinger 7: Nothing



    How to fix this: Get rid of green gear drops from crates. Adjust drop rates so that by the time you leave a tier you have a complete set from it. Get rid of useless relics or let use choose.


    This is main problem for me. I'll grind but only if I know it's worth it. To me I have a better chance of getting 6 set bonus pieces and left side from Ops than from crates. Which is funny as the drops were suppose to be supplemental to crates. Also grind should be about rewarding challenging content over grinding faceroll content or throwing snowballs. My 2 cents :)

  12. Well I will say this is this first content patch since 3.0 that I have been looking forward too and I can attest with my guildmates as well. We are aware of the budgeting and the damage that last 2 years of Singleplayer did to the raiding community. That said we the few remaining experienced raiders are willing to help and in the case of PTS if it's closed please please make sure the raids are being tested at least in Veteran and Master by experienced raiders and or raid teams. We don't want the harder difficulties to be faceroll but tuned to be an appropriate challenge. Just letting you know we will gladly offer are services and hope feedback is greatly considered for tuning purposes. Thanks :)
  13. I hope you're talking about Master Mode. Veteran Mode should be completable by a semi-progression guild, and the more skilled PuG group, otherwise we have the same issue as with Rav/ToS.

    Master Mode can be tuned for the top % of players (with new mechanics, not just higher numbers) but it would probably not be on a level of Dread Guards or Tanks because too many good players have left. If they tune the boss for the players that have killed Brontes MM post-5.0, it's just not worth it financially.


    Sry Should clarify, Master Mode.


    While I enjoyed 3.0 Cora and Revan it's not realistic to be Veteran fights and should not have been and instead should have been NiM but moot point I guess lol. And for the love of God they should not do a boss that realizes on precise Client server positioning This game can't handle that. I do agree it should require higher level gear.

  14. /signed


    I would add Pre nerf Dread Guards, Warlord Kephess, and 16m Tanks level to the list for inspiration for difficulty. :rak_03:


    Get quality people in there BW and listen to the advice. Take the time to make them memorable. If you need time we are willing wait a bit but only if bugs and exploits aren't present and the fights in Master Mode are tuned to what we have suggested.

  15. Bleh, this is not really something that actually happened en masse. For the most part, the raiding community was fine with an Operations cadence of once (10 bosses) per year. The ability to easily gear alts and see it from another perspective made this possible. And, for more casual players, the ability to overgear/overlevel previous-tier content added to the shelf life.


    As much as I suspect you're simply trying to rile people up, you're simply creating a false history.


    It's the only thing the casual troll dumpsters can do when they get BTFO by a New Operation. Got to save themselves with more lies because they lack the facts. :rak_03:

  16. I agree on some but disagree on others. They can make SM has easy as possible but whatever they do Master Mode better not be a joke cleared in one day. Hence why you need the few remaining raiding guilds to test it. Having Master mode tuned to be an actual faceroll because everyone on the PTS is SM hero would be even worse than Hardmare. If anyone in their mom can kill it day one without gear upgrades or learning mechanics it's a waste.


    A better idea is having it open PTS like DF and DP NiM were. This time when they tell you a fights a joke in NiM ramp it up please. Especially since the guy designing the first fight did the Revan fight. I expect pain and 10000 wipes because it is tuned that hard and Most important new mechanics.


    Again SM snooze fest I could care less just don't fudge up Master Mode.

  17. Been doing WZs actually :p I'm just curious as to what more is needed for it to be end game?


    I see a new map and go "Wow. It's a new map, but still pvp. Still a team of 4-8 bashing on a team of 4-8."


    What exactly is going to change in my WZ queueing if I got a new map? Some new map where every member of the team has to stand on their own square and defend it for points and do that for 10minutes?


    Are you talking OPs? You're put at level 70 for them and they give this games version of a reward for that. So what different does that make, that it's not a new map, for an aspect of the game that requires a lot of people, but never seems to be PuG friendly?


    FP! they can add a new FP, requires a team of four, be level 70 and you'd say "That's not end game." Why, because it's 4 person :p


    Not to mention, the story is the only thing setting TOR apart from other MMOs, and they stopped doing that aspect of it to make it like every other MMO where it's one story for all.


    Again you speak with the ignorance as a casual story player. There is no progression and endgame in Ops without new ones that haven't been cleared. And there is no Ops community left or Ranked. Again you clearly don't get it and should stick to story topics. Again endgame is dead it's SP all the way. But continue to be delusional :)


    You are dismissed / :3

  18. That's still endgame. Whether it's new or not. When did end game mean MUST BE NEW?


    You for real? For PvE It's not endgame if there is no progression since the content has already been cleared many times. In PvP endgame is a joke without balance or new content. Furthermore side it's been pretty much abadoned there is very fewer and fewer people left running the it to the point it's irrelevant. Clearly you don't not do endgame other than perhaps faceroll rehashed uprisings and have zero idea what you are talking about. I'd love for them to go 2 years without Solo and story be funny to watch.


    Meanwhile people who play endgame are off playing games with one.


    It's a Singleplayer game. Don't know why people are upset by that fact since they chose that 2 years ago.

  19. WZ, OPs, the game has end game. It just hasn't had enough new end game to suit you.


    I will agree the story missions don't give any team option, however, the way the story plays out, I'm not sure I'd want it too now.


    Look at the original class story missions. Sure, I was able to go in and help my friends/guild members, but what did that matter, when the game treated me like I wasn't there :p Not that the one who had the class story would want the others interfering with their story anyways :p


    Suit him? It's been more than 2 years lol. Endgame is pretty much dead a time this point. If you think Swtor has Endgame that isn't years old content then you need to get off that peace pipe chief lol.


    Meanwhile I get Story and raids in FF. :3

  20. Lol people just realizing this now and lol at the guy citing content that is mostly 2-5 years old lol sry that's not how it works Try again lol. Game chose to die as an MMO 2 years ago. After the failure of SP story, they are desperately trying to be one again but without the funds or competent developers. We have been paying for a SP game no matter what people would deny which is fine but even the SP content has been lacking quality in areas. Housing game decent though lol. Why this triggers people especially weirdly people who only play solo content the most is strange to me. WoW, FFXIV, and ESO are MMOs and if your looking for an MMO any are a good choice.


    For lozy compare FF 3.5 notes to Swtor patch notes from 5.0 is lel.


    Now to check on my Chocobo. :3

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