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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. PT Tanks are still viable in ranked and NiM.

    AP is decent enough for NiM but easy prey in Ranked compared to a Merc

    Pyro is just terrible in both as they neutered most of the damage from FT when it became instant and defensively one of the squishiest DPS.


    All 3 deserve some sort of varying buffs and changes.

  2. Gen forums are mostly worthless filled with funposting and bridge dwellers, more saddening is the class forums and other ingame sub forums have been quiet since 3.0 as most of the people who cared about classes and theorycrafting quit. Now a lot don't care about that anymore and even Dulfy guides receive very few comments besides the normal thanks. In March/April 2015 the Ops forum threads moved by the hour. Now it moves once a day at most. Hopefully the refocus on MP content can fix that. ;)
  3. 240 Bulwark and Bastion Enhancements

    242 Bulwark, Bastion Earpiece, Implants

    240 or 242 DPS Relics

    Tank or DPS mods B

    242 Armorings



    Yes the hp pool for DPS has inflated way too much compared to tanks. And yes Gearing has been absurd since they removed Absorb mods among other things especially that much defense (2k is good enough but I digress).

  4. Holy necro, blast from the past lol. Sad reminder of what the community was and how 4.0 went why I never bothered to make one lol. But alas here we are now.


    If someone has the time and wants to do one for 5.0, that would be pretty nice, not so much for progression now (although will be soon :)) but more for who is left that can do things or is at least trying.


    With new content for the first time in 2 years yes I will be working on one when the new boss drops. Now that there is a reason too I guess lol.

  5. Or you know when they say they want full raid teams and then only give access to 4-5 people on the raid team and then their response is "just apply again and hope you can get in later" even though you met all the criteria for being eligible and triple checked all the account names when you applied.


    At least y'all can get 4-5 an not 2 out of 8 lol.

  6. Hey folks!


    One of the things I have heard reports of is that only some members of a group being invited, this can happen for a couple of reasons:

    • The account information provided had an error (typo, missing characters, etc)
    • A user did not qualify based on the existing criteria (current sub with no ToS violations in the last 12 months)
    • Some other issue happened in transit (random issue when granting access, etc)

    If part of your team got in, but not everyone, please follow the original instructions and send their information to swtorsubmissions@swtor.com. We will be continuing to pull accounts from that email address for entry and so they can be invited into a future wave.


    I know this can be disruptive to not have a full Op team on and we do our best to ensure all members are invited at once. Still, sometimes stragglers can be missed. Resubmit the information for the remaining members.


    Thanks everyone.





    Thanks Eric

  7. Some of us simply want the game to return to its glorious MMO roots (pre-4.0, preferably pre-3.0). Tomorrow's update will be a big day in the world of SWTOR. Regardless of what Ben, Charles or Eric think the responses that matter will be extremely digital. There won't be a lot of gray especially with regard to Galactic Command. Their new Operations program will live or die by what they commit to in the update where we will find out just how serious Bioware is about supporting large group end game the way their target audience wants them to.


    Prediction #1: We're stuck with Galactic Command.

    Prediction #2: The ultimate silence will be both deafening and permanent as a result.


    I hope to hell I am dead wrong about both.


    Pretty much although they did say there will be guarenteed loot on all the new bosses. Hopefully that is still true and we can remove ourselves from this nightmare. Let the casuals keep there and learn not to meddle in ours. Simple win.

  8. Some of us simply want the game to return to its glorious MMO roots (pre-4.0, preferably pre-3.0). Tomorrow's update will be a big day in the world of SWTOR. Regardless of what Ben, Charles or Eric think the responses that matter will be extremely digital. There won't be a lot of gray especially with regard to Galactic Command. Their new Operations program will live or die by what they commit to in the update where we will find out just how serious Bioware is about supporting large group end game the way their target audience wants them to.


    Prediction #1: We're stuck with Galactic Command.

    Prediction #2: The ultimate silence will be both deafening and permanent as a result.


    I hope to hell I am dead wrong about both.


    Pretty much although they did say there will be guarenteed loot on all the new bosses.

  9. ITT casuals casualsplaining how progression Gearing works lol to progression raiders lol. GC is fine for casuals but get it out of my raiding please. Mind your own business please.


    It ain't RNG to gear if you can set the loot schedule up as a raid team. Plus the drops were guaranteed. The fact I'm less geared than any previous expac despite spending much more time gearing shows it's trying to worsen a part of raiding with this nonesense. Please no. Put guaranteed loot back for all bosses for the relevant difficulty of the Op. No highlighted nonesense either.

  10. The content of the Crates is something we are looking into as well. Keep the feedback coming.




    Please consider removing the green and blue items from the crates. I don't mind the grind that much but it's deflating when your last 40 crates aren't upgrades at all and makes me want to not participate in GC at all. Especially since Mods and Enhancments are craftable so we're mostly looking for set bonus pieces at this point. Especially as to those who raid gear is a tool not a decorative item. Please consider that and adjusting the drops. Thanks :)

  11. Quality is relative. It's not that the stats of gear below the highest level in game were so horribly bad. A very good way to make sure everyone gets the best gear in game easily is to remove all gear above rating 230 in the game and scale every existing gear of higher than 230 down accordingly. Everyone would be able to obtain the best gear in game easily. Problem solved.


    And that would make people who grinded to Tier II and Tier III or crafted/bought 230 + gear quit as there time and matts spent would be wasted. Simple solution for Crate quality is to just remove the blues and greens.

  12. I do ops (SM at least) and so while I appreciate being able to get gear a bit faster this way (though I ran two this past weekend and didn't get any of the 6 tokens that dropped...), I personally feel that it's not a bad thing that you can't just play one narrow aspect of a game for all the rewards. I don't support a huge grind either, and I do hope that BW mitigates that on GC as time passes. And I think they are increasing ops rewards somewhat, so getting some ranks while doing them will come naturally. And I figure most ops players do some heroics as well for cash and/or conquest, and those are pretty good now for CXP too.


    Your speaking of SM as a casual which makes your argument from a point of view of a progression raider irrelevant to our gearing. Naturally is all bosses dropping gear otherwhise you aren't competive when the new boss drops. If your doing actually progression getting gear through bosses is what raiding should be not random lootboxes that contain garbage. Most progression players don't farm Heroics either so wrong on two accounts.


    And that's nice if you want that system for yourself but for others like me they can take that system where the sub don't shine. Stop shoving things down our throats we never wanted. Give casuals gear but stop messing with Ops gear.

  13. I thought of guardian because of blade blizz, to dodge pulverises and stacks. Problem is the very long cd of it's dcd's. I used a vanguard back in 4.0. Besides that, shadow makes the fight after the first phase very easy.


    Yeah as you said the Jugg CDs are too long for the first phase and the lack of decent rotational mitigation compared to the other 2 makes it vulnerable if a Swipe or Pulverize isn't shielded or the former defended. The swap don't bother me as much so I never really think about it. Phase 2 is really boring as a tank lol.

  14. Honestly I am surprised you were still subbed at this point. I had thought you stopped after 4.0 but I guess I was wrong. Thanks for the threads and for teaching me how to be better at lightning on the forums almost 2 years. Cheers m8. #StoryisFlavorContentisSubstance

    Seeing what's happening it still rings true today.

  15. Hey Eric & Co,


    While getting more crates are nice and the supplementary stuff is getting a boost, can we talk about the contents of the crates themselves? While getting more crates are nice it's not fun when your last 20 crates were all green or blue inferior and unoptimzied pieces. It's weird that I have gotten more gear from the supplemtary methods this week Fromm ops (3 pieces) than the last 4 weeks on any toon with GC (1 piece). That is around 40 levels total across toons. If this is the Case why not just save us the hassle and put guarentueed loot back on all Ops bosses? Or failing that make the crates worth more by removing the blue and green gear from them along with terrible relics and left side that doesn't match our stats. Right now when I both my raid teams get a Crate it's just disheartening to get trash and becomes why bother with GC as I get more gear (it's still little compared to any other expac). Gear is our tools for clearing content not fancy ornaments.


    TLDR: Guarenteed Drops on all bosses and/or the removal of green and blue gear from GC crates along with other gear junk as I distengrate 90% of my crates.

  16. So, three times a week for 3 hours. So, you can run 1-2 pug-raids per day. Back in 4.0, you maybe got 1 oder 2 pieces per day.


    If you go GSF, you can do 12 games per 3 hours, so 36 games in your online time. You might be able to get one piece out of these matches. Also, you will gain cxp fast with gsf (~1 rank per hour), so, if you're lucky, you will at least get 1 bonus piece per week.


    So, you will get 1-2 pieces per week. Thats x3 the time you needed back in 4.0.


    If only GSF popped more than twice per hour on my server. FeelsBadMan

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