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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. They're prolly burning the patch notes and are making up a story that you must have been wrong and it never happened (While waving a hand in a Jedi Like manner)


    Nah, just kidding :)


    I hope they will find a fix for this, because it can be quite annoying....


    I wish but at the very least a clarification on the contradiction. Like is this intended and the patch notes are wrong or is this non intended and patch notes are right?

  2. According to the patch notes for 5.2:


    "Tier 1 Unassembled Gear Pieces no longer drop in Operations.

    Bosses will now drop the following Unassembled Gear Pieces in existing Operations:

    Tier 2 Legendary Unassembled Gear Pieces - Story Mode

    Tier 3 Legendary Unassembled Gear Pieces – Veteran Mode

    Tier 4 Prototype and Artifact Unassembled Gear Pieces – Master Mode (Non-final bosses)

    Tier 4 Legendary Unassembled Gear Pieces – Master Mode (Final bosses)"


    Also in this thread it was stated:


    "The first change we are making is specific Unassembled Gear Pieces will now drop on each Operation boss in the game (except Golden Fury and Colossal Monolith). This means when you kill a boss in an Operation, you will know exactly what is going to drop and you can plan to run specific Operations if you are seeking a specific slot."


    However this is not the reality for non final bosses in Master Mode Ops. As stated here, elsewhere, and in personal experience that is not true. Those bosses are dropping an assembled random blue or purple assembled piece that can be for any class even if that class is not present in raid. That's not even counting the fact that 244 or 246 can't be upgraded via PvP and 244 has inferior mod and overal same as HM 242. Not to mention there are no vendors for them even if they were unassembled.


    So Devs can you either clarify this or fix it. Either have them drop 246 or just make them all drop 248 in NiM preferably the latter as you you can get BiS by doing HM Ops and upgrading via PvP; also it make the system less convoluted. Please don't repeat 4.0 with another NiM loot debacle. Thanks.

  3. I never have seen this premades on impside and I played at least 100+ games last week on spring break. Regardless a "few" is no where compared to the amount of 3 healer 3 tank games I had to edure last week all coming from pub side. It got so bad I started leaving these games. Every game vs pubs was at least 3-4 healers and 2 tanks. I can't stress how unfun imp v pub games were last week.


    I guess it's spreading to other servers now cause it's epdimec on JC with pubs. And people ask why PvP is a joke in this game. :/

  4. You did not just make that comparison.:eek: You can't possibly consider a completely scripted and never changing fight

    against ops boss to be same as a fight between 2 and more actual living people.

    It defies reason, logic and common sense.:eek:


    Now to be fair, the majority of people I have seen in WZs have less creativity and learning capacities than scripted bosses. :p

  5. lol on JC its totally the opposite. most pub teams have something like 3 healers 2 tanks lol. Saw 4 healers 3 tanks once (and not skank. max mitigation guardian, please). meanwhile its 1-2 healer max on imps, if any. Did see 4 in an imp vs imp last night tough. painful novare spam cap fight.


    And the average quality of their dps is really bad. like 2kish seems good for them bad.


    Yup JC PvP has become pretty much this. Especially since impside has gone down in quality over the course of the game.

  6. I haven't done it since week 2 of 5.0 but the fight is probable similar to 4.0 with the gear and probable a bit easier due to the General Class buffs.


    Healing check is similar to Revan Hm now nerfed maybe easier as you can keep everyone up with ease still without cleansing fire.


    DPS check is maybe slightly harder than 4.0 since this time they actually scaled Ruugar health up but maybe less now that a lot of people are in 242 gear. As long as 3 of your DPS are alive it's doable to beat enrage.


    They can probable still kill you if both hit without a dcd at once if you aren't a full hp. Pop a dcd and try to stagger the hits unless you have a complete cheese or hefty one (Shroud, LULSpeed, Camp, Undying, Entrench, Sniper or Concealment ROLL, etc..)


    If you can get by MB, Cora is pretty simple.

  7. I meant components... FML

    This game and its terminology is just made to confuse people!

    Tokens components pieces - grindstuff


    Ok let's try that again.

    "Make Unassembled Components Legacywide"


    As I said in another thread I don't see why not. And the Devs said they would look into this.

  8. Quite frankly I don't care who the devs agree with or not... This isn't a pissing contest... I've stated my opinion. Unlike others I don't claim to be the font of all knowledge... I'll be playing the game either way. In principle I agree partially... I don't really think any part of character development (which includes end game gearing) should be legacy wide... It's not called "family tree development" and there's no reason why playing your sage should help you gear your bounty hunter... But if anything is shared I'd prefer it to be cxp.


    Because this is a game that encourages alts and legacy system? But my point is regardless I can already hear my Sage on my Merc with the exception of left side. In any case once we are geared enough those pieces are wasted if they are BoP. But I digress. Also we have a family tree so.... lol

  9. Agree with this completely... Command rank legacy wide is fine... Unassembled components and part drops (from ops) to remain bound to the character that got them...


    Then I disagree. CXP isn't work is grindy easy content. Casuals don't need more rewards. If you want gear easy do hard content. In any case Legacy gear nullifies most of your argument. ;)


    In any case Devs said CXP will most likely never be legacy while they said components legacy in future updates is something that are looking into. So guess who the Devs agree with. :p

  10. I like how some people forgot we can move the tokens already via legacy gear already and this would just remove a minor inconvience at most. The only thing we can't do is move left side pieces but not a big deal but be nice if we could as well. But yes continue to rage against the improvements to gearing. I'll be here enjoying having my Alts and mains BIS when 5.2 drops. :cool:
  11. They said back in a livestream when 5.0 was announced that new episode chapters will only occur with the next expac and that none would be released after the initial ones in KotET. Instead we shall be getting the more traditional content such as daily areas, and an Op (Praise Kephess after 2 years).


    Which I am glad. :)

  12. 1) The "entire expansion" was the equivalent of one of Final Fantasy XIV's regular content updates for subscribers, which explains why SWTOR made KOTET available for subscribers for free and Final Fantasy XIV's expansions cost money. FFXIV's "entire expansions" include new playable races, new classes, new continents to explore, new dungeons, new raids, new stories, new side quests, new mini-games, etc. To answer your question, I would be happy with FFXIV's frequency of releasing content, and if SWTOR had released content at that rate in vanilla and (in vanilla style,) I probably never would have quit the first time.


    I would like to add that I not only have an issue with the frequency on content releases, but with also the quality. Flashpoints became Uprisings, explorable Planets became solo Chapters, eight unique Class stories became one generic story, five unique, in-depth Companions for each Class were replaced by 30 of the same Companions for everyone, some without even a backstory or personality.The Dark vs. Light alignment bar used to mean something as it was based off of your characters' choices, now you just flip a switch to be Dark or Light. I have quality issues with little things that seem to add up: Ravages's cheap-looking animation change, with BW spending time breaking telegraphs and the minimap just to spend time fixing them again when so many other bugs remain unaddressed. Everything is relative, especially with GC, DvL and things like the item crates in Uprisings, SWTOR just feels more and more like a cheap and tacky game of gimmicks rather than a MMORPG where I can immerse myself into the SWTOR universe.


    2) I'm not here for stats on gear. I'm here for the SWTOR MMORPG experience, which includes gear, decorating my SH, grouping with the husb or the guild, making my Sith Lord look Sithy, exploring planets, etc. GC and CXP add absolutely nothing to that experience.


    Grouping is absolutely part of the fun, especially in an MMO. I love being in a group and taking the challenge, so why can't I group in KOTFE and KOTET's main scenario content like I could in Planetary and Class stories? Why does what little group content that is being release (Uprisings) feel watered down when compared to Flashpoints? Once I ran each Uprising once, I had no desire to run any of them again... they're painful and they feel cheap to me.


    3) I'm on Jedi Covenant, which hasn't ever felt underpopulated to me. I'm in a large guild that runs something each and every night. While I can run with them for any Ops that solo players would never be able to do, I totally understand these guys wanting to solo them. Why? SWTOR is an MMO, yet it's attracted so many non-MMO players, whether they're KOTOR fans or simply because of the fact that it's a SW game. My guild leader has been since release and has never played an MMO and will never play another, only because this is SW. Personally, I'd hate for all of these dedicated SW and KOTOR fans to miss out on experiencing the Dread Master story first hand just because BW continued the KOTOR and KOTOR 2 universe as a MMO rather than a RPG.




    I can't speak for anyone besides myself, but I have to believe that people love this game and want to keep loving it, which is why they're so passionate to the point where they appear to be coming unhinged. They see what's going on in the MMO industry, especially with FFXIV rising from the ashes of it's horrible launch and becoming pretty successful, and I think people really want to see SWTOR do the same thing... but we get things like $60 vanity items, Galactic Command, DvL, and one raid implemented over a year.


    Even FFXIV free updates are bigger than Swtors expacs. Just read the patch notes for FFXIV 3.5 vs Swtor 5.0. That's free content for subs vs free content for subs.

  13. I agree with this statement.


    One of the issues is reward in operations. If you can get a full set of gear from EV/KP then what is the incentive to do the harder operations? For example, my guild was progressing through Rav HM in 4.0. I remember the first time we took down Torque. It dropped an earpiece. No one needed that earpiece because we all had gotten it from EV/KP. The only thing we could do with it was random it out and whoever won it sell it to a vendor for a few credits. It felt like more of a slap in the face rather than a reward. We basically gave up progression raiding at some point as most of the group preferred getting rewards from doing easy content than the constant wiping leading to getting the next boss down. We used to have both.


    How about another approach: Each operation boss still drops 1-2 pieces, but an operation only rewards 1-2 types of gear. E.g. EV first 4 bosses drop implants and Soa 2 earpieces. KP first 4 bosses drop relics and Karagga 2 offhands. This should encourage everyone to play all operations instead of just EV/KP and still give great rewards for those progressing through any of the operations. It has other benefits: If you want a specific piece you have a way higher chance of getting it by targeting an operation that drops it. Avoids the issue where the only piece you want is on the first boss. You lose out on the /roll and have no other loot to look forward to for the rest of the operation. With my example it is also a bit more alt friendly IMO. You can run EV/KP to gear alts for the non-legacy transferable pieces (other pieces can be gotten by your main and transferred in legacy gear).


    No, messing with the loot of the other Operations to deal woth EV/KP is not how you handle it. Personally I would make those bosses drop SM gear only besides final boss drop HM. Then again none are BiS so it doesn't matter as much.

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