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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. This.


    Merc's damage has been out performing a lot of specs for awhile now. It's been over-performing for so long now that people just started thinking that's how it was suppose to be. The big crits were so overtuned but because of BW's slow approach to balance people just started to assume that's how the class is suppose to be. The sustained dps from blazing bolts was so good that we just started to assume that's how it is. Awesome sustained, little resource management, incredible burst, easy rotation management, hey, that's just how this class is suppose to be, right? Broke for so long it become "right".


    This is why balance changes have to start happening faster. Waiting so long starts to convince players that the OPness is by design, and they start to accept that's how its suppose to be. Bioware needs to address this crap faster it will save players a lot of grief. Arsenal has been murdering Tk and marksman in PvE environment for so long that we all started to think it was suppose to be this way by design.


    People that are saying "DPS was not the problem, its the DCDS!" are only half right. The DPS has been a problem for along time now, even during 4.0 era arsenal was exceptionally strong in DPS compared to its counter parts (marksman, lightning), its just been over performing for so long we started to assume that Merc is suppose to be this way when it really never was. People that are crying "Oh NO, this puts us at marksman and lightning DPs, holy crap what a huge nerf!!!" no, this is where you were supposed to be. I still blame BW for waiting so damn long to finally correct it.


    These changes they are proposing now should've happened in 5.0. Mercs dps reduced, survivability increased - it would have saved us a lot of grief instead of waiting 8 months later to and say "oh hai guys, arsenal dps has been op for over a year we gone fix now k"


    Except that this does nothing to address specs like Lightning. And more disturbing it signals BW doesn't care that those specs sit where they are at rock bottom and prefers that these specs be there.

  2. While I agree that the dps nerf is a little too much, and I don't even play Arsenal (I used to, still know it very well). Yes utilities are an issue.


    From a pve perspective

    Marksman and Lightning are technically viable for endgame fights. Even without the chain lightning bug. Unfortunately, it takes skill to perform at those levels. There are videos of both lightning and marksman being used on nightmare Brontes, for example. And they weren't being carried.


    My point is that this is not the end of the world. In pvp they will still be perfectly viable. We will hopefully see less games where over 50% of the players are mercs. In pve it just requires people to step up their game with Arsenal and also to learn IO. In the end it'll make them better players.


    Again, I do not agree with how drastic the dps nerf is. Instead it would have made more sense for Mm and lightning to receive buffs and Arsenal to receive a slight nerf. Hopefully they'll address the utilities in 5,4. For now, we wait.


    Oh they certainly were being carried by both other classes and the fact we are in quite overgeared for the current content. To say they aren't would be silly.


    Considering combat team's objectives yes they are. Also the fast that IO was barely better than arsenal was another issue.


    Considering their goal is just like 3.0, flawed and making a problem of their own creation. Also they said they are nerfing IO damage as well so it won't change IO for the better.

  3. Clarifaction since there is some confusion here:


    Parsley is a host site of parses (hence the pun name) from an Ops dummy or Ops boss that have been uploaded by users from Starparse (the parser). Great for comparing your parses to others even out of game.


    Starparse is the parser tool you will need. It even has timers and other features as well. Found here.

  4. Survival was never the issue. If you adhere to the trinity Tank|DPS|Heals then your DPS classes should be glass cannons (i.e. They do high dmg but die rather quickly) If you boost survival and DPS you end up getting the issue currently plaguing the game now which is an over influx of merc's, snipers and sorc heals. Why because these have become I win classes because they break the trinity. If merc's want added survival then their DPS needs to be reduced because you are no longer a DPS spec your a hybrid (Tank/Dps). Same applies to sniper they may have needed a bit of tweaking in defenses prior to 5.0 but as usual they went to far. Snipers DPS was already high and prior to 5.0 they were in essence true to the trinity they did high dps but were also glass cannons not so any more. Sorc class is a complete joke now more peeps are playing healer just because its a pseudo semi-tank spec which requires 3 or four players to kill. This shouldn't happen Heals should never out last pure dps specs in one on one matches they should run out of force and die through attrition. Even picking every slow/ root utility i find keeping sorc's from being mobile ridiculously hard.


    When the person you were quoting was referring to raids and raid wide AoE damage that makes Pyro and Hatred squishy and you then go on a rant about PvP and Healers. FeelsAwkwardMan

  5. I suppose it's an op run, which means you get the wings at the end. One of my characters ran for that, spent over 100 mil on NiM runs back when level 55 ops were easy.


    250mil, though... the prices have gone up since then, I see. What's up with all the inflation?


    Because of level sync and the time and effort required into doing a sale and that's after perfecting one of the hardest fights in the game atm.

  6. Calls it a sale, yet the cost is 250 mil. There should be a meme for this. :p


    But in all seriousness, I can't imagine many people have lying around. I know if I was to buy something, I'm saving for something atm, but I wouldn't want my funds to drop completely to zero. I would think, if anyone brought the item that they would want a little bit more then 250 mil.


    Honestly it is. For all the hassle of getting crystals, setting aside free or raid time, prep time so that sales run are smooth, consistent, and above and close to 100% first pull as possible. That and dealing with unruly potential buyers who want it dirt cheap, buyers who harass you everyday for more stuff disregarding your time, and other stuff means that most aren't going to bother despite being fully capable. For that 250mil is a steal and I wouldn't be think it was worth it for less than 500mil for the time.

  7. Personally I get why the have the positioning for maul, however it's just a Roleplaying aspect, that at this point seriously needs to take a back seat to mechanics at this point. If I understand it correctly, and it may have been fixed is the only other class that has any positioning requirement other then assassins for maul is the Operative for backstab. May as get rid of the requirement at this point.


    This in a nutshell. I don't see the point of having positional requirements for them outside of RP fantasy. It's just an annoyance at this point especially with the stupid levels of Desync.

  8. That tried to happen this afternoon on Ebon but they didn't do it like that. They tried to say there was no raiding guilds on Ebon Hawk. They were shot down and told to stop spreading lies and then given a few of them and told to go to the fleet.


    So what MM raiding guilds are on EH?

  9. Since Yam hasn't responded, I'll do it in his stead.




    The only bosses in Nim OPS that will give you a token are the 5 final bosses (and Tyth HM). Every other boss will drop a random 244/248 set piece that could be for any spec in the game (meaning it may not even be useful to anyone in your raid group).


    You cannot get BiS by doing NiM OPS alone, unless you count getting lucky with rng from the CXP gains. The only way to get BiS in this game guaranteed is via pvp, and save up enough components to upgrade 242s to 248s.


    You know me too well (also was sleeping in for once) :D


    Yeah this right here. You will need to get MH, OH, Bracers, Belt, Headpiece, and Chest from crates or PvP since NiM doesn't drop it.

  10. So T4 Crafting is coming this Tuesday, I did have a few questions about it.


    1) Will it require new matts and if so how will it work?

    2) Will Schematics be updated in Ops as well i.e SM 234, HM 240 and NiM 246? Or just on the new Ops bosses?

    3) Assuming PvP weeklies will be updated to reflect that?

    4) Any effort to remove useless schems from table i.e Barrage enhancements or A mods?



  11. No...it's extremely effective in PvE. Good friend of mine uses it all the time to p*** me off by translocating me somewhere I don't want to be...like running over the bridge in S&V, minding my own business and suddenly my camera goes all wonky and I'm ported back to a gaping hole and I'm plummeting to my death a fraction of a second later...:mad:


    But yes, other than griefing me, I've found it useless in PvE too ;)


    Ok, yes very effective by that logic. :D But still inferior to troll pull because it can't be used on the mounted. Dreams crushed. D:

  12. Pyro grenades are used in NIM Ops as


    1) Free Filler move

    2) Precast on to a burn phase (Think Brontes Bubble to Burn Transition)

    3) Extra AOE (Dragon and Brontes on Council)

    4) Heal DPS ( Styrak Chain Manifestation)


    Strange they didn't add new ones for 5.0

  13. My primary problem is that it provides Sages a no-effort burst heal. So when their ally is being focused in PvP, or when an Ops group hits a burst phase with a boss, Mandos and Scoundrels have to actively manage their resources and targetting through the burst, while WM will burst heal four people instantly when they take the damage, while the Sage can continue using other heals. That aspect of it needs a nerf. It behaves like a DoT in its fire and forget nature, but the burst heal is much larger than a DoT.


    The nerf is kinda warranted for PvE and PvP both, though the magnitude of the nerf is not something I'll claim to be an expert in. Either cause it to drain resources a bit, or reduce the magnitude of the burst heal it gives.


    That change isn't a purely PvP change, Sages outperform the other healers in PvE too. It's just the across-the-board-healer changes that'll have to be kept PvP specific, to prevent bosses from murdering every tank in existence.


    Except energy managment isn't really an issue Operative or Merc and you are exaggerating how hard it is too you know heal proactively. Honeslty I find Merc and Op far more trivial than sorc. Roaming mend is fine in raids and only Merc really could use a slight HPS buff but that's whatevs.

  14. Hey all,


    Either today or tomorrow, look for a post from Musco about our class balance plans for Game Update 5.3 and the rest of the summer. As I stated in the Roadmap, we will be having discussions with you about specific features and this week's hot topic will be changes to various Disciplines.




    I hope those class balance fixes address longstanding issues with certain specs that some go back serveral expansions particaurly when we changed from Skill Trees to Disciplines. Partciaurly interest is MM, PTs (Pyro and Tank particularly), Sorc DPS, Madness and Hatred of note. I hope these are addressed and it's not just a typical BW reactionary nerf to the current meta that won't address the core issues. Just my 2 cents. I want to believe.

  15. I agree it seems to mainly be the pvp crowd that wants server merges. As somebody who plays on JC I see no need for it, it get groups and pops for whatever I want when I want it. I might have to wait a few minutes never more than 5 minutes or so and I am okay with that. The server is far from dead, I am very happy with it the way it is, I have not seen anything during my play time or in this thread that makes me see it differently. In fact if I am forced to switch servers and lose my names and have to redo all of my strongholds I am going to be very very unhappy.


    Lol /5char

  16. Have any of these people answered the question of why they're constantly swapping out mods in the first place when there's no need to since Outfit Designer arrived and now we don't even need separate sets for PvP/PvE?


    Even if you're dual-speccing and have one set for each you *still* won't be swapping out mods so often that you have no credits.




    Mainhand and OH is a good example if you only have one set and need to swap between Merc, Operative, Mando, Scoundrel, and Sage. Be nice if they merge the DPS Force and DPS Tech Generators to give either or power. Then do something about mirror classes so I don't have to rip out the mods every time (example) I go from PT to VG. Just let me use a Blaster pistol for everyone (My trooper is very proficient with one in cutscenes so I don't see why not :D) . :D

  17. Although I understand the devs wanted to simplify the rotation (every skill now takes up a single GCD) and wanted to make melee classes more mobile, it's still questionable whether it was the best possible fix.


    Ion Storm // Flamethrower were AoE attacks, not a single target skill like Blade Dance. And that makes them special in my opinion. They should have been treated more like Hail of Bolts, Sweeping Blasters or Sweeping Gunfire. I.e. channeled AoEs that aren't part of a 'normal' rotation but have no cooldown either.


    Because in regard of AoEs, a channel duration isn't necessarily a drawback, more a bit convenience. It prevents players from being forced to spam a single button - like you have to with Explosive Surge // Flame Sweep.


    If you then keep in mind that PowerTechs aren't true melee classes either, but rather mid-range specs (with the majority of thier attacks hitting at 10~12m range), this alternative version of Ion Storm // Flamethrower might have been more suitable than a 4~5m full circle emanation around the player.


    I don't see what your point is. Channels can be interrupted, multi GCDs are annoying to use on certain fights (trying to firestorm a hand on the burn of Brontes was impossible to fill Channel). A channel is a drawback and makes it weaker. And for what purpose. As for AoE then Let's make every AOE skill a channel. Crushing Blow for Jugg tanks under Awgis Assault, Heat Blast, Rail Shot as a tank, Discharge for a Sin Tank, Wither. By removing the channel it's now equivalent to Crushing Blow under Aegis assault. Again it's fine as is.

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