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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. Yeah, I really want BW to realize this - it's a fundamental shift that would basically fix the game for loot and actually make GC compelling at the same time. The problem is with the current component drop rates it is untenable. Hopefully that gets fixed next week.


    Thread here if anyone wants to agree and pile on.


    Maybe fix PvP but Won't fix Ops untill guarentueed specific loot drops are put back on all bosses. Chance drops and gamblig need to go. This isn't the 90s. ;)

  2. To quote myself

    Increase the drop rate for all Operations bosses to 100% and make them all drop specific items. EV and KP HM drop only 230 except final bosses. Cora and Revan drop T2 plus T3 Implant and Relic like they do now respectively as a small incentive. It's frustrating doing 4/5 DF NiM or 6/7 SnV NiM or any amount of non Apex NiM bosses and not get any loot. Please fix.
  3. Frankly - I don't see a problem with that. People can always find ways to farm gear in boring but sort of lucrative ways. if there is serious worry about ops not being rewarding enough then that's something that can and should be addressed separately.


    All bosses drop specific tokens 100% of the time based on difficulty. Just make EV and KP drop 240 except final boss is 236. That's how you fix Ops. Because right now the drop rates unless you are lucky are pitiful especially if you are doing NiM since only Apex bosses drop loot.

  4. 242 is BiS. I had BiS on most of my toons due to NiM in 4.0 and in 3.0 half my toons in BiS in the same amount of time. Now none have BiS and now I spend most of my time in FF where garbage players aren't rewarded gear from a cash grab gambling but too good players using skill. Oh and it has 10x players and content, and cross server. LUL
  5. For pvp, the system in 4.0 was great. A trivial entry level gear, and then a very small grind to get the top gear which was just a small upgrade from the entry level. Gear wasn't a factor in pvp, just personal kill and team work. As it should be in imo. It also gave the possibilty of playing different roles, different specs very easily, making a much better experience, more fun. The current system makes the game less fun.


    For pve, the loot piñata came mainly from EV/KP giving out the top end gear through highlighted operations, which was the dumbest thing they could have done. Some people brought this up, but as you imagine, "you elitists you want the best gear for yourself" and blah blah blah....

    They never should have put EV/KP into the highlighted rotation. Hell, the whole highlighted operation thing could have been removed and would have been fine. This GC stuff is well beyond correcting the mistake of the highlighted operation.


    The irony of people defending GC and how easy 4.0 gearing was (LETS NOT FORGET NiM not dropping BiS and only Highlighted dropping 224 till they fixed that debacle after all the NiM teams left many months later) would be whining that they would have to do NiM for BiS and not Farm it via faceroll Singleplayer content. Throwing snowballs and getting crates for BiS is silly but casuals would whine if it was 3.0 or like any other game where difficult content equals rewards. Hypocrites will be Hypocrites.:rak_03:

  6. Nightmare should only drop 240s and revan HM is a joke even Cora these bosses got a nerfed so much they are no longer what they were and when released having a kill and getting that gear then I would agree but now no way.


    right back on track I have been doing another toon this time the drops are as rare as winning the lottery but it pushes me further to earn the next crate to try my luck again.


    They already drop 242 so it's moot point and it incentivizes groups to run those fights since I have been at JC few Revan and Cora kills in 5.0 and most of 4.0 kills. Especially the amount of groups doing it are pitifully low across servers. It's just an Implant an Relic compared to Nefra existing so whatevs And how can we talk about jokes when Farming Fractured or Throwing Snowballs got you crates with the chance for BiS. That would be called hypocrisy :rolleyes:


    All GC has pushed me to do is play more FFXIV where I get loot drops for doing actual content not fueling gambling addictions in some people. :rolleyes:

  7. How it's should be Specific pieces and 100% drop rate:


    230: SM and 4/5 EV/KP HM.

    236: HM and EV/KP Final HM Final Boss

    242: NiM Ops and Cora and Revan HM drop Implant and relic respectively on top of their 236.


    The irony is that joke bosses like Eyeless drop 242 gear in current system. My system would effort back into getting gear instead of farming faceroll content. Keep the GC for the gambling addicts here. :rolleyes:

  8. And now we have calling other players who disagree with the white knight 'bads'... THAT'S WHITE KNIGHT BINGO!


    I like more how the main issues were sidestepped along with everything else that was said and lazer focused that misskewed point. Cause PvP bolster that was being discussed.


    The funny thing is I did BH SM when 3.0 dropped and HM the day 3.1 dropped with pugs lol.

  9. Hooray for shifting the goalposts! I'm about to score white knight bingo! And you continue to avoid common sense and logic so that you don't have to admit you don't understand probability, bravo. :rak_03:


    It's funny cause only last boss is guarentueed. You can kill every non Apex NiM boss and see no loot drops. Thus discouraging any new groups from running NiM. How people don't understand NiM should be guaranteed specific loot is beyond me. All bosses should drop specific guarentueed pieces with EV and KP HM being 230 and only 236 for Final boss. No more chance drops and other garbage. End of story.

  10. All the system really needs is bad luck protection, as other games have implemented in the past. That means you get a guaranteed drop every n crates. That would at least make it calculatable because you'd know that you'd have full gear after n ranks.


    Also, op token drop rates need to be reevaluated and increased. I think that much is obvious.


    Going back to the old system is not an option really. There's a lot of people who just want to do the new master mode solo stuff, and they have to have a way to gear up, too.



    You actually still get crates, you just don't gain any new ranks. The distance between crates is that of getting from 299 to 300 (5000 I think).


    Ops drops must be guarentueed and 100% chance drop. PvP components need to be on the level of the 3.3 comms. Period. Keep the GC for casuals if they desire.

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