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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. Oh I was around. I distinctly remember BioWare showing us their statistics that showed a very tiny percent of the population ever got a full ranked set. That's why they slashed gear costs drastically in 4.0.




    I believe the percentage was in the single digits.

  2. Of Course its GSF lel. Of course it's JC lol.



    Tfw when JC had double the pop in 3.0 and 2.0. FeelsMemesMan.


    I do run into a bunch of former JC players on Goblin so there's that :3

  3. Well AoE Dmg reduction on tanks was absurd.


    Hatred will go back to being squishy as one unfortunate side effect. Should have just removed the Passive AoE reduction from Deception and changed the wording to be "and 30% AoE DMG reduction while in Surging Charge or Lightning Charge stance"


    Should make a similar utility for PTs so Pyro has actual surviability. Juggs maybe although with Vengeance reduction AoE taunt might be more trickier there.

  4. So instead of coming up with a better solution to ease the gathering of gear for PvP your solution is to whine and force that terrible grind on both (not mentioning that you have to roll against 8 others in for the piece you need and killing a NiM Apex boss so it would be worse for Ops). As someone who only logs into to play ranked, farm bads in regs for Weekly mats, or NiM raids or meme genchat, The masochism of Swtor players never ceases to amaze me. This is what you made BW good job. :)
  5. To me, the Patch Notes read like they wanted to explain the new system as simple as possible, so they left out a few of the finer details and posted them via forum threads instead.


    I'm still wondering that the Patch Notes mention:while there is nothing on a Valor rank requirement in the forum threads. We'll see tomorrow I guess.


    Yeah I believe that is the case. The Valor one is weird as I feel like I've heard that before from somewhere maybe a stream. I dunno shall see.


    Edit I feel like the other boss statement is missing a previous line about the final bosses as in the current context the sentence just hangs there



    Ok edit: I see it and its poor wording:

    New item: Unassembled Gear Pieces. These can be turned in with the new legacy-wide Command Token currency for specific pieces of gear. Unassembled Gear pieces are a guaranteed drop from the last boss of each Operation, and specific pieces drop for bosses, so players can go after an item for a specific gear slot.


    Command Tokens can be earned by opening Command Crates, and players will be retroactively granted Command Tokens based on their current Command Rank.


    Every other boss in an Operation has a chance to drop any gear slot’s token. Bosses that are later in an Operation have a higher drop rate than those before them.


    Too me it seems the sentence about the other bosses is referring to the first one about final bosses. It seems it's a case of poor writing.

  6. Temple of HK

    Scum and BW

    Milking the game from Beyond

    Ravaging of Group Content

    Eternity of No New Ops

    Cashgrab Palace

    The Dead Servers

    Grindfest Palace

    Explosive Rehash of Content

    Colossal KotFE Failure

    Musco's Courtyard




    There ya go OP all the new Ops we got Keepo :^

  7. Why though? I don't hate SWTOR but it is certainly not the best MMO of the year. It produces very, very little content and on top of that focus' on only small parts of it's game at a time. It destoryed it's raiding community because of this. The quality of content they put out varies greatly too. Personally I'd say SWTOR's story is good, but all the other content they've put out lately feels lazily done. Look at the difference between Uprising modes. No new mechanics, only buffed HP and attacks.


    It simply cannot compete against the rate FF14 and WoW put out content. Not to mention that all of FF14's content is top quality. All bugs are fixed within days of the devs finding out about them. Currently, I do not believe FF14 has any bugs.


    I am not trying to be rude, SWTOR just does not hold a candle to these monster MMOs. Not to say this poll will reflect that. Who knows how many people actually use that site you linked. I don't and I wont be voting.


    Yeah I haven't run into any bugs yet lol. Although the site has some fascination with ESO. Although the BtP seems the a big reason.

  8. Honestly if you're dumb enough to play any asian MMO and expect solo play, you're an idiot...


    The other thing is the game was DESIGNED that way... This game was not. You're comparing apples to oranges...


    If you want to compare similar games that were story driven, you'd need to look at LOTRO probably more than any other game... LOTRO was all about story, but it was gated behind group content... Which was fine the FIRST time thru. As expansions came, as people hit level cap, etc. it started to kill the game because new people couldn't catch up and people running alts couldn't get them past it...


    EDIT: Hell LOTRO even went a step further and implemented open tagging for landscape mobs...


    You can solo play a lot of stuff in FF. Just there are multiplayer parts built into the questlines. With cross servers and quick pops it's pretty enjoyable and source of good xp. I don't care if solo mode options are available for story but some and only swtor I've seen this has a word perception that solo=Story and vice versa and people freak out about MMO content in a game that was an MMO.

  9. First off, deleting the Macro/Seeker quests would delete said item, which would keep players from doing other quests that require them...


    As for the OPS requirement... Other companies learned (and here too really after Oricon) that gating STORY behind group mechanics was a dumb idea. It's why Yavin has 2 arcs to finish the story (One solo, one Raid). It's stupid because other games had already done this and FAILED at it. It should have been a clue... But sadly EA can't even buy a clue with all that money they have.


    A group story from start to finish is one thing, a solo quest that ends in a group activity is quite another,...


    The main leveling story quests of FFXIV have dungeons and trials (FP and uprisings) attached to them that have no solo mode and are mandatory to progress the storyline. Game has done fine lol.

  10. Don`t forget that only small minority of people are active on forums. So from those who are active on the forums, which often means more hardcore portion of the audience, 38% want story. From casuals, i would guess figure is double that. They can go play PvE into any MMO, but SWTOR has perhaps best story in any MMO.


    I lol'd that people actual believe this still. I got more story and in my opinion better quality in last FF patch than KoTET. And it had lot more group content as well and updates across the board so the excuse has been called out. And all Swtor has is Story and one trick ponies don't work. Worked so well in 4.0 when the game was a giant interactive Netflix show you could watch on YouTube for free Kappa. Or sub for a month. And now that they are halting the brakes in an desperate attempt to be an MMO again the memes shall be seen Thursday XD.

  11. - you've got what you want .. proof there is a lot of ppl who have easy with this system. And ppl still crying about how hard is to get gear full bonus set :mad:


    - this is your argument now? .. pathetic. Like i said .. write to this peps = waste of time. They must hate because they have it in their nature. This system should be better i agree but still you cant agree with ppl who find ways to get gear and that why it means you trolling now, not we.


    I find this comment absolutely hilarious because I have no idea what the hell you're rying to say. In any case it's even funnier if read in a spicy Italian accent Keepo.

  12. Except you could have got ultimate comm ( whatever those crystals were called ) gear much faster than getting to tier 130 and set bonus aside ultimate comm gear would be better than what you have gotten from getting to level 130 I'm sure.


    Also SM is bolstered so you could have geared up set pieces from just doing operations and they become more forgiving as you do them ( oh and you learn the content ).


    Nothing is going to be worse than someone in T2 gear that somehow thinks "yay I can do operations easily now" having not really done them before and proceeds to wipe the group. People should be gearing by doing appropriate content if they intend on doing that content - the previous path was perfect for this reason as you learned whilst gearing. Now you can run 1000 exploited fractured runs and be "geared for operations".


    You misspelled throwing snowballs at companions and be ready for Ops :3

  13. Where? From what I saw that video, just goes over what we already have. Adding uprising isn't new content.


    They stated they aren't doing anymore story till next expac. There answer about companions is more of their silences and vagueness. They would like to return them but they don't knows when. So any time is on the table.

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