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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. To see your powers, press P or click one of the icons at the top of your screen.


    To get more quickslot bars, activate the UI editor by clicking the plus sign on the "main console" one of the settings will show more quickslot bars. By selecting an UI Item, you can also activate it individually.

  2. Final thoughts : Bind similar abilities near each other on the keyboard. For example and if you are healer bind 1-3 and QWA to be your heals and you be come to associate that part of the keyboard with healing.


    Taking imanujakku advice on binding similar abilities near each other, as well as a couple of his other ideas, I've decided to bind the bottom center quickslots in this order.


    1. Q

    2. W

    3. A

    4. R

    5. T

    6. G

    7. D

    8. X

    9. Z

    10. C

    11. V

    12. B


    Thus the left portion of my main quickslots and the bottom quickslots are 1-3 and Q, W, A which are on the left side of the keyboard. Then R, T, and G are below 4-6 as the center left side of the quickslots and just to the right of the ESF movement keys.


    Since the rest of the main quickslots aren't bound to numbers, I have D, X as the below the E key group. Ending with Z, C, V, B as the bottom group


    I admit that I haven't tried this out yet, but as I was working on rebinding the keys and thought about the advice in this thread, I wanted to share my newbie insights.


    I hope they will help someone.

  3. I'm a level 50 Seer, it's my main character, and this is my first MMO. I leveled as a seer and I liked it. I can't tell you how fast it is compared to others. All I can say that for me it's faster than the Shadow I tried in beta. And I like the story.
  4. There are a number of datacrons located on every world you visit. Some increase your stats and some have a color. Those that have a color you can bring back here. Finding the datacrons is part of the process. They are not shown on your map.


    But for a short cut, there is a lot of info about them on youtube.

  5. Your light/dark choice give you access to


    * Gear

    * Titles

    * If you choose Dark, your appearance will change, unless you disable that in preferences


    that you won't have access to if you don't make that choice. Neither side is more powerful than the other or have gear that is better than the other.

  6. Great guide! :)


    I do have a question regarding the Story section though. I'm a brand new player having just started a few days ago so still reading through the forums for info and may have missed this somewhere but I'd like to know...are there more implications for going to the opposite spectrum of the force than your initial allegience? I'm considering taking a jedi and turning him dark but don't know the full impact of what that means and whether that will make me weaker in some way. I know you can't use blue lightsabers if you go down the dark side path but is there more to it than that?


    Also, I'm assuming there are benefits to being a higher rank one way or the other but haven't seen any explanation of what that is...do you get stronger if you are on Rank 2 of the light side rather than Rank 1?


    Your light/dark rank allows you to access stuff at light/dark vendors that you otherwise wouldn't be able to use. Certain color crystals are only available to some ranks. If you go dark, the dark side will affect your appearance, unless you turn that off in preferences. You are not stronger or weaker for goinging one way or another.

  7. So far I haven't seen anything. There is no slot to put such an item as it's part of your appearance rather than an item. Though they could introduce the possibility to change certain parts of your appearance in game.
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