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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. Yes, if you run class missions only and DO NOT GRIND you will likely fall behind and start having serious problems around level 35 or so.


    If you do the heroics, or add in the side quests but skip the heroics in most cases, with a bit of grinding here and there, you should remain about one or two levels above the content.


    Do at least one KDY every level as part of the class/side or class/heroic sets and you will find you are far above the content for a nice easy run if that is what you want. If you grind even a bit you could end up hitting grey quests.


    *headdesk* I am not asking if it is possible, I am asking why do people only run the class quests.


    I know how the leveling options work, and I think most of us do too.

  2. worst sticky ever






    I think s/he was referring to the thread I mentioned as being the one to sticky.


    But it would be nice every time someone posted a thread "Bought X for highest price, was scaaaaaaaaaaaaaamed!!!!!11!11!!!" We could post links to the stickied one and recommend learning the definition of scam from there.

  3. I would like to see companions active on our ships. I think our ships could use an overhaul of sorts....especially now that Strongholds is out.


    Absolute agreement here.


    But I read on a suggestions forum thread suggesting a personal ship rehaul-thing, but someone said something about the programming being so intertwined that they don't want to touch that mess anymore than they want to.


    Which makes me kinda sad, because we're pumping money into the system.

  4. I am in the same boat as the OP. It doesn't mean that he or I are lazy or want things handed to me easily. I want to run new characters and have rolled several new alts to do so. I really enjoy the class missions, but you can only do the world arcs so many times before you don't want to them anymore. For this purpose, I am only doing class missions while supplementing exp with flashpoints and GSF.


    I really cannot stand the idea of doing all of those common area world stories again.


    I was asking why some people pass up the perfectly good alternatives to the planet quests.


    Never asked for things to be easy. And I make sure I have the exploration achievement done before I skip planet missions.

  5. [cough] ;) that is why there was a slash between the two... meaning, only those two type of missions.


    In this context, Speed Running means "plays only class missions and nothing else".


    Class/Heroics is not speed running under the meaning I gave it for this context. You were doing more than class.

  6. One-Four(trooper, legacy daughte of Jedi Guardian and Mercenary) : Modified blaster that could be changed into a lightsaber. But that might be a bit of a stretch, even if it would look cool...


    Marock (Jedi Guardian): Blaster in off hand, lightsaber in main hand.


    Lyraine (Merc): Knife from time to time, but I'll leave her with her dual blasters.


    Sophria (merc) : Tech staff, bladed on each end.


    Adileis (agent) : Actually using the blaster cut scenes claim she has. That should go with all my troopers and agents.


    Nau'ur'dha (Sorc) /Nau'ur (Sage): Vibroblade in her off hand.


    ... I have a thing for blasters, I admit it.

  7. Sorry guys, didnt know the definition of scam in this game...But whats the difference to http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Scams_in_Eve ?


    I only gave it a quick read through, but those are scams. I didn't see anything about a market on that page though.


    But overpricing something on the GTN and someone misreading the number/sorting as least to most when it is the other way around, not a scam.


    And the thread referred to earlier should only be a couple pages back in Gen Discussion.

  8. In this context, Speed Running means "plays only class missions and nothing else".


    Off the bat, I get that after several alts the planet missions really drag on and get repetitive to the point of "Why am I running this quest again?" I myself have skipped a whole planet quest line from time to time (Tattooine, I am looking at you).


    But this game gives away exp like it's snow on Hoth. Why do people not take advantage of these choices to keep in level range of their missions instead of begging in Gen Chat for help on a story mission?


    GSF gives exp, War zones, Flashpoints, the original line of Space Missions, bonus missions with the missions you are running, and I am sure I am missing a lot of other options.


    But what is the point of running around doing missions you're extremely under leveled for?

  9. This, repeated ad nauseum. There is a player on Jung ma that you can basically log in at any given point of the day and hear them whining/frothing at the mouth on the fleet on one of their chars imp or pub side depending on how much they want to whine complaining about pvp, that people are hacking that beat them, or everyone else sucks that teams with them and they lose... (makes me think of angry german kid)


    I have 15 chars and would -love- the option to ignore account for this person alone.


    You can only deal with so much window licking idiocy a day...


    Oh man. There is this one guy on Shadowlands who, idk if he's still there, but s/he is always going on and on about how the PvP sucks on that server. No, really? Might it be because s/he's on a PvE server? Would love to just have all that person's alts on ignore.

  10. Ah thanks... so now this goldseller got my money and I cant do anything....


    Why does the market actually let you purchase something without warning if you can get it cheaper?


    You didn't double click the sort by price option? That's how you find things for cheaper.


    Sorry, no refunds. And you also have no proof is was a gold seller. It could have been the first-made sale of that item or a person not paying attention to the price of things on the GTN.

  11. Someone hasn't met Path of Exile. That does F2P in a very user-friendly manner: microtransactions are 95% cosmetic and not tradeable.


    Our F2Ps get their class story (so up to 50).


    And I don't think many people actually buy many of the consumables in the Cartel Market. Everything in the Cartel Market is cosmetic, except for the post-Class Story stuff unlocks (Section X, Black Hole, CZ, Illum, Oricon, Makeb)


    Edit: Character Slots also aren't cosmetic, but once you've had one of each class, everything else is achievement <censored>ing, or cosmetic for Legacy cosmetic.

  12. Yes, lack of companion banters is surprising given that Bio always had it before. :confused: Chances are it was sacrificed to develop 40 PC sequences, since none of the Bio games of old carried that high of a companion load.


    Maybe when first released, but since then they've added things (makeb) that companions comment on, so they could have scripted those banters and just had the comps wander the ship, triggering the banter.

  13. That music hasn't been invented yet so no. The only time you hear the classic music is when it's ambient music, aka music your character isn't hearing but we are, so meant to set the tone or have a certain theme.


    As for the music, i like tatooine's as well, but i really like how the balmorran music when you first get in the spaceport really gets your blood pumping, a good tune. The guys Bioware hired for the new music did a good job for the most part.


    You mean the music that makes a person start looking for red shirts and Kirk?


    Yeah, I like that too. I like all of the planet's music, but the cantinas could get a music upgrade.

  14. What's the point? A f2p has only 2 chars anyway, so it would be just one other char you'd auto-ignore.


    Most credit spammers have just the 10 million credits achievement and maybe 20 kills on the starter planet to get to level 7, I don't think they bother to make a second char on this account, BW certainly would ban the whole account not just the one char that spammed, so it would be a waste of time to level a second char on this account, and the spammer surely won't pay BW any money to get to preferred status.


    Unless the spammer deletes the char and starts over and over.


    But this wouldn't only apply to gold spammers, but to other people you ignore so you don't wind up grouping with an alt of a person you're ignoring

  15. /meditate should work. I don't know if it'll let you kneel down, but it is there...


    I have noticed the cut scene thing, but I thought that was because I don't have my graphics maxed out.


    If the achievement is wrong, have you submitted a ticket?

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