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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. Or Tython/Korriban could have strongholds in the academy, more like apartments. Or one of the other Jedi buildings, like the place you first land on after rolling a Jedi/Sith character.


    Alderaan would be nice. And I kinda like the idea of a Corellia stronghold that has like the balcony in semi-ruin just because of the civil war.


    Quesh. Because we should sit down and fill Quesh's general chat with noise. I'm personally tired of running on it in silence.

  2. That's not what was asked, he is playing around with emotes and doesn't want to spam others with them.


    As for the OP, no, there is no way to set it so only you can see them. The best way to get around it, is to do it on your ship or inside any instance.


    Ah yeah, I just reread his post and realized that. My bad, ignore my post.

  3. I think a music box decoration would be sweet. But instead of the terrible cantina songs, why not have the themes from the various planets. For my taste, I would love to have Oricon's theme playing.


    I would shell out real cash for this jukebox. I love the music of Hoth and Tatooine, even as I hate walking on them. Or the music of the Outlaw's Den. That would be great.

  4. I wouldn't know about the whole community, but I personally don't like the pay-to-win system many new games use because then the game only focuses on the money part and everything else suffers, and then there is nothing for those who don't pay to do.


    It for me is like when I'm playing my Pokemon games with the VS Seeker item to rebattle field trainers with my insanely overpowered level 80 Mons against the snooty lv 5 trainers. Crazy fun the first five times, but then I start to miss the challenge those trainers once gave me.


    Yes, I am a subscriber who from time to time buys CC cards. I prefer the CM to be filled with cosmetics to make the paying part optional. As in I don't have to buy those cards to keep playing.


    Now, I don't do much grouping. Why? I'm a terrible healer on my main, even at 55. And I don't want to feel guilty about it, because I can't keep my healing up with my heat value for my merc. Consequence? I don't have the gear mods passed 146/156 on a couple mods. And I'm okay because I made that choice and can still play the parts I like that do give me the challenge I enjoy.


    Now, let's say those mods above mine are on the CM. I would feel pressured to do one of two things, spend the money for CC, or do badly on the group ops and hmfps because I am undergeared by the standards of what can be easily bought with CC.


    And I don't like being pressured to buy things just to play at the same level for a challenge I can enjoy. I enjoy buying my subscription because I don't actually need to buy it.


    Tl;dr -- I pay because it's an option. I am more willing to give them money because it is an option. And I play Pokemon.


    EDIT: I am aware of the seemingly not required image the game gives in terms of the subscription stuff, because I know it is a ploy to get me to buy the subscription. But guess what? I am more willing to pay for that illusion.

  5. /signed


    I want to run around the galaxy, mayb even-- wait. Give me a moment..



    Take orders from Mandalor himself on my BH.

    Try to find the Emperor on my Sith Warrior.

    Okay, those were the only class stories I've finished, but I've heard about the others liiike....


    Criminal Underworld issues for the Smuggler to solve.

    People going on a hunt for any of Imperial Intelligence's agents, regardless of any reports of being dead or defecting.

    Wouldn't those be fun? Though I like the ideas others mentioned too...


  6. Mandalorian Beast Hunters


    Guild Leader: Lyraine

    Type of guild: Generalized, RP in groups, PvP optional, PvE optional. End game and ops would be fun, be we don't have many ready for those.

    Classes: Any

    Population: 22 active accounts.


    Guild story description: Because of the Treaty of Coruscant, the war has become little more than squabbles. But we know it won't last. We follow the hunt, we help our clan, we prepare. For the hunt!


    Small guild stronghold in Kaas City

    No guild ship.

    Other notes: Our original guild leader quit SWTOR, so there's been a little reshuffling, no drama that I (Lyraine) am aware of. Mando'a is not a required language.


    Details of an unknown category (for now):

    Our previous guild master has us as ally guilds with -the dread empire- -the front Armeament- -apperitions of the Dark side- and -imperi vindicta- I am personally unaware of what that all means, so and explanation would be more than welcome.



    General rules:

    -Please be at least somewhat active, or inform guild officers if the character is an Alt

    - Talk every now and then in the Guild chat available through the chat section of the game, please (okay, not much of a rule, just a request)

    -Currently set at a 40-Day log-off time limit before kicking. If you are going offline for a 40+ day time period, please inform me, or an officer through in-game mail, forum PM, or whisper.


    Feel free to ask any questions here, or ask me in game by PM, in-game mail, or whisper.

  7. Imperial Guild

    Guild name: mandalorian beast hunters

    Guild Leader: Lyraine

    Type of guild: Generalized, RP in groups and optional, PvP optional, PvE optional. End game and ops would be fun, be we don't have many ready for those.

    Population: 57 people, but not sure how many are actually active, so small

    Guild story description: Because of the Treaty of Coruscant, the war has become little more than squabbles. But we prepare, hunting to keep our skills up.

    Classes: Any

    Small guild stronghold, no ship.

    Other notes: Our original guild leader quit SWTOR, so there's been a little reshuffling, no drama that I (Lyraine) am aware of. Mando'a is not a required language.


    I'm not sure if I posted enough information or not.

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