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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. I did that and my coworker said: "Back in my day, Behavioral Disorders were just called being a little s**t!"


    Huh. My coworkers said that it was entitlement crap that the students in our class would never do.


    And I work in a Special Education room that also focuses on Behavior. K-3rd grade.


    The thing about trolling is that it has to make people mad. Me, I'm giggling and having a good time, no doubt as are others.


    And I never had heard of the guy before yesterday. That was genuine curiosity.

  2. New one to add, forgot where the land bridge from one Makeb platform to another was, ran without changing camera angle... Never ending fall of doom until I screamed and died. Scared the <bleep> out of me, because I forgot that wasn't where the bridge was.
  3. Epic=/=Difficult


    An Epic, is a long journey, with many changes. These may be hard for others than for you. I certainly can not faceroll through KDY in 140 gear at 55 when I never did KDY before. Maybe you can/could/did.


    Epic in the modern sense means awesome. Still does not mean challenging. Just awesome, to a further degree of awesome that awesomely, and awesomeness can not cover.


    As for the lack of the word Tactical in the description, Who the <bleep> doesn't already know Forged Alliances is a Tactical by now?


    Citation is nothing. One can pretend the reviews do not exist if they wish. It can be ignored, seen as a claim if anyone wishes. There is no need to seek forum approval of what is well known as a fact, not to mention the fact that I personally do not require forum permission of any kind from the community, nor will I ever seek it.


    Could I use that instead of providing a bibliography at the end of my college essays?


    "Citation is nothing. All the information is there if one took a quick search."


    Think that would go well.


    People wanted citation to separate your opinion from fact. Opinion is subjective, fact is not. Fact can be wrong, but it is not matter of opinion.


    I have seen several satisfied "reviews", maybe not on the forums, but in the game, people are pretty happy. Yes, more could be done to improve them, but Strongholds are a lovely credit sink, and a lovely place to sit and gather your friends in.


    Your wording may have been a bit off, "poor" reviews? The only ones throwing a real hissy fit are SWG vets who expected to rebuilt their old homes. Others are saying things along the lines of "I like it, but it would be better if x happened."


    That is at least as high as "mediocre". Not " poor".



    Good morning Eric and other esteemed members of the Old Republic crew. I'm sure you already know who I am, but if not please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sir Copperfield. I'm your most famous, important and well liked subscriber. Now that the introductions are over, let's get onto business.


    Sorry, who are you? I never heard your name before today. Seriously.


    And I find it funny that you're making demands instead of adapting. Can put anything more than 500 items? Did you unlock every room? If yes, then adapt. I have themed rooms. Imperial, Republic, Technically Neither, living rooms where they can all avoid each day other, and this isn't even fully unlocked.


    Sorry, adapt.

  6. To both of you, I think you're underestimating me a fair bit. I've had characters across several mmos, with names I've plucked from or modified from anything ranging from natural metals, to plant life, to mythology and ancient gods. I wasn't trying to name any of my characters Luke or Vader or even Selphie, which is my handle on a couple sites.

    As an example, one of the characters I wanted to name was Nailah. That didn't work, so i tried every possible alteration, nylah, nalah, naylah, nailaaah, you name it. What I ended up with was Wylah. I like my characters name now, but it sucks pretty hard that I essentially have to go through the same process on every single character.


    I generally resort to fictional language names, or obscure alternatives to common things.


    Hyacinth is a type of rock, as well as a flower, but if it is taken, I would go through even to the scientific name to get one.


    I'm sorry your not-so-common names are mostly taken. But there has been a name purge already, and it is possible they will do another one, but not anytime soon.

  7. Just wondering if anyone has some crazy places they ended up after they bit the dust :D


    For me I was hit by one of the Dismantler's cast and I was launched into the torch. I blamed the fire of coarse :p



    Define crazy?


    Arcadium or wherever for the Dread Seed quest line was awful. Miss the jump by a tiny bit that you swear if characters could grab the ledges, they would and claw their way up Legend of Zelda style. Fall down the never ending pit and start from the very start again. *shudders* Don't care, never doing that quest line again. Just get the mission items, dump the missions and to on GSI dailies.

  8. Seriously devs, a toggle hood option would be awesome. U can put it in a pack, or make it to where u can just buy it by itself. If this happened...i would be pretty much set as far as customization goes


    Didn't even bother looking a page or two back?


    Players have been asking for this since pre-launch. It is on the Wall of Crazy, but for now, we have hood down versions of gear available. May take a bit of searching but they're there.


    Hood toggle is something we all want, but for now, let it go. Sorry.

  9. How can buying/selling in GTN be scamming? we are buying things what we can see in GTN, we are selling at a price what we believe is right for us. if someone is stupid enough not to check price and waste all of their credits into something then it is their fault, seller is not at fault here. It is pure idiocy of buyer that they lost all of their credits and seller doesn't have any obligation to give any credits back to buyer as seller did not get anything from buyer, seller got money from GTN after paying mandatory fee. This is ridiculous. Common sense seems like very uncommon among SWTOR players.


    From what I remember, there are . and , confusion and other issues. Have fun reading all the debate, if you want more details.


    Your time will not be refunded. You have now been warned.

  10. * Darth Wicked steps inside his Meditation Chamber, in order to better commune with the Dark Side. *


    I sense nothing more of extreme relevance, Apprentice. You did well... For the time being at any rate. :rak_01:




    We're saving that one for next year. ;)


    Alright. There is the whole drama for anyone trying to keep the thread hopping straight.

  11. I would also love a vibroblade spear for Qyzen and Khem.


    Lightsabers are horrible weapons, being a melee type. One of the things I loved about the Republic Commando book series was that Etain ran around with a BFG she used more often than her lightsaber.


    I want all of my Force Users to have some kind of gun weapon for range purposes. Especially since my JKs don't get healers until after chapter one.

  12. Update to first post: Most of these threads now no longer exist, because they were merged with this one. Hit the "First BioWare Post" button to get the official word on the topic from Eric himself.


    Here is the original post:





    *cough* I was forcibly hired for the role of story editor of this great drama known (to me at least) as the "Great Is it Scam or Not" debate.


    The original thread:

    Scammed on the GTN


    The Sequel:


    Refund from the GTN


    The TV Spin Off that isn't quite as well connected:


    Refer a friend ever going to be fixed?


    So there is the story.


    Too lazy to read all three threads?


    To sum up, the word "Scam may or may not have been the right word. Your mileage may vary in what exactly is a scam on the GTN. This is SWTOR, not EVE. No refunds unless the seller is generous. Refer a Friend is hard to scam with."


    "Darth Wicked thinks s/he has Force powers."

    "I have way too much time on my hands."

    "Choose your words carefully."


    EDIT: November 08th 2014






    GTN Pricing Scan


    A Thread About Extending /ignore to the GTN


    A Thread Asking For a Buyer Cancel Sale Option


    A Thread Suggesting A Format Change on the GTN to align prices


    Thread Asking for /ignore to be Expanded into the GTN Same creator for both thread with identical topics


    Support Thread about how many credits people lost to the scam/not a scam


    Yes, I am trying to collect all of these into one thread just to keep track of all these topics. If I missed any, please post the links.


    Edit: November 09


    The issue reversed for satire

  13. Kaas City has Pacification Droids walking around, the mere utterance of Intelligence can freak people out. Even if they don't like the Mandalorians, no one actually says that to their ... helmets. There are mind control methods.


    That being said, blowing up refugees and the corruption in the Republic side is also pretty dark. So is your CO ordering you to kill civvies because the mad scientist holding them hostage *might* have turned them into walking timebombs.


    This game can be pretty dark, or very light depending on your interpretation, and how you play.


    I had a bright, innocent little Sith Warrior who was like a little puppy waiting for the next order for the next trick, praise and treats. And then her world fell apart and she was forced to grow up and look through the galaxy in a different light. LS Jaesa was not happy with her choices.


    On the flip side, I have a bored, jaded Jedi Knight whose Padawan is constantly trying to show the good side of the galaxy.


    All depend on how you want to play.

  14. Galactic Strongholds are a credit sink, they're also new. Just wait a bit for the big decorating rush to slowdown (or not, snag the common ones for cheap when everyone is trying to sell sell sell)


    Capital World strongholds are much cheaper (5k to buy, and a fee tens of thousand to expand for the most part).


    But it is all new, which is why they're so expensive.


    Starfighter, well, I avoid it personally because I found the tutorial's lack of specific detail on how everything works (including combatting someone shooting back) ... Disturbing, to steal Vader's line.

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