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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. Yes you have all tho most of the post had made me laugh till the tears rolled from my eyes I also need to send out an apology I did not mean you offend anyone I was being in considerate when writing the OP. like I said I'm sorry and you guys gave me my just deserts.


    I'm sorry, but your original post didn't read as considerate. At least, not to me, and I am straight. Your post read as whiney as a person who didn't realize that people had been asking for SGR type things since Beta even. It could not have been hard to go 'oh, SGR option. No thanks."


    Now, I do accept that you weren't trying to offend, and likely just stumbled blindly by accident. Just take care, and maybe not space bar everything so much?

  2. From my understanding is that what people basically want is a story-mode story mode. As in, don't care about not earning exp or gear or anything, just let us play the FP/Ops stories.


    For anything like gear and exp, I would say group up or overgear/level if you want to collect on those.


    In my 140-156 gear on me and my companion (Torian, because I like toast) I have solo'd a lot of stuff. Not all of it because with a Bodyguard spec'd Merc, I'm still not that great at healing if I am overheating too often.

  3. Not at all. Everyone remembers the first time they encounter a Legend. I'm sure by now you've figured out just how much power Sir Copperfield wields in the arena of gaming and just how big of a deal he actually is in this industry.


    Being a gamer yourself, I'm sure you're starting to feel the natural attraction to him that all gamers feel. Now that you know, you are just one of the flock that wish to soar with him.

    Oh good. That makes me feel better.


    Not that I will change my flight patterns or anything but I see him, I see him. Fun times! *casual fan*

  4. Why would he?

    Three-way anyone? :p


    Not to mention he didn't get jealous when I hit on the male smuggler either.


    ... Yum, actually... Good point.


    Damn, now I wish for a harem option, I mean what F!SW does want to have both Pierce and Quinn at her beck and call for bedroom maintenance?


    Anyway, that's going off topic.



    Now are you whining about being a BH and having a Sith to flirt with? So what? Don't flirt with him then.


    Scooby-Doo, not Dew. Dew is moisture from air on plants when it starts to warm up in the morning. Or slang for... Events around lady parts. How crude am I allowed to be anyway?


    You get the whole main game of hetero romances, let the others have their fun.

  5. And BTW, OP, do you know how long the request for same-sex flirt options/ability has been asked for?


    You sounded like a bit of because you can't seem to realize they are an option, and LS/DS points are easily negatable. Use it Interrogation Probes for DS to negative LS and Friendly Drink for LS to negate DS.


    I had my lady BH flirt with the female smuggler just to see if Torian would get jealous. He seemed pretty chill with it.

  6. EXACTLY! When the gaming articles mention Sir Copperfield and his deeds, you can only hope to see your post above or below one of his infamous quotes. Being seen with Sir Copperfield is like getting your picture taken with the President...it doesn't make you the President, but it sure adds to your own credibility!


    Hey...you ARE famous :p


    Does that mean I'm now "That one lady who has no idea who Copperfield was" because I didn't know and said so?

  7. That sounds like an interesting story.


    Yeah, happened post Act Two for each class. Male trooper

    Spaces Sexy Sergeant Romance Option, got drunk to drown his sorrows.

    and female Warrior

    just got nearly killed by Darth Fatman's 'real' apprentice, not romancing Quinn, and goes to NS to try and make a cover identity so she can get revenge.



    Now, under those circumstances, I doubt a big ornate wedding would work for them. BW can't make the wedding that would be perfect for everyone, so RPing them would be better.


    Yeah, they're still married. Makes the marital arguments fun.

  8. If you look on the Legacy tab, and found "Imperial" and "Republic", you would find that after finishing each class storyline, the Heroic Moment would allow you to use those classic moves of other classes.


    Though I think you mean something more useful, like usable for the whole game. Which would be nice.

  9. 1) Ability to Marry other players with a semi-detailed wedding at a stronghold maybe...

    2) Ability to move your decoration hooks where you wish and add new ones

    3) Crossover expansion, ability to chose to switch sides from republic to empire or vice versa by a certain level

    4) Pazaak gaming

    5) Ability to click the chairs in your stronghold to sit down

    6) Multiclassing


    These are all things I would like to see added and would very much improve the gaming experience in my eyes.


    #3-- Not gonna happen. It would require serious re-voice acting and maybe even leaving behind companions. Sorry, I don't see Quinn willingly leaving his beloved Empire for the Republic than I do Elara Dorne willingly defecting back to the Empire. Those are just two examples of companions who would refuse to defect with you.


    #1-- RP a wedding between you and the other character. Now, I admit I would like to have something on screen others can see stating my toon is married to another person's, but wedding? Nah, not all characters would want the big ceremony, I have a Sith Warrior and a Republic Trooper who got married while drunk on Nar Shaddaa, classic Vegas style, without their factions knowing.


    #2-- Would be nice.


    #4-- Also nice.


    #5-- Always. I like interactive furniture.


    #6-- Multi classing as in Jedi Knight/Trooper? Not likely. They will add a third, neutral-ish faction with new classes before this. If you mean being able to be both a Commando and a Vanguard as a Trooper, maybe if they ever decide to have a switchback for Advanced Classes, but unlikely. You need to be more specific in what Multiclassing means here.

  10. Deleting the toon = nope.


    I did not work hard to go through the game, just to lose a duel and have the toon deleted. I don't care if it fits the lore, no character deletions without my typing DELETE or breaking the rules and BW deleting me. Just no.


    The ideas are interesting, but the consequence of losing one is too far.

  11. Well, a few points to consider....


    The NPD group is a well known market research company. Used by quite a few major companies, and commissioned to engage in many of the industries standard studies...mentioned and referenced in publications like The Wall Street Journal and Forbes, news agencies like CNN, Fox and MSNBC.








    Link to author - Liam Callahan


    Note that people can peruse their multiple studies they have published over the years and make their own judgements. You can also peruse the kind of companies they have done work for in the past.


    This is NOT a statement to the validity of the study. Only some background to consider whether or not this is a reputable industry study organization.


    The second point I would present is that NPD has been controversial in the industry in the way that they refuse to follow "industry norms" with respect to player categorization and revenue models, instead choosing to create their own labels and groups. They rarely use the simplified terms "hardcore" and "casual" in the same study, though obviously casual is used in the one above.


    Third, there are studies in the industry that counter NPD results. Some companies criticize NPDs information gathering methods, while others find their refusal to accept normal industry labels odd.


    Personally, I find the site quite reputable and enjoy reading their studies on a regular basis. The company I work for has hired them twice for market research.


    Changed the color to yellow green, hopefully that is easier on the eyes.


    Thanks for the color change and the links.


    And now I see why the report felt like it came from a newspaper, and seemed to only skim the surface of PC gamers.


    But if the definition of their terms are rarely the same from one report to the next, it makes me feel like they didn't actually look that deep into... Our spending habits, play type habits versus time habits, and so forth.

  12. Mostly because this post was neither comedic, nor clever.


    It kinda was. I laughed at how Sir Copperfield called himself the "most famous and favorite subscriber" and that such a title must be recognized by special treatment in terms of decorations and such.


    The sheer audacity to call one's self famous all over the Internet. It was funny in a laugh after the spoiled brat's parent walks away, kind of way.

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