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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. http://motivatedgrammar.wordpress.com/2010/04/22/jealousy-and-envy/




    As for logic... The time one spends playing the game should not determine which game functions one may access. Consider: Bob and Fred both pay $15 per month, both are full subscribers. Bob plays 18 hours per day, his source of income is an unemployment pension (living off the work of others), and he spends all his spare money from his pension on games. Fred has an education and a job, and various social and fitness related activities most days, various responsibilities, and pays his own way in life. Both pay the same full subscription amount. But only Bob can spend the time every day to "earn" (to borrow the term used in this thread) fifty million credits through repeating the same set of quests every day. Only Bob is willing to spend all his money on games. Fred commits his income to paying a mortgage to increase his equity, and to various savings accounts devoted to future gains, so that while Bob is living in his mother's basement, Fred will own a nice home and be able to afford nice vacations and such. But all that really matters here is that both pay the same subscription fee, and should have the same access to the same game functions.


    By the way, if you collect unemployment checks, you need to be showing some evidence of looking for a job. That's right there is the paperwork.


    Looking for a job is stressful, and even downright depressing. Maybe Bob had a place of his own, but when he became unemployed, he couldn't keep up with rent/payments while looking for another job, because job hunting is practically a job in of itself. Or maybe Bob was taking classes, and had to drop them in order to focus on the job hunt because these days, you can't get an education without a job to pay for it. Trust me, it's why I'm not taking classes yet, because I have to squirrel away money for classes.


    Fred has no idea just how much stress Bob has right now, and neither do I. I do know, however that as days turn into weeks or even months without so much as an interview, it gets damn depressing. And yes, maybe to Fred, he should be dedicating all his time to real life stuff, but what if Bob no longer has much of anything to find fun in real life, because all Bob sees is "unemployed slacker who can't a job because he's been unemployed for too long, even though he's sending applications in everyday."


    Maybe he give BioWare that extra money because in a game, no one knows you don't have a job. In a game, you can be anyone. You can escape the depressing outside world in a game.


    Fred's looking at Bob from the outside. Fred also seems to have entitlement issues "Oh, woe is me, my time for gaming is too little compared to all these obvious slackers, I want my guild ship nowwwww!!!11!11one!"


    Well Fred, play the game the way you want to, if it takes you longer to get rich, so be it. Stop obsessing over others.

  2. No.


    I get that you want a credit pool, but the simplest solution IS the one which BW has chosen so far. That is NOT to allow legacy credit storage. Subscribers can still transfer credits between characters and F2P and preferred cannot transfer credits.


    I have been trying to put forth a possible reason why BW has chosen not to implement credit pools. It may simply be more difficult than people realize to write the code to allow credit pools while still maintaining all the F2P and preferred restrictions without "shafting" those players who may drop from subscriber to preferred.


    And I was suggesting the simplest way to put in the legacy credit storage, if it were put in. I never, ever, ever said that it was the right way.


    And honestly, I didn't say I wanted it. Seriously. I said I would likely not use it, because I don't want to if it were put in place.


    And in my first post in this thread, I said it would cause a ton of yelling and screaming and argument. And since it would be stated clearly as a subscriber perk, it wouldn't really be shafting, because shafting implies a surprise.


    Giving F2P and prefs the short end of the stick, yes.

  3. To rephrase a question as a statement, usually re-arranging the words and swapping a verb works. For example:


    "Will the game ever offer up such incentives for people who can't spend so much time online, and don't have unlimited use of Mum & Dad's credit card? "




    "The game should offer up such incentives for people who can't spend some much time online, and don't have unlimited use of Mum & Dad's credit card."


    Well, as I said, it was buried under the ranting. Thank you for clarifying.


    I didn't say they were doing anything wrong. I'm saying the game is geared towards raking in the cash from people who: 1) Have spare cash, probably their parents' cash; 2) Are unemployed and can spend most of their time playing computer games.


    Oh. I'm sorry, I have a job, that pays me money. I and others like me are in that young adult age range who have their own damn credit cards. And not as many families can afford to just give money to their adult kids anymore.


    And many of us work, and still can find time to play what we like. Most of those people you complain about likely spend a little time doing different things over a long period of time (weeks, months so forth) to make credits.


    The word you're looking for is envy.


    The word you used was a synonym. To be jealous is to feel envy. To be envious is to feel jealousy. Hey look! Third grade English classwork I was just helping students with. At work. Where I get paid for my work.


    Would that not also apply to you?



    1) Do you assume the game rewards or functions to which I refer are actually earned by others?




    2) No. I pay the same subscription fee as all the other subscribers, plus or minus some exchange rate variations. Yet for paying the full price of a subscription, I do not get the game functions given to those who blow real money on cartel coins. Example: I just saw a guy selling a ton of cartel packs, asking for 50 million credits. Coincidentally the exact price of a guild ship. Now through using a credit card and buying cartel stuff, he "earns" a guild ship for his guild. After which he and his pals can use that guild ship for a game function, that being to invade a planet. A game function that is absolutely not available purely through a full game subscription. Meaning that full subscribers are not able to access a game function supposedly for everyone unless they blow money on cartel loot or spend a ridiculous amount of time playing.


    Maybe that person felt like spending the real cash for the credits to afford other things. Maybe a guild ship, maybe personal unlocks for strongholds, maybe to save for Tattooine stronghold. How can you know what s/he spends credits on?


    Sorry, I hear a lot whine. You don't know where the money or the time comes from, because you aren't every player. Ergo: your claim is phrased as an absolute, and has to be wrong.

  4. NO, not at all. If they stop paying the subscription, they should drop to preferred and ALL of the restrictions that preferred status has.


    My concern is the subscriber who puts 10 million credits in legacy storage, only leaving 50K credits on each character. The vast majority of that comes from his main. His alts do not contribute more than 100k total.


    That player then drops to preferred, for whatever reason. Preferred has a 350K credit cap, but the player only has 50K ion each character. The rest of his credits are in legacy storage. Preferred also has a restriction against transferring credits between characters.


    My concern is how do you allow that player access to credits in legacy storage up to the credit cap for preferred while at the same time maintaining the restriction against transferring credits between characters.


    The "suggested answer" from some of those who want legacy credit storage is to shaft the preferred player and hold any credits that player has in legacy storage hostage until the player subs again. Their concern is only for what they want and not for the other player.


    I find this hard to accept, as even F2P and preferred can exceed the credit cap with escrow unlocks. They have avenues to access those credits without subscribing. They still cannot transfer credits, but they can exceed the credit cap.


    IMO, escrows would not work for legacy credit storage as they would not maintain the restriction against transferring credits between characters.


    Simple answer that you don't seem to like to solve the issue: SUBSCRIBER ONLY.


    I get you want to find an escrow like system for the prefs and whoever else to use, but the simplest solution is the one you are saying is giving everyone else the shaft. Yes, it is a shaft to F2Ps and Prefs, but it would prevent the whole credit transfer thing from being a problem.

  5. I absolutely HATE being planetside, but I love doing story missions (good job on those btw). This is mostly due to the extreme amounts of traveling I have to do. When doing only the story missions (and I would think a large group of players are doing this when playing on a character that's not their first) probably 80% of the time spent on a planet is just getting from point A to point B, and each planet usually takes AT LEAST 1 hour to go through. Would it be so bad to have the taxi terminals already "discovered"? Or they could be legacy discoveries. And maybe increasing the speeder speeds up to, say, 120/135/150%?


    If anyone has more suggestions for making the planetside experience better, or even just tips for making it more enjoyable in its current state, I'd love to hear it.


    Speeder speeds going higher would cause engine problems according to another thread.


    The maps, quick points and taxis should be passed through on a legacy system IMO just because I hate running around to find them.


    There are kill count achievements and the like that where put in the attempt to make being dirtside less ... Boring.

  6. Wow... So many people claim that FP chat must be used ONLY for FP info.

    People RP in flashpoints sometimes. I guess it's SO helpful during flashpoint.




    Isn't RP in a flashpoint FP info? Or at least it is to me. But that's different from, as an up thread post said, a surgeon operating on you talking about his NFL team instead of inquiring about say, how long it's been since the surgery started, or how much blood is needed for a transfusion, y'know, medical stuff.

  7. Again, making it subscriber only does not address how to allow a preferred player access to credits he may have placed in legacy storage while a subscriber without allowing him to bypass the transferring of credits restrictions.


    I think the easiest thing for BW to do is to leave the credits exactly where they are and not to open the can of worms known as legacy credit storage, no matter how convenient legacy credit storage would be.

    Yes it does. Those credits stay locked up in credit storage. No access until resub. Which would suck, but it would be there.


    Of course, IMO, I think prefs should be allowed to send credits to their legacy alts, and only alts on the account, which would then allow maybe a limited amount for credit storage, the rest to be escrowed.


    But that's my opinion. As things stand, well, my suggestion clearly is to shaft prefs, sorry.

  8. I've already said that it would be nice to have a credit pool.


    I've also said that it might be harder to code in than many think. BW would need to consider the F2P and preferred restrictions against transferring credits, and also how to allow a preferred player to access credits he may have placed in legacy storage while a subscriber without allowing those restrictions to be completely bypassed.


    It has nothing to do with whether or not I like the idea of a credit pool or your "suggestions" to shaft other players so that you can have your "credit pool".


    Oh, I agree it will be hard to code.


    And I'm not crazy over the idea of a credit pool, but the easiest way to avoid the bypassing of sending credits from alt to alt, would be to make the credit pool section subscriber only.


    And I have never said I wanted to shaft anyone. I offered up what I think would be the simplest way to put the idea in, without undoing what they have in place in terms of sharing credits. It would suck, yes, but it would be the easiest way to implement the idea.

  9. Yeah, it's nice though to talk with people in the group though, some groups just flat out rush and but . Maybe the op was just trying to start conversation though....


    It is nice, and it likely was an attempt to start convos, but from my experience, other than a 'haha' or '<bleep>' or similar comments in cut scenes or commands on who to fight when and how, very little is said in group chat for FPs, usually. Maybe asking why one LS choice, and a DS choice another time, but other than that... Pretty quiet.


    Oh, and "thanks for grouping" is said a lot.

  10. According to you, BW should hold those credits hostage until that player subscribes again, for no reason other than so you can have your legacy credit storage?


    "I don't care about anyone else. I just want what I want."? Is that it?


    No, you asked for a solution, we gave you one. You don't like it.


    IMO, I wouldn't use it, because I enjoy the challenge of doing what I can with what credits I have on the toon.

  11. Simple solution, that would make a lot of people upset, would be to make it subscriber only-only. Drop to pref? Lose all access to those credits until you resub.


    People will complain and yell, but that would be a simple solution.

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