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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. I would like for a wider range of combat lines for each companion. There are only so many times I can stand Kaliyo calling dibs on the head, Torian saying "Toast" in a Batman impersonation, etc...


    And Mako is a pushover, I'm sorry.


    But I would also like more bits where companions say stuff about the scenery. Makeb was a world I actually heard Torian talk to me on. I know the primary comps (Vette, Mako, Kaliyo, Khem, Qyzen, Kira, Jorgan, Corso,) comment on the scenery the most, but I would like to hear my other comps opinions as well.


    An expansion of the companion conversations would be nice, even if they're a rotation of the same seven (one for each day of the week), just to have a feeling that they're more than furniture on my ship after the main convo lines are done.


    EDIT: And modable armors that are theirs, like at lv 50, have their original outfits as moddable armor for the companions, unless there wasn't one (Khem, Blizz, T7, for example).

  2. A calendar somewhere, in game or on the website would be awesome, I agree.


    But an in-game calendar with something like "Bounty Broker Association opens bounties to all" every four weeks, or "LifeDay"... Can't recall what other events that aren't in-lore 'random' events occur...

  3. Possible idea that would take a long time to design/implement:


    Tiered conquest for guilds.


    Small guilds have Tier D (1-125 members)

    Medium-small guilds have Tier C (126-225 members)

    Medium-large guilds have Tier B (226-350 members)

    Large Guilds have Tier A (351-500 members)


    Same conquest styles, different tiers.


    Edit: Just an idea to shut everyone in a small guild up. From complaining about how the big guilds are doing better than us small guilds.

  4. More masks would be awesome. Like bandages wrapped around the head, covering the eyes like the Miraluka icon on the character creation.


    And I would like all of the Human customization unlocks to be carried all the way over Cyborgs, and Miraluka at least get the hair styles.

  5. Unfortunately there simply aren't enough in-game EAware people to catch everyone all the time. And they simply aren't fast enough nor are there enough of them on the outside to respond to spam reports effectively. Regardless, they do rely on us, the players, to click "report spam" each time we encounter a spam post from a new spammer.


    The problem with censors is that people can work their way around them, so they don't work as well as we'd all like.


    Not defending the gold spammers, they're a blight to my chat reading as well. Just report and hit ignore each time. Tedious, but at least you can carry a conversation without seeing them as often.

  6. I was going along with the OP's story ... ya know, feeling all sad and stuff ... until he got to the part where the decedent's dying wish was for her brother (who has never played SWTOR) to take over her guild (of which, apparently, she was no longer a member). Was her last request so specific as to mandate the period of time during which her brother is stuck playing this game or running that guild? Even if every word is true, if I were her brother, I'd log in, explain to the guild what was happening, let them make me Guild Leader, screenshot the proof, and immediately transfer the Fez of Leadership to someone else and give away all her stuff to anyone on her Friend's List.


    But this thread struck a chord for me. I'm no spring chicken ... I more closely resemble my forum avatar than I like to admit. And I recently amended my will to include a private letter to be delivered to my younger brother (he with the best computer skills in the family, yet does not play MMOs) asking him, upon my death, to cancel all my MMO and Forum accounts ... but not before posting my MMO obits where appropriate. "Appropriate" means guild and kinship sites and, yes, the public game forums. I pre-wrote the obit and include it with the letter to my brother.


    I also ask him to log in, say goodbye to anyone who's online and on my Friends List, and give away all my stuff to my MMO friends. Then, remove all my guys from any guilds or kinships (some of the groups I'm in don't purge the roster and I'd hate to think that Thoronmir was out there "haunting" his old guild).


    So, if you see an obit for old Thor posted here anytime in the next 20 years, it's probably legit. If you see someone claiming to be my brother asking you to let Thoronmir take over your guild, then my account's been hacked.



    The part about leaving a letter for my brother with all my account info so he can purge my MMO footprint is actually 100% true.


    And you just became the most awesome McAwesome of Amazing Awesomeness. Mind if when the time comes, I steal your idea? That sounds like a very simple, legit way to end your MMO footprint in the end.

  7. oh for sure, I have yet to see elitism at Warcrafts level.


    That's because we tell those people to go back to WoW.


    In all seriousness, Star Wars is a huge thing with the movies, EU, and of course us the fan base. And SWTOR has to live up to so much, even as the EU contradicts itself over the years, we have to spread the word. And being elitist snobs isn't a working system for that spread of information.

  8. Seriously???? They just said 2 days ago that the expansion is coming THIS YEAR. If this is related to James Ohlens comments then he's referring to post 3.0


    This thread predates that one, and did you even read more than the last page?


    Sorry, you likely did, but your post made it sound like you didn't. People here are talking about it being delayed (likely in my opinion because that's what happens with other things) and how just a few things may or may not count as a major expansion.


    And whether or not one poster is being exceedingly rude and dismissive towards people who do not utilize his/her play style.


    To the rest of the thread, yes, I did just use a passive aggressive insult. And yes the "know your place" comment was beyond rude. After all, a woman's place is not on a forum, but in the kitchen, isn't it? </sarcasm>

  9. If one wishes to see the dramatic effect of culture and time on language, one only has to read Charter of Cnut in it's original prose. Naturally it would be difficult for most to read it in it's Old English form.


    a cydde man me, þæt us mara hearm to fundode, þonne us wel licode: and þa for ic me sylf mid þam mannum þe me mid foron into Denmearcon, þe eow mæst hearm of com: and þæt hæbbe mid godes fultume forene forfangen, þæt eow næfre heonon forð þanon nan unfrið to ne cymð, þa hwile þe ge me rihtlice healdað and min lif byð


    Or watch the South Park episode about the motorcycle gang and the word ... *** is censored, isn't it? Well, three letters, stars with f. That word. The whole time they keep looking the word up and getting different definitions.

  10. I don't think all PVPrs complain but the ones that do, complain constantly. As for wanting to force pvp on everyone again, I don't think this is the case for most PVPrs but I've been out doing dailies and had some ******** assassin cloak and stand on loot targets so when I click on it I accidentally attack him then his four buddies pop out of no where and kill me to know that there's a faction of PVPrs out there that give the rest a bad name.


    You don't hit the target enemy button before attacking? Sorry, automatic first thought when you said click. On my Keybinding, I use either tab or 'num .' to target my next enemy. But I don't know if you unbound that key or not.


    But I agree with the point of your post of a small minority in the PVP population are giving the whole a bad name.

  11. I tend to find that the English in MMOs is a lot better then the English I have experienced on local parenting facebook groups.


    The OP head will probably explode with the spelling/grammar etc I have to decipher on those groups.


    Now factor in that most players on EU servers have English as a second language and it is just embarrassing.


    Actually, I have met more ESL/ETL people who speak better English that EFLs.


    But I agree on the better grammar on the MMO than on Facebook.

  12. Heroics are always repeatable daily (except for one exception that's bugged, apparently). You can come back with the same character the next day and pick up the same missions again.


    Make note, however, that heroic Area missions (those missions that you pick up automatically when entering a certain section of the map, the missions which are marked as Area 2 or Area 4) are never (as far as I've been able to tell, someone feel free to mention an exception if you know of any) repeatable on the same character.


    It would be nice if they could make some sort of tweak so that heroic mission pickups would show a different icon than missions meant for solo play. (I'd actually like to see Area missions made repeatable as well. They could probably add a mission terminal by each planet's spaceport or shuttle that starts offering those missions after they've been found and completed once the normal way.) But as it is right now the easiest way to know exactly which NPCs to talk to / which mission terminals to visit is to use a guide like the dulfy guides that were linked.


    Actually, I have been able to repeat the one by the Geonosians on Tattooine with the same character.

  13. So I'm currently taking a class that primarily covers human psychology, currently we are studying cognitive biases such as confirmation bias, and group bias. One of our assignments was to find a real world example cognitive bias, and send it to the professor along with a written explanation.


    I think I'll use this thread.


    Did you need to tell us that we're now your metaphorical lab rats?

  14. And here you nail why I'll never pvp much on here right on the head.


    It's not my favorite platform to pvp on by any stretch, so I can't really say I feel life I'm missing out, but the way it's set up is like. .. if you haven't been pvp'ing since level 10, just don't even bother.


    Starting at 55? Lolololol.


    You're gonna be nothing but target practice for hundreds of matches. All the while, you're going to be getting spite and mockery from anyone with the neurotic obsession with inspecting everyone's gear.


    I can't think of a single good side to it.


    Not one.


    <insert swearing here> So those is us who start PvP at 55 screwed ourselves over.


    No wonder it feels like such a great divide between PvE and PvP.

  15. Ouch, sounds like you got surrounded by the obnoxious PvPers. I have seen more threads about PvE is getting screwed over than "we need maor PvP! 1!1!1!!11"


    And it is always the loud PvPers who ***** and complain. Then again, I'm on PvE servers, so it gets really funny to read people complaining about how bad PvP is there...


    But I have met a bunch of perfectly nice, grown up, and civilized PvPers. And they would like more decent PvPers, but most of the time I have the two extremes, the really good PvPers (usually civilized people in the PvP community), and the really horrible ones (like me, and all the complainers about how bad PvP is on a PvE server).


    Anyway, if you're combing through the PvP forum section, herr derr you'll find complainers. It is the forum of PvP. But here in General, I have seen a <bleep> ton of "Waaaaah!1!1!!! PvE is getting screwed over!"

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