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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. I love Fez Burba. Well, no, not him exactly. He's an NPC on Coruscant who's this big wig scientist, and then we see him again on Tattooine.

    What I would like is more NPCs who have 'traveled' about in the galaxy so we see them on other worlds without having to be of a specific class instead of faction.


    Maybe the mad scientist Sith on Dromund Kaas who wanted to kill off the rebelling slaves and the Imperial officer who disagreed?


    Thoughts? Other NPCs?

  2. Because I enjoy being a dual-wielding BH BOSS (forgot about the censors) who shoots people in the face with Healing Lasers. And my commandos do the same thing.


    Sith Warriors have a companion achievement that involves a character's alignment, so on servers I play on, I try to have two SWs.


    And to play with other advance classes from time to time. Or replay the stories I love.

  3. I'm typically surrounded by people that don't really mask their ambitions, though your points are all fair and apt. The error the might be mine, forgetting that greater society is quite as you observe.


    The error is not yours. If society ran the way you read to be, blunt and to the point without fancy nonsense, then things would likely get done faster. And then lawyers and politicians would be looking for new jobs.


    Anyway, otherwise back on topic, why should work be surpassed by cash in this game? Work keeps us playing.



    And it is starting to look like the topic has been beaten down to death because I haven't seen anyone point out how pay2win is a good business model for this game?

  4. What I don't understand is why more people won't admit that. What's wrong with wanting ****** gear in a game in which you gear so heavily impacts a great deal of what we do?


    We're a competetive species, too. Wanna to be better than others? Awesome, do it up. Couch it in false altruism and fake nobility and one just looks like a moron though, or so I think.


    Because society demands that we at least appear less selfish. There is a reason many religions say that greed is a sin.


    Although I admit I prefer to only collect gear that toon will use.


    But if we want to look like fools playing at nobility in a game where none of this matters, why take that fun away. I like lording my Champion of the Great Hunt status on my BH.


    But there is work put into those things, so there is value. It is why there is a value. Free things have little to no value. And if those things were put up on the cartel market, it is more likely to be considered little more than collectable trash for us gear hoarders who want all the fashions.

  5. How it is fun will differ from person to person, naturally, but in theory, the more options we give to gamers to play a game in the manner that is the most fun, then we would have more gamers having more fun more of the time in the games they are playing, and hence want to keep playing longer and paying for more games and more stuff in those games.


    If we take the current examples of people suddenly not playing Operations because they can get the rewards elsewhere, then that would seem to me to be a problem with the design of the OperationOperations. Going under the assumption that we are playing to have fun and enjoy content, then we would still be playing Operations as they are regardless of the rewards because playing that content is fun and enjoyable. If that is not the case, then we can take a look at what people are playing over and over again, because the content is fun and enjoyable, analyze the reasons why, and adapt those mechanics to make Operations as fun and as enjoyable as that other content.


    To use pissing people off as an excuse not to try to do something, well we might as well just put the entire gaming industry to rest right now because every game would be a WoW clone in that case.


    Had to snip down for size.


    What I call fun is different that what you call fun. From your posts, I have the feeling that when you're going somewhere, you want the most direct path from a to b, and that is why you want a pay to win system put in.


    Me, and many of the others from their posts, we want to take the scenic route. Why? Because a speed run through the game means we have to sit around for months before stuff gets released for us to do once we his endgame.


    Bored players with nothing to do leave and stop paying.


    This is why top tier gear is not available in the cartel market for lowbie characters. To keep us busy until they release stuff. To keep us paying for stuff.


    Now, no one, no one is denying that everyone has a different idea of fun. I find soloing fun, RP fun. I don't enjoy PvP. So if I want nifty PvP gear or Ops gear, I need to run through Ops/PvP or fork over the hundreds of thousands of credits for the GTN crafters and sellers.


    This is a good thing. It keeps Ops runners having fun, because the queue fills up faster. This means people can run ops more often.


    There was a problem with the ops. People weren't running them as often. Why? Lack of stuff to get and the long queue fill time. Cue GSH and turning ops from 16 man to 8man instead. Now more people are running ops again, letting those who enjoy ops run them.


    Third: If you're a business, the goal is to make money. BioWare knows this. BioWare is feeding off of it. You can not make money by pissing off your customers. Why do you think boycotting is a powerful tool to spread word of terrible service? BioWare is making money by not having a play to win system, and retaining the customerbase they have, and keeping us entertained until they release for stuff for us to buy in the release of new content. Like GSH.


    The system they have works.


    What problem does Pay To Win solve? I read through your post several times. You did not answer the question you were asked about what good Pay to Win has to offer other than a short burst of endorphins and a short lived player base?

  6. I don't PvP, but I know my BH has a detect stealthed enemies ability. Whether I use it or not is a different question, but I thought all classes post 50 got some kind of stealth detector ability.
  7. What do you mean? People are adding idea for things to also be allowed on the floor, agreeing with your premise.


    I think this would be awesome. Of course if it had my way, I would be putting those rugs up as wall dressing, and the flags on the floor so my respective opossing faction alts could enjoy tromping all over the enemy's flag

  8. Paraphrasing what Dulfy website and people on Fleet chat generally say, Juggs should focus on Strength, Defense Rating, Shield Rating, and Absorb Rating. Which of the ones you want to focus on after Strength is up to you, but those are generally the stats people recommend.


    That being said, I was assuming a Tank Juggernaught.


    Dps Juggernaughts focus on Strength, Power, Alcaricy, Surge, if I remember right


    General rule of thumb: regardless of class, focus the non-endurance one, and then decide defense/offense/heals and work to improve the stats for that choice.


    And I'm in the camp that screams to ignore Critical, but that's me.

  9. right, but slicing also has no rich/bountiful level 6 as far as i can see ... so where are those slicing drops going to come from? haha


    i really think there is some bug that makes level 6 ONLY have no rich/bountiful available. plenty of rich/bountiful at every other level.


    Yes they do. You only get one rich after reaching its unlock cs level per tier. And I have seen bountifuls. Send Mako on them all the time after running through the others on higher tiers too many times. They just get a bit drowned from abundant and mediocre. And if you run that particular mission too many times, you have to run a few others for it to 'recover' and pop up again.

  10. You've got it so right! People were completely pissed when GSF was only PvP. Newsflash for Bioware, most of the people are PvE players not PvP players. They blew it big time when they didn't make it PvE. Hell, even I would have played it if it was PvE. I do not PvP.


    Or had options like 'queue PVP' and 'queue PVE'. I want to go flying with people, maybe shoot droid ships or something. Or enemy NPCs of the other faction.

  11. The level 9 (50-55) stuff is the same way, but the mission drops aren't always from slicing. They're easier to get through slicing, but you can get them from other gathering/mission missions at a lower chance of getting them.


    You do get maybe one 'rich' from time to time since they seem to go in a cycle, but you're better off trying to go for the 'wealthy' missions from those drops.


    Right now all these threads do is make memes pop into my head... I see the "Y U no" guy standing in front of people buying furniture yelling "Y U no buy my armors and weapons!"


    So glad I wasn't drinking anything, and now I'm getting funny looks from people...


    I think that should be a decoration.


    And I completely agree with the sentiment.

  13. <snip>

    For what it's worth I support this idea especially now that a lot of people are hanging out in their strongholds instead of fleet.


    ^ That's why I like this idea. I have stuff in my legacy storage that I can reach much faster for trade purposes if we had a global trade set up.


    I also like the level-bracketed LFG channel, but at the same time, sometimes my BH at 55 runs heroics with others on lowbie planets, and then leaves so the lower group members get the full exp value. Unless they're also over leveled, then it down matter.

  14. No they dont thats the problem. commando and reflex mods have the exact same stat. It has to be a mistake somewhere


    Yes, they do.


    You're just not at the level point when they diverge. This won't happen until about Nar Shades/Tattooine if I remember right. When you start out, the two different kinds of mods for your class are identical. Then they'll start to change ever so slightly. Go commando when they do for you.

  15. It is a really great time to be buying stuff, especially a lot of the items from the new pack. I had no plans -- no plans, I tell you! -- to buy that new Orobird or the Mira set reskin, yet there they were in my mailbox, with me about 430K poorer. Cheap goodies abound!


    The housing stuff, on the other hand, is pretty pricey. I was a bit worried that the decor from the packs would be mostly junk (like the GSF stuff from Starfighter packs), but nope. The rare stuff is fetching millions, and the rest isn't exactly cheap either. Maybe everyone is just too distracted by their new houses and giant potted plants and gree disco balls to pay attention to the banthas and skimpy armor? :p


    Yup. Houses are everything right now. Ever since GSH was announced, people started boarding up the credits. I've been buying CM gear on the cheap en masse for a couple months now. Give it a bit of time, the craze will slow and the selling items from before will still sell. Maybe not as well, though because they will have to share the seller's market with the decor items.


    New things, OP, are always going to be insanely expensive at first and will dominate the market for a while. Then when everyone has crafted and been selling them for too long and in too large of numbers, those prices will drop. People will go back to buying armors and stuff again if you're willing to wait. And as they do, decor prices will drop.

  16. Quinn is tons of fun. My female Cyborg SW said that he would be punished in private. *wink wink*


    I recall reading some of the comics that took place before the Sith Empire met the Republic, and many of the slaves were Pureblood. So, because Tulak Hord and Kallig were so far before the game, it is possible that the SI could be Pureblood, who's family had been slaves for so long they forgot how to use the Force. Or never learned enough skills to use the Force well beyond being lucky at finding things or gambling, until the SI came about and was in the family a prodigy with so little training.


    And I kept hoping to rub my PB status into Ffon's face, but nope.


    Either alignment would work from what I know of the story. And I chose female because that pirate has a sexy voice.


    My male human trooper, well, I never selected to romance Elara because he outranks her, which is against the rules. So I use in-my-head rp-incident about a certain Jaxo's death leading to a wild night he doesn't remember other than he woke up with an Imperial ID and a wedding ring. With a hot lady in his bed who's issuing orders to our favorite Twi'lek and Jaesa. SIS is not amused, which makes him rally more on Elara's side as a friend.


    So I rolled a female trooper. Gonna see what happens there. Both were LS, but not full-blown Captain America mode like Fourex.


    SW, well, my first was a female and then I met Quinn. And his voice. And then she harassed him until he gave in and then.. Well, see my first lines. Even though she's LS, but not to the point of Jedi. She in my opinion is a manipulating *****, choosing LS to keep her enemies off balance. And on Balmorra, she erased the boy's memory and gave him the name of his father because then the Republic would wonder at what was really going on, and what he told her.


    Agent: Humans are everywhere, but I'm having fun with a Chiss agent. Rolled a Pureblood for kicks, but got bored. While any alignment works, I felt that agents are best played when trying to do the best (in your point of view) for the Empire.


    BH: Well, if you're not a Mandalorian fan, then have fun with the chirpy cyborg girl who is way too nice for the business. Even my LS Mando fan BH wanted to slap Mako a couple times when they were broke on a stolen ship.


    JK: well, haven't played all the way through. Have two, male and female, and both are heading DS because of grief from losing their master to a Sith. And then the Sith tried to take over their apprentice. Male isn't romancing companion, because she was your apprentice/Padawan. A bit creepy. And I haven't played my female to meet her romance option.


    JC- have two females, both a bit neutral. One I rp as an Imperial Defector fleeing from her Sith mother, so she's shown more DS side options with enjoying a good fight, and then after CH 1, she falls into a depression of DS choices. The other I just rolled. Neither are complete.


    Smuggler: Male. I have a female romancing Corso, but after a while, I want her to scream that she is a Zabrak, not some fragile human made of glass. My male is Cathar, but not really liking Risha. Don't care that she's supposed to be his Leia, it's not happening. My smugglers are smart, not morons who don't know what a Padawan is.


    Sizes, I don't really have a preference, but Lyraine (main BH) is a BT 3, and it was fun hearing "not much to look at" and "champion's body mass ratio suggests otherwise" on the Mand'alor's ship was fun. With my BT 1, it seemed odd.

  17. In the spirit of the new continuing forged Alliances story I was coming up with an idea of what a 3.0 class story thing could be like particulaly if they decided to actually have 3.0 revolve around the culmination of Forged Alliances. Story speculation ahead which could be construed as spoilers I guess.



    They made references to the Revanaites and the Rakata Infinite Empire. From what I understand, Raven found a Star Forge and other legacies of the Infinite Empire during his early days. Here are some speculations for what I thought could happen if they try a class story route:


    JK - Discover that Revan is actually alive. Maybe finally get him to join you.


    So sorry to tell you..

    Flashpoint The Foundry tells us what Revan had been up to. It's not a pretty one for either faction.



    But the Rakata and Infinite Empire are really interesting though...

  18. We got clone wars gear in game or atleast similar while thousands of years past so who cares?


    Republic Armed Forces have throughout Republic history in its incarnations until the rise of Palpatine's Galactic Empire, has used mostly the same looking armor. The only changes were in materials until the Clone Wars when Fett and the others teaching the clones designed their armor after the Mandalorian in helmet with the T-visor. Which, as we watched The Clone Wars, we see the T-visor fall into disuse except by the other troops until the helmets go back to the old style, and the two eye-visors with their blind spot.


    I know I have grammar issues in there, but...


    Anyway, maybe the Republic would meet a Binks and have to help him/her, and maybe this ancestor would actually not be so annoying. And Imp side can just go Gungan hunting in an attempt to spark a war between the humans and Gungans.

  19. Personally, if I could, I'd run around all day playing, and since school got out, I do while I wait for school to come back and then I can start work again.


    I have one 55. Across all my characters, just one is 55. And I have been playing for a year. I have completed two class stories. But all the time I have spent, using the logic of the original post, would mean I am a hardcore player.


    I don't group, I am a pretty awful healer even as I've been reading Dulfy. I admit to chasing achievements instead of story or raids and group stuff until recently.


    I call myself casual because I don't care about being on the leaderboards. I call myself casual, despite the time and cash I have handed over to BioWare, because I sit and watch conversations and movie clips. I sit and track down the random convos between NPCs.


    I play, not to win, but to run around doing things. Yeah, I run dailies on a pretty regular basis, but not all of them in a day. I like to collect credits, and titles, and legacy levels. But I don't focus purely on them. I don't obsess over the gear, unless I'm trying to keep myself and my comp in decent armor rating range.


    I do read the varying pages for tips, and I have them bookmarked. But I don't plan out raids on places because I'd rather spend that time doing other things. Maybe insult Alderaanian nobles in a convo to pick up a mission. Maybe group up and run Aurora Cannon in Section X.


    Tl;Dr -- casual = no set ritual for things, does as s/he will just because. Hardcore = a specific way to do everything, often to optimize things like raid speeds, or getting credits faster through the dailies and such

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