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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. . I mean it's fine I guess I just wont mention WOW but still I was really surprised by how touchy people got lol.


    It's not that we're touchy, but in general, unless you know your group members really well, just talk FP. Or leave the WoW talk for Fleet General Chat.


    And like the previous poster, a low of people claiming to have loved WoW, talking about it etc. Are trolls.

  2. Well, I for one am sick and tired of being made to wait.


    I was promised a pony and I want what was promised.


    BioWare gives you a miniature pony!

    BioWare says "You didn't ask what kind of pony!"

    BioWare Trolling is super effective!


    Back on topic, I heard Makeb-like expansion, so that's what I am expectating. Another Makeb, with insane mobs and all the fun torture along the way.

  3. Sup everyone so I'm not sure if it's some unwritten law but last night and two nights before that I was kicked from an FP for mentioning WoW. Literally the only thing I asked is if anyone in the group was from WoW and if they thought this game was better than WoW. I then mentioned that I was a 8 Year WoW vet then the next thing I saw was that I got removed from the group. Why are players so touchy about this subject?


    Well... You were in an FP. Most of the time in FP groups, people talk about what is going on on the FP.


    Save the WoW talk for Fleet Gen Chat.


    That being said, I think booting you may have been a bit harsh.

  4. What's happening at the moment is that all the kids with no obligations on their time and money, and the unemployed dropouts who play 18 hours a day, and the kids with access to Mum & Dad's credit card, are buying cartel coins and selling the cool stuff on the GTN, and using the funds to buy things like guild flagships, stronghold access, rare stuff on the GTN, et cetera. It's not a matter of people being rewarded for "working more".


    For those of us with obligations on our time and money, well, we sit here and see all the unemployed dropouts and the kids using their parents' credit cards getting all the fun stuff, and think "Well, that's f***ed. Unless I quit my job and studies, and give up my social life and gym and stuff, I won't be getting any of that stuff."


    So here's the question: Will the game ever offer up such incentives for people who can't spend so much time online, and don't have unlimited use of Mum & Dad's credit card?


    Is Suggestions the right sub-forum for this? I feel like there is a suggestion, but it is buried under the ranting.


    Now, I just must say that I doubt everyone of those people are as you describe. Maybe they have jobs, social life, obligations and their own damn cards?


    In fact, the people I see on during standard work hours (I do not have the same standard work hours as standard working people), are in other time zones. Like Europe on the US servers. Or Australia on US servers in the dead of night Pacific Standard Time (US).

  5. Yep, that would be my suggestion. Make them great looking ones, so we'll actually have a sense of pride when completing one of those sets.

    And so that it's actually a legacy worth passing on.




    Yup, been there and done that as well.

    "Oh, a purple drop - how cool! I wonder what it is? Gear? A crafting mission?" *click* *sigh* "Oh, that again..."



    Yeah, at this point I'm using my collections as 'Legacy' gear. Not actually legacy, but fully moddable that I wear from level one, and enjoy running in it.

  6. The Hutt Cartel runs Nar Shaddaa. It's Hutt territory.


    The Exchange is just a minor faction nowadays.


    Also, it absolutely strains credulity to see - one may assume - an independent landing pad, in plain sight, just behind the Star Cluster and Nightlife Casinos. I can imagine the Hutts having no issue with that...




    The Sith Inquisitor is a Dark Council member. The Sith Warrior is the Wrath.


    The Jedi Consular has a seat in the Jedi Council. The Trooper is the leader of the premier Special Forces unit in the Republic.


    Are you mocking me? :confused:


    Not mocking. And you can place the strongholds as belonging to anyone in your legacy.


    Bounty Hunter can be/is a Mandalorian, I don't think Imperials and Sith would enjoy a BH having a personal spaceport to go off hunting in since BHs do accept bounties on Imperials and Sith. I remember this one job, on Taris, mark was an Imperial...


    And maybe the Coruscant one belongs to the Smuggler, who might work for the Republic, or be BAMF Crime Lord. Yes, Coruscant Security would love a crimelord with his/her own personal spaceport to go about not always being on the Republic side.


    Tat and Nar Shaddaa are neutral... Technically. Hutts make us pay out the wazoo for the spaceport, and as long as their neutrality (or pockets) isn't being threatened, I don't think they would care. We don't pay to rent for a space in the spaceport, just the fuel to get there.

  7. And how exactly is that any different from Nar Shaddaa?


    Better yet, how does it make any sense that the Deucalon and Mezenti Spaceports are visible from the Sky Palace and still we get a landing pad for our ship? The Dromund Kaas spaceport is miles away from our Stronghold and yet no landing pad.


    Again, perfect sense.


    Nar Shaddaa and Tat houses are bigger. And run by criminals (Hutts and the Exchange respectively). The Republic and Empire have to keep an eye on any ships coming on or off the planet for security reasons, ergo, all ships stay in the spaceport.


    Edit: forgot half of my last sentence there.


    And yes, I love coming up with lore reasons....

  8. Good infos! Thank you!


    No problem. Wasn't certain if that would help you fond the cool armor you were looking for. Not all sets are cheap, some (many) have gone into the 100 K+ range for the full set, even if you only go and buy only the set at the cheapest way possible (not always the boxes, or even the full set box, nor piece by piece, usually a mix is the cheapest way, surprisingly).


    As for the other comments concerning gear, I don't know what the new gear ratings will be but, at this point, I am WAY overgeared for either classic comms or 156 rated gear to make a difference to me. So, under my idea of no changes beyond letting us solo, I know that I would be able to collect 156 rated gear but I can do that already. I have enough classic comms to outfit a new level 50 toon. I don't see why people would want to strip the gear out but, if Bioware wanted to do the extra work of changing the drops to credits or just turn the line to drops=none, I'm perfectly fine with that as well.


    All I would like is the ability to try to solo or do it with a small group.


    Stripping out the gear rewards would allow for the incentive for people to group and do the regular/hardmodes, and not make the 'Solo-mode' seem like an easy cheat to get the gear for playing on the 'easy' mode.


    Okay, cheat wasn't the right word but I can't recall the proper word I wanted off hand. Something like cheap, but legitimate...

  10. In game, sure you can talk. Do not post it on the forums as anything more than a line on your signature here.


    You can not exchange referrals for in-game rewards from you to the referred nor the other way around, so no "10 K credits for you if you click my referral!" Type posts*.


    Don't spam it about in gen chat or anything, though because that would be spam.


    Just stick it in your signature and leave it there, maybe mention it in-game from time to time as something for people to use if they want.


    Don't beg for referrals, or pester people.


    Mostly common sense stuff I think...


    Edit: No Gifting, though, sorry. That is against the rules even if you see others doing so.



    *Usually those rule breakers offer more than 10K, but you get the point I think.

  11. They do rotate some things from day to day, sale prices etc. But most of the limit is to create the "OMG, want it, but it won't stay for long, must buy before it is gone to crazy long time!" feeling. Which makes splurge spenders, and makes them a profit.


    Things rotate back, or you could try the GTN and buy things from the CM there. It's the easier way to get most of the armor sets since most of those come from the cartel packs and not the armor section of the store itself. Sorry.

  12. LOTRO used to have the same issue and made some generic hair that would stick out and match your characters hair color, I wish they would do that here. They have some limited ability, as some NPC characters in game have hair with their hats, like the captain of the Black Talon.


    That would be a great and simple solution. Sure, some of my toons have long hair, but it can be tucked up and stuff in RP mode, but I like my Toon's hair.

  13. I'd be okay with this, with a few restritions.


    1) These smaller ships would not be able to commit to an invasion of a planet, and thus the guild would not be able to participate in guild conquests without purchasing the larger ship.


    2) These smaller ships would only have 3 decks. Bridge, Crew Deck, and Engineering. If you want the larger, more interesting decks such as the Officer Deck, Hangar Deck, or Command Deck, get the larger ship.


    3) These smaller ships would essentially act as nothing more than a fleet based guild stronghold. These Guilds would still be able to move the ship to other planets (for RP purposes and what not), but would not be able to apply the Orbital Support buff, or any of that other nonsense.


    4) There should be absolutely nothing that the smaller ships have or can do that the larger ships do not also have/have the ability to do, however, there should be plenty of things that the larger ships have (invasion, support buff, extra decks, etc) that the smaller ships do not have.


    Or the buffs/abilities seriously reduced, but that's my opinion. Like 30% of what the current guild ship can do.

  14. A basic search option would be great, especially after I unlocked a set to it, and I want to unlock to all.


    And a more user-friendly method of sorting would be great. I've gotten sets and they came from sets I don't even remember when they were originally released. If I was even playing yet.


    So something like:


    Armor/Weapons/Crystals/Emotes/Pets/Vehicles/Toys/etc -> sort by name/pack origin/unlocked first/locked first

  15. fine great quotes..doesnt mean i want to see pipe wrenches and boards for weapons...


    RP'ers, the reason we can't have simple things.....


    Then don't use them. I think it would be great to have junk-type weapons. What if my Jedi Knight lost his/her lightsaber, or doesn't want to use one?


    Metal pipes and the like are everywhere, so they would be very simple things.


    RP'ers, the reason why you should have more things.

  16. Oh no worries my friend! I love TMNT!!! LOL! Peace and May the Force be with you!


    XD awesome!


    I think something else to add would be tattoos. If the Miraluka could put on makeup, they can have tatts done too. Maybe not eye-based tattoos, but ones similar to what the Mirilans have by ones on the chin or cheeks, maybe even the neck? Oh! And scar options around the eyes more than just the one kind, sort of like the companion on KOTOR II's, whose name I don't recall off hand...


    Other mask ideas:

    Maybe a full-face mask series/set

    Ones with fake eyes painted and/or carved on/in

    Masks with more fabric color options, like the one with the dangling jewel-things to the sides would look neat in other colors.


    Note: Colors may not be seen by the wearer, but others may comment on the color clashing.

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