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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. Yea, but powertechs are listed in the roadmap. Jugg dps is the only spec that is currently not viable and that isn't getting changes.


    Powertechs need it far FAR more than any other class / spec in the game. Pyro is -literally- useless, even when optimized and left to free cast, their defensives are non existant, and their self heals are pitiful. Been the most useless spec for a very long time now, and before BW balances ANYTHING, tat should be the very first thing addressed.

  2. Nobody ever "intends negativity" by starting a thread does that mean nobody can voice an opinion aside from total agreement? Seems pointless to start the thread then if all you want is some kind of echo chamber for people to agree with you. Not a discussion of substance if everyone agrees on everything.


    There is a difference between constructive cricicism and bing a negative nancy or a troll. :rak_04:

  3. I think this is the biggest necro I have seen since I started playing swtor. I was so thoroughly confused until I started looking at the dates.




    The one who dredged up the 6 year old post was not an SJW. :rolleyes:


    In fact all the "on-topic" repies are bashing the "SJWs" for "ruining" the game.


    I didnt even realize. xD :D

  4. OK, you succeeded in confusing me. But now I understand. No, there will be no class change in 5.3. There might be a class re-balancing, but no class change. ("Class change" usually means the ability to switch, say, from Vanguard to Commando. That won't happen. A change in class balance (to make people less inclined to go 8 on 1 versus my Commando as soon as I show my face outside the safe area of a WZ) would be welcome.


    It was 8 on 1 since forever even when they were underpowered. Commandos generally just get picked on it seems.

  5. there are two utilitys for sniper kiting. one is immune to root the other a movement purge.


    I don't know what there called, but one turns counter measures into a movement purge and increases speed by 50%-75%, I forget which, the other utility, if entrench is active, and you move your feet you move 50% faster and are immune to movement impair.


    You still arent really kiting though. Moving around as a sniper unless you are evading damage is not really smart. You can kite for like 2 seconds, but tahts it, youll get squished if you move too much as a sniper.

  6. Quite frankly, if someone's "traumatized" by being "forced" to play as a character whose the opposite gender of themselves, they have much bigger problems to think about than that character's gender. For one thing, the character isn't a reflection or representation of them in real life.


    On the practical side, no. Never going to happen. This is what re-rolling the character is for. Changing a character's gender when they've already started their story would screw up FAR too many things in this game's already-fragile code.


    And on another side, let this discussion die. If it keeps going, it shall promptly be nuked by flame wars raging across the forums. Bottom line: it's not going to happen. Please - don't discuss it further.


    You could just get a warning before hand that you will get default choices and romances done for you after changing gender. Problem solved =).

  7. Since gender is now fluid...it should be incorporated into the game so people don't feel traumatized by being forced to play something they don't identify as that day.




    Its star wars, you know the land of sith that can make giant machines that blow up planets? And laser cross bow wielding giant teddy bears? A place where there a shape shifters and the like, it isn't unreasonable to ask for this. And itd be nice for people like me who are actually transgender. =)

  8. What time do you play at nowdays btw? Haven't seen you in a long time, though maybe that's 'cause you've renamed all your toons.


    I made all new toons. Youll see me on as Jade D. , or some variation of that name. I usually play either my gunslinger, healer scoundrel or tank vg.

  9. Are we talking about lowbies here? :D


    Nope, just really REALLY bad players. =P There are garbage people on both sides. Its just more glaring on rep since we have less people. :(

  10. That's not entirely true as of lately, to be honest. Difference is, Imps can play their fotm to some extent, whereas Reps are stupid to the point of not being able to tell Grav Round and Vortex Bolt apart.


    Thats funny....I am able to kill fotm rerollers on imp side 1 v 1 as a plasmatech vg sometimes....just saying. :rak_03:

  11. They've said before that while they would like to have it, having short queue times is more important. So unfortunately, not gonna happen unless they get a much stronger population.


    Or they could just do it, and put a timer in that makes everyone match with everyone after a certain point. Not really rocket science.

  12. Lol who are you kidding. Pubs only play fotm. All you will see are gunslingers, commandos, guardian tanks and sage heals. They don't even have other classes on that server. I logged in to check. Zero scoundrels online, zero shadows online, zero vanguards and zero sentinels as well.


    I even asked people on fleet on pub side a good sentinel build was and I got a bunch of "???? what's a sentinel...is that the thing from x-men?" and another person replied, "Lmao noob, it's from Halo..."




    Not really, but yeah I notice pubs stack fotm otherwise they'd never have hope in pvp. 4.x about 90% of pub teams had 2 tanks and 3 sage healers everytime...usually 4.


    Exact opposite on TRE, here it is imps that do that xD

  13. I think we just got so used to ignoring this spec that we forgot to mention it. :(


    Pyro has potential to be an extremely fun spec, if only it didn't have such poor damage output and die instantly.


    Seems like everyone ignores Plasmatech / Pyro woes now. Even with mostly 240/242s my vg cant do smurf all as PT, and die super quick, but as Tactics I can blow people up quickly, and and survive a bit longer. .. .. .. .:(


    Plasmatech was my favorite spec for the longest, and then.....boom, smurfed.

  14. There are plenty of threads in the GSF forum, giving tons of advice to new and starting players.

    -There are also a lot of links to streams and YouTube videos to watch.


    But basically, spending your initial requisition wisely is a 1/4 of the battle. The other 1/4 is not to go rushing headlong into the fray, hoping you can soak up lots of damage and focus fire and mines and drones and Gunship shots.


    The next 1/4 is checking out GSF chat on your server and asking questions and getting advice.


    and the last 1/4 :There's nothing wrong with shadowing another pilot, shooting at their enemies, or drawing enemy fire so they can swoop in and get the kill.


    With a few matches played, you should have Req enough to do the basic upgrades. - Everyone has to go through this. - Why should someone who decides to start a game mode that's been around since 2013 be s special snowflake.


    I don't want to discourage anyone, but stopping your spurs from jingling and jangling, and RTFM is highly recommended.


    You can fully upgrade a ship in a couple of weeks if you play frequently. - Compare that to getting full BiS in ground PvP, and you'll see it's a piece of cake in comparison.:)


    The problem with GSF is the Cartel Market ships. They are fully upgraded, and pure p2w. You cannot get them in game, and they are much better than the starting ships. Yes you should have to work to get your ships upgraded, but GSF has been due for some heavy balancing for a while now, upgraded ships SHOULD be more powerful, but not so powerful that they can kill new players in under a second. There needs to be a middle ground.

  15. Windows 10 broke my pc -twice-


    First time it COMPLETELY deleted my registry, which, anyone can imagine, ruined my pc and I had to fresh install -everything-


    Second time it actually fried my hard drive for some unbeknownst reason to me.


    Im sticking to 7 until its dying breath.


    But this is what happens when devs ignore the community for years and feed them bones instead of meat in terms of content for years as well. I enjoyed KOTFE and KOTET, even with their ridiculous ability delay, but these expacs are not enough to keep the natives content. Not even remotely. And then there was Galactic Command, the WORST SYSTEM IN THE HISTORY OF GEARING SYSTEMS. With Irving it was just misstep after misstep after mistake after failure. I have high hopes for Keith , but some people are just not as patient as I am.And I am INCREDIBLY impatient.

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