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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. No, no, in the video she talks of Corellia, that's what I'm referring to. I haven't ran Corellia on my Consular yet and I don't recall facing her with my other rep characters on Corellia...


    OK, in the video the PC doesn't know who Savik is because she was some nameless sith on Corellia. So you don't see Savik before because it's a retcon in Onslaught. Presumably since onslaught follows kotfe it autocompletes your class story and assumes you went to corellia even if you didn't.

  2. Technically both statements are true by themselves. The Jedi WERE the guardians of the Old Republic for 25 millennia. AND also the order as presented in Ep. 1 has only been around for a thousand years. They also mention that there hasnt been a sith lord in all that time (that they know of) and that is consistent with the history of the order since the battles of Ruusan and the aforementioned reformations; which were akin to the treaty binding the Inquisition to the chantry in DA as the templars and seekers.


    I see your point and I have my own issues with GL's casual dismissal of formerly approved stories in the EU (KT quit lucasbooks over CW handling of Mandalorians)


    But if you are God, or the metaphor fits in context, then you can pretty much do whatever you want.


    To be fair, Disney has already made several stupid plotting mistakes equal to this one. Like the entirety of RoS lol.


    I'm surprised to meet any KT fan. I like her books and handling of mandos too [much better than CW or Rebels] but it seems the vast majority of the fanbase despise her for some reason.


    I wish more authors focused on creative collaboration of IP universe design with their fans. The idea that the given fictional universe wouldn't exist without both author to write it and fans to enjoy it is a major principle in fiction, as well as the idea that fans aren't simply passive recipients, but you have these domineering authors like Lucas, and fans who will justify every stupid change they make because THEY'RE the author, as if that means anything. If it weren't for Lucas's editors on ANH, this shlock is what we would've ended up with. IDK why any fan defends Lucas' vision after reading this garbage.


    As copyright becomes eroded, this idea of authorial primacy will also wane but it will probably take a long while to happen, and fans will have to pull it from the corporations' cold dead hands.

  3. snip


    tl;dr: "In this essay, I will explain how this obscure crafted armor that no one wants or knows about it has a valor requirement so it's the same thing as all the social vendors! Or maybe not but it's the principle of the thing, the principle in this case being me, a devil's advocate arguing that the game should be kept as irrational and arbitrary as possible! Hey I've been here since the beginning so if I had to do it everyone else does! Or else we have to remove the valor requirement for everything so it's FAIR TO PVE PLAYERS" :confused::confused:

  4. I tried to find the original offers of companions, specifically Shae Vizla, and the adds I've found say limited time, not exclusive. Those two terms have different definitions. releasing a promotion every two-ish years falls under the definition of limited time. Therefore Bioware has keep their word.


    Exactly. All this groaning is entitled BS. I got Shae when it first came out too. It was not exclusive, it was limited time, we had it for years before other people got it, now it's their turn. BW didn't "mislead" me, and if they misled OP or others, it's because of their own special snowflake expectations, not something BW did.

  5. I took my last character through KOTFE/ET today. I wanted to take 8 characters representing all 8 classes through these storylines. I started with SW (the most logical PC) in January 2018 and finished with Smuggler (the least logical PC) in August 2020. It was quite a marathon even though I didn't do it consecutively. Any characters I make in the future will level to 75 some other way, they won't go through the endgame storyline past SoR. Actually if I'm being honest, probably not past Makeb. I'm sick of Theron and Lana too. Onslaught wasn't bad and there are some upsides to rejoining your faction (I thought smuggler's "Commodore" reward was pretty meh), but it's not part of the base game I actually still enjoy.


    George Lucas is many things. Idiot is not one of them


    No, he was definitely an idiot. His "continuity department" were the ones forced to explain away all the idiotic things he said, like having Kenobi claim the Jedi have been guardians of the Republic for a 1000 generations, which is 25,000 years. And the fans took it literally, and of course in the prequels we discover that he meant 1000 years, and then they have to create some stupid historical precedent to explain these mutually opposing statements (Ruusan Reformations).

  6. Yet again you are assuming a lot of sht about me and being very and I mean VERY defensive....

    I never once accused anyone...I said crafting is exploitable for cq and I wanted a statement from ea that they r doing something about it....this is my statement....yet you assume that I fully support the ideals of GM in the guild that I have spent now only 2 weeks in and created this thread just to attack the top guild ?....does that make any sense to you? You do realise a crafting nerf would affect any guild? Not only my guild nor only your guild.....most of the cq pts are coming from crafting after all....for no reason at all....it isnt the hardest thing to do in game and definitely not the most demanding one...so why does it reward so much?


    IDC about cheating, use of macros or one-upping other conquest guilds. It's completely irrelevant to me and I don't understand why it's relevant to any other player. The only thing in this thread that does matter to me is


    I cracked the case!


    This entire thread is actually about promoting the use of ellipses.


    <<sips martini>>






    Exactly. OP has been contaminated by excessive use of ellipses and it doesn't matter what he's arguing about, he's wrong.

  7. One of the points were that some people didn't abandon ship while it was sinking, and stayed sub, to get shroud chapter.......Think about it, if you can :rolleyes:


    With entitled attitudes like this, I find it very easy as someone who already has all the rewards to be content with BW's current strategy and to be disinterested in altruistically supporting long-time subs. This narrative where your support kept the game alive unlike other selfish players who left needs to stop.

  8. snip


    bro chillax. BW still won't love you no matter how many textwalls you dedicate to their glory.


    Pretty sure Kenda doesn't hate new players. I doubt most of the players complaining hate new players. They just want shinies like everyone else, and are disappointed that they aren't being given special consideration as long time players. tbh I pity them because they have a legit gripe that BW has chosen to ignore, and they're unwilling to do anything beyond complaining on the forum, thus making their grievances moot because there are no consequences to their dissatisfaction.

  9. I seriously doubt there's somewhere in the database where every increase of dark or light points is associated with where that increase came from, is my point, meaning a true re-do of a previously completed quest isn't possible.


    ok but literally if you did the quest, malora will remember you on Ossus and if you didn't she won't. You the PC will remember if it was LS or DS. So forget what I said about "suggests", it is objectively a fact that the game must remember LS/DS choices even if you made that choice 5 years ago.


    IDC about OP's plight anyway, as others said, just reroll the char.

  10. My previous post was written in the moment of anguish, and disbelief. I will, after searching the web, attempt a few times to defeat this using the methods suggested. Because I love SWTOR so much.


    However, all of these methods require some form of cheating the game; and that's why I'm upset: There should not be a bug like this in the game, and if it's not a bug, it's a virus implanted into the game by some form of psychopath. I cannot understand why they allow it to persist.


    I mean, just imagine how many subscribers/players they must have lost due to this bug, with people just instantly saying, 'ehrm, what the heck, screw this'. I bet most people who encountered this would not go to the effort of writing something about it, they'd just leave and never return.


    Kill 2, die, respawn and kill the third. Avoid red circles. Focus fire on one at a time using stomp and rockets. It's harder than other fights in the story-mode game, but this thread [and others like it] are hysterical overreactions. I literally did this a week ago using that strategy with a level 75 char, [irating 270] and had no problems.

  11. The posts attempting to rationalize why pvp doesn't give out social points are more revealing of that player's prejudices than providing a useful argument. Yeah right I bet this is *really* an anti-farming measure lol.


    The real answer, like most irrational elements of this game, is that BW built the mechanics in this inflexible, arbitrary manner, the devs who designed it that way are gone, and the current devs have completely forgotten about this, or for that matter, social points in general. Trying to assign meaning to these decisions is pointless.

  12. People are jumping down everyone's throat without understanding where some are coming from:


    It isn't about the companion being rewarded for a subscriber reward it is the fact there are those still paying a subscription that don't get a reward or maybe this is where BW would like those that already have her to unsubscribed during this time.


    Frankly, I could care less about the companions, I have too many of them and while some of you claim she is the best DPS, I have never used her and have never had a problem in any of my missions/heroics/etc.


    It is mainly the way they handled this, yet again. Of course it being BW it shouldn't surprise any of long time vets as they been doing this too many times regularly and of course they may have done this to get the attention off all the bugs and the way things have been done lately. That wouldn't surprise me in the least.


    Take care and have a great week.


    Can't speak for anyone else, but I already got that. It wasn't complicated. What you're saying here is you want a participation ribbon just like the new subs get. You acknowledge that you actually don't care about the comp, or any comp, in the first place, that it's just the principle of the thing, in this case the principle of getting a pat on the head in the form of some useless junk. Furthermore, because you aren't getting it, you're freaking out and envision conspiracy theories where BW planned it this way to distract players, which is vastly overestimating their capabilities imo.

  13. You wrote:


    Whether I use antibiotics to kill bacteria giving me pneumonia, or an Ewok or Wookiee or Trandoshan hunting game, it is killing, but it isn't "bad", and it isn't Dark Sided.

    Anyway, maybe what you meant to say was murder, which I think we can all agree is dark sided.


    Oh I see, you were being pedantic, not obtuse. Unsurprising, this is a star wars forum after all. Enjoy playing with yourself.

  14. But that's not exactly true. You don't have to go deep into the new Disney canon Lore either. The Force is more about balance, in some cases, the right kind of death. Yoda says that all life makes the Force grow, and specifically invokes plant life. Even in our game the planets teeming with the Force are vibrant plant filled ones, and the ones devoid of the Force, or overwhelmed by the Dark like Korriban, are not. No one would consider consumption (killing) of plant life by animals or sentients to be the Dark Side, yet the organism is killed. People killing bacteria making them sick isn't bad or against the Force. Death of individuals in natural disasters isn't against the Force either. Deaths that sustain the circle of life and the ecosystem are part of the balance that is sought by the Force. I think your explanation for the Force as a morality systems ignores those nuances.


    Umm...morality is dependent on consciousness. A landslide isn't DS. Gut bacteria isn't LS. Voreclaws aren't DS unless they've been manipulated by something like sith alchemy. [which requires consciousness]. I don't think that's particularly controversial or lacks nuance lol.


    The "balance" argument never made any sense to me, and arguably is not SUPPOSED to make sense in-game. It certainly isn't how the Jedi view things, except insofar that they equate balance = LS. To move it into game logic, balance in this game means neutrality, and you basically only ever get called on it in three places: JC Act 3 Finale, SI Act 3 Finale and SW Act 1 Finale. It's worth noting that while Satele [in JC finale] thinks balance is a good thing, even though it means the char isn't LS, the other two (Marr and Jaesa) comment on it because they literally don't understand the PC's motivations.

  15. A lot of the morality questions mentioned in the beginning of this thread, like shooting Thorus, are only confusing if you're a sociopath.


    Yeah some of the DS/LS choices don't make a lot of sense to me. For example as a sith inquisitor on Belsavis, the mother machine tells you she was enslaved and her children taken away and used for slaves and asks you to free her. Your character knows how it feels to be enslaved and the mother machine has been nothing but kind and helpful to you.


    It's a killer AI with weakly godlike powers, basically the nicer version of the World Razer. Freeing it seems like a bad idea. Admittedly, BW could have made it a bit more obvious, it's not like the DS NPCs in this game are all that subtle.


    This isn't quite as complicated in the way it's being made out. Star Wars is a universe with moral objectivity. It "has an opinion" on right and wrong through the context of the Force. The Force in Legends generally cares very little for motive or excuses versus actions and consequences and judges actions on the personal instead of the global scale. Life, harmony, and temperance are affiliated with the Light and death, passion, and impulse with the Dark. Whether or not you personally agree with it, certain actions demonstrably and physically make the Dark Side of the Force stronger. Even if you aren't sensitive to the Force, it flows through and suffuses your being nonetheless and your actions have repercussions throughout it.


    You should be prepared that from time to time what you are very convinced based on your real life upbringing, cultural influence, and free agency of thought as "good" will be "bad" to the Force. Considering how often the worst things in Star Wars often start with people utterly convinced they are doing the right thing, it actually gels quite well with the franchise's traditional storytelling. The most dangerous Sith are less often wallowing in depravity than they are operating on an internally consistent system of personal oughts (morals) that are twisted into something alien to most sane people.


    This ^ is a perfect explanation for the morality system in the game [mostly]. For the most part, killing = bad, no matter who or what you're killing. Also greed = bad. Actions matter, not how you feel about said action.


    not always, killing someone who is suffering a slow lingering death and can not be saved anyway, it would be a mercy to end their suffering with a quick death.



    irl, maybe. In-game, killing someone to spare them suffering ALSO = DS, as we saw with Master Surro on Ziost.





  16. But tedium is not a substitute for challenge, and I think I've laid out a decent case identifying the specific deficit post 6.0. There is no reason, lore-wise, it should take a walker more time to kill a weak target (the power cells) than it takes me swinging my lightsaber.


    I agree, just baffled that people are finding it challenging. They aren't broken the way the turret mission on Dantooine was broken. That was nigh-impossible to complete for almost everyone iirc. It's a boring slog and it's become even more of a boring slog, but that's about it. Thankfully, this is the last char I needed to level through Iokath. As for tedium...idk, I think the ship has sailed long ago on that one.

  17. I did the showdown on iokath mission today. tbh after all the buildup in these comments, i was expecting it to be really tough. But I was lazy and forgot to buy any of the walker buffs phalczen mentioned, and just winged it.


    And you know what? It was slightly more difficult than the last seven times I've done it. Difficult might be the wrong word. It was slower going through the mobs to get to the sentinels, certainly. The sentinels themselves were pretty much the same. Kill two, die, respawn and kill the other one.


    Want a tip? Use <stomp> . Respawn near the door behind the last sentinel. Oh and don't stand in red circles. We needed three threads to explain this? I also did the walker missions for kotet 1, 5 and 8 over the past week and had no problems with any of them. And I don't consider myself a particularly good player; I can't even pass Eternal Championship without help.

  18. You say cry babies that run away and unsub, I say consumers that voted with their wallet.


    Bioware, EA, or any other gaming company doesn't own me. Why would you let them own you? Disney owns Star Wars, but I don't buy the dvds, or the merch. I would have if their core products were good. They're not. Just like SWTOR was when these rewards came out the first time.


    lol yeah it's kind of an amusing twist on "crybaby". They're essentially demanding a pat on the head from BW to show them more affection than they're currently getting - but if you suggest that they vote with their wallet and leave if they aren't satisfied, they act like you personally attacked them.


    I have Shae. I have Nico. I don't have Paxton. IDC about Paxton, and IDC that other people will get Shae and Nico AND IDC if BW gives me "extra" rewards so I'm not left out, because I'm not a child that needs a gold star. The fact that so many of you do is embarrassing. Or would be, if I considered myself part of this forum community.

  19. I’m stuck on Voss in KOTET chapter 1. It’s been almost a year since this thread was posted and they haven’t done ANYTHING. I’m not sure what to do, because I can’t progress and I’m not sure of how to contact someone who can fix this. Some help would be great!


    I did it literally two days ago. Three months ago I did on another character, without problems. The missions aren't broken, they're slightly more difficult. If you're on vet, go to story.

  20. The idea that jadus is coming back exists solely on the forum. There is no basis for this in-game. The reference to Jadus was on Onderon and literally "this dude's brother was trained by Jadus, blackmail him for DS pts".


    You would think if Jadus was coming back there would be any kind of buildup at all for him, and that rather than resurrect Malgus which made no sense anyway, they would simply have put Jadus in Malgus' position.

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