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Everything posted by jstankaroslo

  1. I remember rumors of some new BW space game that was scrapped. I imagine they used assets from that game in KOTFE/KOTET
  2. Going through KOTFE again. Finally. The story itself is kinda cool, but it feels like another universe, not Star Wars -like it was supposed to take place in another game, not SWTOR? Anyway, my hero went to Sanctuary on the Gravestone, and Valkorion alluded he knew something about it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't recall receiving any explanation in KOTFE and KOTET about this area of the ship. It is dark. It has an egg like vessel(?) inside. What is this, what is this for? And who used the Gravestone to defeat Eternal Fleet those centuries ago? Was it a force user? What is the whole story? If someone, hopefully the Author Himself, could explain all that, or at least discuss the most probable explanations, that would be great.
  3. Progenitor used to have a decent population and community. Nowadays its much more empty -there are still some people here, but for example not enough to form a lowbie pvp group. Even for arenas, that means 8 people that pvp on lowbie warzones. Back in May, when I was subscribed before -lowbie WZs popped rather quickly. So my guess is: either less people in entire game since May, or many people left Progenitor. It is difficult even to buy mats, like Saava Silk for example, or Mand Iron. So Progenitor has small population now. But on the bright side -there used to be many decent, fun people here. Few douchebags.
  4. yeah, this would not be easy. Just saying that I would prefer this over new stories, since new stories aren't that engaging or repeatable. How about they made separate planetary instances (like now Tython1, Tython2 etc) one for story mode and one for veteran? Changing instances would change difficulty. Tython1 would be as it is now, Tython2 would be as pre 4.0 with companions nerfed. I also agree that story player does not have to be solo player
  5. Back to the topic: it would be great to have an OPTION to pick higher difficulty on end game instanced bosses. That would be a good start. But IMO all vanilla game needs difficulty adjustment. In a perfect world, I'd love to see veteran and master mode added to all content. It shouldn't even be that hard to do -they could use the data from before 4.0 for mobs, and nerf the companions to the level they were in one of first patches after 4.0 (the companions were nerfed to reasonable power levels, but that was reverted due to community outrage). So in veteran mode mobs and bosses would have pre-4.0 strength and hp, and companions would be on the desired post 4.0 strength. Again: this should be an OPTION for those of us who prefer a bit more gameplay challenge. Maybe even this should be default mode, with heavily advertised option to turn on easy mode ? I imagine that way the game would be more engaging for newcomers? Just a thought...
  6. Hey, I used to do same thing on Progenitor some 2 or 3 years ago. In FP and in Heroics. Mostly worked. I mean I just stayed IC and commented some things IC. Mostly people kinda joined in with their comments. If I got a group that just silently speed ran the FP, and/or told me to shut up, I usually left the group. No fun for me with them, and no fun for them with me
  7. they rp on /say on gen chat. That way you can "hear" it only if u're near. Full gen chat message is for everyone regadless of where they're at
  8. back in 2012 I got to this battle 2 levels below mission level. On marauder. Had to level up to beat it. This "too easy" content is tied with level sync. Now we can't over-level hard content to finish it, so they made it easier so that even a bad player can beat everything. But, IMO they made it too easy, they went too far. Final Bosses (Baras, Vitiate etc) are too weak. The final showdown, which we're looking to through all our journey ("finally I'll kick this fat *****") is a joke. Supposedly tough battles, like Lord Praven in JK story or final fight on Tats in Smuggler story -end up so quickly that we're left dissatisfied -where is that hardship our heroes were supposed to conquer? This is piece of cake, not some worthy achievement. They won't let me into Sovengard for this! Also leveling on starter planets -kill 2 flesh riders and u're 2 levels up. Doesn't feel like I earned this... All of us have different preferences of course, but I'm thinking about new players here. Will they stay in the game if the gameplay without any danger of dying (and dying isn't an issue in MMO -you just respawn) -will make them bored? Will they try out another story? Part of the motivation after all is: I wonder how strong my gunslinger will be compared to my marauder? Now we're strong no matter what. Also -this killed the need for crafting below level 70. It was really something to run in blue or purple gear and feel so much tougher than in green gear. It made me seek mats, seek schematics, craft for alts. Now we kill everything in seconds and gear does not matter. digression The only time I had game-play fun (not story fun) after 4.0 is when I got to Alderaan 5 levels below content and just couldn't hit mobs. It was not low damage issue, but a "miss" all the time. 4 levels below content I missed half my attacks and game was cool once again. Had to sneak, try to go past mobs undetected or use all defensive tools I had to survive if detected. Somehow I (sadly) quickly leveled up and fights became tedious again. But that just me, I digress. /digression Again: for me personally new story content is meh. Because the story is meh, and fights are awful. Old content has great story, but they made fights meh. So if it was up to me, I'd come up with an OPTION to make vanilla gameplay a bit more hard than it is now. OPTION, because some of us would want it easier, while some others would like it harder. I'd very much prefer BW spend their scarce resources on this instead of trying to come up with next 5 minutes of meh story.
  9. instead of giving us new story, I want them to focus next on gameplay improvement in vanilla game. Lets be honest: new stories released are short or lame. Paying a sub for Iokath? Or Umbara? This is a joke. KOTFE and KOTET gameplay with hordes of skytroopers was poor. (On veteran it is a bit more fun as we can actually die. ) With limited resources as they have, I -a story player - want them to release new content for group play. Let it be new pvp or raid, don't matter. They are poor in stories now -and the stories are very short or have boring gameplay. So no new stories please. What I'll be doing in this game, and I imagine new players too is going through vanilla stories again. This time on merged servers (aplause for that -great idea, great effort -hope it goes well) , so lowbie flashpoints and pvp will be present. If they want to do something for us, story players: look at the vanilla gameplay. See how dumbed down, easy, "streamlined" in a bad way it is. Add veteran mode to vanilla stories (class, planetary and quests), or balance xp gain better, or whatever. Keith, Musco, Charles, or any office temp -go create a level 1 any class character and go through prelude and chapter 1. Say the comp strength, mob strength, boss strength, leveling pace is ok. That it is fun and engaging experience. It is not. It used to be. Look at it and fix what needs to be fixed. Instead of trying to come up with new stories with your limited resources
  10. class act. do you also put a brick on your favorite place by the pool, when you're on vacation?
  11. so maybe their effort should be on enhancing the best and unique part of the game, instead of dumbing it down? I wouldn't oppose an expansion where we get new low/mid level missions and areas on existing planets, different for each class. Not new 8 class stories, not a continuation of our personal stories, but expansions kinda like Dawnguard or Dragonborn or most recent fan made Bruma for Skyrim. Things we might decide to do, areas we might decide to explore in the vanilla leveling game. I get the feeling that betting on endgame expansions will get them/us nowhere. 1. Existing veteran players will eat through new content in days and will demand more -which takes time to do. 2. New players need to blast through vanilla SWTOR to get to newest expansion, thus kinda losing best experience this game had to offer. Expansion based on vanilla stories would give veteran players stuff to do -it might be accessible from max level too. For new players this would mean new stuff available earlier -and allow them to take their time through leveling. Now it is like: when new players want to do newest group content they have to rush through vanilla and KOTFE/KOTET. And there is no going back.
  12. I know what happened in 2011. Its history now. Sad story to be honest. I think they made a wonderful game, just maybe adressed it to the wrong crowd? Or released it to quickly? 8 class stories and planetary stories and all these cool quest make up for at least 8 different rpg games. What was lacking was MMO content -raids, owpvp etc. But whats done is in the past. I wonder how it is now? What goal do they have now? Was KOTFE cinematic trailer the last money surge EA invested in SWTOR? Or maybe there is something cool round the corner? The game isn't getting any younger. so this is only natural that better looking games will come up. I wonder what the devs look at and see as a threat to SWTOR. What game they think can drive us away, what they think can keep us here? If they had money for advertising, what kind of message would they make? It is best mmo?. It is best rpg? It is Star Wars game? It is old rpg, medicore mmo but still Star Wars? Is there a new idea for our game or is it in a maintaince mode?
  13. and that was a very good answer The question is: how the Devs mold this game now to attract more players? I mean: if you want to get people that play RPG, you gotta be better or at least an alternative for Skyrim, Witcher or whatever new comes out. If you want to get people that play MMOs, you gotta release better content, and at least as fast as WoW or FF14. Both these tasks require more staff, and more $$$. Which isn't happening. So what's in the future for SWTOR? Also: I wonder if the Devs know what people they have as players. How many of us are MMO players, how many RPG players, how many SW fans? What would make us stay and what would make us come back? The reason I started this thread is I got an itch to play Skyrim again. With limited time I will not be playing both games (I need my game time for Civ5 too). With new open world RPG round the corner I probably will finally abandon SWTOR. I'm sure the MMO crowd has similar decisions in front of them. This ever elusive Roadmap 2017 is really important...
  14. What I'd like to know is: is this primarily an RPG game or MMO/MMORPG? If you come to SWTOR, do you play it for rpg experience or multiplayer experience? For me it is either SWTOR or Skyrim or Witcher -so rpg experience goes first. Multiplayer aspect was nice -playing among other people, doing stuff in group from time to time. Its not a factor much these days as on Progenitor there aren't enough people to do group content with on leveling planets. I wonder how the Devs perceive their product: what competition they're trying to beat: other MMOs or other RPGs?
  15. well. I don't do endgame stuff as I don't play the endgame. But "Why don't people want to do stuff" is legit also to vanilla game and leveling planets. 1. No one does Warzones -these days it is almost impossible to get a pop at lowbie pvp. 2. Almost no one groups for heroics. Mainly because they are all nerfed to be soloable. Before 4.0 there were H4s that were either an extreme challenge to do solo on level, or needed a group. I did not group with those who spam lfg and name of the heroic -as this suggested the people are no fun to group up with. But I happily joined the calls like "seems there is a bunch of heavy armed mercenaries lead by some ugly Locust. Too strong for me alone, I need some jedi or brave trooper to help me". Or just: "anyone interested in H4 The Fall of Locust?" I had many group adventures this way and they were mostly fun. Now there are no reasons to group for these 3. No one even chats on leveling planets. It is very hard to start a chit chat on Balmorra, Tats, Alderaan etc. and impossible on later planets (Voss, Corellia ) as there are even less people there. Silent players -if they are anti-social rushing to 70, then I guess they are anti-social at endgame as well. BW somehow broke the leveling experience -it no longer encourages to any social behavior, even flashponts are random -ie you can get Malgus FP before getting to Ilum -which breaks immersion. If leveling is no longer fun endgame hurts IMO too
  16. careful with that. I know people that think all people playing video games are morons so for them it would be like: morons calling other morons morons cause morons cause morons to click some moronic thingy one more time edit for the moderator: this is not intended offensive towards us/players.
  17. and the pop up is lying, because you CAN sell the sent object on the GTN.
  18. thank you all guys. now it's more clear. Seems to me though conquest is not my kind of game best of luck
  19. hey, thanks for the effort, but... it is all IF you're in a guild. I saw that already in conquest tab when Conquests were introduced. What I don't get is "personal conquest" -this implies some non-guild solo effort? Anyway, I'll look up dulfy. Shame this isn't explained here on official website. or is it somewhere?
  20. that's cool. if you could explain to me what the heck is personal conquest and what do I do with it? I thought conquests were kinda guild thing... But if it is something I can do without a guild I'd try it
  21. Well, I care. If this is some new credit making exploit which is followed usually by inflation -I don't want my hard earned millions be worth nothing. I need them to buy new shiny things
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