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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. Imagine this:

    Hey dear Bioware. I know this is crazy but I'm a casual player that doesn't have enough time to play your game, especially operations.

    I would like to finish Dread Palace, so could you allow us to fight the Dread Council right after entering the palace? You know, you could decrease the amount of rewards. It would be fair. Oh, and don't forget to let us solo it. I don't like to run through story with others. In KOTOR I could immerse into the game but people here write stupid stuff in chat before fighting bosses. You know, those MMO aspects suck and take too much time.

  2. With 4 dps players it happens that a group wipe at some points, but after assigning tasks to each player like asking 1 DPS to stand near kolto, it is much easier to pass any obstacles.

    But casuals don't like obstacles.

    Bioware assures they won't wipe.


    Those medpacks are meant for them. To keep them in the game, otherwise they would cease playing because of "high difficulty".


    I've seen "trooper casuals" doing rotation: Hammer Shot, HS, HS, HS, Sticky Grenade, HS, HS, HS.

    They really need that kind of help (no, they don't listen to hints given in the chat).

  3. Does it drop only from trash or is there any % chance that it drops from bosses too? We've run through SM EV16 and only a single decoration dropped from trash. Nothing from bosses.


    Does the droprate increase with a higher difficulty? Has anyone had time to test it?

  4. That's actually not true. The "Legends" canon is still part of the canon, but as a semi-canon. It's stated as "Stories of what happened". They said these may be accurate or innaccurate stories but it can be presumed accurate until new canon is made on the subject. The only EU completely nullified is the Post-RotJ stuff.


    So not too different from the pre-disney tiers but now it's official. Except post RotJ-EU is completely dead. And besides thrawn, that's not entirely a bad thing, is it? Plus i've heard JJ considered taking elements from the thrawn trilogy for the new movies so we'll see what happens there.


    TOR book are continued? No.

    TOR comics? No.

    Korriban? No, it's Morraband. In the official canon Korriban is not even an alternative name for the Sith homeworld.

    Et cetera.


    All parts of EU is noncanon. The only difference is that post-RotJ will be completely contradicted while TOR won't be touched for now but this does not change the fact that it is officially regarded as noncanon.


    I know that it hurts but you act like a person whose friend gone missing for years and is dead for sure, but you keep denying it.


    And what's up with "And besides thrawn, that's not entirely a bad thing, is it?". It's your personal opinion. Many people prefer post-RotJ period and books over TOR which is glorified by Revan fanboys. From TOR period the only books that in my opinion are worth attention is the Bane trilogy, Revan and Deceived. Nothing more. While post-RotJ has the Thrawn Trilogy and Duology, New Jedi Order and Fate of the Jedi. That's a plenty of books worth reading.



    End of offtopic.


    Alderaan still blows up in Legends continuity, so ZionHalcyon had a point :D

  5. I've teamed up with a player who had a cartel scout ship vs 1 gunship and he still managed to kill both of us in 4 shots.

    So you think cartel ships are superior?

    This proves that you still need to learn a lot about GSF. Listen to advice above. Get behind gunships with a scout and shoot them down with Concentrated Fire or Targeting Telemetry or both. :csw_tiefighter:

  6. Yes they are except Exploration and Class Mission (unless you can buy them cheap from GTN).


    The key is to buy the perks which you would really benefit from. If you're a PVP player and occasionaly play flashpoints, you should not invest your money there.


    I've a few characters with different trees and I can assure you that the rest is okay. However,, I never buy the last Tier 5. 100k for 6% is not a good deal.

  7. Astromech "watering can wannabe" droid

    Location: Black Hole Imperial base

    People who are planning to make a garden need someone to help them in taking care of things:



    Laboratorial table with microscope

    Location: Tatooine, Mos Illa Market



    I wouldn't mind adding that box with mushrooms too.


    Tatooine shelves

    Location: Tatooine base

    Lots of shelves with a different variety of objects.

  8. also in the capital worlds curounts and dourrmad kass(i don't how to spell those

    Curounts....close enough.

    I would love to hear you on TS speaking those names. So much lol. I have no idea how someone can play the game and not slightly but completely mispell them. :D This reminds me of:

  9. This is a discussion, not a suggestion. It shouldn't be here :p

    I would like to see crafting actually useful for

    It gets useful in the Stronghold expansion.


    In 3.0 I would like to see:

    New planet at least as large as Makeb.

    New race.

    New operation in both SM and HM.

    Level cap to 60.

    Legacy cap to 60.

    New companions' dialogues and quests.

  10. if I get to spend 8hrs a week playing games. THAT'S why after nearly 3 years I've only got 2 lvl 55's and still have 2 classes I haven't finished yet.

    If you don't play the endgame content and only focus on leveling up the chars there is no way you could earn credits. That's true. But then the point of having a guildship is gone because it is meant for the guilds that actually do stuff.

    Btw, if you spent at least 4hrs a week to either run ops or do weeklies and dailies, you would have about 250k a week.


    I'm done.....U grind dailies.....I'm busy making REAL money so I can pay my house off by the end of the year, and buy these neon lights for my motorcycle....

    Good, so you actually understand. We don't whine about the price of motorcycles and houses being too high and which we can't afford because of it, so let us enjoy guildships and let us feel elitist in a virtual world at least :rolleyes:

  11. Agreed, on all points. People gonna get ripped-off, get mad, quit.

    Sorry but only a brainless bantha would fall for it. Who could give his money to a new guild about which he doesn't know anything? It's like: hey I've just met you and this is crazy. Lend me 10kk and I'll give it back soon. Nanana.

    Sorry but scam already exists and will exist. If someone doesn't use his brain he pays the price.

  12. an active raiding guild of 20 will have more money to invest in a ship than a guild of 200 leveling buff seekers.


    an active raiding guild of 20 will have more people online than most guilds of 200 anyway

    Exactly! I hate when people say "small guilds won't afford it". Sorry but it's not a matter of size. It's a matter of dedicated guildmates. Ten players who play a few days a week have more credits than 100 players that come online once or twice a week.

  13. You can make that easily. But what about ppl who only have about 2hr a day (a few days a week)?

    1. What about ppl who don't have time to get enough reputation points. Let's lower the points required for Legend status! :rolleyes:

    2. What about ppl who don't have time to get enough achievements. Let's decrease some numbers in the achievements! :rolleyes:


    You're essentially telling them that in order to help get the ship, they have to spend ALL the time they have available running dailies. And THEN take EVERYTHING they earn and give it to the guild. How many would ACTUALLY do this?

    It's called teamwork and it is supposed to happen in the guilds, you know, And NO ONE forces you to put every credit you have to the guild. It's up to YOU how much you want to help your guild.


    I have one main that I run dailies with. He supports all 13 of my alts. In the nearly 3 years I've been subbed, the most $$$ I've seen at one time was around 650,000. How many players/guilds are in this same situation?

    In three years you should have about 50/100 million credits counting the money you spend on repairs and CM stuff etc.

  14. The best way to know each other better is to use VoIP software like TeamSpeak. Guilds that solely rely on the chat won't make far.

    Have not read the whole thread, but if you cannot trust you leadership, then one of this is true:

    a) you dont trust anyone

    b) you in the wrong guild

    c) he doesn't take part in a guild activity so why would he need a guildship in the first place if he doesn't do things together with his guild (either ops or dailies)?

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