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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. I was very disappointed by the decision that came out of last week. Sure, I'm going to see the movie, but I'm not going to purchase the new books. Heir to the Jedi will be the last I buy. Although the book might have undergone a few changes to eliminate the references to EU, I doubt it would contradict it.

    I do think however that Legends is supposed to be treated as stories about the Star Wars Universe, that may have happened, or in some cases just didn't, rather than some alternate universe in which they did.

    That's most likely. I highly doubt Disney would order to rewrite the main stories of the New Republic era according to the new timeline. So unless the new content doesn't contradict it, we can assume that everything up to 22 ABY has happened. They can add a new element like Lando's son that was born in that period and write the books about his early life, but it won't directly discard the Thrawn or the Jedi Academy trilogy etc. :)

  2. I spent no more than 15 minutes on each planet completely solo. It's already easy enough to find, just use your head.

    +1 it took me no more than 20 minutes on Taris and Coruscant. On the other hand, Dromund Kaas has too large area to scan, so the group is rather necessary.


    People need to take into consideration that metres in the game are short, so every step you take is significant. I suggest everyone to repeat the pattern of three steps and scan.

  3. I hope if it does come to pass sooner than expected they tune the xp gain waaaaay down and provide a bit more levelling content than we got on Makeb, as 50-55 was so quick and easy it almost felt pointless.


    I would like to see the raise of the level cap, but it needs to be done properly. The XP gain should be slow.

  4. Can anyone clarify this confusing matter to me:

    If I'm a sub on May 11h, but the subscription ends at the beginning of June, will I still get the access to Galactic Strongholds on June 24 despite of being a preferred player then? I will certainly have the unlock of Stronghold with additional rooms and the titles, but I will need to sub again in June or not?

  5. The level of absurd in this thread is beyond my comprehension. Direct converting CCs to credits would kill the point of market, dailies, FPs and basically everything. The same thing applies to the possibility of buying stuff from GTN for CCs.


    You've been playing since the launch, and you have problems with getting Black Hole armor set? Well that's what you said in the 1st post at least. Later, you admit that you have 72 mods, so why you bother about BH?

    Something is not right with you. Don't waste your credits on mods from GTN. Do SM FP from Directive 7 and higher, then HM FP for 50 lvl. When you are geared up with BH, you can occasionally do dailies on Makeb/Section X. If you get a few pieces of Black Market armor, you should begin playing FPs for 55 lvl. In no time you will be wearing full Black Market stuff.


    This is what I actually did. At this moment, I'm trying to get my first piece of armor for Elite Comms.

    I'm a tank as well and I'm was not trashed in FPs for having 28/32k HP. Maybe people on your server are nutts.

  6. There's actually a thread somewhere here requesting that the regen items be given a never ending timer so that they can be used for RP or more general fun.

    Then I won't see the ending animation of my Meditation Chamber. Nooooo!

  7. Is it really necessary to make the subscribers gamble for what they're looking for in your loot packs?

    It's not necessary, you can always not buy the packs.

    The people that pay a monthly fee should be able to purchase exactly what they're looking for out of the collection screen, rather than having to buy 20 packs at a time and end up with handfuls of Thul Statesman jackets.

    Then it wouldn't be so profitable for the company.


    If you have nothing to do with CCs, buy the packs or unlocks and sell them on GTN. Then spend your credits to purchase the desired items. It's better solution rather than relying on luck.


    I agree with the part of CE. I've been playing since November, so it doesn't include me but the veterans should be respected and rewarded. So far I've heard lots of criticism about CE vendor.

  8. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I love that you divided the guide for the three groups and that you also mentioned the gear. Lots of new guides lack that element.


    I've reached 55 lvl some time ago, but I mainly focus on playing HM FPs and the dailies. I think I'm not ready for ops yet. At this moment my character is in Basic armor, but few things left from 50 level. It's time to replace them, so I'm thinking of buying Underworld Earpiece or Implants from GTN. I wonder what's the approximately fair price for them?

  9. When I hear the " Dark side " of the force the 1st thing that comes to mind is force lightning.

    Nah, Force Choke!


    As a marauder we have smash and disable droid but I'd like to see more force lightning used.

    Then I suggest you to play another class, but I wouldn't mind to see one additional lightning attack for Warrior.


    Maybe AoE choke

    Oh yes! This is a great idea. We would be like Malgus in The False Emperor. It would do little dmg and require channeling in order not to be overpowered though.


    About Force Scream...don't you even dare to change anything. When I was playing Kotor as a kid I fell in love with this ability. :p

  10. Why so I can see fat male body type 4 Twi'leks doing it everywhere I can see on the fleet? No thank you sir.

    If others like to watch it... we have no right to forbid them. We survived flirting with the same sex in Makeb and recurring Bounty Contract Week. We can survive other things! Besides:

    Are their female-only emotes? All I had notices so far was that the animations on some a simply different for males and females.

    Indeed, as it is in the case of Bop emote:



    The same solution might be implemented here. A male variation of pole dance wouldn't be so ... indecent :D

  11. We already have a few dance emotes as well as emotes that spawn objects; e.g. dejarik. Thus, I don't see any particular reason against having pole dance.


    I think everyone would love to see their characters do this thing.

    The animation already exist in the game:

    Just convert it for the characters pretty please :o

  12. 1. Does Lingering Effect reapply itself if you hit somebody again after 6 seconds? So far I regarded this ability as not worth my attention because I always thought that it only applies 114 dmg once.


    2. Servo Jammer - I don't often see anyone mentioning it. Is there no effective way to make use of this ability? How about Scouts that rely on Rocket Pods? Hindering the enemy's maneuvering seems worth trying or 20% is too little?

  13. I find Sabatoge Probe useful in DM because there is so much stuff going on that your target don't usually focus on you, but on someone else. However, if he learns that you're the one using Probes, then you probably won't have an opportunity to take him down.


    I still haven't decided what works better for me in DM - either Rocket Pods or Probes. In Domination RPs are obviously superior.

  14. Today I lost 1 to 50 in DM. Thank you for ruining my experience with GSF. This would have never happened in a regular PVP, even though there are premades you still have a chance not to be annihilated. I enjoy my fighter and scout but if no one in my team has either bomber or gunship, then we're doomed. The game forces us to use bomber or gunship. It's like forcing you to drop your actual character and start a new one. To be clear, I'm not against variety, but that variety cannot be imposed as a necessary factor to win the game.


    I've never complained about GSF so far. My beginnings where rough to the point where I didn't want to come back to GSF, but I resisted. I was getting better and better, which was a natural progress. Now I consider myself as an average player whose KDR is decent, but if only I meet the team of bomber and gunship, then it's gg.


    So enjoy your game pros. Playing competitively with the same people over and over again is inevitable. The rest will just join to hold W and to get additional exp.

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